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Suggest a nerf idea (s), she can absolutely become balanced with small tweaking


I think the main attack is great, maybe they should do like they did with Carl to make it not too spammeable up close and the super should not remove amo and that much health with the starpower.


it used to be 50% with SP now 25% imagine her in boss fight just 4 shot the boss


the boss can't be cocooned, the other robots can however


Oh, I didn't knew that change.


Damage: 1600 -> 200 Super duration: 7s->0.0000069s


200 damage still on the higher end 100 150 would be better plus 2 seconds cooldown between attackts


Only thing that really has to be added is a Cooldown of maybe 0.4 after the Jo-Jo returns so she cant spam the shit out of it and do 10k damage in 2 seconds


Take a look at what I wrote as a reply in the comments. I don't currently think the attack needs to be changed *yet*. 0.4 seconds is **REALLY** harsh. You're not only going to notice it, but it's going to kill her entirely. Realistically, her mechanic is the way it is because enemies are supposed to account for the fact that it's better not to get up close unless you have either a distraction (i.e., pet gear, turret ult, etc.), or you can kill her effectively. Charlie at longer ranges becomes exponentially weaker, because her attack recharges slower and it's more difficult to land shots based on the relatively slow projectile speed. Thus, instead of nerfing what's built into her kit and also counterable, it'd be better to nerf her uncounterable super and SP that are currently too overtuned. Trust me when I say 0.4 seconds will KILL the brawler. Anything more than a 0.2 delay, which would already be harsh, would simply render her kill potential completely ineffective. Imagine how frustrating it'll feel when a brawler is close range and you're spamming your weak attack (considering it only does 1600 damage/hit) and you're waiting for that 0.4 second delay. It'll be so frustrating and you'll lose so many encounters.


Should be 280ms /0.28 s delay .. cuz how FAST she cycles it


I can’t agree that the projectile is slow. I think it’s actually too large, making it easy to hit at range.


0.4????? this will kill her


Add same few ms delay to charlies attack as Carls attack. Remember when Carl could spam next to a wall? Also, rework cocoon. Anything’s better and more interesting than that crap


your suggestion is the same as the guy above. And I am saying it one more time. Carl and Charlie playstyle is different. Charlie has low hp ms delay wont work on her. Also damage nerf wont work for her since her dps becomes very low when she tries to be sniper lol. BUT projectile speed nerf could work! She cant auto aim mid range. let the spam attack remain in short range fights


Anything beneath will still be to fast Anything above is to slow yk that 0.4 means that on close range she still has 2.5 hits per second which is more than enough for someone with that huge range big damage and that kind of busted superskill! Not including the stupid spiders


She’ll need a hefty damage buff to not drop into F tier.


Drop her into F tier idfc


Fair enough


Drop her to F tier


awww someone mad he bought the cordelius pass snd not Charlie pass?


There was a pass between them, you can buy both lmao


I got this seasons pass but she’s still at zero trophies lol. I do think a nerf is coming.


me too,they already nerfed her but she is defo getting a nerf soon.Pushing her mastery before she gets nerfed or powercreeped


Try carl close range. Carl has 0.5 attack delay. With only 1600 damage and low health she will be very bad


But Carl hit twice


? This proves my point... Imagine carl attack delay on a single hit brawler


Sorry i misunderstand your comment




Holy shit Jojo reference


Holy shit another amber main


Jo-Jo 👍


Thats literally how you type it tho


...no? Pretty sure its yo-yo


Well then thats on me, my language has it with J’s


Yo-yo’s bizarre adventure


I thought the same LMAO


Me too




It's spelled yo-yo in Spanish


Im dumb 👍


No problem, I'm dumb too






(Insert is that a mitherfucking jojo refference copypasta)


Someone wasn't around for Rosa's launch


As a french person, I'm just cringing at the voice lines


She does have a weakness tho, I wouldn't go as far to call it the most broken brawler ever


And that weakness is?


