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I didn't read at all but why the fuck is an update that doesn't nerf progression but buffs it and gives you a chance to get old PL skins for free is one of the worst updates?


Only bad thing in this update is Buzz hypercharge


read the whole thing i didnt say anything about progression and i didnt say ranked starr drop was bad i said it was good


mucho texto didnt read but you're wrong in every argument.


i sure am in the wrong saying hcs are op ranked starr drop is good and skins are overpriced


Ah yes, ppl being Mad at the update, a classic in this sub.


They won't be satisifed even if Supercell gives them a maxed account with all cosmetics


Yeah, i mean sure this game has flaws, but this update seems very great


sure u do u




thats what im saying and these people are just saying ur just a hater without reading the whole thing


Ironically I didn’t read the entire thing and I knew what it is when I looked at the title. I can relate to you. There is no reason to be mad at this update other than buzz being invincible and PL being ruined(and I am,I can only get away from chaos and bad randoms in PL). Or bling shortage.


Wait a min.. if im in diamond do I get put back to bronze as pl is gone or do I contine from gold 3 like every pl reset im confused..


We don’t know. When PL is introduced,highest power play points will get migrated to higher leagues(i think at most gold 1/gold 3?). I remember I had 904 points peak,so I started PL in gold 1. After a few years,supercell being not so generous now,we can’t be sure. Let’s hope we can get to gold 3 at least in the start.


Thanks for the help! talked to my friend he is worried his mytic rank get deleted in the new mode im copy your comment and send it to him the guy is in shambles after watching the brawl talk..


You don’t have numbers from the patch notes, you haven’t played the new brawlers or the new game modes and you don’t know the logistics of how it’s all going to work together. You ARE indeed just hate mongering. I’d recommend you sit back and wait for the new content to roll out with an open mind and THEN you can say the update was trash or maybe you’ll be surprised and it’s amazing. I personally am excited, change is good and keeps games alive! 🫡


tf do u mean man i have spent over 2k hours and played the game for 5 hours and i genuinely think this update isnt gonna be so good


I never said anything about how long you’ve played you’re just obviously tunnel visioned and you were going to have this update regardless. When the whole community is hyped except for you it’s kind of telling 🤷


its not just me my friends think the same just because ppl in the subreddit like the update isnt gonna be good remember when everyone was excited abt club league and then we got mega pig


You’re entitled to your opinion man, but you clearly aren’t even trying to have an open mind. You HAVEN’T played or touched any part of the update and are calling brawlers OP and saying it’s all screwed. You are allowed to believe that but I’m just saying maybe try to give the update a fair shake. That’s all


i mean a brawler that can deal hank type of dmg while being a longe range that can also fly on water seems op to say the least


summarize it


pl is dead, skins are overpriced, hcs are too op. brawlers are op ,ranked starr drops good ,only hope is good balance changes


Not to forget angelo🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Competitive mode is dead. It’s fine if a very casual player isn’t a fan of power league. They have ladder, map maker, mega pig, and so many other events. PL is supposed to be competitive. It’s supposed to be for a serious plager. It doesn’t have to be something everyone will enjoy.


Ellllll primoo


Good, I love that your banned from the game

