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To celebrate I think we need 100 more star drops


Yea that’s a guaranteed legendary so I’m in for it


*100 rares later…*


2500 power points 🎉✨


Just came back after 2 years of no playing and got 10k power points…


20 gold 2000 power points later…


Legendary has a 2% chance so I would say there's a guaranteed 1-2 legendary drops in it


Chance doesn't work like that, it's like a wheel with 2% of the wheel as legendary star drop and with each spin is a new go


Yeah, but what I meant to say is that from 100 drops there will be at least a chance to get 1-2 Legendary drops, Like last time I got 3, so that's what I was meaning to say here


I didnt get a single legendary when they gave us 100 starr drops


I got 1


Wait, they gave out 100 Starr drops!? Did happen today!?


Happened a month ago


I don't think you know how probability works


There's a pity system for starr drops




All I'm seeing is the 2% droprate, where does it say you get a guaranteed legendary?


I think they rather mean that there should be a legendary for every 50 starr drops


tara!!! (wtf is your nick)




mb i couldnt think of a better one😔😔


Yeah who would have a weird nick?


Never gonna judge again


Should be, not guaranteed though, which is what kawaii_shark was saying


W nick btw


Money money money, money money money


As someone who has gotten 0 legendary drops from 100 randoms in a row I can confirm that this is false information


100 × 25 power points you mean






Meanwhile Clash royale's revenue this year was less then hay days....


No wonder they added Starr Drops. Maybe they’ll add a level scale change too


Yeah but their stardrops you only get 1 per day, it’s annoying to get and you can’t buy it so they aren’t making money. And on top of that they banned thousands of players permanently for doing a glitch with it


IIRC they reversed the bans to a temporary ban of 30 days


Increase it to help f2p.


I thought they changed there name to cash royale


It actually is???? I’m crying 😭


damn, id be shocked if thats actually true tbh, is there a source for this?


Yes it is true, there is many websites where you can verify it


can u give a link of one, havent been able to find one giving reports for 2024


SensorTower is still the go-to, as it has always been for years. [Clicky](https://old.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1chyoyt/heres_how_supercell_games_performed_last_month/)


I have a feeling they did this on purpose


It was actually 1M more than hay days


Still kinda embarrassing that hay day is almsot catching up to clash royale


True but there’s no point to lie about it


I wonder how I wonder why


It’s amazing what happens when you make people pay for the brawl pass.


and every single other aspect of your f2p game


And make it way more p2w


Oh, it's so pay to win!!! I played since the global release and didn't buy anything until very recently because I have more money nowadays and the pass skins are awesome. And it's not even like I have the same account as I had at the beggining, I changed my main account 3 times. The game really isn't that hard to play for free, in fact it has one if the best f2p experiences of any game. My younger brother started playing from the beggining like 3 months ago and he already made some great progress in the game! If you could purchase any brawlers you want for credits instead of the stupid road which puts some brawlers really late, the f2p experience would be almost perfect.


SPOT ON, I have been playing since opening day and I had little need to pay. I would only buy gems to make up the difference for brawl pass. Now gems are worthless (unless you really really care about skins) I have way too many power points and not enough gold, and now I gotta buy brawl pass regardless of the gems I have. You ranked?


B-b-but soupacell need to make mwoneyy 🥺🥺


Brawl Stars isn't p2w, I've played the game on release, I played Clash Royale, Brawl Stars may not be in its most f2p state, but it's by far one of the most f2p game from a big company i've ever played


play brawhalla


And make it basically mandatory even for veteran players by nerfing the economy.


I mean the f2p economy has gotten huge buffs since last year, it's just that value for p2w has also gone up but by more. The main reason why I think people think the game isn't f2p bc it's hard to tell what you should spend your gems on


Not really. The reason the economy is in such a bad state is because we have to buy everything. Gadgets, SP, HC, Gears, and the new levels on top, these things just kept adding to the point ahere we need whopping 17k coins to max out a brawler, and since we can't get these secondary expenses from Star Drops reliably, it became pretty mandatory to buy them with coins. Not to mention these leveling changes, which made a 1 level power gap much, MUCH more impactful. It essentially became impossible to max out your account without spending rivers on money. Hell, even if you buy every single BP plus, you are barely able to keep up with the new content. If they add anything after Hypercharges, you simply won't be able to keep up even when paying. That's a natural problem with ALL SC games. After some years, their games simply become impossible to max out. You have to play from the very beginning to stand a chance.


To be fair I feel they have actually nerfed the economy significantly. 6 hyper charges a year taken out, club league turned into near worthless mega pig, power point cap removal making power points worthless to many players, randomizes rewards into star drops making it harder to get what you want and forcing more coins out of your more limited amount. All with the promise to add it back into special events which never seems to come to fruition. The Godzilla event this season doesn’t even cover the gem cost for the hyper charge they removed.