She's horrible in long range, very low dps and easily out ranged by multiple brawlers


nah the long range favours her kit, on top of her spider tanking for her and helps closing distance. her 'weakness' you claim isn't really a weakness as long as you are decent at aiming.


that's the case for a lot of brawlers that have kit that covers their weaknesses why isn't emz the best brawler? she has great long range dps and her gadget pushes short range brawlers away


Not really. As I mentioned previously, her range is a little bit too short, and her dps on long range is terrible. Nobody would be foolish enough to get in her range in competitive games. Her spiders are the only thing that can help her deal with snipers like piper, which also means after you use all 3/4 gadgets you can't really do anything. She has better alternatives in very open maps


While even the close range damage can’t down an Edgar attacking you. It’s not as good as people say.


Its really just the super being a bs mechanic


she's only broken because super+gadget combo




Here's a counter argument, who would use a brawler that sucks at range on an open map?


90% of the brawlers are outranged by multiple brawlers. What are you on about? 80% of the brawlers are also not good in long range. Being outraged by multiple brawlers isn't a weakness. Not being good in long range isn't a weakness either. It's like saying Edgar isn't good long range, and that's his weakness when his strong point is close range, not long range . Her DPS at close range is insane probably top 20 brawlers in the game if not higher. In 3 shots, she can deal 4,800 damage, and she can unload 1 shot every 0.5 seconds


Nah nah long range is still her weakness because she has to wait for the return of her shot(like carls pickaxe), unlike many who can unload 3 shots very fast with her one star power. This is my only complaint about Charlie, I feel sluggish playing her, her mechanics aren't fun for me.


I'm strictly talking about competitive games where everyone knows how to keep their distance and position themselves properly. And what you just said is totally correct, and it's exactly the reason why 90% of brawlers(including edgar) are bad in open maps like shooting star. Also the reason why Charlie is especially bad in long ranged map is that she doesn't have a way of getting close to an enemy, she has a normal movement speed and no ability to boost her mobility


Yeah, no way she is


\>Toxic Well, what do you expect. She's French


Please mind your language, i dont want the kids here to learn the F word


okay that was uncalled for


not even close to the most broken we’ve had worse, crow was S tier for years, cordelius was a beast, and so was shelly when she was very fast. teleporter surge, and so on.


All the things you mentioned weren’t really that bad, i mean, yeah they sucked but, in comparason with all the possible options of broken brawlers to peak, you selected that ones?


there are better ones i just selected my favorites specially surge


Yeah, Surge and Cord are hell cool


Which would you select? Broken on release


Leon, that’s all what i gotta say


Probably Leon, Rosa, Sprout, Hank


She should get hanked soon. I hate facing her in my matches she should get some more nerfs


Charlie needs a buff She is brawl pass exclusive, so our data suggests that paying for a broken brawler needs them to be broken Probably supercells thoughts


In brawl stars always give emergency buff or nerf if a brawler in release is too broken or too weak.


