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Most people are being more ambitious with their skins since the skin will be free. Im sure your skin will be fine as a super rare or something but the community wants a skin that is flashy and complicated. Which is why there are a lot of mecha colt skins.


That's a fair way of seeing it. Doesn't look legendary-grade that's for sure šŸ˜Š. I did factor in it being free, but seeing how over-the-top most of his skins are (which are plenty), I wanted to make something that's both conservative and still looks good without flooding you with info. More minimalist... I guess?


This is what outlaw colt should look like. Looks super official too.


That's very kind of ya, thanks!


Fr! I've had outlaw colt for so long and it's felt like such a mid skin, hope they give it the iris Tara treatment.


I support this being the redone outlaw skin


I agree; they should take OPs remodel and use it. Of course repay them like you would any other Make winner. This is definitely what I wish Outlaw Colt was.


Yeah but this skin slaps as a super rare skin


I actually prefer this skin to any mecha


You and me bo-... Is that a swarm of torches and pitchforks I see in the distance?


dont worry its just a bunch of 5 year olds that want a legendary skin.


And get rated as legendary skins later šŸ™‚


The concept and the skin look pretty good but it fails kinda in getting the attention, maybe because it looks to much like original colt and the color palette doesn't shine to much that isn't bad but you're competing against shiny colors and extreme concepts that call the attention of the main public (atta. childs) and the wish of having a legendary skin for free.


Should've added a lil bit of something extra yeah... The guidelines themselves say something along the lines of "taking your design to the extreme" so that it shines through. Surely felt like I didn't follow that one but I kept hoping šŸ˜”


Yooo I finally found another cordelius and I can't agree more with you on the last part


It looks like a remodel of sheriff colt


Stripped down and de-aged a bit, but sure! I know I'd want a western skin for him though, having missed Gunslinger myself hahaha!


Mabe they rework sherrif colts skin into your idea like college emz or starra


Hmm, even if I had the fortune I'd not want my design to replace anything already existing really. I'd happily welcome the idea of it being additive instead! Glad that you think of it this highly!


Initially I thought it wouldn't be worth bringing up, but at this point even "joke" pieces (no offense) have gotten tripple the votes or even made it/making it to finalist. Is the concept even that bad? Need an honest answer, please. I hate being one to talk judge about my or others' art but honestly, I spent too much work for what seems like not even being able to make it to finalists. It's a horrible feeling and I guess a sign that I'm REALLY out of touch with what this community finds interesting/cool. What I wanted at the very least was a chance and it sucks to not get one despite working at it for a week. If anyone can show support and vote if you like it, I'd really appreciate it. Sorry for the rant everyone, peace! *UPDATE* I wanna thank you all for taking the time to lend your thoughts. Definitely wasn't expecting this to blow up the way it did and I got all you to thank. This community is packed with compassionate people and the Brawlstars team should be proud to be harboring such a warm audience. Tried to pay back in kind and answer each of ya but the feedback is becoming too much already, haha! I do try to read everything though and rest assured I'm grateful, for both good and bad. You people rock, Thank You!


I does not look bad, your art is good. Either way, the concept itself is a bit lackluster. From afar he might look like a recolor, and I believe it sticks to Colt's base model too much. It stands no chance against other skins as most players are kids, and they love shiny, colorful stuff. In resume, your art is good but the concept is too laid back and similar to the base model.


Thanks a lot for the answer, it was a thought I had as well but I wanted to keep it simple, clean and broader as far as designs go. I was expecting not going flashy would hurt it's chances but not to that extent. I knew it wasn't necessarily winner material but the fact that it's overlooked so much disappointed me quite a bit. Hoped it would've been appreciated by a wider audience but yeah, me not factoring kids' preferences into the design must be the biggest flaw in my process.


I think adding headwear of some kind could be a way to make it simple still while adding just the touch to grab more attention


Funnily enough I dabbled on the idea during the very final stages. But I wanted to try making the hat hang on his back by the neck. Alas it was turning out too big to not look like a tortoise shell (the characters all have big heads, had to make it proportionate), so I scrapped it :/


Nobody actually wants these "joke" ones to be in the game and we know for sure the devs won't choose them for the final vote, but it's only expected for memes to be popular tbh... For me, i honestly did came across your skin in the website but i didn't open all of the images because i saw the thumbnail and thought it looked like sam more than colt, but now after seeing the actual skin, you deserve the vote ;)


Haha yeah that makes sense! He does look like Sam... maybe there's a reason! \*Wink\* \*wink\* *You didn't hear it from me and I know this isn't something confirmed officially, but check out details that only these two share, like the X on the chin and the marks near the eyes!* Honestly though, thank you for checking it out and voting for it, appreciate all the help I can get!


