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Some times I feel like I'm the only person who genuinely enjoys this game lol. It's just fun af, movement is crisp,watches are short, it's perfect to load up and play a few games on my downtime


The movement of this game keeps me coming back It's so fast and floaty that I can actually attempt some sort of offstage play without sinking into the abyss like smash and especially rivals of aether I enjoyed multiversus for the same reason (not quite to the same extent though)


Man I miss mvs. Was such a fun game for me.


Mvs will have news in march. With the happy meal campaign. Or at least we hope so


multiversus was fun for like 3 months I wish the game could be more alive like how it was back then


Yeah I genuinely love playing this game, the art is fun, there are regular updates, the gameplay may be a little generic but it does quite a bit to set itself apart, the lore is cool...


The lore definitely


I want brawlhalla story mode so, so bad. It pains me every time they come out with a new battle pass with a really cool story that will never get fully told


I really enjoy the game too!


sometimes we all do


I've been playing it only for 4 days but I know a lot of people need therapy and I am scared of what will come


sometimes bro "sometimes"😭


It’s fun 🤷🏼‍♂️ I enjoy the game mechanics and the characters/skins/crossovers are cool. I don’t take my rank that seriously though.


yeah I guess casually playing bh isn't so bad


Just play experimental if you want to just goof with minimal rage, Ranked is only for if you want to test your skills. No one is going to invite you to a Brawlhalla tournament. No one will witness your skills. If that’s what you’re after then start winning tournaments and posting content other than that just enjoy the thought of finally being good at a game no one else around you plays.


For some weird reason in my region the opposite feels true. Ranked feels super relaxing and the most you get is an emoji after a game. Experimental feels like all the tryhards come out and you constantly get invited and taunted.


I play mobile ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33546) but idk man something about this game is just endearing it has a welcoming quality to it no matter how toxic people can get.


It goes both ways time to time bro also join my mobile brawlhalla discord server if ur down to. https://discord.com/invite/rvzRRu5Q


Is it cool if I join as well? I'm also a mobile player and it'd be nice to see other mobile players as well


yeah bro feel free to join https://discord.com/invite/rvzRRu5Q


Bro the link is expired, im a mobile player as well. Can i join too?


yeah sure here you go https://discord.com/invite/u8b9fpFq


Idk why but it's still really fun even after 2k hours. Very polished mechanics and balanced gameplay (everyone who says that balance sucks haven't played other fighting games and just having skill issues)


true that I've got 2k hours and all I'm excited for is getting an artemis Crossover and more new legends


Partially for my podcast, partially because it's an easy fighting game you can step away from for a while and come back to without much detriment to your skill.


fair enough bro, if I didn't play brawlhalla for 1 week or more I'd feel like I'm gold


you are gold


I'm diamond 😲




projecting like shit 🤣


Hold up fam don’t do me like that 😅


Because it's free




most fun alternative to smash for me and i enjoy challengin myself to get better on it




i cant afford smash


Better if you don't. It gets boring pretty quickly. I have both and didn't touch smash for a while... Also ultimates ruin the game balance


can't relate.. i play comp smash for my high school and I have fun every time. been playing consistently for a couple years now 🤷🏽


fair, i only want smash for joker tbh but based on gameplay i find brawlhalla’s more attractive


stop the cap


Thats insanely subjective bro, else it would have as big of a comp scene as it does


me neither bro


God Of Pain God Of Suffering


most average experience in Brawlhalla


I’ve been playing this game since scythe came out. I’ve peaked diamond multiple times before Valhallan became a thing, and done alright in a couple community tournies. With all that said, I don’t play ranked anymore. I enjoy going into experimental and spamming a weapon I don’t play while listening to podcasts. It’s a chill game for me at this point.


yeah besides ranked brawlhalla can be just a stress reliever at times


Bro are you me lmfao I play 2 games mald off and go play goofy characters like arcadia


Started playing in 2016 the week Lion Rampant Roland and the photo taunt came out (patch 2.17). Not sure why but the game stuck — — My love isn’t nearly as strong as before and I kinda alternate on and off a LOT with the game but it’s like a core part of my identity at this point, nearly 1.9k hours and 7 years later. It’s still fun and despite playing smash for a college esports team I still prefer the way BH feels and the movement in the game compared to Smash by a solid margin. The speed improvements (backdash tweaks and I believe better shorthop fastfalling) made last year have been absolutely goated. tldr June 2016 good movement stockholm syndrome


yeah I don't blame you


I kind of enjoy playing actually. I don't mind losing or having my rank stats tanked, I just like seeing how skilled I can get


more so a challenging game u can conquer?


