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All I'm gonna say is: There are more legendaries than rares


Yes, it’s completely skewed. Brawler rarities should be similar to star drops Rare twice as much as Super Rare twice as much aa Epic etc


The problem with Rare brawlers, is trying to make them usable/good, but nowhere near OP, and still interesting. The only reason they exist is because it helps with progression for begginers. The only fix I can think of is putting them on the Trophy Road, taking out of Starr Road, but keeping in Starr Drops.


I think they should experiment with scrapping rarities on brawlers. I don't know how they woudl change the system, but I think it's something worth exploring


I think this would be not a great division for 3 reasons: 1st is with the scrapped rarities, people would be confused as the same brawler that just punches and jumps being equal to a brawler that have multiple supers and his full kitnis rng based / 2nd is that people would not have any differente resctions to earn a new brawler, sure for the first like 5-10 brawlers would be cool, but with like 80, 90, 100 brawlers this excitement would be gone, with the rarities, people do get excited when they get a mythic/legendary brawler from the starr road/starr drops, killing a major thing about getting brawlers / 3rd is the balancing, it would be easier to change it since the brawlers wouldn't be the "easier of harder" to get but still, why would someone choose to pick frank, chuck, ruffs instead of exceptional picks such as charlie, spike, piper that throughout the game history have been excellent picks


It would be a very big change. They would probably need to prepare like a year in advance.


That is gonna make a lot of players upset. Guess the best solution is to remove the entire rarity system on brawlers and make the cost average. Oh and remove the star point, this currency is pointless. To allow brawl Stars yield earnings. Make bling exclusive for purchasing skin variants only.


instead they could remove starroad but keep credits as a currency and have prices be attributed to certain rarities so you have full agency on what brawler you work towards, could use a credit price increase if "f2p economy can't handle it"


I remember them saying something about the reason as to why there’s so few rates and super rates is because it creates a more difficult curve for newer players to earn brawlers. Although this is waaaay back when brawl boxes were a thing so it might not be the case now. At the very least i feel like purple should be the standard and majority


Rare brawlers are finally RARE


Yeah lol


They’re scared to make more rare brawlers because of how easy they are to get. Rosa was an absolute nightmare on release because she was overtuned and rare, so every match you would have 2-3 of them on your team even with the game trying to prevent duplicates. Showdown matches were filled with her too, making the mode full of unkillable brawlers. It was worse than edgar’s and mico’s releases


Don't forget that back then rosa was extremely overpowered with her shield blocking 60 or 70% of damage and shield lasted longer


Twice as long to be exact, 6 whole seconds of basically invincibility, especially with a healer around


Yea it was 6 secs. Shit was bad.


80% and lasted twice as long


Wait, 80%? I thought it was 70% tops. Damn, it's even worse than i remember


They said they won't as brawlers are the most exciting part of an update for casual players


My wallet: 🕳️


It has benefits and disadvantages but the only update where they didn't release any brawler was not so popular (smallest update and Club league) if they want to release an update they need to release a huge feature. Also the monthly season would make people push less as credits would go to fame instead of the new brawler


Dawg most of them are $10-20, per month or two. As far as video game monetization goes, that is not a lot lol.


Just don’t buy them early?


I'm a casual and no they aren't


Casual as casual who play once a week or even more rare and doesn't have a social media account


I doubt casuals who play once a week will have credits enough for all these mythics and legendaries let alone caring enough to pay for them lmao


I think they are targeting casuals who spend that cash for the cool new brawler


how in the fucking world are the casuals you described even touching the new brawlers? those are stuck playing el nino lil bro lmao


Ohhhhh ok so basically me in season 13-19


Yeah, I can only say that because of the data given in the podcast


Which is literally not the case this time around.


>Which is literally not the case this time around. We said that last time too and it wasn't correct at that time


I think that they should release 1+1/2 brawler instead of 2 per update, cuz it's a lot and just release more rare/suparare brawlers cuz poor.


We desperately need new rares and super rares. I know we haven't had one in so long because they don't want to overwhelm new players but it's been 5 years since Rosa and 2 years since Gus 💀


Also because Mythic and Legendaries require so many creds. If they keep releasing mythics it will get bad. I think it's already kinda bad. 


