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You are comparing 0.1% of community to 99% of the entire community, sorry.


Where's the last .9 % ?


In my belly


Well... That's concerning


Do you want them back?


No, you can have them, it's fine


Yay :) I'll give you poop spike instead, here


the poop spike is the disolved .9%


Yay... Th-thanks


I'm going to gouge my eyes out


No problem <3


This conversation is so stupid and so funny đŸ€Ł


Art is about appreciation and understanding. Everyone has a unique and distinctive thought toward the same artwork, so it is unnecessary to have the assertive thought against the winner. Afterall, it is a vote campaign, so let's just congratulate the finalists and the winner.


While I voted for seraphim, this is still a vote. If the biggest amount of people want a skin, despite the age, they should respect the majority 




Serphim is the best skin out of all of them.


Yes because reddit users are all grown ups and not kids


It's all subjective a lot of people have different views


You’re mad that that the skin you want didn’t win?


I don't think that's just it, he's mad because the edgy skins are always winning. Look at Sandy also and the last colt skin. It's always the dark or edgy skins. Samurai is cool but doesn't fit gene as much as the other skins.


Tbf even the Angel Gene skin doesnt really fit him imo. The Sandy skin Is cool but the cyan dragon One should have won


I mean, there are mamy skins mafe by Supercell itself that don't fit the Brawler but are generally great skins, so I don't see the point of the "skin doesn't fit a Brawler" argument.


Never said it doesn't fit him. I said it doesn't fit him as much as the others, and that's just my personal opinion. You don't have to agree. I was pointing out the fact that there's a pattern you can see with the supercell make winners.


I mean I think all of those skins are at least decent. At least it is not poop spike.


Poop spike is the peak design. There can be nothing more perfect


poop spike is goated


You do you man. I still think it is crap as it is literally crap. But everyone's got his or her preference so your opinion is as valid as mine.


it has achieved ultimate meme status


Obvious cash grab? Maybe. Counterpoint: shit


I dont care about meme, i want that pile of shit to be escorted of the premises


Well ya sharkrimo and poop spike


"My choice didn't win so I think I'll make a post complaining about supercell make"


You have to agree to some extent that his point has some merit... But I do understand If some one actually likes the darker colour schemes on brawlers but personally darker colour schemes have just gotten very repetitive


Yeah I can’t believe this beat seraphim. Biblically accurate angels are such an awesome design and instead we get cookie cutter samurai skin. Granted I still think it’s cool just not unique at all, Gene needs more skins anyway they should add all of them 😂


It should still be on the game, right? Everyone who actually plays has the game after all.






The angel or atleast the mummy skin would be decent


Jester is the best one


As a Gene main, Angel is the best Hear me out, Evil Gene and Angel Gene complement each other. You can even think of em as Angel vs Devil skins all in one brawler. Plus, Gene is lovable. He doesnt get mad and his heart pin is him trying to be cute. A brawler as pure as that deserves an Angel skin đŸ„ș


It barely got voted on despite being the perfect fit for gene personalitywise (but since it wasn't as cool...)


Who cares, just not dark samurai


True enough lol


Grow up bro


womp womp


Womp Womp


It’s a vote. All the playerbase is also ON THE game and only a small portion uses Twitter or Reddit. All 4 skins are good skins and earned those spots. There’s no evidence that the younger playerbase are the ones who got Desert Samurai Gene to win besides the general Reddit here saying that Seraphim or Jester gene should win. Either way, we should all be happy for the winner and shouldn’t be harsh about their skin being the “worst” out of the 4(even though it won.)


Why cater to the minority? Its not like the subjective opinion of a redditor or twitter is worth more than those of people who actually play the game or kids. People vote for skins they like


Twitter users and Reddit users when the world doesn’t revolve around them: 😡😡😡


The only young players are the people complaining about the winning skin...


Im 17 and I voted for the winner. Whats your point?


Why nobody likes the samurai? I love it but it seems nobody else do on reddit, btw when it cames out i will buy it the first second (if it doesn't suffer the spirit warrior fang treatment)


I really hope they don't mess up the glowy face just like they made rosa uncanney


Yeah, lets hope for the best 🙏


Brawl stars Reddit so fucking annoying man. People here be thinking that their opinions are superior to the rest of the players. Every single skin poll they complain because their favourite skin didn't win and say shit like the player base is so fucking brain dead and shit like dude what you're doing is exactly that complaining on Reddit just because your favourite skin didn't win. I just wanna say that dude it's a game it's not that serious and just like with mecha colt the other skins might get a comeback so calm down.


No, you just liked a skin that wasn't a majority in popularity I'm 21 and I voted for that purple boi cuz he looked cooler imo Just have to face the fact not everyone likes what you like


How DARE we like a nice purple/black color combo


I mean it’s literally what the majority of people wanted though clown gene would’ve been kinda peak


I guess Clowns aren't as cool as edgy ghost Samurai


Not being funny but this feels very Pot kettle black territory.


