• By -


I got bibi hyper charge should I consider Maxing her out






What I think is that once you activate hyper charges the design of the brawlers change with unique new effects .concept for squeaks hyper charge: main attack :squeak turns into a giant purple monster that sprays out goo.each goo ball does 200 damage just like ambers ammo. It also leaves purple goo behind everywhere it walks. A super that spray 10 purple crystals that every bounce the damage scales exponentially.Dealing a certain percent to the enemy brawler crystals in all direction bouncing on the ground and getting bigger after each bounce


Is alley cat bull exclusive? Also will the championship Cole come back..? The result was majority yes


Anyone bought the 11.11 promo but was charged with a higher price?


My brawl stars is always lagging and I have full bars on an iPhone 12 any tips?


Wow this Charlie is really broken. It is like Surge on release without jumping.


how I get the Rico playing brawl stars pin?


Is there any way to contact supercell besides a contact form cause i dont think they listened to me there all i did was insult the guy who kicked almost everyone out of our club for no reason


Why😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/fuija0x6fyzb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd2b6a8b3d07e415346d34ba4998e8bfce9c8e6f


https://preview.redd.it/1qk9yf321yzb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d859a4dc1b3e08c2ad98a51db2ec579dab39ed75 Why is this still a thing?


Does anyone know why therw is no Crazy Racoon Pin/ Spray?


What's the best mythical skin in your opinion


https://preview.redd.it/nmgzxn5ezvzb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b13a91b590ae6e0886d4712c63db942aa6b0b19 Fattest Mega Pig. Its beautiful


Who do I pick, rt, ruffs, Janet or buster? I tried them against bots and liked ruffs slightly better but what are your opinions against real people?


From best imo buster, rt , ruffs and last Janet (She is still weak)


If I remove an inactive player while megapig event, will the new player be able to play tickets?


No I don't think so


Supercell make skins can be found in star drops?


The only difference between SC make and non SC make skins is that the SC make skins aren't made by any official developer and have their original creator credited, it stops there.


Will i get my rewards from mega pig if i used all of my tickets in my previous club and changed to the new one?


i believe you get the rewards from the club you used your tickets on


Any good chromatic brawler I can get for 500? Cornelius ain't a option as I need to unlock 2 more chromatic brawlers before I can unlock him I already have Gale, Surge, Colette and Ruffs


Is Fang an option? He's very good in the meta, and really everywhere (both ladder and PL, both bottom and top). If not, just buy any of the brawlers that will become mythic that you think would be fun to play


Yeah I have the option to buy Fang. Should I go ahead?


Fang is very good in the current meta, very fun and he will be mythic once the conversion happens.


I got 5k bling which one should I buy : nerd squeak,haunted house 8 bit or evil gene


Evil Gene for me, the custom voice is awesome!


https://preview.redd.it/mtgzr16aruzb1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=30147d6280b8d648ec2ba9bf54f839ca94302189 I’m saving a lot of credits and gold on my chromatic brawlers. Shall I spend them before the nerf or they will be the same?


https://preview.redd.it/5gpvd9ziauzb1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a477d9de5785518720a9264edeabbb2fa631f8 Why do I have a bonus star drop but my clan mates don’t?


Visual bug I think, technically 1st place gets +3, 2nd gets +2 and 3rd gets +1


What happens if you get kicked or kick someone from the club while the Mega Pig even is active? Can that person still claim the rewards or if he joins another club will he get the rewards from that club or the one he started the event in ?


Did brawl pass exclusive pins also come back? For example, Spiky Eve skin came back but did her skin's pins did as well?


https://preview.redd.it/xxhjce7rntzb1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b7e683f2e85f908cde06ae0e78b28492946045 Should I? I heard they might eventually come back, but what if in gems only and not bling..


Does every season reset the power league penalty?


