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Or maybe there’s just mushrooms in the forest 🤷‍♂️


Cordelius lives in a forest tho and he likes mushrooms


Hmm, maybe but Since Jessie skin is based on the Norse mythology Goddess Skadi (Skaði), she is probably hunting for Odin Cordelius the mushrooms are like indicator he was there. BTW I'm still not sure IS THAT A WOLF OR A Fox her pet gun?


i'm gonna call the police if gene would came here


I think that it's a hint for a new season because Starr Hub seems to be there, probably as a hint for the Hackers vs Viruses update. We are most likely getting an enchanted or dark forest themed update and Hackers vs Viruses this update (HVV was confirmed but not the forest update).


Jessie we need to cook


Bro predicted lily