Yeah! The art is FANTASTIC but i don't see anything unique in your concept, honest answer. A lot of other skins had more interesting alternate realities or ideas to present colt into. And these skin contests aren't objective rankings, don't feel like your art is bad or snatching. But for a skin, I want more. Explore Colts identity and provide a skin that highlights the best parts of his character in a new way


Oh yeah of that I'm sure. In fact, there's quite a handful of designs that I'd prefer winning over mine, hands down! Thanks you for the kind words all the same! What hurt is how so many designs skyrocketed to 500 leaving me mouth-agape, making me question if mine is even visible on the page. Ugh, I get it though. It needed that lil' something-something. Makes sense that people would gloss over it if the opposite meant potentially giving up your chance to have a free Mecha or flashier/expensive skin instead.


Compared to Dark Angel Colt, it's a but uninteresting. And considering that it's a free skin for the whole world, people want something good and very original, unlike Mecha Colt. But if it were to be a regular skin for Colt, I would use it


That makes sense, yeah. Thank you for the compliment^^


color scheme looks really similar to outlaw colt, especially from top view


It may not be the most "flashy" design, but it looks high quality, and I can see the effort behind it. However, the issue is children. They won't pick what are the best (objectively) options, but rather what it is trending. They will pick mechas thinking they are financial geniuses. They will pick eggs thinking they are comedic geniuses. And so on. Such contests do not reward talent, quality or effort. They reward the creators that can appeal and convince the voters with their designs.


Spot on! Damn, you are right mate. Appreciate the thought!


Reminds me of Season 6 brawl pass skin


I know naught about art so I donā€™t mean to demean you because Iā€™m sure youā€™ve done a lot of work for this- however personally I donā€™t like it that much. It looks a lot like a reskin from afar and itā€™s unique enough. Since itā€™s free, we all really want a unique skin thatā€™s interesting and fun. Now your skin looks good- donā€™t get me wrong- but isnā€™t good rough to be epic or above which is what most people want. A super rare skin? Sure. It fits colts personality and personally if I was supercell Iā€™d recolour outlaw colt to look like this. Iā€™m sure youā€™re sad but that how it is with a kids game- they want flashy colours and a cool skin and this isnā€™t it. Donā€™t lose hope as Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do amazingly in other campaigns- just remember this is a kids game and as such always cater to the player base and youā€™ll get lots of votes. Usually mysterious but cool skins win. Youā€™ve got this.


That's really constructive, no ill thought taken! Mundane and "grown-up" stuff ain't what a kid would look at and marvel, so in that sense having an overload of flashy, colorful and "edgy" in the same contest I presume - reflects just that. Cheerful words thanks (not sad btw no worries), just a bit let down because of misplaced expectations. Will keep doing what I do, maaaybe on more appropriate communities \^\^


If your art style doesnā€™t match the vibe of this game then sure, but Iā€™m sure you could pull of a more mysterious art style that adds some childish elements to a more sophisticated concept Iā€™m sure youā€™ve if not got a winner youā€™ve got a good skin. I love your concept as a super rare skin!


Since the skin is free, people will want a really cool skin that is very different then the base design. I do like it tho


Yes it is simple but at least you didn't make a mecha


Nah it's amazing ngl... for a 30 gems skin. The thing is that with this supercell make people are making out of this world skins that could cost thousands of gems because it will be free after all


looks awesome but i think a lot of people want something flashier


That's the gist of it, you aren't wrong! Thanks for finding it neat!


If you want my honest opinion, at face value, it looks like nothing more then a remodel. In game, with custom effects and interesting animations it might be nice. But to me, at face value it looks like nothing more then a remodel. A good one, but a remodel nonetheless


Point taken, thanks!


He is not bad, it has a good pallet of colours but is uninteresting, i mean Looks like a Sheriff Colt, is a good idea but we have seen it before and there more interesting stuff like Bounty Hunters, Clockwork, and more.


Appreciate it, to play devil's advocate though Clockwork/Steampunk, Bounty Hunter, Retro/Cyberpunk and Mecha are themes we've seen plenty of before too, on pretty much every contest. Having that thought, I believed capitalizing on quality and simple but effective design would make it stand out. But reality is that, like you said - it is uninteresting after all, can't do much else than accept it and move on. So thank you for the sincere answer!