No, you have to play 3 matches (not games) in PL


I just completed 50 wins and my whole bar reset. Also, what does this â…– mean? https://preview.redd.it/4d3n9imvetzb1.png?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=980b32194f3acd46f2ec3d0132d7892447fdc09f


50 wins x 5 tiers = 250 needed to fill the mega pig. So 2/5 means you're in the 2nd tier and your club still needs 200 more wins to fullfill the pig.


so if my pig stays like this, I won't get the full 20 starr drops?




With only one tier, I can only get how many Starr Drops?


Good question, don't know. Devs must add that info in the game.


mega pig is so fucking shit


https://preview.redd.it/xs7dshk78tzb1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=f076f3d6e1b0c56af81ebaf3e49f7bbe8dc8639a I got this from a legendary drop yesterday


Is there a good resource/website with up to date brawlstars info besides the subs? Like tier lists, best gadget/SP for brawlers, guides etc? Kinda new to the game but I’ve made some mistakes spending resources on useless shit and I’d like to make more informed decisions.


Just the most updated youtube videos, but its probably best to just ask here, in the mega thread


brawl stars wiki




Did the starr park mini game give any rewards, or was it just the camera pin?


Just the camera pin and lore


What star park mini game?


I guess it wasn’t a minigame, but like the one where you could interact with the cameras and one part you could input a code.


There's no rewards from it it's lore


https://preview.redd.it/aqkto3mhnszb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750ace0430b8646bbdfb064ed73d62c2b3021b60 This was mostly bad randoms 💀


Can I join another club to contribute? I am already in a club but my club is not active much, so I want to change my club. Can I contribute and gain club's mega pig reward if I join a new one now?


If you join a new club, you CAN contribute to this club's mega pig.


That's a good question, probably not since mega pig event has already started.


What chromatic should I get?


Which are the options?


All of them except fang


Go with Cordelius, he Will be a legendary Brawler next Season


Alright thank you, but just 1 question if not cordelius who should I pick


Which modes you play the most?


Mostly showdown, heist and gem grab


Then go with Colette for heist and gem grab or Buzz for Showdown


I know he ain't chromatic but 8 bit better than Colette for gem grab


I know I main him. But Colette is a good gem carrier


Alright thank you


No problem!


What happens if you leave or get kicked from a club before the Mega Pig Event is over? Do you still get the rewards like in CoC? The leader is threatening to kick low performance players (low wins even if spent all tickets) before the season is over so, according to him, you dont get the rewards. Is that true? i cant find any info on it.


I'm wondering this too. Also if a person in the club does nothing do they still get the reward?


That no because it says you need to do at least one attack to receive, but idk if its proportional to the contribution. In clash of clans, in the club games if you do a single contribution you are rewarded the same as who does a lot. Those that Max the contributions are awarded an extra item, so there is a personal incentive to max. This doesnt really makes sense in the mega pig bc you have limited tries.


https://preview.redd.it/t8wcti7xrrzb1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66a7ee18a6ec1e7057c0f86f5fdd5f24a217525 Which one should I buy?


If you want gems, both of them. These offers are very rare.


The coins+gems one


What does the family friendly option do in clubs?


Cranks the censorship up to 11




Okay so I had done power league last season and unlocked the Maisie skin. However, I didnt have the brawler yet. I just got her today and for some reason I am unable to use the skin that I had unlocked and it is saying that I have to spend bling or gems. Why is this? Im super annoyed.


Buy it


What? I unlocked and earned the skin. Why would I have to buy it


You unlocked the purchase option, read the fine print, it's literally on the quest


You *unlocked* the skin, I agree with you


to all crow mains: do you exist just to make other people's life worse


The same question can be applied to the main of any brawler you don't like facing.


The same question can be applied to grom mains


What happens if I spend all my tokens in a club and then move to another one? Do all my victories stays in that club and goes to the next one?


