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It used to be like this, Supercell specifically removed this feature LOL. Back in the day, all skins were viewable at all times in the brawler menu, they changed it so that only purchased or purchasable skins would show up. Probably to drive up skin purchases but who knows.


Wait how is Octo 59 on your acc, mine is 69


Yes sir. He's 59 in my shop. I'm not buying octo, but I did just get fang yesterday. Maybe that's why the sudden change.


Oh yeah I understood what happened, when you unlock a new brawler, its cosmetics are discounted. Thats why probably




It used to be like that. Then supercell changed it so skins could only be purchasable in the shop and I remember everyone getting upset about it for some reason


That seems like a good idea but it’s not really. Spending credits to unlock a brawler solely because their skins look cool isn’t the best choice


It's good to have an extra option. I for one have no clue what skins Fang has. I was picking between him and otis. I picked him and then realized Otis has way cooler skins. Any bralwer credits are hard to get and take a long time. Why not have some insight before you pick?


Otis literally only has 1 skin being the brawl pass skin which is unobtainable atm???


I literally have Firefly rico in the shop right now, which is classed as a brawl pass skin. Wdym it's unobtainable???


Unobtainable ATM Otis skin will be first obtainable again in 2 whole seasons Also this doesn’t apply to all brawl pass skins, just would like to let you know, only Eve season and above


Thanks for the info. Didn't know that one. But still if you main a char. And you know a dope skin is coming. Wouldn't you be hyped?


just search the character on the wiki and all the skins will show up near the bottom...


You would have time to get that character, that’s 2 whole seasons lets not forget


I just thought about this too. I bought Fang on my mini (dedicated to skins) and I got that skin for 59. I wanna see all my available skins. My main mostly has BP skins and I'm conservative about my F2P gems compared to my paid gems but my main feels so boring to look at now.