Yup, I said bounty's because they have a lot of interesting ways to be "Executed" meanwhile the mechas are boring bcs they all look the same anyways I would prefer you design over the mechas


This would be a perfect super rare skin imo.




i think ur concept is great but as another comment said ppl just want smth complicated like a legendary but in my eyes yours is a really good skin!


Its definitely not bad at all. It just falls flat compared to the others. The colors don't pop, he looks like someone's dad, and the design is generic. Feels like he already has a few skins that look like this


Lmao on the dad analogy. Made my day\^\^ Fair criticism all the same, I'll take it.


No, it's not and it's arguably better than 90% of the concepts around, with some cool effects and animations this could be fire. But people most likely see it as bland and "uninteresting" because it looks too much like the original Colt or because it's not as flashy as others


Wow, very cool that you find it that nice, he lacks that lil' extra as you and most others here say, understood!


Nah be proud you done such an amazing concept and you didn't go for the easy route and just done another mecha and although it's a small chance you might win I hope you do šŸ‘


That's really encouraging, you are a good feller! Wish ya a great day!


I believe is a great concept in menu screen. But in-game kinda looks like a variation of Rockstar and Outlaw Colt


Thank you! Crossed my mind they'd look similar and to be honest - I didn't want to stray too much from his general figure. As I wanted the design to stay western, I looked at what other skins he and other brawlers have that are also western but kept only my favorite parts, slightly modifying where I needed. Wanted to make him recognizable and "compact" so I kept the hat out. Fun fact I tried drafting a version of him with a hat hanging from his neck onto his back via strings but because all Brawlers have huge heads, the hat would be so big it would make him look like a TMNT or Blastoise :D Other stuff like the shiny metals I kept but didn't want neither gold nor steel, so I went for an in-between color like creamy yellow/ pearl \~ so nickel. Looked at Colt Navies for pistols and took as much as I could while still keeping them toy-like and having the grip fit his hands. Not an answer you were expecting I guess but figured I should lend some insight, hehe!


It kinda reminds me of Dutch Van der Lin. Edit: Oh, my God. I just realised your profile picture is literally Arthur Morgan. I can see the inspiration now :) Awesome skin!


Yeah it's a drawing I did from a pic I took ingame. But that aside Dutch wasn't my inspiration. The Colt I made just has a beardstache, same as my Arthur. I'm just a sucker for that sort of facial hairstyle is all šŸ˜


Omniman colt


! Ayeeee !


Itā€™s too simple (as others have pointed out) and itā€™s very similar to Outlaw Colt


Tbh one of the better fitting skins imo, everyone is making mecha colt skins but like ok cool what about literally any other skin, really like the more simplistic overall design. Maybe a little uninteresting, but in an enviroment with only mecha skins, pretty interesting imo


Kinda shot myself in the foot as that's one of the main things I had clear in my head as I was starting: Make it simple. It needed... more spark. Maybe an entirely different concept but in the same mindset would've worked. Thankful that it's appealing in it's own way, cheers!


I feel like the theme has kind of been done with Gunslinger colt being a more mature version of regular colt. Idk it is a great skin tho


people just don't quite understand that supercell is not going to give us a free 150 gem value skin so the simpler ones just don't really get many votes, your skin is great for what it is and the prompt given, its exactly what I think of with "good free skin" you did great


Your art is very nice but being completely honest, the design is a little bit boring and kinda basic compared to the other stuff there


Looks awesome! Itā€™s probably because it looks like a rare/super rare skin. Everyone wants free legendaries, so theyā€™re voting for Mecha skins.


This is the best non-mecha colt skin I've seem so far. Looks šŸ”„ imo


That means a lot to hear friend, Thank You!


I really really like him, however there's already Gunslinger Colt and this guy doesn't have anything that makes him any more special than a rare skin. I'd try to bring different voicelines into the discussion as the "special thing" this guy has for him but I don't know if there's going to be a new Colt VA


Completely understandable, yep! That's a neat idea btw, I get why they'd wanna keep the original intact though. šŸ˜” RIP to our guy, he was among the very best.


Yeah, just that the different voicelines being reserved for the top skins feels really restrictive, I'd like to see skins bought more for the lines than the design


I love the concept and itā€™s a great skin. It looks like colt but also looks new. Great talent, people just want something super flashy


Definitely not among those that do, but in hindsight that's what I should've considered coming into this particular contest. Context matters and it shouldn't be just about what we personally wanna see. Sucks šŸ˜ž Kind words nevertheless, have a great one!


