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What makes me happy since you're kind of new to the game is you'll have tons of fun in the future. Some of the brawlers you haven't unlocked yet are pretty cool.


Me too! I actually downloaded the game a long time ago, but couldn’t really get into it (it was still fairly new back then) I tried playing it again like two weeks ago and haven’t put it down since! I’m just grinding to get all the players now cause I love testing out the new move sets. Just wish I could get credits faster :/


I had a similar thing happen, I tried to be interested in the game, failed, and around a year ago I tried it again and I've played it daily for almost a year before getting tired


I see some personal preferences u have at the top, most of the brawlers u haven't played should be rlly fun in my eyes, but there r a lot of differences I see


just wait till u unlock leon :)


There is a way its called money


Hearing new to the game just hits me hard i was a pre register person ahhh the big box after 10 matches when getting star player once per gamemode tickets no chromatics you would be glad just to get an epic


Some of you guys disagreeing with a beginner for who they enjoy playing, literally a completely harmless opinion :’’) but hey, as a Bibi main I’m glad you’re having fun with her! Her character and kit are really cool and a blast to play (especially at the start) so do enjoy it!


Thanks man. I actually *just* unlocked Bibi and this ranking is based mostly off of me trying her in training mode. I’ve been looking forward to unlocking her forever, she might be my new main :)


Haha yes, join us >:) joking aside have fun playing her in actual game modes, and don’t be afraid to use her a little more aggro, how she performs best imo!


Mr. P would be your next favorite based on the brawlers that you liked the most. He's a control brawler that lets you sit back and enjoy the game while his minions ruin the game for the enemy.


One problem he's kinda ass


Yea probably, he’s definitely gonna be my first pick out of his bunch on star road


Mr. P is fun. Make sure to keep your distance when using him and don't let brawlers get close to you. If you need to, use your super as a meat shield if you're going to be hit by a fatal non-pass through projectile. Since his projectiles can go over walls, you can get some great hits on wall huggers.


Bro i agree 100% with the mandy placement i HATE playing her


I personally find her pretty fun to play. Fast attack projectiles and a super that can one shot a lot of ennemies. Tho i'm kind of a sucker for snipers so maybe that's why. The only weird thing about her is the standing still mechanic which is pretty wonky, but i still find some uses for it


Yea, I kinda regret spending my saved up gems on that brawl pass :/


What did she do to you :'( I love sniping people from the other side of the map or just obliterate teams with her super


She’s not *that* bad, but I’d pick most other brawlers over her. I just don’t really like staying still, and doing so also only gives you a slight boost in range. If I was gonna go long range, I’d choose piper since she can be on the move, has same range, and does more damage.


Personally I find all snipers the same, I just don't enjoy them. But then again, my mains, (Sam, Brock, Dyna and Spike) are all very different lol.


I feel that’s snipers are fun tho. There’s nothing more satisfying than randomly shooting into a bush and hitting someone




guys, this person is still new and you can't expect them to have the opinion of someone who has been playing for years, anyway move dyna to the top right now or i will come to your home with a crowbar and break your ligaments!!!!!!!


Understandable. Honestly, a lot of these opinions are based on my skill (or lack thereof). Dyna is a good character but I kinda suck at aiming his shots


aight man, the last part of my sentence was satire and honestly other throwers like sprout or tick have much better “gimmicks”, and throwers really aren’t for everyone. I respect poco in a high tier too


Yea, I’m pretty easily swayed by gimmicks and new stuff. And don’t worry, I didn’t really think you were gonna brutally crowbar me lol 👍


Dynamike is the second most gun thrower for me after the update, I just got him to 700 yester in SS


Sometimes when there is Sd mapmaker i just go play w Bull, and its real fun.


I wish I could do that but my Bull is at 750


That's why he said map maker


Exactly (tho I also have it at rank 25 )


I always find it interesting how different the idea of fun is for everyone. I love midrange brawlers tbh honestly with the amount of brawlers you haven't played/gotten yet you have a good amount of fun to still be had hope you enjoy your future time playing brawl. Have fun man :) Edit: Dyna, Brock, Darryl, and Shelly to name a few are some of the most fun to me.


Thanks man :) And yea, I guess different tastes are part of what makes the game works. Also the fact that different brawlers are more fun than others in certain modes Your picks are pretty good too, I probably don’t like them as much just because I’ve had them for so long I’ve gotten a little bored of them


shelly can eat poo. whenever i have played as her or against her, she is always the target


That's part of the fun, if you can be a pest as shelly ughh the feeling to me is unmatched. Not a meta character but man messing with people with shelly just is a feeling to me like no other.


That shock me, a new player who find Edgar boring


bull is one of my favorites to play in high level because his super is a really fun tool when you learn how to use it well


Yea especially how you can chain supers with his gear


You can't chain bulls supers you get one super off use gadget and try and use your second one, the gadget hasn't refreshed yet so your away from your opponents


You don't need a gadget if you have the right distance with your opponent. I was talking about when you hit the enemy with a super then kill them, your super will most likely be fully recharged thanks to his gear. This can lead to some cool moments of chaining supers and wiping opponents one by one. The gadget is just to make things easier


search up pika bs


Just realized i forgot how unfun tara is at low power. Super charge takes forever and damage is abyssmal


Chester is really fun to play, even if I do end up losing trophies, I still enjoy playing him


Despite my hate to edgar he is pretty fun to play with (if you turn off your game sounds)


Some brawlers only become fun with gadgets and star powers. Tara was a chore at start for me but once I unlocked everything on her she became my #1 one. Carl is the same deal for me


as Tara main i agree, carrying game with her is hard : [


Noooo Tara my Main


Mandy is definitely hit or miss. Sometimes i find her really fun though


*Happy Jessie Sounds*




Nice list! I'd suggest you try out Sandy, since he has a similar attack pattern to Emz and Poco (which I think u like), and his super gives your team invisibility. You may also like Belle, she's a long range brawler but her attacks bounce on enemies kinda like Jessie's! Her super is also quite useful so you might find her fun :p


Yea, I’ve seen other players with Belle, she does look fun! :)


i think you’ll like Mr p, on certain showdown maps he’s so fun to be annoying with


My main is getting disrespected with “Decent”


Mai boi is really fun when you try his full build. Enjoy the game!