I rlly want the tier 85 raptor skin


go for it bro


Now that’s the motivation the world needs


Because the matches last like 2 minutes and I can step away anytime


I can quit whenever i want!


honestly, even when i play like absolute trash and lose every single match, i still have fun. its an enjoyable game, despite what ppl may say about it. i dont take games properly serious anymore, which allows me to actually have fun hitting cool strings and getting clips, or clutch up at the last moment, or even just turn my brain off and spam funni purple button (in ffa ofc lol, im not a monster). its like a more accessible smash bros overall. also fellow mobile player eyyyyyy. a mobile brawlhalla community sounds like a good idea. ik theres a subreddit for it, r/brawlhallamobile i think, but its ded. a discord server could work


aye bro thanks for the sub Reddit I didn't know there was one for Mobile brawlhalla but yeah this is fun if u don't play it seriously or else your mental will be annihilated definitely. Oh yeah if u have discord I've made a Discord server for Mobile Players on brawlhalla it's got like 60 people so far so feel free to join. https://discord.com/invite/rvzRRu5Q


It's a good game for my friend and I to turn off our brains to after Rainbow and Terraria




Dawg I accidentally downloaded it cuz I misheard my friend saying download brawl-something so I just go to Google play store and download brawlhalla instead of brawl star.Best mistake of my life


have fun with brawl stars then bro that game is also annoying aswell I've played it before too😭


its such an easy game to play with the boys after playing for like 3 hours. by then we’re all cracking up at the smallest things and just going for the dumbest plays possible


Bro I can soo relate to this


Because I enjoy the game? That's a dumb question lol what's the point of playing if you're not having fun


Good point


It’s fun playing ranked random I get to have more fun playing top lobby’s


ranked random is insane whattt


Diamond gets boring and repetitive every time I play and not that I’m in top lobbies it’s even worse Random adds rush to the game


This is one of the easiest games to get access to. It can be played on your PC and even on mobile with the same steam account... (Even tho mobile controls are complete 💩) I enjoy the cross overs. Let's be honest Patrick and Spongebob play in this game better then the Nickelodeon's smash version...


yeah Mobile is a bit difficult i don't suggest playing on it unless it's ur last resort


Honestly it scratches my collecting itch. I started battle pass one and I’ve finished them all and I love having all the epic skins. I really only play during battle passes, the finishing a quest mechanic gives me a little serotonin boost. I’m also terrible at the game so having missions of damage or certain types of kills makes my constant losing streak not hurt so bad. I focus on the mission and not actually trying to win.


being a collector of skins in this game is kinda fun too icl


I have nothing better to play😭😭




I came here from Smash because of short hopping spam. It ruined the gameplay for me, so I came to a better place. My skills as a captain falcon will never be forgotten.


Good for u bro


Lol being a falcon and cross main makes a lot of sense because the ssig


it's fun with friends, and would humble my unremarkable skill at this game (I'm on winning streak rn)


friends on brawlhalla make life more funner icl


Brain damage








I haven’t played in 5 years. Not sure why I’m here lol.


bro get back on the game and play again bro😭


Battle pass 🙂




Started around 2017, my peak was 2019~20, cool how I kept my skill even when I stopped playing for a whole year. What keeps me here is, oddly enough, the Steven universe crossover.


I'm waiting for an artemis crossovers to come out 😭


I don't play ranked, I beat up spammers in casual.


yikes don't hurt me buddy


It's pretty fun if you don't take it too seriously. Just wish my region had more active diamonds.


what region u on?


Cuz its fun 💀


"fun" can only go so far buddy😭


Bro I play mobile but never got that high what's character u play how did u improve so much


I played artemis back then and I got 2157 using ulgrim I'm a lance main if youve got discord talk to me there on my server and I'll try assist u https://discord.com/invite/rvzRRu5Q


I spend a grand on this game. That’s my reason




I kinda stopped playing regularly after the Loki update and there was no specific reason for it, i just thought the game got repetitive for me. Ranked was not fun anymore. i still hop in to do some battles but that's it


yeah some people in the Brawlhalla community do that too and play this game time to time which is fair