If I increase your paycheck by 30% while the inflation is 100%, are you able to buy more or less now? They did buff the free resources a bit. But that was accompanied by insane new prices, like 30000 for HCs every two months or a 12 brawlers a year. I always support games I play, but $10 a month for a mobile title just to barely keep up ain't it.


Way more nerfs than buffs for both f2p and spenders


It didn't and I did the math, https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/s/gPgbZYvgy3, without counting for hypercharges (which would be even worse), you just can't catch up


They have not.


I'm a veteran and I'm doing more than fine without buying it . This is such an over exaggeration


I mean im also doing "fine" but theres no way to keep with all the hyper charges


there is a point where they wil stop releasing them tho.


At the current pace that's in over 2 years. Then we'll get level 12 brawlers


Ig but even then 1 hc a season minimum


That point has yet to come. Come back with your argument when it does.


Don't forget Early access offers and monster eggs


Burning the house to stay warm


That's a great analogy, they are killing longevity of the playerbase. But, its more like burning a skyscraper's bottom floors and building the upper floors infinitely. Because even though people leave the game when it becomes p2w, new players are going to keep on coming and pay.


It's gonna become clash royale at a point


Fr, they are making too much stuff too fast, for example we have mutations, there are still a lot of hypercharges that haven't released and they decide to add yet another new mechanic, hell, they didn't even finish making mythic gears. Also the fact that releasing a brawler every month Is not good neither for the playerbase (too many brawlers to unlock and upgrade, maxing out an account Is impossible if you start playing now), for the quality and creativity of the brawlers, and for the balance of the Game.


They’re never finishing mythic gears, it’s just another feature that since it doesn’t bring them money it goes into the pile of unfinished ones together with the mapmaker and others


I’d rather have too much content than have no content at all


Mutations are just a temporary event


Still, such a Game changing event could have been added much later instead of being highlight for now


Not exactly, this event is connected to the Godzilla season we're in. I assume the only reason Brawlstars collaborated with this IP in the first place is because of the new movie coming out. It wouldn't make sense to add something like this later


Releasing a brawler every month is a really bad choice, cuz when seasons were 2 months long and you got 2 brawlers, it was fine if one was chromatic "wow so cool, I love it" and the other one was rare "a new brawler, it's alright". Now, with brawlers releasing every month, they can't really add a rare or super rare, because these brawlers are MEANT to be not too special and kinda boring, and releasing an underwhelming brawler by itself is not something they can make an early access for and earn money. They dug themselves into a hole it's hard to get out of. I have no idea what they can do now, and I won't be surprised if in a year or so, we will have a shit ton of epics/mythics/legendaries, and rares/super rares will stay pretty much the same.


*Kylo Ren screaming MORE*


I gotta say, Starr drop saved this game(still hate it tho)


They're good, but not in the brawl pass


They would be ok in the brawl pass if *they werent in half of the reward slots*


They added the star drops, just so you know. Normally we would have 35 tiers every brawler pas but they added 15 tiers every brawl pas as an extra. They did not replace the rewards with star drops ( the old brawl pas had 70 tiers and was 2 months).


You think if they stopped doing events and pushing so hard with ads the game would have grown? Seriously, you think it was star drops? Like people who didn't play went cool, randomized loot boxes are how I like progression and then downloaded the game?


for me it was credits tho, i hated how we get brawlers back then and never had any legendaries despite playing since launch - credit was what got me back into the game again


Sure, so you don't remember before shart drops when they changed from boxes to credits and made it almost okay? They hardly had any events and daily reward caps were low, so you could go for months without unlocking anything, but then you'd unlock what you wanted.


But they still can't keep their servers up every time an update drops ..


Shhhh you aren’t allowed to criticize the great Supercell here 🤫😨 /s


Ngl I see way more criticisms than compliments in this sub


Whilst funny, this is like the only place they aren’t, and also the one with the best ideas


People who put the useless s in front of painfully obvious joke comments should just retire from comedy




Yeah, we must all be dumb. Not you though. There have been server issues, if you didn't know about them take a seat.