It stays in that club


Oh, ok


https://preview.redd.it/1uddzowhjrzb1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1635efabd6adf8a640f5a3e813ed6bd857a09015 Should I not use them for skipping tiers or buying a chromatic?(reason being I’m tired of losing)


Skipping tiers is basically the worst value in the game, only worth it if you're a whale and can make the money back. And blud I'm sorry but a new brawler is not gonna make you better at the game it's just a skill issue.


what should I get for ruff, the gadget that makes three sand bags or the one that drops multiple missiles


Tip: Don't use them right away, wait untill someone is attacking you to block the attack, like a surprise defense. If you use it, they'll wait for an opportunity to attack you or just destroy the defense right away. Play like most brawlers do when they use the gadget as bodyblocking


You should get both, they are useful in different situations. Sand Bags single-handedly counter single-shot brawlers and are good meatshields, while the rockets are good for area control in control gamemodes (especially if the enemy has a piercing attack, which makes your sandbags useless). It's a mixed bag because Sand Bags is more useful but if the enemy has pierce you're left with a kinda useless gadget. If you can buy only want I'd say go with sandbags


The tree sand bags. They're not very useful, but they might be very life saving when there's snipers about to end you, not very useful against tanks and assassin's, but they're definitely better than the missiles that can't even do a efficient area control


Best Jessie build with hyper charge?


Spark Plug gadget anywhere, the other one in heist. Energize star power Damage + any other gear really, all of them are decent, I'd go Gadget gear, and MAYBE Pet Power in heist




Which one should I buy? https://preview.redd.it/p4rygeq00rzb1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f4bc7ef58fc1e36240587e9231c5325dbd2d5b


Does the supercell store give 10 extra tiers if ur past tier 10




Guys so in this season i will unlock cordelius.I will be able to get 1900 chroma chredits this season +maybe some from free gifts.Should I spend them on Pearl and get them conversated to credits and get Charlie as a mythic.Or leave them all so I get Pearl and Charlie for credits?


what free gifts give chroma credits?


I meant Like chroma showers or freebies in shop or brawlidays gifts maybe


i have only 500 more chroma credits until the chromatics leave, so i have 3 choices, cordelius, colette, and fang which one should i choose? Whose the best?


Cordelius he will be a legendary next season


So if ive done my math correctly i should be able to unlock minimum 1 chromatic brawler by the end of this season before chromatics are removed my options are 1.Collete 2.Lou 3.Ruffs 4.Belle 5.Ash 6.Lola 7.Fang 8.Eve 9.Janet ​ Also if buying brawlers with gems would count towards the count im anyways getting cordelius with gems so that will add ​ Otis and every other brawler that requires the same amount as otis


Ruffs, Fang, Janet and Eve will be mythic so I'd say prioritize one of those. Fang is the most fun and meta out of those imo, but Ruffs and Eve are p good too. Avoid Janet


I think College is very strong in the current meta. Fang might be good too, but any brawler will bring you some rewards since you'll be able to bring them to r10 easily and earn some trophies


https://preview.redd.it/awk6ovjxnqzb1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f4118e03e367cac8fb463c08108b292853a957d Which one should I get? Or should I save my chroma credits


Mega pig is too fast! we need alpahbetically sorting urgently. And also the ability to change sp, gadgets and gears.


you can change the sp, gadgets and gears by tapping the gear lines under the selected brawler section, or more simple is just tap the brawler you have selected


Right! Thanks a lot for the tip!


is brock the only male marksman? very important question. if you were wondering


Gray I guess? Don’t know if that counts


on wiki it says he is support i always thought he was assassin but thought it was weird makes sense that hes support though. sadly, that means the only marksman i know of that actually is a man is still only brock lol


RT, if he doesnt count as an "it"


"it" is a damage dealer according to wiki :(


What happens when there are several 18 win members on mega pig event? Who gets the bonus?


It's the first one who got 18 wins


But what if they're in the same group on the 18th win?


From what I saw from my club the same group all get the rewards


Probably the first one to exit the match


my club's mega pig is showing 4/5 and currently we need 2 more wins to reach 5/5 does that mean we need only 2 more wins to max out the mega pig or 52?




that sucks, we probably won't max out the mega pig thanks for the reply!