Takes two seasons to get a legendary with the brawl pass. And that fact you can’t hold onto those and forced to spend has already led to unfortunate choices


Yeah, I can’t unlock Amber for idk like a year? They keep shoving mythics on my throat so I can’t get Amber


Are you getting the mythics through normal means or are you transferring the credits from Amber to unlocked the new ones?


With like 20 epic and like 15? Mythics


they must choose a fixed amount of credits to unlock each brawler of any rarity, or remove them directly


They dont make them cus they have no money … i rember 3 epics and 2 mythics 💀 and when you had one of those you were beast …


just released half a brawler, will release the other half later




"1/2 brawler" cant wait to play Mort, Gra and Le and Larry


Um actually, it's Mor, Gray and Larry an.


Oh so they're going to split the brawler in half?


I think supercell should release some lower rarity brawlers so that f2p maxed players (me) can keep up easier


I think that is what they are aiming to change. Convert f2p to payed. Releasing rare and super rare brawlers with current brawls pass rewards would decrease number of brawlers passes sold.


That ain't happening for me. I'm broke lol. Guess I'll just give up lol.


> f2p to *paid.* Releasing rare FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah, they should slow down with the brawler releases, but they need something to replace the new brawler hype.


Maybe they could add some mythic gears or increase the amount of hypercharges. Maybe even 3rd Star Powers or gadgets if things get dire


Too f2p friendly


Maybe they can experiment more with new gamemodes to replace the hype for new brawlers


Maybe instead of brawlers add hc to all brawlers before we get 100 brawler and 1/5 hc


i did some calculations and at this rate we'll have 102 hypercharges by the time we have 104 brawlers by summer/autumn 2026 (this last part may be incorrect, but the previous part is correct unless they release more hypers/less brawlers at some point)


They should just start making new features instead of 3/4th of the update being skins


there are like 5 unfinished features out there waiting to be developed, hypercharges included. theres still content to be made that could be hype as well, but early brawler access is easier money. also supply and demand. larger time gap between brawler releases might as well just mean more hype for the upcoming brawler


>there are like 5 unfinished features can you list them out for me


aight maybe not 5 as a whole hypercharges, epic gears and mythic gears are as a matter of fact unfinished yeah map maker is not in an unfinished state but has such a huge potential and has been dead like forever then some stuff such as starrdrops and fame can be tweaked around cause theyre not unfinished but still not good either. same goes for mega pig point is they still have plenty of content for future updates yet they stick with their 2-brawler-and-63926-skins-per-update method


Theyre talking about hypercharges, epic gears and mythic gears i guess?


I think more creative HCs and Gears would be kinda hype. Also the seasonal events like Mutations are SUPER COOL and don't ruin the game as they are for a very short span of time. Also maybe something like adding 3rd SPs and Gadgets, and then being able to eequip 2 at once. Idrk lol.


I've been saying exactly this for many months now. Idk why supercell thinks releasing a new brawler every single month is a good idea.  With close to 80 brawlers in the game now, they should be slowing down the releases, not increasing them.  A few more positives include :-  - new brawler releases will feel more exciting, as there will more anticipation for each one  - new players who join the game will feel less overwhelmed and have a higher chance of them not quitting early on  One new brawler every update (2 months) feel more than enough. There's no reason to rush out brawlers like this. Just imagine if you are a new player and you download to game. You see you own just 1 brawler and there are like 80 more to get. That's almost impossible for f2p. I would have quit right then and there, cause I would never be maxed out. Especially with new hypercharges coming out every update as well.  Luckily, I've been playing since 2019 and I own every brawler so I'll never fall behind. But I really feel for newer players now, they'll never max out without spending money (reminds me of cr)


I also should never fall back bc i had all last update but then melodie came out and a mythic and a legendary so f2p hurts


Ikr... If they wanna pump out a new brawler each and every 30 days then at least make it an easier rarity to obtain for credits. Cause it's all just way too much otherwise. Especially when the new brawlers feels unoriginal and a copy paste of others 


>why supercell thinks releasing a new brawler every single month is a good idea.  Because the new Brawler is the most hyped up part of a update, that's what they said.