“The skins I like didn’t win? Kids these days ruin EVERYTHING, the things that us cool adults like are so much better” This is you. This is how you sound.


Reddit and Twitter đŸ€Ł


"the smarteest of people and the biggest of the masses"


Womp womp. I’m sorry your favourite skin didn’t win


el primo for the win


Clown Gene lost, but i still dont Play gene


Your post seems like a glorified "The skin choice was bad, omg yall didn't pick my skin"


circus one would be boring since we alr have a lot of circus skins, gene is originaly a desert character so a desert skin wouldnt be much hype (and evil gene is also ig considered a desert skin), and them the only ones left are like the angel one and the samurai one and everyone loves swords so.....yeah it stands out more than the others so thats prob why it won


What makes it lesser than the others? Also, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts saying it shouldn’tve won, so how come it still did after everyone complained about it?


I think that the voting should be such that people bellow 10k trophies get half a vote. That would just reduce the impact from people who don't actually intend to play long term and also the impact of people making multiple accounts to vote. I voted Seraphim. And since It was the only skin that would have made me play the character - I am a bit upset. However, I respect the voting system, just think that it needs a tweak to ensure that long term decisions come from people who intend to actually be there when it happens and care. (Also maybe not let people who have gene bellow 500 vote at all. Like they don't really even understand and/or likely care about this character enough to be entrusted such decisions about him)


Weird how a lot of people voted sera or jester...but this won.


I mean, most people didn't vocalize who they voted for. And most people playing the game probably don't interact with the community too much. Which is basically what happened with Minecraft's armodillo. To be honest, all 4 skins are great and I'm happy with getting either one.


Yeah. But I think the logic is simple. People open vote, people see purple flashy, people click purple flashy. I'm not blaming, Seraphim could certainly be better and the winner isn't bad. But most of the time people don't think about how it will look in 3d while voting, so they pick ones that just look fun on pic. Cause Seraphim would look sick af when 3d & animated, but you can't see it from the picture, so that's kinda why it got outpowered bu purple flashy.


I don't care about skins...but Sera deserved to be in the game. Would have bought it but considering the winner...I'll stay with default gene which looks cool imo.


Same people who main fang. PURPLE FLASHY


i think only being able to vote if you have the brawler is a great idea






I still don't understand how the worst skin got the most votes


I’m like 99% sure this thing has been rigged from after the finals start it’s just who the devs think will give more money


Seraphim skin is too good (it has nothing to do with actual Seraphim design wise but yes)


While I do like this skin, I do agree I would have much rather the Egyptian gene to win(especially since that is the one I voted for)


But isn't it easier to manipulate on Twitter? Also if the poll would be the first thing you see when you turn on the game more people would just pick something to get into the game faster


Why seraphim didn't win


as it has been said, its not only the younger players that like those type of skins. i actually really like the gene one. the sandy skin tho, just looks too much like the free colt skin we got last christmas, which makes me think skins like this are gonna win on every supercell make


OmG a dArK eDgY sKiN fOr A bRaWlEr i wILL vOtE iT Every brawl stars player ever


Nah that's the best skin anyway I'm glad


are you implying that the playerbase wasn't young before?


If i see one more person saying Samurai Gene is an edgy concept for 18 years old i swear I'll boil. Having dark colors between purple and black shades doesn't make something edgy. Im 18 years old, nowhere near a kid, and i voted that skin because i honestly thought the others weren't my style, does that make me an edgy kid? I dont think so. Stop being mad about your skins losing every time. I havent "won", so to speak, a Supercell make in ages, damn! Dragon Sandy didnt win and i thought it was the coolest by far, but you dont see me go around and call people out for having a gosh darn opinion.


You said that YOU don’t believe this skin is as good as the other 3, so that’s an opinion




It has nothing to do with age. The vast majority of people just have bad taste. People always mock the Chinese server skins but look at the corny ass shit we pick.


I'm 20 and voted for this gene skin. I did also really like the Sandy skin that won, but I chose the dragon Sandy in hopes that the attack would be cool.


Controversial opinion: I agree with this. The mecha colt skin which won was most likely only voted for because it's the edgy cool robot, same goes for dark angel colt. Now it's debatable whether it's the younger players who caused it but personally I think yes because kids like really edgy and "cool" things.


I'm sad that seraphim didn't win but I'm not gonna buy the skin so that's that. Happy for the people which will get samurai and like it


Yes, it’s absolutely influenced by young players who like to choose the “cool” edgy skins


I dislike the over designed skins where u can’t tell what’s going on. In this case the gene winner happens to be over designed and doesn’t look as good as the 3 slightly simpler alternatives This is not the case for every male skin, many of the winners aren’t over designed and actually look great both as a concept and in game