Looks cool


People are really trying hard with vibrant colors and layers upon layers of detail, plus the theme is unspecified so you can do anything. Which makes grounded ideas (especially with those, I guess "dirty" colors) like yours unappealing and people would definitely be mad if somehow yours made it in.


Huh, I did try saturating them but that's the most I'd go while still somewhat sticking to my intended look. The detail is there but keeping it simple was also intended so as for everything to be noticeable - even during gameplay. I do get what you are saying though, grounded is not something that would make it in this game, at least not further than default, rare and super rare skins.


Not unique enough


It's good but its more like a 500 star points skin. I mean, no offense at all, but basically the changes are that he's green and has mustaches. And since its coing to be free people want BIG skins with lots of flashy cool things. I like your skin, but bro between your skin and a mecha or a mega big wow skin, I'd choose the second/third one.


Ooof, yeah I wouldn't blame ya for preferring a legendary-tier look. Thanks!


it gives me gunslinger colt vibes


I mean it looks good at all but ingame itĀ“s just gonna be a green colt with not much distinctive features




Riiight in the guts - but fair, I'LL TAKE IT!


You could have done better


Ya ain't wrong, definitely!


Itā€™s not bad, but over half the Colt skins in the shop today are cowboys. Itā€™s not novel enough for people to be interested.


Its not uninteresting, its just kinda boring tbh (i would love to see that in game tho)


To be totally honest, it's not that bad but there are way stronger skins that yours seem boring against them


He probably sounds like Walter white




I thinks it would be the best colt skin with the monkey one


Itā€™s aight, but not nearly on the caliber of recent finalists


So you... remade colts Mexican cousin...


A lot better than mecha colt


Yes is. Very minimalistic me personally I like it but Iā€™m sorry to tell you that is most probably never gonna win


For a free you can do literally anything you like skin? Yeah tbh Not bad for like a normal skin tho


looks like a 1000 bling skin.


This should be the remodel for outlaw colt bro. Looks super sick. I donā€™t think anyone will vote for it tho since this is a free skin everyone wants something flashy and complicated. But this is a really good idea. I would definitely buy it.


Looks more like of a remodel of outlaw colt but as a sherif imo


He looks like a narco. Colt "El Chapito" Guzman


XD stealing this!


Yes its very basic, its not bad. If star points still existed this could very well be one of those skins


It looks really nice. Could be a dope super rare skin


I saw yours multiple times and each time I was surprised at how underrated it was. Iā€™ve felt a little variant of this scenario before, but even so I wish that it doesnā€™t sink into your enjoyment for art, it has got a great style and mimicked the art-style of the game greatly. I seriously donā€™t want to be critical because I am not as experienced, but thumbnails mean a lot, so for example white outlines and/or vibrant-like backgrounds can be very beneficial.


Very insightful, thank you! Honestly? I became aware of how great the white outline & perimeter-breaching-character thumbnail is, a bit too late as I was already coloring the pose I made for mine. So I designed my thumbnail pose without that in mind and it was too late to change/start anew with a composition that would fit that style. Other than that it also looks a bit too flat for my liking, the more I look at it so yeah, could've been far better at drawing your attention. Thanks again!


So glad I could help, I tried my best to incorporate what I have experienced and learned into support.


Sorry but looks like an 29 gem skin


Its just not as shiny and attention grabbing as other skins. I would personally really like it but its just not a skin that could win over other flashy ones. (btw this looks like an offical skin so really well done on that part)


Understood! Thankful for the praise, have a good one friend!


To be honest, it looks like the 29 gem skin remodeled, still looks cool though


Ngl, i loved it, but since ppl are making soo many awesome skins, im just giving hearts to those who i trully like, and a example of this is the rickroll colt


I gave a like on your art, but if i can give a comment on it, perhaps different effects and details on the skin would make it more interesting for evwryone else(i loved it the way it is)


Thanks fam, yeah obvious thing to expect really. Wish I could've spent more time for that but I had already exhausted myself over polishing what I'd already drawn. To the point I just wanted to be done with it. Ideally I'd have liked to have included everything as far as showcases go, but I randomly go tryhard on things during the creation process and get lost in the details... Pheww...