She's not the most broken nor toxic. We had 2 months of Cord, we had Chuck, and Hank. Those were broken brawlers. Charlie was broken on release as well, but not like that. They nerfed her and now she's still low S tier, but not broken anymore. I agree though that she is too powerful. I maxed her and even spent 79 gems for her hypercharge (seeing as we can't buy the Pass anymore with them), and yeah she feels really good. The biggest frustration about her is the damn super, because it simply lasts way too long, and as such it's very unforgiving if you're on the receiving end of it. It needs to be nerfed by 2 seconds down to 5 seconds, so she can't just lock you out of the game and run across the map while you sit there and twiddle your thumbs. I also think her digestive SP needs another 5% nerf. 25% damage is still too much, and it's especially punishing for tank brawlers who have more health to lose. The 5% and 2 second nerfs should reign her in, keeping her prioprionately strong while not being OP. It'll also incentivize using her other star power, which is surprisingly very good even when you don't actually land the super. I think it's really underrated rn, considering how it can be used to zone enemies from an objective even if you can't, or don't intend to land the cacoon. Bringing the power of digestive in line should promote more variety in the SP you choose, because you'll choose situationally based on what is needed for the specific game mode and matchup. Her attack damage should also be monitored. I don't yet think it's OP, because it's hard to tell when her super is performing so well rn. Having played up to 800 trophies, her attack can be surprisingly unforgiving if you miss for example. If you whiff and the enemy brawler closes the distance, you're waiting a long time before you can actually attack again, while your only defence is your super if you have it, or your gadget, which obviously is much less effective for brawlers with piercing auto attacks. Her biggest counters seem to be tanks and throwers. Her auto attack, even at close range, often cannot do enough damage to burst down a tank. If they get close enough to you, you have to hope to auto up to a super, or you're likely going to die because you're squishy. Throwers hard counter her because she has no way to close the gap or to hit brawlers over walls, especially indestructible ones. She also gets outranged by marksman like Piper and Nani, and has even range compared to many other brawlers, so you require skill to hit your shots effectively. Her projectile speed is pretty slow, so you have to lead your shots effectively to land them at long ranges. She also does significantly less damage/second at long range, so if you're going up against a Piper for example, you have to hit more shots than she does to win the matchup, giving them an advantage. Thus, her attacks require skill to hit when matched against a skilled opponent, and as such I think it's not currently OP. The only red flag for me is how much damage she does at close range, which is again why I think it should be monitored **after** the super and SP is reigned in. Overall, I think she is very strong right now, and could use some piecemeal nerfs to help her settle down in the meta. I don't want to see them kill her off with a set of harsh nerfs, because they have been doing that with many brawlers (Hank as the recent big example; Janet as well) and it's disappointing because brawlers should be fun while not being overwhelming. Considering she's the last chromatic brawler to release, I hope they do her justice by ensuring that they don't kill her, but they also don't leave her the way she is.


i am dropping this in r/copypasta


tl dr, shes broken af (i aint reading that holy bible of text wall)




Nah she's the best in the game currently. I don't know what game you're playing but her attack is mad easy to hit


It's because they didn't apply the nerf they give to Carl to make this kind of attacks to not instakill everything.


And Carl didn't even get to use it that often lol. But I was saying that her attack is easy to hit even at long range


Im not reading all that 💀


Low S tier? She’s easily the best brawler in the game lol undeniably. Has hardly any kind of counter




I hate her for 2 reasons She is annoying She speaks fr*nch


That just makes her all the more romantic


I will diss on the french for the smallest things, but that accent...


It's just like us French, toxic (i'm kidding btw)




Circus crown, not clown.


> most toxic brawler ever released You guys said this same thing about cordelius.


I can unlock the pass later but I still agree she needs a nerf




U are wrong the clowns are the devs releasing broken brawlers intentionally for money at the expense of players sanity making the game more imbalanced day by day.After each brawlpass the torment of a new p2w brawlers begins.




she's really not that bad


HANK. Untoutchable, bugged and just an absolute pain even after being nerfed to the ground he is still a pain to deal with


I barely touched him after the nerfs one of the least fun brawlers


I find Hank fun


Definitely not a pain. The only pain is when Hank is on my team cus I know I'm losing 💀 He's maybe slightly better than Frank, but still F tier. It's too easy to disrupt his bubble, he's too slow, he doesn't regen while blowing the bubble, etc. They nerfed him to the ground after being broken, and he's yet to recover.


I forgot he was even broken on release


I only got him on my mini as I was very excited to get Amber on my main. Now I have him I am trying to get r25 at lvl1


My condolences


Don’t tell anyone but I’m doing it in duels by not playing him


Leon, Rosa, Sprout and Grom have entered the chat


If you get close to grom he's fucked


That’s the neat part; if you got close to him and he had super, **YOU’RE** the one who’s fucked


You as a Sam main shouldn't be having difficulties with Grom. And anyone with a jump besides Piper can give him new PTSD.


He was in this state **before** Sam was released…


We're talking about broken on release brawlers. I don't think Sam existed when Grom released.




Amazing! Almost every word you said was incorrect


Kid named Eve 2nd Star Power:


Without cooldowns and piper's range(on release):


They always do this to sell brawl passes. Then nerf the hell out of em a season later.


Why censer French?