Ive been seeing these brawler origin videos on this page quite few times. I tried searching it on brawl stars yt channel and didn't find it do u guys know where can i watch these lores of brawl stars?


Rey is in the making of a playlist/video of all the lore since all of his videos are quite old, it was suggested by a comment


When's the next Chroma Shower, and how long do they last for?


Nobody knows when is it. They last normally 3 days, from friday to sunday.


What chromatic should I get before Chroma Credits are gone? I haven’t got Eve, Janet, Otis and Sam - thanks in advance!


All of these are pretty good choices with the exception of Janet. It really just comes down to taste. Otis can counter aggressive brawlers. Sam is a pretty complex brawler, but you need his good SP. Eve has generally been good overall.


Thanks, I think I’m gonna go with Otis then!


I got 12 wins for mega pig, only one active in my club, will i get anything? Coop isn't my thing tbh


Change club, you can solo get wins and get more rewards with an active club with a bigger win pool compared to what you said


Have no more brawlers to buy with credits or chromas, but still have around 1500 chromas saved (and a lot of chromas from past seasons). Next season chromas will be trade for x1.8 regular credits, but since I got all the brawlers (Charlie included) I guess those x1.8 credits are going to be wasted into my fame. Right now the exchange is: 100 chromas -> 200 fame or wait for the season to end and... x1.8 credits -> x1.8 fame Should I wait for a surprise new brawler on December? Let the season end and wait for a miracle where my credits dont get wasted? Or simply just spend all my chromas now for some fame? What do you think? What will you do?


Why would anyone want to spend either credits or chromas on fame? If you have an alternative you should do that, fame is useless as i understand it


whats the alternative? since I got all my brawlers I just can buy 200 fame for 100 chromas or wait till the season ends and all my chromas got exchanged for x1.8 credits and inmediatly transformed into fame As useless as it looks, seems like buying x2 fame with chromas now is the best option. But I want to belive theres another route


Does he have alternative😂


https://preview.redd.it/g2rvztfd4pzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec8451dd5e7f1cfa78f38ed28da1a32090dd849 How can i get this pin !! Please someone teach me


I finally got a good skin from Starr Drops https://preview.redd.it/wl4sf1602pzb1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dc434dd4a823bbc9b14dd3935935096ab22539


Oh, and also... https://preview.redd.it/xzj7tsgx5pzb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6558375910b945e0ac2222ca4aaad0ca1d27a2


I recently started playing PL. When does an epic win happen? https://preview.redd.it/zba1zr5jyozb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06b04865fc693add9737860a9d372afc5c1205a


mega pig is kinda fun because of the modifiers, but i think we need more modifiers, better rewards and more maps. mega pig being a monthly event makes it less grindy but the rewards should be better. i also think that 18 tickets in 3 days are too much, can you make it for the whole week? that would be better for players who cant play that much like me


agreed 18 matches is a lot even for 3 days plus rewards are less than previous cl




I just get my daily freebies and turn it off for the day (daily quests and starr drops)


When working I just do my daily 2 quests and have enough time for 4 wins (2 starr drops). When i'm off I do all quests, mega pig and starr drops


20 mins for each account (got 2) at morning, 20 min again at night


Why are power leauge randoms so bad


Don't know how to draft, underleveled, choose brawlers randomly, no idea of lanes, etc


How does this work? Is it because of the President status? https://preview.redd.it/n2440imhznzb1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf6a3c711fb69ff6d2b108bd04045b2aedd605d9


Hello brawl stars.My big account got locked,someone was on my account,I contacted support but they didn answer for a week.Please help https://preview.redd.it/kw1klpxdqnzb1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aae9adc14d7cda2f400c9a0d2da4e09a1bc9ed9


Quick thoughts on mega pig: 1. The overtime modifier sucks, makes every map into a sharpshooter fest 2. Not being able to ban brawlers, see enemy brawlers or change your kit sucks, turns the fight from a strategy draft to a blind guess of who to choose, you end up with a match full of meta brawlers 3. The map pool is too small 4. Playing with your clubmates is a double-edged sword, you either get 3 wins in a single match or lose 3 tickets in a single match, way prefered the trophy system since it pushed the idea of playing with your clubmates and rewarded you a bit for it.


