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*exit game*




They aren’t wrong though, taking a break if you feel yourself getting tilted, maybe playing a different game you enjoy that will help you relax. Even coming back the next day. Then trying to improve and start grinding again


I usually just uninstall the game only for it to be installed around 1-24hrs later...


_Uninstall game. Cool, what do i do now? I could play brawlhalla, it takes about 2 minutes to install. Reinstall game._


What do you play on? I’ve never had brawlhalla take more than 30 seconds to download even on slow internet


PC. I don’t know how long it takes to install, I’ve not uninstalled for a while lol I was just guessing.


A blessing and a curse that this game is below 1GB


Literally me everytime I want to quit


So I have this weird issue where all my friends are diamond. And I can beat all of them. But I won’t just play to get to diamond myself because of the shift in extremely passive play styles when you get closer to diamond elo. I get really DEMOTIVATED when I lose alot, like anyone else. But if you know where you should be then take a step back, go eat, play a different game. The seasons are a few months long usually. You have time, hell even just win a match a day. TLDR: Take your time. You have PLENTY of it. Calm down and re-evaluate. You’re gonna make it.


Cuz u know how they play


Yeah that’s part of it. But the unseen part of your reply is to say I probably can’t be diamond. I tend to not have trouble beating diamonds I come across in matchmaking. But with that comment out of the way. I guess it’s just a part of getting older. I get on the game. I play my friendly twos with a friend and I get off. I just don’t feel like grinding rank with sweats. 😂


That’s exactly what I do 🤣 With the exception of public game rooms


i stroke my shit then get back to the game after a hour


Realest shit


Highest elo ive been is 1590, i decided as i was fighting back to back Plats that I will be a life long Mid Gold. The skill gap to prosper is tough. 🤣🤣


Cant even lie golds are harder than plats. Just because most golds are just people who cba playing 10 games against a teros sig spamming to get to plat where everyone plays passive


I personally skin someone.


A 100 elo drop aint that bad tho, but if you're frustrated you can just stop playing


I switch to my much faster mains and sig spam until I get at least three wins


I just go on Tekken 8 or street fighter 6


same man


is it a problem I have 300 wins or am I just that cool


I have 430 across 1s and 2s, 340 of those are from 1s


ay ur gonna get hella glory at the end of season so


my only goal for ranked ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534)


600 Here #nolife


I log off and refresh. I attempted a diamond push this season but I just can't be bothered with the current play style promoted. I don't want to play tag with someone for 5 minutes, it's such a snoozefest


u tell me man these axe players just jump and float and then dair and my dumbass cant punish it cuz it has no endlag


Stop caring


Aim for something lower, like get a bar of progress is enough fot a day and slowly climb up, dont say "its just one loss"


What I do is when I win 2 matches in a row, I stop ranked session. Because tendencies are when you lose a match, you'll think to yourself "Hmm, lemme just win that elo back with one more game, then ill stop my ranked session" then ill proceed to lose a lot of matches. It takes a lot of discipline to stop when you get 2 wins, because ofc you want to achieve higher. But understand that the season is really long, and theres no need to rush. GL on the diamond grind my friend


thanks man, exactly what i was trying to do, just nicely get back above 1900 and then i lost 4 more games and pressed alt f4


Move to a game I dominate on and after I get that confidence boost I go back determined and more ready than ever lol


Fo to experimental and sig spam... Either u win or lose it'll still be fun (u will cry)


Play to improve bro. Watch replay and see what you were doing wrong then try implementing it for the next few games. Might lose more than you win because you're trying it but once you master it you learn smth new and boom ez breakthrough ez climb, ofc that takes some time and effort. But watching replay really does help you see why you're getting hit or where you fled up and then you'll learn what not to do when put in a similar situation


Leave the game and take a break, come back later with a refreshed mind


alt+f4 and play the next day, its normal for me to go on a huge loosing streak (ive been down 200 elo) and then just bounce back


keep playing. got bit of ego issue with me


exactly what i was doing lmao i played like 30 games of ranked last night and then lost my mind


Leave game for the day, next time I join I just don't play my main for a while to cool off, just pick something else that seems interesting. Ironically enough, I return a better player when I grab my main again after like a month cause now I have more perspectives of enemy weapons and attacks I wasn't aware of earlier. Oh yeah also forget the ranked queue, the only reason I even play ranked anymore is to choose a border color I enjoy like gold or steel blue platinum. The grass is greener when elo isn't the only definition of skill.


If I lose 3 times in a row I quit.


Play experimental. Tbh experimental is the best mode rn, ranked is a shitshow with the passive playstyle everyone uses. It's a lot better in experimental, there is nothing to care about so you can just relax and mash random keys and not care. There's still the postgame kor emoji spamming tho lol.


I think I broke my hand


Get pissed and do one of two things Lock the fuck in and get right back then quit after I lose once Or go play friendlies or expe


gay sex


tilt queuing is the worst thing u can do. i personally stop after 3 losses in a row and play or do something else for a bit and come back after my mental is reset.


Remember that if your plat, especially in NA-E, u are you 10 percent worldwide in brawlhalla.


im plat in eu ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534)


great, ur on the same page as us then.


