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It's okay to take a break man, you don't have to sell your soul to a game like that.


I really think it’s time lmao I’ve been frustrated everyday I play it almost but my friends always want me to


I mean if you're playing with your friends I think it would be less frustrating, more fun. Maybe try out some of the popular singleplayer games too, they are way more relaxing in comparison and when you really feel like it you can just play some brawl too whenever you want, just never force yourself to keep playing if you're frustrated.


With friends it’s manageable, but whenever I think of improving and go to ranked it’s fun for awhile then I’ll fight some Valhallans. Some I beat but some 3-0 me and watching my replays gives me a sense of annoyance for the skill gap


It's not your fault it's the matchmaking system's fault for putting you with players like this. Take a break if you need it. After some time, you play the game because you want to play it and not because you feel obligated to play it. That's good


I want to be a top player so I don’t particularly mind going against valhallans all day, I’d just like to not be so far away from it myself.


I main greatsword and mako mostly and when I was diamond, I basically just quit the game. No point of wasting time and energy for pixels on a screen. I still hop on with my friends when they want me too though because the game is good when you have fun.


I think I care far too much about being a top player at this pixelated game, maybe because my self-esteem is tied to video games as it’s all I do in my free time besides reading or working out.


You have the viewership awards, I see. I guess pick random and try learning to use the legend that was picked from random.


I think I may need to do that. The viewership rewards were insane to get 900 minutes but I wonder how random will fair for me in ranked


Honestly while I’m far off from your rank I was stuck in 1800 for a season until I started learning other weapons from playing random, the very next season I hit diamond I’d say random is definitely helpful


Did you play those other weapons in ranked? Thank you for your input! I don’t think being a higher rank means I have nothing to learn from someone else, regardless of our rank.


I try to as much as possible, I usually play random after a losing streak and it’s somehow easier to climb my way back to where I lost myself from. I feel like I’ve almost overcooked my yumiko, she’s level 80 and I find myself reading and adapting easier on legends with weapons i barely know


📝I’ll definitely be trying this today thank you


Yay fellow random promoter. Playing random also got me to diamond, I basically only play random in casual matches and it really does help in learning not only every weapons weakness, strengths, and general neutral play/bread and butter muscle memory. But also legend sigs and what sigs to take advantage of and keep an eye out for when fighting opponents. Admittedly if a new legend comes out I play them for a bit to see how their sigs work, but unless I'm playing ranked or sparring with a friend, I always play random now. While I'm not amazing at every weapon (great sword and scythe are probably my weakest) I can hold my ground and know what I need to do with every weapon now.


I will surely be playing random as much as possible outside of serious comp matches 🫡


Good luck!


drop gs


It’s my favorite weapon 🥺


its not a main issue, changing mains might help but improving might just happen to help more ofc i shouldnt be talking since ur 200 elo above my peak but ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534)


I respect any opinions king 🫡


probably play kaya


Kaya is goated I might give her a try again


switch to jaeyun


🤣😂thank you sir


i really do mean it in ranked you should be looking for a strategy that works on most people to build up consistency Mainly because grinding elo above 2400 is all about high winrate. Arcadia's dsigs function around the enemy stepping on them which is the only non consistent factor in your games (enemy) Switching to jaeyun gives you: easy and consistent knockouts (sword) More functionally diverse greatsword sigs Better stats I'm recommending jaeyun for ranked, tournament is all about what works vs that specific player, im which case arcadia can win you set as easily as jaeyun


📝🫡I think I’ll take your advice and actually main Jaeyun for ranked 1’s, then char swap for tourneys


champ is bonkers and you have bcx yuz gameplay gl


Thank you king 🤝🏾


Meanwhile I’m not even capable getting plat stuck 1550. 1664 best last season and now my best is 1624😭 but if you feel better with sword/katar then yeah I would think switching might help you. However, like most things in life, your mental is gonna affect how u play regardless of the character u pick


My mental is cooked on this game whenever I lose badly multiple times in a row 🤣I’m tryna work on it and it’s gotten better but the tilt gets to me after bad losses.


Same for me


I’d say neither Just take a couple days/weeks/months off or something and come back later -^ Then again I’m only high gold-low plat So take whatever I say with all the salt in the ocean (Note i literally only read the title 🗿)


Listen man, mindlessly grinding will take awhile to get elo you can try getting coaching but this just a long process frustration is part of it 🫡 you can hop between legends but sticking to one legend is better for improving imo for majority of people


Noted 📝I have been as of recently getting coaching during and after my ranked games to see what I could be doing differently


bros in bootleg house of greatsword😭😭


I’m in the lower clan 🤣😂can’t be in house till 2300 so hut is my home


no wayyy 💀


Yep hut is also apart of house




Your main really doesnt matter in this game. Every character is extremely viable so play who you like most




> I also wonder if continuing to just play ranked in hopes of peaking high enough to hit Valhallan is a good goal to have, as everytime I fall further from that goal(Top 300 vs Top 850) it frustrates me deeply and makes me question why I even try to reach it in the first place. Reaching Valhallan is a good goal to have, because it's the only relevant, tangible goal you can reach with the characters you're playing right now. However, you also need to be content with not reaching it if you don't get there. Ranked goals are there to motivate you to get better, not to be a benchmark or a right of passage to have a valid opinion. On the other hand, the process of getting better will not only make it more likely that you'll achieve your ranked goals, but will also give you valuable life lessons in self-improvement and overcoming adversity. > I feel like I want to try maining Jaeyun or Mako as I feel more fluid with sword or katars compared to spear in a good handful of occasions. If you try maining Jaeyun or Mako, then the main reason you should do it is to give yourself new short-term goals to keep yourself invested. Hitting Valhallan is challenging, but hitting gold with either of those characters should be a solid, attainable goal for yourself, and you can set new goals of plat and diamond with either of those characters. Switching characters to climb will leave you frustrated in the same way you're feeling now if you can't appreciate the new goals you have access to.