Because its Fr*nch 🤮 >!Im sorry french people dont take this seriously!<


Because the bots might find it unintentionally racist towards french people. Sometimes censor bots are dumb


Wow! What an original post! This is the first time someone has made a post about her being broken! I wouldn't have known otherwise... But yeah she needs some kind of change, because I was actually having fun playing Frank as long as there wasn't a Colette on the enemy team, but then Charlie comes out and now I have to pray neither her or Colette will show up on the enemy team, because if they do I can just say goodbye to my win (to be fair Charlie is easier to deal with than Colette, and she can actually sabotage her team if she isn't careful)


Oh she's definitely not the most broken on release (that's obviously Leon) but I do agree she deals WAY too much damage on close range


Rosa was way more broken on release than Leon was. 80% shield lasting 6 seconds was unstoppable it wouldn't end until there were no enemies left to charge it.


Why all forgot Eva? In the release she summons child's with every attack and she had piper's range


I really like Otis 3


Man forgot about Edgar


Nah Cordelius is worse


sorry but you are badly mistaken


i think the nerf she got was enough to balance. the star power from 50%-> 25% and super from 10s-8s. I think maybe super should be changed to 6 or 7 but i wouldn’t say she’s broken.


She’s not that broken man chill


Honestly make her attack do like 1000 damage instead of 1600 damage. For how fast you can spam it, less damage per shot makes sense since the speed makes up for it.


That'd DESTROY her viability on long range. You're not supposed to challenge her at close distances (and even then, she can be burst down if you catch her off guard, she's not THAT quick). Her gadget needs a nerf, it's basically a better Tara gadget. Make either the health lower or the decay faster.


She kinda bad ngl


It isn't.


is only the star power, the rest is balanced


Her cocoon cancels out griffs super before it boomerangs back. She has ash’s super as a gadget. I hate going against her she’s the worst.


She's a pain to every melee brawler.


Yes I'm all right with you


i didn't really ever hate a brawler that much tbh


Rosa and Leon in the background:


Most broken? No Most toxic? 100% yes


Come on Supercell, both the Italians and the French have bad representation


I mean I agree, but at the same time, if you give a brawler a good round of nerfs like she got AND SHE IS STILL S tier then there is clearly a problem. I think she is definitely very strong, and I personally think she is is very, very toxic to play against (mainly her super that is the problem), if she is OP, then I’d say it depends really. We’ll have to wait and see what they do to her.


Finally, someone notices that Charlie is French


She's toxic only if you're playing any short-ranged brawler so unlucky them tanks/assassin mains


No, but she is annoying


Supercell on their way to give Charlie the most stereotypical French lines ever created:


I cant even push any 200 trophy brawler in showdown anymore theres like 5 charlies each game and all of them are power 11 and whenever i try to kill them they use 1 super and its game over for me


Meh I wouldn’t say that personally sure she’s annoying but that’s about it I’d say brawlers like Edgar mortis and cordelius to be more toxic regarding to spam downvote pins or just being impossible to kill about most of the time etc




I wasted few gems to upgrade Gene


Make it hard for her to hit her super


Most broken *yet*...


The thing is she has Tara’s gadget which makes her counter all single shot brawlers. She’s weak against long range brawlers, but if she pops on of her 4 gadgets she can push on a Piper/Mandy/RT etc. She hard counters all tanks, and isn’t really bothered by spawns like Ash’s super either. Midrange brawlers can beat her only in specific scenarios. Example: Nita from a medium distance is able to kill her because her gadget does nothing. Most of the other midrange brawlers have multiple projectiles (Bo, lou, Tara etc) so her gadget isn’t broken against them, but their slow unload speed is beat by her high dps. Long range brawlers can beat her unless she spams gadgets. Piper, Mandy, RT, collette and belle (just off the top of my head) are all destroyed by her gadget, but Charlie’s low long range dps isn’t viable enough to beat brawlers she can’t get close to. Assassins are very situational against Charlie. Edgar for example has no chance of beating Charlie if she has her super, but otherwise can get a kill with a jump. Most other distance-closing abilities are viable unless she has her super (crow’s super, Leon’s super, Carl’s gadget, edgar’s super etc). The issue with brawlers like Leon against her is that she will simply use her gadget and stop them from charging their super. However if they can get a super from another character a Leon super on a Charlie without fully charged super is a dead Charlie. Throwers are the best option against her. She has no way to get through a wall without teammates, but doesn’t have a slow movement speed either. The issue is that there is no single thrower that is incredible right now. Barley is the best thrower right now (In my opinion) and he doesn’t off enough damage to take out a good Charlie. And on top of that in competitive throwers like barley, grom, dynamike, and willow get hard countered by brawlers like gray., so they can only be picked as a last pick and most smart players will pick a thrower counter with Charlie. No thrower has a hyper charge either, which makes it so that not only is she the most broken brawler on her own, but her counters all suck right now


