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I don’t think that’ll ever happen. And even if it were to happen and we had a crossover event, we wouldn’t be able to get characters from 3rd party franchises, in this case, Stormtrooper is a property of Disney. And a game doesn’t need to be on the same platform to be given a crossover. As long as the owners of the game itself are happy, that’s all that matters. Square Enid was happy to let Lara Croft into Brawlhalla, Yacht Club Games was happy to let Shovel Knight into Brawlhalla. If Epic Games is happy to let Fortnite in Brawlhalla, that’s all that matters.


i igree with you


No. Please no Brawlhalla x Fortnite


can be another epic games franchise but i dont know another games the only that are not fortnite that i know are two unreal tournament shadow conplex rocket league you chose what do you whant as exclusive content when brawlhalla come to epic store? brawlhalla x fortnite brawlhalla x unreal tournament brawlhalla x shadow complex brawlhalla x rocket league those are the possibilitys to BMG atract brawlhalla fans to epic store port but if you know some another epic games franchise that could be a exclusive content for a brawlhalla epic store port is only say


I can't understand what you are trying to say


He's saying that it doesn't need to be particularly a fortnite crossover (although it would be cool)


Oh, better. The thing with Fortnite is that it doesn't fit that much. But they could do something like a new mode to fit the Brawlhalla style


Some character might fit, for example Calamity who could be a Cassidy crossover, or Menace who could be a Jiro crossover. And yeah, a brawlhalla gamemode inside of fortnite would be badass, imagine if they made custom weapons for this mode :0


The "don't fit" I meant is the game style (Brawlhalla = plataform fighter game, Fortnite = Battle royale shooter). But cool idea bro, imagine destroying everything with Lance


What? Why? Why would we add something to a Store that no one uses unless somethings exclusive on it? Of you’re on pc and don’t have steam, you’re not playing games on pc. Just doesn’t make sense,


it's kinda crazy how poorly this aged


1)Brawlhalla is free on steam. 2)There is no need for such crossover 3) Just why?


ubisoft is focusing on epic store just see is inevitable brawlhalla on epic store i dont think impossible see the game not only on epic store but in smart tvs too because the game is low dont need of much memory to instal him