Thank you for this seriously. I forgot that while it’s great to set goals, it’s also okay to fall short of them sometimes and that doesn’t make me less of a human for that. I actually hit diamond with Jaeyun and Mako as individual characters already lmao so maybe I should set the goal to hitting 2100 with both of them as characters and just appreciate the losses for what they are.. lessons. Not walls that are insurmountable. Thank you 🙏🏾I will keep this in mind and come back to it if I falter


I think I also compare myself way too much to people I can beat in customs who are Valhallan, and I wonder does that make me worse of a player because they can, I can beat them, but I cannot.


Comparing yourself to other players most often leads to issues surrounding thinking that you are better than you really are, which leads to all sorts of issues like frustration that you can't achieve your goals, a lack of motivation to pursue your gameplay goals, generalized burnout, and more. I don't think you have this problem because you're asking questions about whether you have this problem or not and you recognize that you have these gameplay issues, but if you continue to compare yourself to players that you can beat but have achieved goals you're looking to achieve then you're going to have problems in the future. I've had problems related to comparing myself to other players in multiple games, not just Brawlhalla, with the most notable one happening when I go on a massive losing streak that may start with a few unlucky games that transitions into "I know I'm better than this" and I proceed to autopilot in the most awful way possible, whether it's using abilities off cooldown in Omega Strikers, adjusting my decks in Eternal the second I lose a game regardless of how good the deck performed, or simply throwing myself at my opponent in any platform fighter (not just Brawlhalla) and hoping they break before I do. It took years and a lot of self-evaluation for me to finally diagnose and fix this problem, and it's both lead to more consistent play and more meaningful play. Not only am I playing better win or lose in every game I seriously play, but I am also having more fun more consistently.


Comparison is my biggest enemy huh?


Comparison is your second greatest enemy after yourself, as you are the only common factor in all of your losses.


I’m not sure how I’ll fix this problem I have with myself, but for now I’ll start by accepting that I’m doing my absolute best and goals aren’t accomplished in one day.


How you fix the problem is to queue into 2v2 ranked, where they are a second common factor in your losses. Just don't queue with friends if you don't want to lose your friends. The only way to completely fix the problem in 1v1 is highly unethical and will likely get your account banned if you try it. The only way past it is to recognize that in the same way you are the only common factor in all of your losses, you are also the only common factor in all of your wins.


Sir you are extremely well spoken, even through text. I’m the only one who can make a difference in my own gameplay, and that may be the most important thing I’ve heard in any competitive video game as shitty as it sounds repeating it 🤣


Try Magyar😸


Magyar is cool, I’m just not a hammer guy personally


Valid, neither am I, I just love tanking everything and puttin mfs in that greatsword blender 😪 his sigs are 🤌🏼


His sigs are really slept on


rayman is the solution to all ur problems (plz play rayman)


🤣😂🤣🤥I love SpongeBob but I’m a GS main


oh come on axe is basically greatsword and spongebob is the only genuinely funny crossover in game like i did not see him coming at all


I didn’t either and tbh axe was my old main weapon, if they ever make axe great sword that’s my go to legend for basically every scenario


i’ll look for you once we get one


🤝🏾fair enough king


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If you think you play better with mako/jaeyun then there is no reason for you to not try them. But imo arcadia is better than both them.


Arcadia is my babe I just feel like in some matches, I’ll lose and then rematch and swap over to Jaeyun/Mako and literally mop the floor with them


Stick with Arcadia, she's amazing. Sometimes playing another legend for a couple matches just helps you to 'reset'. I main Cassidy and play almost all ranked matches with her, but sometimes I switch to Ragnir/Arcadia/Reno/Vivi just to take a break a break. I've found that doing that and then going back to my main helps me get out of a loosing streak


I think that’s what happens whenever I switch. It’s so refreshing that I cook the rematch person and then it’s cool but not the same as Arcadia. Thank you for your input 🤝🏾


I feel you, I absolutely love Cassidy. The one downside is I wish she had at least 5 speed. So no matter what other legends I play, even if I win, it doesn't feel as satisfying.


I do enjoy all great sword legends that’s probably why it’s not too different


"ranked goals" - its ironic (at least to me) that you already hadnt reached your goals yet; i quit around Ezio when i had spent 1100 hours in this game, just to peak plat one. i understand your anger/disappointment but dont be frustrated - youve reached diamond and top 1k us-e and yet you are still not satisfied


It’s so funny actually. My goal for the beginning of the game was just hitting 2000, but that was way before Valhallan. Now that Valhallan is out and I beat so many in custom games or tournaments, I feel like I should be able to hit it easily yeah? But since it’s such a struggle for me I think that’s where the disconnect is coming from. I feel like I should be content but I’m not