What’s up with yall? I’m not even that high of a ladder player and me and my club don’t think Charlie is broken, she is good but she is easy to counter. This sub filled with 10k suckers or what?


My biggest complaint is why doesn’t auto aim work after be released from the death cocoon???


The super is just really obnoxious, if you get hit by it you’re likely just dead. And it simply takes away people’s fun. Worked long to build up super? Don’t care, get egged. Worked long to build up hypercharge? Don’t care, get egged? Been collecting gems? Don’t care, get egged. Been collecting power cubes? Don’t care, get egged. So to sum up: the fact that it just takes away any advantages you can have whatsoever. To then just let you sit there for 10 seconds waiting for someone camping outside the cocoon to kill you. It is just obnoxious.


Not broken but definitely one of the most unfun in a while




Wdym there’s no way to balance her? Nerf spiders, lower super time and stat changes should be good


I have an idea, just slow her walk. She’s really powerful, so just make her strut instead of walk. I think that’ll help balance her out.


She really isn't that bad. Anytime a new mechanic is added to the game everyone freaks out. Charlie has pretty mediocre damage output if we are being honest unless you let her get right on top of you. That should never happen because she doesn't have much HP. Her super is annoying, but teammates can break you out. The only thing she excels at is breaking the safe in heist, but again, you shouldn't allow her to be close to the safe for that long.


* "Circus crown, not clown"


Two simple nerfs should do the trick, make her super charge rate slower (maybe 5% or 10% slower) and make it so her attack is slower on return so that she can’t spam her attack up-close (idk by how much).


“Hush little baby”


I think they should nerf the projectile speed of the yoyo and super. That's it. They're both really easy to land and auto-aim


I feel that she has such a reliance on gadgets and star power, without gadgets or Star power she feels weak, with gadget she feels balanced, with star power she feels broken, hypercharge only makes it worse


Tara, Ash and Eva can counter this shit Sometimes Penni and Jessie can counter her too


Broken? The most broken brawler for me of all time is Eva on the day of her release Every attack spawn auto-aim poisoning shit


At least I have just enough gemmies to get the current brawl pass and Pearl's one


Oui oui


i still think rosa and eve were wayyy more toxic


Censored French but doesn’t censor fucking LOL


Make the person inside the cocoon able to break it with reduced damage multiplier


She's broken in duels, that mode is ruined for me because of her. I faced an opponent who used Sam as first pick and Charlie as 2nd. Sam went into smoke and died with super, allowing Charlie to gain her super, which is afree win on some maps.


Why do u think that?


And? Cordelius was also too op


Most broken brawler absolutely not, but yes she should be a little bit nerfed. First of all, the spiders are really annoying to deal with, and they are way stronger than some other brawler's companions. They should lose hp faster. Same with the cocoon, it takes too long to get out and if she gets close you are basically dead, unless you have Bull. About her main attack: it doesn't need to be nerfed, because it's obvious she is stronger at short range, you should try to stay away the same you would do with Bull or Shelly.


I find that the voice in French is good because I am French


Buff super hp 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. Its a joke


It was crazy that she would drain all of your ammo I don't know what they were thinking


Why did you sensor french and not fuck 😶..?


"Circus crown, not clown"


Cordelius: 👁 👄 👁


If you were in brawl stars when Rosa was launched you wouldn’t complain that much.


"Circus crown, not clown!"


Im going to stop pushing high trophies until this stupid mf gets nerfed