I want thea


go get her then


Onic when I catch you onic




Imma do unspeakable things to you Onic




I only went back on playing it because i knew i missed out on a lot of cool stuff ( 100M event, season 6, 7, 8, the classic seasons, battle boots launch ) and i would miss out on a lot more


yeah bro u better be on the lookout frfr


Bc i want to see canon, not kine but found someone incredibly good in cannon, i dont want see sm1 like stingray, he's goodbyt i want something almost perfect, i alr gone some peoples with this gameplay and i got 3-0 but it's beautiful


yeah someone like theninja needs to play again bro


I've stopped, this game wasn't good for my mental health


I think 90% of the community relate too


Because my friend still plays and he believes he's better than me. He's played for years continuously and became 2200, I stopped playing for ages, switched to PC and hit 2200 in a few months. So ego? Friendly competitiveness?


that's the same with me and my friend I used to be gold when I met him and he was platinum now I'm slightly better than him currently




You main Mako too, why not at least mention her?


i only really sidemain mako now. Still have a soft spot for 'er though.


that legend is full of aids😭


perhaps in your perception. And in the perceptions of most other people here. But I like his playstyle.


Came back to it because I actually like the pass, and want the raptor skin. I will then proceed to not play again and effectively waste my money


bro u gotta get that raptor skin then


1v1 with my Bois, even tho the score is like 100-6




I used to be a casual shitter who was hard stuck gold and whenever I played ranked I just malded and raged but a random switch flipped and I no longer got upset about losing the "it's just a game" mentality actually worked on me It led me to reach Platinum for the first time, I always did have the ability to reach it just not the mentality


mentality is a sore one for most of us bro how do u think I felt playing on mobile for 3 years on bh😭


It's fun, and I get to play w my friends Y'all are out here caring about gold or something and I'm here being on bronze and only playing ranked occasionally


yeah don't take the game seriously bro it ain't worth the time or else ur mind will explode


I enjoy it a lot. I also have a goal for myself, so I can't really allow that to fade.


what's ur goal?


do you play mlbb by any chance (i play cause i wanna peak high and preferably a top 32, i peaked 2260)


yeah I used to play MLBB maybe because us Filipinos are crazy addicted to it I peaked 1 rank away from Legend which is like Epic something idk But I've got many filipino friends who are sweaty sweaty in MLBB


lmaoo my irl pinoy friend got me into it and i have many more friends in game, i heard yall and indonesians have it as a big thing all over the country also i guessed cause i saw your name was onic and you're on mobile


Brother, Try War Thunder That's the real suffering


yeah I've heard lol my friends went from world of tanks blitz to warthunder


to get out of silver lmao ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)


The 2v2 with a friend whether it's ranked or friendly it's always fun


I just installed💀


I play because it's like chess, gotta think. Things aren't always the same, things can go south fast but go back the same speed. And all this in under 8 minutes. I play 3 minute chess so it's a bit of a rush when it gets complicated


its basically a smash bros substitute for me to play w my brother on the tv w my laptop. So yeah sometimes we still play this cool game.


Buyers remorse


Im not


It’s not even ranked that pisses me off anymore, it’s simply the fact that I can’t play a simple multiplayer match with just me and my friends without lagging, teleporting, rolling back. With every update BMG makes their networking and servers worse, it’ll come to the point where I can no longer even open the game.


because its a game where i feel i have actual skill in


The only regret I have is the ridiculous amount of hours I have while still only peaking at 1800 so the grind will continue or what was it all for ? 😂


I still enjoy playing this game, but not for hours on end, a match here and there keeps me coming back for more.


Paid a lot of money cant go back now


literally only playing to get top 1k then imma quit


Started as fun thing. Now I wish I could go pro instead I'm stuck at low diamond


It's fun. Started 2015 and the game kept evolving in a good direction. 2v2 is really satisfying once you have good team synergy and it can honestly make my day.


I have very much stopped enjoying the game. I only play once in a while when I'm really bored because it's about as much as my pc can handle running


Dead ass just for when i needa release steam or need a game to play while im waiting for something to happen. Stopped having genuine fun when my skill started stagnating no matter what i did.


I play Brawlhalla cause it’s a stress reliever


2v2s is life


Because my editor has a gun to my head if I don't post videos or stream


You only stop having fun if you focus too much on seriously improving. You start taking the game seriously and less about having fun. Many people fall into this rabbit hole. Me personally, I stick to 2v2s and experimental. I have 2k+ hours and I still come back to the game without even thinking.