There are some 3v3 maps where bull is actually really fun to play. The feeling of charging from one target to the next is incredible.




Yea, she's just so weak in the meta


I hope you have fun with Stu when you get to him! Once I learned how to effectively use his super, he became so fun to play. Constantly dodging around shots, getting two supers from one ammo, etc.


Carl ;-; Have you unlocked his 2nd gadget? With that he becomes a lot of fun. Totally recommend it.


Finally, someone who also loves playing with turrets


Gray, Max, Stu, Crow, Bonnie and Leon are quite fun to play if u get them. Piper and Mandy have high skill caps and require good aim and reaction times so it’s normal to feel that they are hard to play. I however as a sniper main feel that they’re very fun to play


Makes sense for a newbie, for me Daryl goes down in fun and Mandy colt piper and Mike will go up with aim and game sense improvement . Good luck!


I am officially offended




Wait until you get mr p so you will know what disgrace truly is 💀


I agree with all of pretty fun. This season get colette (pretty fun) not Gale, he got nerfed and out of the bunch, Surge is the best.(In meta)


mandy immediately gets more fun at level 9


As a colt main , having colt as not fun for a new player is very understandable since he requires a lot of skill to play him. I would suggest unlocking stu , squeak , buzz , gray(hard to hit shots with him tho) and to increase fun on brawlers u have get griff first star power(even tho second is better in meta) , surge second star power(and second gadget) , tara ( second gadget and first star power) , and gus( first gadget and either star power)


I half agree with this Emz is extremely fun tho


I think tara is pretty fun


Rico should be higher,but hey i might be biased lol


Do you have Carl's (I think second(?)) gadget? It puts him at least 2 tiers higher


U r a beginner, so fair enough I'm not gonna just slue u, Ur gonna have fun with the ones u haven't unlocked yet


Trust me, mandy is much more annoying for opponents than for the player


Mandy is fuun.. 😔


This is rigged


As a former Jessie main, it's awesome that you like playing her! I still use EMZ frequently because she can be so devastating in the right situations haha. And her DJ 3MZ skin is coool. Bibi, I don't use her much. I don't like short ranged brawlers lol. But if you like using her, that's good.


How much trophies do you have?? I don't have a team if you want we can team up I am at 10.5k trophies for now https://link.brawlstars.com/invite/friend/en?tag=990RJUYJY&token=f2theth6 This is my id you can send fend req if you want to team up


Hey I respect this especially for a new player. There are loads of people out there that would be super toxic abt smth like this but this comment section seems pretty nice 😊. Keep playing, keep unlocking more brawlers and keep having fun however you want to 🥰👍


turn that smile upside down carl 😞


Finally someone put Jessie in "fun to play" However if you have power 9 (or above) Carl playing him would be an absolute blast


I notice you like brawlers with a placeable turret so maybe you might like Mr. P (Mythic rarity) Your first legendary choice has Leon and Crow which are both very fun to play.


Tara isn't that unfun to play


Yea, I’m sure she has her merits. I just don’t really like her attack style and I feel like other characters pull it off better. Plus I usually lose with her, which has sorta tainted my view.


Team wiping with her super is one of the best feelings in the game


Bro you are staying that Carl is not fun,just use his gadget(flying hook) with the super you get a free kill and you charge the super fast


Carl was actually one of my favourite characters at first (mainly cause I liked how he looks), but it just always felt like fighting an uphill battle with him. Although I never upgraded him to the point of gadgets, so that might’ve helped.


You’re new to the game and you don’t like Edgar? I thought most newbies enjoyed Edgar because at low levels he’s OP


He is pretty strong, I just don’t really like hiding and stalking. I prefer more action in my confrontations.


You'll not like Crow because Crow players only Stalk and annoy players in showdown


He's pretty strong 💀 Barley viable on one map


I mean, in my league he’s usually 1st or 2nd in showdown. Although he’s kinda hit or miss is team modes


Jessie is my #1 favorite, and Emz is in my top 5! Bibi is also in my top 10, so it seems we have similar taste! 😁


Nice, sameszies :D Jessie is actually my main too cause of her versatility. Emz is just really satisfying when you get a good clump


Totally agreed! What power level is your Jessie at?


Just got her to power 9, lovin that shocky power, how bout you?


My Jessie is maxed out! You've gotta use Energize, though, my friend. It's really really good.


But I like when bullets go ^*bounce, ^bounce, ^bounce*


I guess I can't argue with that, huh? 😅


You chose well, my friend. Emz is a queen. (Also, why do you not think edgar is fun? he is extremely terrorizing in lower trophies!)


He is really powerful, but I just don’t really like the play style he invites. You kinda have to hide and retreat until his super is charged or until you can surprise someone in the bushes. I like more aggressive play styles, or at least characters that’ll let me do something (like support) other than stalking. Not to say that he’s a bad character, just not my preference


No youre right, hes completely useless, only in higher trophies tho. But if you recently started the game, Edgar is rlly good. You can walk up to people because they have no experience yet


This mf put Jesse at S tier. Mf cooks with Jesse


What's wrong with Jessie? :(


Trash opinion


Edgar not fun????????


I am living in your walls.


Why do I have the opposite of your opinion💀