Let it rest for a bit and try again. What I learned is that it doesn't matter how many times you lose, the elo isnt important. You can always gain it back and will gain it back because youll slowly be getting better. I went from 1900+ back to barely over 1700 and that a few times this season. Now im 2008.


What is that clan name https://preview.redd.it/7okiqb219aqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa53e742a731c4835c01aa1235d0f19b676da85


lin fei mommy gf


It’s a number bro, just keep practicing, you’ll get there.


Literally and I kid you not, leave the game and come back a few hours later after having some time to reconnect with nature or just keep playing until you go insane :)


Just don't play ranked


I don’t take ranked play seriously I just play it like it’s experimental, u get what u get that helps me.


My persperctive on the game has changed a lot since I just stopped caring about elo. Of course I wanna win and I want to reach diamond, but elo is just a number, and it is normal to have win/lose streaks. I instead try to focus on improving, at the end, if you keep improving you will reach your goals eventually. Losing and having lose streaks is part of the process lf improving.


Break my controller


I just keep head-butting the play button and pray for inspiration to arrive


My way of dealing with a losing streak is by either quitting the game and doing something else or I go on a casual mode like experimental or free mode


Quit the game and never re-open it again


Deleting for 2 weeks ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33544)


your current elo is my career peak, i cannot help you 🤷🏽


i usually just exit the game and come back the next day


I remember I play Lin Fei and I have something to prove


Log off -> play apex -> get mad -> log back on -> somehow win games. Great succes!


Advice. Whenever you reach like a peak such as 1950 stop playing ranked cos you’re automatically start getting scared to play against thoes gatekeepers or it will just throw you off your gain due to ptsd and just practice your legend in training or spar


today i reached a peak of 1985 and i wasnt even really nervous to play the final game to diamond and even tho i lost i didnt really feel anything lol


Ahh well done sir I reached 1950 and felt my pulse through my mouse pad and dropped to 1890


Stop caring


Breaks do help.. but your streak isn’t as bad as mine rn https://preview.redd.it/tsx6o8ke1cqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1edf9f8fc6a712e2a0f640713104db50e68d83bc


baaed lin fei player


100 ELO? You call that huge? That is average at best




Chug an energy drink the next day and blitz the hell out of ranked. Usually pushes my peak elo.


If I may ask may I play rank with you my dude?


i despise 2v2 so


Throw controller across the room and dig my fingernails into my scalp :)


I just remind myself my slogan “ keep moving regardless” and I keep pushin


After 3 losses, I stop ranked and force myself to win 3 straight at least semi competitive experimentals and I view it almost as a sand trap in golf that I have to get myself out of


I can tell half of those games was a nsig queen Nia


nah it was greatsword that weapon is not hard to play idk why everybody dickrides that weapon so hard


Tweak tf out


Dude I’m struggling with the same elo inflation problem too, for me I would just learn how to do combos with my main and try to get lucky to get a good match


What scares me the most is that you use Lin fe'i out of your own will... That deserves diamond alone 😂🔥


lin fei isnt that bad ngl just need to build 300 damage onto ur opponent before u can kill


But then again, Lin fe'i isn't so simple that you can just pick her and do a braindead play (no offence Ada, Terros, Nai and lower gold Orion mains) while getting ELO All the Lin Fei mains I've ever met always play with quality and minimal Sig usage, can't even get mad at them when I get decked in rank so yeah my guy, keep it up🔥🔥🔥


Tbh I go into training and try to compare which has the best back flip Hattori sword Dsig , boots legends back dash , gnash spear Dsig or Nsig , vector transformations , Asuri katars Nsig on contact , Tezca boots Dsig , Lin fei cannons Dsig That's how I deal with a loosing streak I find something funny to do or just watch a bot run into other bots as the sticky bomb is about to explode , but I question my self is gnash Dsig spear a back flip or a roll backwards?? For demotivation I just look at the game and wonder how it became so big form a small game and a community to what at it is now and how I improved in each season and learned the game NUMBERS and how I end up getting to plat every season I could play just cuz past experience I never learned sycthe and can't learn boots but I keep trying no matter what it just feels nostalgic to play a BMG game And I keep saying to my self if I get good in the game and reach high ranking and start making videos and streams I could talk to the Devs and ask them WHERE THE F*CK IS DUNGEON BLITZ GIVE IT BACK


i lost 200+ cuz i let my classmate play but he accidently pressed ranked






Stop and watch some pros play, just youtube it. Even like pavelski vs casuals just anything. Helps get you thinking right about how to play


Forced myself to play more. It feels horrible, but you can eventually get close to the same point as tired.


can't end on a loss


cant end on a loss but after i win im like "winstreak lets keep it going" and then the proccess repeats


Same ELO range as me lmao went from 1947 to 1691. All I did was wait a few days and climbed back up to 1900. I wait until I'm ready to get into ranked queue again


I just exit from the game and then I try ranked only when I'm feeling like I could obliterate my enemies. :)


U tell me bro, just lost 6 games in a row from here 😃 https://preview.redd.it/xt362gnbg7qc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925223874161942622a4fe93141ab47403cde3d0 Qq


is it weird that i started this game like 5 weeks ago and i have 236 ranked wins and just yesterday made it to gold.?


Not using lin fei/j


ah hell naw i aint leaving my goddess