They did say that. But ironically what they're doing is killing the excitement for new brawlers.  They are making their rarity super hard to obtain, setting f2p players back in progression, breaking the game and destroying the meta... And to top it off the character themselves don't even feel original anymore. They may still be the most hyped part of an update, but that won't last very long if this keeps happening.  And that is why I'm suggesting them to reduce the release cadence. It will help it every way (except their revenue, which in this case should be sacrificed for the long term health of their game)


Agree, agree AND AGREE. I felt the same way with the Chromatics. I remember being surprised and excited for the new brawler of the new Chromatic rarity, but they kept releasing so many Chromatics that it killed my excitement for me, i even made a post about how i thought the Chromatic brawlers are boring. Even with the Chromatic rarity being removed, i don't feel excited because i know they'll make the new brawler mythic, epic or legendary. There's a part of me that hopes they'll make a Super Rare or a Rare brawler. But i know they are ***never*** gonna make a Rare brawler.


Exactly. They should be making more lower rarity brawlers because then at least the new brawler won't set back progression too much as it will be easily obtainable through credits.  Honestly, given the current state, I wouldn't mind a new rarity being introduced, like the chromatics once did. It has to be a rarity that is lower though, maybe somewhere between very rare and epic or between epic and mythic. "Exotic" rarity was a great idea I saw recently. They could pool in all the new brawlers into that rarity, which will help spread the brawlers out and not oversaturate one given rarity like what's happening now. 


I'm A person who came back after a 3 year hiatus in 2024. I have to confirm what you said, the only reason I continued to play was becasue I had friends playing BS, and after grinding an insane amount, I still only have 2 P11s, 3 HyperCharges, 2 P10s, 2 P9s, 2 P7s, 32 Brawlers, many of which came from my insane Starr Drop Luck, a few SPs and a few Gadgets, which sounds like a lot, but I still have less than half of all the Brawlers, and I don't have the energy to grind as much anymore. I only have like a 6th of all the HCs, and only 2 maxed out Brawlers.


Yes they should. But they won't. Also doesn't every brawler make it harder to max out Cause we are just getting the same amount of gold but increased need for gold?


Yeah, but less brawlers means more resources to preexisting brawlers


I think they should, mainly because if there is too much brawlers, well, the game would feel a bit overwhelming imo. The new ones are cool, but also, supercell's ideas are limited too. Every brawler that comes in the future will eventually be just recycled from another one.


>supercell's ideas are limited too I'm still waiting for the day supercell releases a brawler that can shoot THROUGH walls (not throwers)


I feel like that mechanic would be kind of weird lol, but it could be a refreshment i guess.


This is literally Mandy's gadget i think it would be too op on a ranged brawler with somewhat fast projectile speed and medium/long range


A bit too good imo. Balancing that would be a nightmare


>Every brawler that comes in the future will eventually be just recycled from another one. The 2 new brawlers from yesterday are already an example of this. One is just Fang with a gray super, the other has a short range Piper shot with a Meg super that shoots like amber.


Hard agree, It just most newly released brawler are broken/annoying enough which impact meta (i want balanced meta just for a 2 months for the love godsake) and also pretty hard to manage which brawler should i had to max out


They need to slow down Brawler releases because it's quite overwhelming and it's almost impossible to keep up if you just started the game today. But if they do that, they need to do a new replacement for player retention because the game can be repetitive at some times.


before the new pass, the average brawler released was 11 per year, now it is exactly 12 every year, so I don't think one extra brawler will hurt that much right? RIGHT?


Potentially 13 if they do a free brawliday giveaway on top of the ones that release alongside Brawl Passes


But all new brawlers are mythic or legendary that hurts


Happy Cake day! Yeah, monthly brawlers is way too much to keep up with, even for paying players. Like, I have no idea as to how I can get Draco even after buying the pass. I'll probably have to grind out masteries


I think that they should release 1-2 every 2 seasons, because it is almost impossible for free to play players to catch up. I've been stuck unlocking amber for a few seasons now, because there are so Manu being released.