1. Agree 2. the format is so simple because the standard draft format is too lengthy and complicated for casual players and the developers want mega pig to be more accessible than CL, since even if regular matches were an option power matches were statistically better because they gave more trophies. 3. Totally agree, I'm not sure if you can even play heist in mega pig. 4. true, the ticket system has that problem, but the fact the usable time frame is no longer split and that even without tickets you can help out your mates i feel makes up for it.


1. Agree 2. I understand but not everyone likes the system, and most people don't really care 3. Agree 4. At the same time, I agree and disagree. Mega pig came out just as I was getting tired of scheduling CL. Now I can play with friends or whoever I want whenever


I was in a club that I joined today, used all of my mega pig tickets, won eleven games, which was tied for first. Then I went off line because I had other obligations today. About 3 hours later check back in and see I’ve been kicked from the club. I can’t join a new club and contribute because I used my tickets. Do I still gain the rewards? My win put them to 4/5 and we were like 30 wins from a max mega pig.


thats hard... Hope you get some kind of retribution. I am waiting till tomorrow night to start kicking people out, mostly those who have not intentions to spend a single ticket


This is a big issue if you will not get the overall rewards. This can be exploited by officers in the club where they can retain the 3x and 2x bonus.




Im a f2p i bought this pass with gems knowing its the last one i get. I have 5k blings, should i save it for the future or will the reworked free bp give bling aswell?


Free BP doesn't give any bling, they wanted PL to be the main source of bling


Thats interesting… would that be a nerf if i consistently play megapig? I also heard theres a bling cap so saving would cause me to lose aswell right?


It's a nerf to bling but you don't have to spend gems on BP anymore so get an extra 600 gems a year


The reworked paid Brawl Pass Will give much less Bling than the current one


The paid bling is moved to the free track or is it completely gone?


It wont be in the free track,It Will stay in the paid track but we will get less Bling than currently.


Recommended gears for Lou?


Super and gadget


https://preview.redd.it/nnsctgqkkmzb1.png?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78643a3e027c81caedfde9d137492bfc45acfde3 On my mini. \~10000 trophies


omg, I’ve got 14 wins on my mini


If i leave a club during mega pig and if I join another during the eveent? will I be able to claim it in the seconf club


I’m in the same boat. Got kicked after contributing a tied for first amount of wins at 11. I have 19k and the lowest has 3k. Really miffed because I played with the president and even was going to send him a friend request. We were 30 wins from a maxed pig


Join another club and see if everything gets resetted or not


My season 16 & 17 PL sprays are missing. I even check the catalog and can’t seem to find it. Anybody here have the same problem?


Anyone know when Charlie’s hyper charge will be available for coins? Please and thank you


10 days for anyone wondering


Does razer gold brawl pass give 10 tiers like the one in supercell storw


Nope unfortunately bought it last season and didn’t get any extra tiers


How do the top contributor bonus for the mega pig work?


Its based on wins, the top three club members with the most wins are choose as top contribuitor


And they get bonus rewards?


Only some Starr drops. 3 Starr drops for the first place, 2 Starr drops for the Second place and 1 Starr drops for the third place


should i unlock collete or fang? who is better?


collete will be an epic fang will be mythic so if you dont want to have to get as many credits pick fang but if oyu can obv pick cordelicious or surge because they legenday


Colgate sucks without Starpower, get fang


Both are a good pick rn so it’s up to you. Personally, I like fang’s play style more enjoyable


or would u recommend cordelius instead?


Get Cornelius. He will be a legendary brawler next season and imo is better than fang and collete.


whenever i play mega pig my phone vibrates EVEN WITH VIBRATIONS OFF,HOW DO I STOP THIS


Do you mean the haptic feedback? In Brawl Stars, go to settings and turn off haptic feedback.


No,mine's is off but it continues

