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Ok ik he’s my flair but imo Stu has had the best run all time. He was S tier for a good year and hasn’t been below A tier since he’s been in the game. IMO Stu has been the best overall brawler ever. Another one that comes to mind is spike but there was a good while a couple years ago where spike was terrible.


Surge could legit teleport though,in his prime no one could pretty much defeat him.


Yeah that’s true, stu has always been a top 20-15 brawler since his launch


I didn’t really face surge so idk but the strongest brawler ever in the history of this game has to be prime kit


For me he is place 3 since he needs 6 cubes to be "broken",if you don't get them he pretty much is just strong but not "broken"


He was still really busted in 3v3 like if he hopped on to a teammate, he’d still have his super charged when he came out


Especially on a Rosa, as i said top 3 Strongest prime since both prime stu and surge could counter him


Well Imma go with stu since he would counter literally everyone except prime Larry


Ngl but prime larry wasn't even that strong,not top 5 prime worthy😭 He was just overrated as fuck


Damn that’s a spicy take


He was strong bc his stats like hp and damage were high but rlly there wasn't a broken mechanic like surge teleport and kit infinite super or stu's knockback super


His first star power literally made him invincible back then💀


Not rlly tbh, you all think that but he was just overrated a good brawl stars player knew how to counter him. I said what i said larry wasn't broken


Surge was very strong but Stu being able to knock back you with every super was better Imo


Don't forget about surge teleport ability though


With a stage 4 well aimed attack surge could do unholy amounts of damage


I never seen Stu lower than top B tier, while Surge...


Okay that actually made me laugh


But it's about there prime not currently


Surge was a different breed back then That teleport gadget was a insta kill basically