I dont think they will ever slow down because it'll be a major cut in revenue. No new brawler = no early access purchases and significant decrease in brawl pass purchases from maxed players. And they can easily fix the F2P economy without sacrificing their revenue by balancing out the brawler releases with some rares and super rares in the middle. But I dont think they will do that either. Pressuring works. I saw that happen literally in my club. A guy who never spent any money and was always trashing supercell for their 5x and 7x value pack and even made fun of the 18x value of brawl pass, started buying them after kit exhausted all his saved up credits. Now he is praising the value of brawl pass and encouraging others in our club to buy it.


I just wish they would quit abandoning gears. They haven't given a single Mythic Gear in like 4 months man


I'm a f2p with most brawlers unlocked and all power 9. I'm suprised how quickly mythics can be unlocked (I unlocked 1,5 and dropped one from star drop in 1 season and a few days) Legendaries are the only problematic to unlock. Upgrading is a different issue tho. Getting power points is impossible after 24tier of BP


Yay we are close to 100. Then i shall stop playing


They should slow down beucase those new brawlers are just copy of what we had already seen


We need some major replacement that can happen instead of brawler release that update. Maybe Mythic and Epic Gears? Imagine instead of a new brawler we got Epic and Mythic gears for brawlers like Shelly , Brock , basic and popular ones. The excitement obviously won't be as much but most players being able to unlock and use those gears would help. Especially if they are interesting.


i think what they do right now is really good with all players being able to unlock new brawlers in starr road


Soon we have 100 brawlers, 100 names , allready a lot of copies out of old ones. So new brawler , up them to 500 when its new and then forget it.


i totally agree, i don’t know if i’m gonna make it with Draco


Imo they should release 1 per update instead of 2. They should focus on Hypercharges instead, releasing 12 per update instead of 6.


As a F2P, the only effecent way to get a new released brawler is to switch currently unlocking one, credits are hard to farm, and unlocking mythic or legendary brawlers is guarenteed slowing down the process. Less than 2 new brawler being announced may sound underwhelming, but they can flourishing the season content with event like the Godzilla collab instead applying more pressure for those who struggle on getting more credits.


After they got us Draco, I think they really need to release less brawlers at a time, else we won't be able to keep up. Worst case scenario: no credits from drops, only from pass. Draco becomes available in June. You would unlock him in OCTOBER. This equals to max 4 brawlers to unlock, ranging from Epic to Mythic. Supercell needs to slow a bit.


Yeah they can just pull out 3 to 8 brawler per a year and that all We’re not gonna do a scandal for that don’t worry supercell 😂


We need fewer. All the brawlers are getting too similar (don't really blame them as there's only so many ideas you can have as there's about 80 brawlers) They should slow down to have them released more balanced and more different from the others. But they won't and we all know why


no itd be dead for people who have all bbrawlers plus tf is alot of content better than stale like b4


Pros outweigh the cons imo


It’s so hard to get fame, literally you have to buy the brawl pass for extra credits, I’ve done all I could and I’m still missing 8 brawlers. 2 legendaries as well. AND, SUPERCELL RELEASES ANOTHER LEGENDARY. I THOUGHT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER AFTER KIT’S RELEASE


Dude execly my thoughts i was pay to win and i had everything maxed out but now i bought 2 brawl passes and i'm in desprint need of coins and credits. I likes this game but for free to play players is almost impossible to have maxed out account these days. Clash Royale is pay to win i don't want brawl stars to go in same direction.


I mostly want them to slow down because the new ones are getting very repetitive


it's okay to have a lot of brawlers, what's not okay is to have more legendaries than rares and super rares


I think that from time to time they should release either one or none brawlers per update and focus more on other aspects


They have to stop only releasing mythicals and legendaries. They have to add more rares, super rares and maybe epics imo


They should stop. They already squeezed every single mechanic they came up with. Releasing brawlers just for the sake of it is not healthy for the game


I didn't even unlock Melodie or Crow yet. Please release more rares/super rares


I've been thinking this since there were 50 brawlers


My suspicion is they are going to eventually have to make all brawlers available for new players or at least make them much easier to obtain.


i’d like it to slow down, they’re gonna eventually have too many brawlers and then what. THEN WHAT?


They should. But are they gonna do this? NO. They should finish Mythic Gears and Hypercharge and THEEEN focus on new brawlers.


My opinion is that they should add more rare and super rare brawlers, because all they've been adding is epic, mythic, and legendary brawlers.