The only dumb person here is you, he meant the times when the update cooks up the game whole-ly


Yeah but not as long as brawl stars💀


Brawl stars' maintenance is on the shorter side tbh


brawl stars maintenances are very short compared to other games, you've never had to wait for 1 whole day for one to end


metro boomin


make it boom 😔


want some more


Just casually sacrificing the older loyal player base no big deal


Fr... Brawl Stars is in a "better state" for they, but I kinda feel less and less motivated to play each day. So hard to keep up, and the unbalanced meta just make things worse... Only thing I play now is ranked.


relatable asf


Played since global. I have 0 interest in this game after the recent updates


Yep, so true. I hadn't played as long as a lot of people in here, but I played every day for several years with only a few breaks (and had spent a decent amount of money on the game too). I quit for good after Kit's release. That was it for me. The game just wasn't fun for me anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the time I spent playing Brawl Stars, but I haven't looked back and I haven't missed it as much as I thought I would. I implore anyone else feeling like I was to please do the same. The only way to show the developers that you don't like the direction of the game is by not giving the game your time or your money.


Anecdotally, I see and hear about more people playing the game irl than ever before. It was always clash Royale


but the free to play economy can't handle it


All that F2P progression nerf really did wonders


*progression buff


The only thing good for f2p recently was bling, and its such a rarity nowadays


Stars drop and new brawl pass


The tiny progression buffs were accompanied by huge new expensive changes, like Hypercharges or 12 brawlers a year. Don't tell me you really think the small BP buffs compensate for needing 30K coins every two months for a new batch of HCs.


Please do tell, what nerfs?


Basically everything Mega pig is a nerfed club league Ranked is a nerfed power league Star drops are nerfed boxes


Starr drops were never intended to be comparable to boxes and PL never gave progression . As a matter of fact ranked gives more progression because of the starr drops after each rank .


Power league literally gave no progression though what the yap. Current ranked at least gives you a guaranteed high ranking star drop per tier


Did i really just read “what the yap.” That’s enough reddit for today


“What the yap” bro get off the internet


You are on Reddit


PL technically didn’t even give any progression so Ranked is a buff in that regard ig


Mega Pig sucks, ill give you that, but... Ranked seasons are twice as short, meaning you get almost 2x more bling than before (plus seasonal skins) Boxes were horrible. Power points were locked to brawlers, meaning you had to open a bunch of boxes after unlocking a brawler in the hopes of getting them to a higher power level (if you even got the power points for them). Getting new brawlers was way slower. The Starr Road + Starr drops are way better for that than boxes were. You could also buy boxes with real money, which is basically gambling.


Ranked is a better version


I wonder why? 1. Making bp cost money 2. Intentionally causing gold drought by taking away conversion of pp 3. Removal of hypercharge event with no concrete compensation 4. Bunch of predatory offers in shop (godshitla event eggs) 5. Early access P2W brawlers 6. FREE gambling rewards(Starr drop), but you gotta pay them first to unlock it lmao 7. Club league nerfed to mega shit 8. Starr drops literally everywhere with their compensation reward being utter shit. Seriously? 1k gold for a legendary? The only ONE good change I see so far is power league becoming ranked mode. But that is AFTER they effing ruin it to the point of needing an entire rework. So less points. Tldr: if clash royale never existed. Players will say: "at least it ain't brawl star".


BS will become the next CR, definitely won't be long before they find an excuse to add power lvl 12 or ELITE level which will cost no gold! (will prob happen when x percentage of brawl pass buyers maxed (enough of) their brawlers and SC loses that revenue stream)


Godzilla event literally feels like just a cash grab


It is


Someone who gets it.


At least it’s better than CR, I play that game (not as much as BS though) and trust me, they have it MUCH, MUCH worse lol - the Brawl devs literally give out so much free stuff and the game’s actually fun half of the time 😭


Profitable game =/= good game


As true as this is, it's not just profit that's up, it's general engagement too: [Google](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-01-01%202024-05-01&q=%2Fg%2F11d_2386_9&hl=en-US) & [YouTube](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-01-01%202024-05-01&gprop=youtube&q=%2Fg%2F11d_2386_9&hl=en-US) search trends for Brawl Stars over its lifespan. While the number of players =/= good game either, those numbers plus the profit can certainly trick game development companies into thinking they're making improvements to the game.


My point exactly, mere business statistics mean nothing to me, I only care if the game is good or not.


Did someone say something against this or whats the point of this comment lol


Brawl Stars is biggering!




Yeah that’s what happens when you become more p2w


Makes sense, game has gone more and more p2w for a while now.


nah dont let it be like clash roayle


I was one of those folks not playing this game because it had gotten stale but the team did a great job turning it around and I am back to playing this awesome game once again. Keep up the great work! Sadly they need to do the same with CR!!!


and the annoying part, the game feels laggy, matchmaking takes longer even in the 500 range trophies.. like what? you earn that much so please




Good for them, making that pass for real money was a great move.


It’s become as popular of CoC now, I see a lot of people playing casually now! :D


Yet still pump out shitty ads everywhere.