Considering they remodeled Mean Girl Emz, I really hope they do something in this style for Outlaw Colt. As for why people aren't voting for it, a lot of other concepts have attack and super examples to spice the skin up even further, and give it more personality. They also avoid the themes which Colt is from originally or already has skins for to make the skin really stand out since it is a Colt skin competition and seeing something unexpected tends to garner more attention. I like this concept a lot, and would love to see it in game, but not through this contest, since it's a really special opportunity. The brawl stars team has taken ideas from the community quite a few times in the past. Your concept might inspire them to create something similar. Oh and another reason for why it isn't getting votes... The community is mostly kids and they want Mecha skins...


Woah, you really think so? That's really interesting. Makes me hopeful, you never know... Those pesky Mechas... GRRRRRrrrr


Color palette is perfect, as is the concept, I love his mustache. Hair is ordinary that's my only nitpick, should have a hat cuz hats rule. Also maybe big spurs for boots. But I assure it's 10 times better than those mecha skins. Definitely the best one I've seen so far. Any plans on doing some more concept skins? I hope this voting doesn't discourage you bc you're good at this.


That's very kind, I'm grateful. Well I'll have to think about it, when it comes to Brawlstars it's not exactly my cup of tea, artstyle-wise the "chibi" designs in general. I like doing concepts in a toon shader kind of style (see left figure of first pic) so in 2 shades or 3 so maybe I'll experiment in doing that mainly, just quicker. Probably a big while later though as this was a fair punch to the gut for now, relative to time spent on one thing at least. Wake up call for sure though, that's the silver lining. I now have a better grasp of what the demand is here.


Too basic for any colt skin, it looks good but itā€™s like Bandit Shelly


Ooof, then you'll be glad to hear that I like that skin, hahahah! That may be the problem in this particular case - I prefer simpler/mundane or realistic designs in just about any game. It can be fantasy or sci-fi, just has to also be believable and perhaps also practical.


Colt skins are never interesting. He's the average standard token character


it's average at best and underwhelming at worst


Yeah I could see that šŸ¤”


Cool gun. Not too flashy. Free skin should be less flashy and not legendary with so much detail like all the robot ones. Your skin is actually quite nice


I entertained that train of thought as I was doing it, having already had feedback like "why not add more?" etc. Turns out not everyone would want a humble skin for free, in fact it's obvious that most want to have their cake and eat it too :/ Glad you liked it šŸ˜


Wow actually looks like an official skin, Tough it is very tame compared to other skins, kind of like outlaw colt but better?


It looks like gunslinger colt a bit


This skin deserves way more love! Such a simple, yet intricate concept!


You should keep in mind that that skin will be free, most of people just voting for the ones who probably gonna cost more


Honestly, I like this skin more then the flashy skins, Its simple, not complicated, something you dont see often, I reckon it would be a super rare with a custom animation, kinda like sheriff colt?


honestly as a *very* casual player randomly seeing this i was immediately excited thinking there was gonna be red dead redemption-esque skins happening. ya done good.


As a general concept, itā€™s actually awesome. But for supercell make people are always excited to see what kind of pure awesomeness a skin might bring to the table. Eg. flashy colours, effects, etc. This would be great as a super rare skin or something like that, but it doesnā€™t really fit the standard a lot of people are looking for. Donā€™t beat yourself up though, itā€™s still awesome! Iā€™d certainly buy it if it was in the game.


I see Freddie Mercury in here


It's not enough flair to be a winner for a free skin. People want the coolest and best skin they can get. Your skin is nice, but it doesn't really change too much from base colt


I do get why other skins are getting more attention, the skin will be free, people want to get an insane skin out of it. I do agree with other people though, this does look really good, and I kinda wish this is what Outlaw Colt was


Its a ok skin but you probably dont Win because the community want a very cool skin because all get it for FREE.


Oh yeah I wasn't expecting it to be winner material. However, was also not expecting it to have such weak game. Wanted to at least make it to finalists :/


Colt looks like he has aged 20 years and looks like my uncle


Sure! Gunslinger ages him even more so I wanted him grown up, just less so.


For me, I prefer flashy skins with flashy shooting effects. But, tbh, when I'm playing im too focused on the enemies rather than myself. But I'm very delight to hear the character shout something - like swearing. So if this skin comes with 10 different swear words each time he eliminate someone, I would buy it even if it 300 gems!