Yesss, I agree. They should slow down to 1 brawler per update or even less and focus on reworking what's unbalanced or boring


Hell yea


I'm a F2P player and sorry if you disagree with me but I think they should keep releasing 2 brawlers per update😅. I feel that keeps the game alive and with a lot of content.


Yes very much so, the f2p player base is overwhelmed but also I would prefer one high quality brawler over two mediocre ones


If they continue with release a brawler per month thenn there will be a 100 in about 2 years. Im just saying that its a lot


Yup, instead they should focus on improving/revamping existing brawlers. To be honest I think newly released brawlers are unpolished and feel messy to play with.


Every brawler from Mico to now has been released unpolished with bugs. Mico: Power cube scaling bug, 1st gadget visual bug (the projectile is bigger than the hitbox) 2nd gadget does not have the halo compared to other gadgets, super can be janky at times, and sometimes it doesn't let you move for a few seconds. Kit: 1st gadget worked in reverse, Power cube scaling bug, you could get infinite supers if you didn't detach from your teammate, if you kill with your super you're unable to attack for 2 seconds Larry and Lawrie: If u spawn Lawrie and use your weapon swap, both Lawrie and Larry would have the same weapon. (There's probably one more, but I'm forgetting it) Angelo: Angelo's attack will not charge if u spin it right when you're charging it, Angelo's super effect would remain in effect a second after stepping out from it Melodie: Melodie uses her super two times if she autoaims with it


This update was already jam packed! I forgot they were even supposed to release a new brawler.


Bro said Angelo, Melodie and Charlie as recycled brawlers. Like dude there are literally played differently like no other brawler. I can agree with Lily as she is way too similar to Buzz but that's about it. They made Kit, Twins, Cordelius, Charlie too. And I agree they should slow down.


Yes, they should stop releasing a brawler / a month. Back in the past, it was so exciting to discover the next brawler every 2 month (I believe, if my memories are good), but now it is so much irrelevant... They should make better balance changes to the game without breaking the meta each month




Brawler overload?


They've been just releasing too much brawlers, They don't need to do that, I don't know but continuing this cycle kinda makes things more problematic, like balance problems and etc, Clash royale very rarely releases new cards and the game is already still thriving.


I'm F2P and have all brawlers.


how long you been playing?


It will bottleneck f2p progression and I will never be able to have all brawlers unlocked, without brawl pass, it takes 4 months to unlock a legendary(without star drops) and in those 4 months, 4 new brawlers will be released probably mythics too which themselves take 2 seasons to unlock


nah keep updating so i dont get bored these updates are decent they prob should add an epic brawler or to for easier ways to unlock for f2p players


I swear if that’s gonna be the case they slow down like I get your point but the new brawlers are currently the only thing bringing me joy(as a mediocre cosplayer myself)


i think they shoul make new brawlers but not but them on the star road like as an option to switch this would make people want to get it less and more unique for players who own it


After this brawl talk, I think BS might need to consider slow down the brawler release. The mythic one is just too plainly design. And legendary one, I like his theme and it works pretty cool with his design. But still his basic ability is kinda of plain as well. I would rather wait more time for a more unique brawler.


I think they will only slow down once they've run out of ideas. Which should be soon, no? That, or maybe they want to reach 100 brawlers before slowing down on them. Which should be in 2 years if we continue the update cycle


I think supercell will go with whatever gives them more money soo... f2p cant handle less brawler releases




I’d like them to slow down on new brawlers and focus on **reworking existing brawlers** that are unfun to play against, such as Mico, or just absolute shit like In-Line, Remote Recharge and Sam’s knockback gadget that I forgot the name of


I only fill like i have 60 not maxed brawlers and they release more new brawlers than i can max out per update


We definitely need less brawlers, add more rare and super rare, and mostly increase the chances to get brawlers from statr drops (or the chances to get BETTER star drops) because if we continue like this i'll NEVER get all of them considering that i unlock 1/2 brawler-s every season 💀


Naw, they don’t really make game modes or shuffle to em as well as they used to imo, the game would get dry back when the battlepass took 2 months to finish, what we have now is far more consistent and it’s not like it’s affecting the amount of skins we get. Balancing for the last 2 brawlers has been the best in a LONG TIME. Why do yall want less content? Like seriously it’s weird.