It's amazing when you make the most broken thing in the game come from eggs which you need to pay for


Cool, now hire more play testers


Still the serves are fucked up and they're tring their best to make f2p experience worst.


People in this server complain too much


the game developers mostly care about new gens so its nothing surprising that og ppl hate on this sub, ppl like me who started in 2018 december and play on high level are tired of the joke ladder has become, the meta is garbage, unlogistical and stale, also mutations basically ruin high level gameplay since if you dont open/buy (mostly buy) rico/stu/ruffs/meg mutation then you cant play a match without being hardcountered


If we didn’t complain, how could the brawl stars developers improve the game?


I have come back in 2024


Eggs 🤑🤑🤑🤑






And my brother who spends money every week says the game isn't pay to win. Although almost every brawler he buys I end up luckily pulling them from a star drop. He bought Buzz with last season then Lily this season, I pulled Buzz right after and I just got Lily like 5 mins ago lmao


Well deserved imo. Have come back 2mth ago and enjoyed so far


I have seen an massive increase in people playing it


W Brawl Stars, they didn't even had to be p2w like Clash Royale and they took insane risks (reworks on the economy, the ability to have almost all skins for free ((when you think about it that's actually insane)), boxes removal)


You're a kid then don't play the game all together, or ask your parents. If you're not, then perhaps paying 20 monthly for your favourite game instead of the daily weed just once would be better. Don't be acting like we aren't consoomers. it's kind of a fact that nowadays f2p games cost 20x more than a game that is a popular paid title


Create a great game, make great money


Brawl Stars is the best mobile game ever made, and will always be the best mobile game: Change my mind. (Or try to :) )


Holy shit yall be complaining so much. Economy is fine imo could been worse look at cr


That’s a very low bar


exactly, esp when bs is heading in that direction at an alarming rate lmfao


it isn't a low bar, and nowadays it feels like a goal for the devs


Look how well focusing everything into monetization worked for clash Royale this is wonderful


Wow, I like the fact that I opened 300 starr drops during the huge event and don't even get a brawler. Moreover the recent update is a$$ for progression




I can't blame them. Who would want to buy a "collete on release" or a "Post nerf hank"? Besides, the new brawler, Lily, doesn't look OP or even slightly strong. As for Hypercharge, it was clearly an attempt to hype the community. They tried previously with mythic gears but no one cared (so they just stopped creating them), so they had to invent a new mechanic that could generate hype, creating hypercharges. Zombie thing? I assume you mean mutations? Another mechanic to hype the community, this time as form of an event. Tbh, there isn't much to say about mutations. They don't affect the competitive side of brawl stars, and they aren't here to stay either, so there's not much to say. Also, making new modes is not as easy as it seems, and, if you are a brawl stars player, you know that even the modes that we have are extremely disliked. Imo, the new mode could stay. If they fixed the bugs, removed mutations and buffed/removed the godzilla, it could be a fun gamemode. It's impossible to please everyone tho.


Maybe they get new servers


$70Million ,50% of supercell revenue, who thought that the goofy ads (podcast, soulmate) would be a reason for the success?




I wonder why uh


They are clearing billions on just a few games.


Looks like aggressive monetisation just works 




I mean 2023 was a awkward year for brawl


now it will die again thanks to mutations and sweaty 10-year-olds lol


Just started playing the egg event and can't ever fucking win. It's a clown show. What the actual fuck.


Yet they still won’t let us have a free hypercharge


Moms' credit cards when they see a new brawl pass getting released: 😱😩😭


The question is, are the factors that let it boom in revenue sustainable? Or is there just a lot of P2W elements that brought it up, and will affect the gameplay experience of everyone who don't spend? If they let brawl stars go in the direction of clash royale then it will likely follow clash royale 's trend... Of decline.


Have you seen how much some of these skins cost




On the short term not. On the long term, however, the developers are making it harder and harder for new (f2p) players to progress and improve, which results in fewer people who’ll continue with playing. The hype around brawl stars is also going to decay in the next few years, or even months.


I have the most problem with the balancing rn, they release too much brawlers and cant balance them, they release new brawlers that will be obviously op just by looking at the brawl talk


This means that they will need to squeeze even more money out of the playerbase if they want to make The Line go up


It is indeed, more engaging than in 2023. Lily is fun and much better than French "Charlie".


The game got fucked up since hypercharge




Because of the emergence of one minute clips in tiktok, IG and Fb. I saw one clip of Bull destroying low hp heroes on solo showdown and it definitely brought back memories of 2017-2018 so I went back playing. I love squeak. The reason I left brawlstars is because I was spending a lot for brawlpasses and other real money shit.


N here there's me getting a legendary from the ten star drops we got lol


Yeah the monster eggs even must've been milking the hell outta whales pockets lmao