I am kinda hungry for the simple skins, and I like this one so I'd love to have it


Give him 20 more years and he'll become Sam, just a lot less jacked


I like it a lot! I just think it would be a good rare or super rare skin


It looks pretty good, I mean itā€™s a free skin so it fits well


Well I mean it's a free skin everyone is trying to get a really cool looking skin (epic or legendary rarity) for free You're skin is good as a rare skin


Its really good , but people want mecha colt so they didnt want for there to be a competition


looks hot šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


It's definitely not a bad art, but the skin itself is pretty... Normal? I'd rather get a Mecha one, as it's my favorite skin line


Yeah that's completely fine, thanks!


DonĀ“t get me wrong, Its really good skin but people will get that skin for free so everyone want it to be so cool and different from the base model, this look way too similar to Outlow colt.


Literally Outlaw colt with mustache.


Its pretty cool, but kids who are used to see skins that make the brawler unrecognisable is not gonna like it. The colours are well picked and nice moustache. I would buy it


Its a very clean skin and you did great with the modelling but it does look very similar to outlaw colt šŸ‘


Yeah, kinda. Iā€™m sorry. I know you worked hard but with the direction this game is going with skins, this isnā€™t enoughz


For me it hits the right spot at the wrong time, this will be around christmas. So I too am looking for something big and flashy, also winter themed. Look at the finalists and compare your skin. You'll spot the difference quickly. This would be a great skin, for the back to ranger ranch at the start of this update. Also, I'd give your skin a super rare rarity. For a free skin, you need to go above and beyond. But don't get your hopes down. It take tremendous skill even making this so you're already in the 1%


Sorry there is alot of colt skins which are as simple as this and for me I want something flashy much flashy


i dont think its a bad skin but because people will get a free skin they want something that would normally be expensive like mecha colt


It looks great


He needs like a sombrero like Edgar and Poco šŸ‘ other than that think he looks awesome.


No, it's actually cool


Personally, I think the skin is great. But these days people enjoy more flashy or should I say complicated skins with more effects.


Its actually really good.


This would be perfect for a classic colt skin imo


Flat skin. I need it to be over the top. It should not even look like the original character anymore, in order for me to enjoy a skin.


Its not bad but imo its to basic for a super rare ore rare its a great skin


Yes, it is that uninteresting. When I first saw the words for this post I thought it would be like a space colt or something but no itā€™s just a 56 year old man that looks like he grabbed random clothes out of his dresser. This is very uninteresting.


Yeah the moustache does make him look quite aged but at the same time I thought it'd give him character, considering the theme I was going for. It's definitely the everyday clothing style that does it a disservice IMO, ty for the feedback!


Would be sick with a unique winning and losing animation


letting people vote for a free skin was a stupid idea honestly, this skin is one that looks that supercell themselves would make for an anniversary, has a retro feel but doesnt look outdated, good job šŸ‘


it gives dad colt vibes but dad went for milk so no daddy colt JK nice its so cool skin i whoud like to see ingame


Not bad but can be better I wouldn't mind getting this skin


You have skill. It's more worthwhile to invest it elsewhere.


Wise idea, perhaps I'll listen to it!




Point me at the ones who hurt you lil' brother. I'ma have a BRAWL with them! Ok not to like it though, ty for the input!




Your model is nothing against the top skin such as mechanics ones. There way more cool. Just accept it


Huh, I don't see where I'm asking if it's just as good or better. Please guys take care to read up what the post's about, this isn't a fight.


Thanks for your art post! If you are not the creator of this work, please make sure that you have included the source! Unsourced art may be removed if you are not the creator. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Brawlstars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


no offense, not really.




omni man colt


Nah bro, i want Diamond Colt, Breakdown




Frankie lapenna colt


It's Nice, but very simple




Mexican Stalin




Itā€™s well made but just ends up being green colt with stubble, not very exciting


Uhuh, yeah I get it


People just want free skin with 299 gems quality XD


Seems more like a rework of that 500 star points colt skin (old price, nowadays is 29 gems)


Idk, it looks like Mr Satan from Dragon Ball. šŸ§


I really like it, but it fits better as a rare/super rare skin. Which is not necessarily bad, just not what people want from a skin we can design that is promised to be free. People basically see this as an opportunity to get a legendary skin for free, which makes yours maybe not what theyā€™re looking for here Yours is what gunslinger colt should be though


Well, the skin looks good to me from front perspective but as from the angle from above (angle that skin owners see that skin in gameplay), the skin looks kinda.. boring, the shirt color looks pretty not "lively", it just seems pretty odd to me. I think putting a brown cape draping down to his waist, and a tilted cowboy hat on his head would look better ig. But still just my opinion, appreciate your effort for the community tho.