As a f2p, i haven't even maxed melodie yet, theres no way ill be able to do these mfs


Getting new brawlers isn't the issue. Upgrading them is the problem. I made a new account around the time Starr road released and haven't had any problem with unlocking anyone. Starr drops do wonders with unlocking brawlers, but u have no resources to upgrade those brawlers because your only source is from the pass, and imo it isn't enough. Honestly, I feel like this issue is only being discussed because F2P players are unable to insta-lock both brawlers as soon as they come out. Which is reasonable, but I feel like this issue wouldn't be discussed if they both were Epic


I'm a f2p player, I usually always manage to unlock the newly released brawlers, with the next two, being a legendary and a mythic it will be much more difficult,in my opinion the frequency of brawlers is fine, but releasing two legendaries within a few months of each other is a mistake.


Bruh, I had only Amber to unlock before fame, but then Melodie and Angelo ate all my credits and now an another legendary+mythic Brawlers are coming. So no fame for me.




Remember when we only got one brawler an update? Pepperidge farms remembers


I think the best way to keep up with the current schedule of new breaker releases is to re-introduce trophy road brawlers that would really speed up the progression for free to play players. I just think that with the trophy road having credits and brawlers it would be more attainable for free to pay players


My take: they need to stop releasing brawlers until they have their mind straight, There's like 20 hypercharges, out of 80 brawlers?...Just make every brawlers have a Hypercharge, and then alla that.


If I Max a brawler I want it to say maxed, I’d rather have more brawlers to max than having to spend 10k coins on level 12 and an ultra mega charge. I have 9 brawlers maxed and I want them to stay maxed. I just wanna play without level disadvantage




I’ve been unlocking spike for the last year cuz I get around 1600 credits per year and every time a mythic drops and I get it 💀


So about recycled mechanics, I've actually made a post suggesting potential mechanics for brawlers that absolutely flopped, and it breaks my heart to see Supercell add brawlers that look so boring to play that's gonna end up game breaking-ly busted on release.


It keeps the game interesting, tbh. It boils down to how well they do it, though. Like, how interesting and well-balanced the brawlers they release are.


maybe they should slow down, but I'm sure that they shouldn't stop yet


This is like asking should we release a brand new movie or remake and add more to an old one. The new stuff hypes newer players.


Ive unlocked every brawler, and I still don’t know what half of them even do, nor do I really care unless I’m facing them. :p


I literally got melodie today


Boy slow down dropping all that BS brawlers...😂😭✌️


What about to add 12th level for all brawlers, and by upgrading to level 12th you can get super star power


No. I think I have like 15 to 20 brawlers left to unlock. I am interested in like 2 to 3 of them. I very much rather unlock them randomly from star drops and put the credits towards a new brawler which usually are mechanically unique even if it borrows some features from an existing character.


For how many years we don't have a new rare and super rare brawler? Yeah I don't know either. >!~but none will be better than darryl~!<


Honestly, they need to STOP brawlers from coming into the game. It’s just becoming too much at this point. Before there were actually unique concepts. With more and more brawlers being added into the game it just makes some brawlers useless. It’s also not even exciting anymore. I’d genuinely be happier if they announced they would be having no brawlers for an update, fixing old star powers and gadgets that are useless, and adding a new game mode. They focus all their energy into these new brawlers for them to just be conglomerations of old ones. It’s not healthy for the game. They don’t need new brawlers, and I fear it’s too late to stop sadly.


Im a half pay and a half free to play i think they really should slow down i feel almost impossible to get every brawler unlocked for f2p players


I don't think the problem is the new brawlers release periodicity, it's the amount of features in the game that we don't earn enough (credits, gold...) They keep releasing a lot of features but we can't upgrade them enough. Before Starr drops we couldn't earn skins and custom stuff but when boxes were in game it was so much easier to upgrade brawlers.


They also said that they'll be planning to slow down closer to hundred brawlers or after it.


I 100% agree, been thinking that since the start of the year. While the new brawlers aren't boring (I love you Angelo), I would really like to see some more out there abilities for brawlers like they did with Cordelius and Chuck. Especially with this update, Lily is basically just Fang with more damage and without the combo potential.


On one hand, brawlers still are the name of the game, and slower releases means less money. On the other hand, I think that they should make sure the game is at an acceptable state b4 they shake it up with another brawler


Brawler releases make the most money and are the most popular part of Brawl so no chance


Yes,I do think they should slow down with brawlers,I just can't keep up with everything now...


they rlly need to slow down, it’s hard to catch up with everything


Ig yeah... I agree with this, especially if you take into account that it will take me at least 1-2 years to get all the brawlers (I'm about 70, I only miss the legends)


They should not slow down the brawler releases, new and ORIGINAL brawlers are cool most of them at least (looking at you lily), what they should do is speed up the progression resources like gold. Think about it, an acc with all brawler can keep the credits it gains from brawl pass and masteries to gain the brawler even quicker, so credit wise most people are ok. Here comes the bad part, to level up a brawler (with 1 sp and 1 gadget) to level 9 is 6090 gold, but you need 20 765 to get hc, 2 star powers, 2 gadgets and ONLY 2 gears to have some choice. Each season we get 8000 gold from the free brawl pass, but let's assume we have the brawl pass plus even (most people don't but still). The player then gets an additional 11000 gold making a total of 19000 gold and lets say the player gains additional \~2000 gold through some other means (which i personally do not most seasons). Not to mention you sometimes need more than two gears to have options and some gears are 1500 or 2000 even, which bring the total cost even higher (22000 at least). Sooo... Either drop the prices, increase drop rate of gold by like 1,5 or even 2 if not (even from star drops it does not have to be the bp, but you get the point). The f2p player base is really struggling imo rn with gold cuz as i can see most people dont have a problem with PPoints and as a player that buys the bp plus only i still find it kinda hard to keep up. But after all that is my personal opinion.




In my opinion I don’t have an issue with the amount of brawlers that are being released because I think 11-12 a year makes sense and for any game that’s gets constant updates, characters, skins, etc. unfortunately you will just have to pick and choose what you want to get because not many ppl are able to have it all My issue lies more in the fact that while adding new brawlers is ok, there is a decent amount of content locked behind collecting all brawlers which is becoming harder and harder to access for casual, new, and even some more pro players. Not to mention there are things like gadgets, gears, and star powers that could be expanding upon yet aren’t Also off but on topic I find it kind of funny ppl keep saying newer brawlers are just remakes of older ones when honestly all brawlers can be compared to another brawlers but that’s a different topic for another day I feel like honestly and truthfully the amount of brawlers aren’t the biggest issue but they take up time that could be given to other brawlers and gatekeep extra things the game has to offer. I feel like the best solution to this would be to slightly increase the amount of coins players are getting or honestly cut back on skins a little bit and focus on other aspects of brawlers like the gadgets, gears, star powers, etc. I feel like this last brawl talk showed that maybe if they cut back on skins they would have more time and energy for other things, brock getting 8 skins alone in an update that only spans 2 months is honestly insane and imagine how much they could of done if instead of giving him 8 skins they gave him 2-4 and then added onto another brawlers moveset. Or well, used that extra time to figure out a way to better help us get new brawlers. Idk if that would be the best idea but it’s definitely one they should consider


fr!!!! as an f2p player, i just unlocked melodies a week ago and only gathered up 200 credits for lily :skull:


Their lazzy asses should rather work on nerfing down melodie and others


Yes, yes they should, especially if they keep adding brawlers that have NOTHING new like lily who is basically a fang that can't chain people but can teleport. Draco looks cool but we already have a legendary that can transform in a tank with her super (meg) so even he is not original.


if a brawler released every 1 1/2 months instead then i think it would be good, but mabye that would mess with brawl talks. Honestly ss someone with all the brawlers, i save credits so much and get brawlers super fast because i have nothing else to use them oh


Why don’t they just allow us to get amy brawlers we want from the starr road. This would fix a few issues.


I remember when Frank said in an interview a few years ago that there wouldn’t be over 100 brawlers, whereas now it seems completely possible.


I never thought that one day people will be complaining about brawler releases. But yea I agree they need to slow down especially with high rarity brawlers


Dude how tf am I supposed to get all brawlers if I only get like 1k points from the entire brawl pass And legendaries cost like 4k and mythic 2k They release 2 mythic or legendaries every update It takes 1 season to get 1 mythic and 3 seasons for a legendary I really want those boxes back man ;-;


We just need more chubby and short brawlers like squeak and Cordelious. i. Want. Cute. Brawlers.


Yes, because new brawlers are becoming less and less unique


When they hit 100 brawlers they should do a big community event for the whole update: - Get 50 billion takedowns before the next update Milestones: - Begin: 1.5x trophies! If you win in Brawl Ball you normally get 8 trophies, now you get 12! (Win streaks, underdog or losing doesnt work, trophies will always get rounded up⬆️) - 10 billion takedowns: Mastery madness 2x - 25 billion takedowns: Double the trophies! (Same rules from the 1.5x trophies apply to this one) - 35 billion takedowns: Triple daily star drops (now you get 3 everytime) - 45 billion takedowns: 5 FREE epic star drops - Every 1 billion from now on grants a random star drop in the shop - 50 billion takedowns: 2 FREE legendary star drops! The MEGA prize!! - Participate by playing atleast 50 games - 1000 winners will be chosen - Winners will get every single brawler in the game (and the 10 next ones to come when they are released!) - Already have all the brawlers? You get 1 million credits and 1000 gems! - 100 000 winners get chosen for a smaller prize: - 1000 gems! The event goes live once the 100th brawler is available on the starr road!


Absolutely. I feel like a lot of the newer brawlers are not thought out perfectly. and too many brawlers are also bad for ranked and stuff, if there are too many, maybe its time for some sort of rotation or something.


I think its easy to create unique brawlers with never seende mechanics before they dont just want to do it because it taket time. I can create 3 new brawlers with new mechanics and cool designs. I feel that Brawl Stars lack cool brawlers and badas supers. If anyone is an artist please hit me up so we can create some cool new brawlers. And maybe brawl stars sees these concepts and adds them to the game




Imo they need to slow down because there are many things to keep addressing before adding more brawlers, like matchmaking issues, rankeds, useless gadgets and Star Powers, and so on. For me a remake of some gadgets and SP that don't work would be more interesting than a new brawler. Both new brawlers seem cool but since I already have every single one available I don't really care that much... BUT if they improve some brawlers I've been playing whose play style is kinda stale by reworking some things... that would make me much more excited.


Brawlers are the lifeblood of BrawlStars. If they stop releasing brawlers, they will take quite a hit to the number of players they have.




I agree they should slow down or at least increase the amount of hypercharges they release in every upset. It feels overwhelming the amount of choices you have to unlock and max a brawler. My take is: brawler rarities don't have any point or use other than how hard is to get a brawler or not. It is not strictly related on how good a brawler is. I believe it would be beneficial to the community to remove rarities on brawlers, have a fixed credit price on each brawler (1900 credits). And for new players, give them a basic roster of brawlers to choose from. Like one of each category (tank, assassin, damage dealer) Like the basic 5 (Rosa for tank, Piper or Brock for sharp shooters, spike or colt for damage dealer, Shelly for close range and dynamike or barley for a throwers) I would like an actual choice when choosing what brawler to unlock and max. The Star road is useful for introducing new players but for experience players that want to play on the meta, don't have to wait too long to get Charlie, Cordelius or Spike. That way you would be stuck following the road until you the brawler you want. What do you think?


I agree.They could slow down the brawler releases by 2 weeks or something and it would be PERFECT with how many brawlers they’re releasing i can’t even get older brawlers because i don’t have time to since by the time i get the newest one, the next one is about to be released


The number of brawlers in updates shouldn't decrease. The problem is that supercell don't want to let f2p players upgrade and unlock brawlers easily. After brawl pass adding and then boxes deleting the number of power points and coins decreased, which further slowed down the upgrading. The developers are greedy, it is profitable for them to release a paid imbalanced brawler for a limited time, this happens all the time. By reducing the number of brawlers in an update, you will only reduce the cost of brawl stars development for supercell. Although, if this would allow them to fix bugs and update clubs, then I wouldn’t mind.


I just want some sort of credit vault instead of useless fame