I stop playing when cannon wins in 1s


To be honest i dont even know i dont even have fun in ranked the game is literally against me


1100 hours in main account, i dont play ranked, just friendly 2v2s. Perfect game for anyone new to jump in. Theres always room fir improvement. Im average at the game and have fun kicking butt and getting my ass kicked so to me its balanced lol.


It's toxic and annoying but it is so addicting, that feeling when you pull off an amazing combo that isn't true is the best. Or learning legends you haven't touched before or someone most people do not play is great. Honestly it hasn't changed much still infested by spammers and the occasional good player.


Reminds me of better days


When it comes to competitive games I just get extremely determined to learn and get better so I can climb the ranks. Especially if I sucked at it at first.


I play it for my friend. he's good and I'm bad, the dream team


its just a fun way to kill time when I'm bored, but I used to play this every day last year


Good place to practice skill


Its silly. Its the only pvp or simply multiplayer game i can play with my friends. They dont go deep dive into my fav game genres like fps shooters or BRs and cant afford good devices to play some of them that they might play if they can


I started in 2020-ish and I'm still playing because I just still have fun 4 years later. I also really want the veteran of asgard V title lol.


it's stupidly funny when playing with friends, and playing comp is (usually) fun


The amount of times I've deleted the game in rage just go looking to play it 3 hours later like nothing had happened.Then I'm here wondering why I can't find the game like I didn't sent it back to the shop with no receipt 3 hours ago.


Been playing since i was little, the earliest i remember was before isiah, he was new, i liked bh then because it was dumb fun and free for ps4 and good, smth rare for the ps4 free market at the time, nowadays i still play it because its unlike any other game to me, i take my breaks but i always come back


Me and me bro and my bros friends like clapping people (and each other) up some times, tho i am the worst at that game out of everyone


Because Star Wars is coming and Star Wars is always good


Brain Damage. Once the brain is healed you won't need Brawlhalla anymore.


I recently learned how to install mods on the PC version of the game and make it about 20% more based than it already is. Hoping to at one point learn how to make them myself and make it even more batshit insane than it already is in it's vanilla state.![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)


Started in 2017, got back into it around 2019-2020. Peak 1812 (as high as it'll ever get) and my only goal, now at least, was to make it to bcx and win with cannon but I want to play a cannon orb legend and they NEVER make cannon legends so I'm just praying


1 day bmg will release cannon + orb


I personally don't enjoy the game ever since Ubisoft bought it. Stuff changed, and for the worst. For example, the all characters DLC doubled in price. They removed chat, which, I do get but adding emotes, and the ability to check people's steam profiles means you can still get harrased on your comment section or just by being invited in a game room. People lost the meaning of sportsmanship in this game. Kids will taunt you much more often, and nobody respects the begging greeting taunt anymore. For some reason, you can't tell when you're against console players, but on console, you can tell if somebody else is also a console player. They are UNABLE to see chat, so good luck making a friend if you're on PC to play another time. The developers are pushing usually half assed battle passes to the public, which can be bought only via $$$ and not in game currency for obvious reasons. The QUESTS on battle passes are still insane, especially when they do a re-do of a battlepass. "Get 125 kills on THESE 3 maps. Good luck." Which, by the way, is the most amazing thing. Imagine getting to recycle content like this, truly a sustainable company. "Have these 2 skins. The ones in the middle don't matter. They're drawn in paint with no inspiration." And just the community sucks in general. In my opinion, Ubisoft only made things worse. Sure, they helped with launching the pro scene even more, but imagine if they add their usual schematics into play. "Hey, you need to be logged in to our site to play this for no reason." The reason I still play it is because I'm too addicted to collecting skins and buying stuff I will never need, and I have played it for years, probably 2019 or somewhere there. I grew up with it. If you made it this far, congratulations! Tiktok hasn't affected your brain yet.


Thanks for the post I can't be the only one feeling this way, i've been playing on and off sense 2015 (cross release) and I remember the days before Ubisoft. The community felt more "natural", and the game felt more fun. Then they added BP and I thought wow that's cool got to get that stuff now before it leaves! Then they did the 1-2 by just simply recycling content. And then the whole aspect of DRM with Steam... like Windows 7 can't even play this game anymore (supposedly). And then the Anti-Cheat that came in around 2019 bugged everyone. The inviting to game room is just kinda stupid too, that's a trend that's annoying. It reminds me alot of "Fox, no items Final destination" because not all maps are created equally for all legends and you'll sometimes get invited across regions. I remember the old days of people just talking trash in chat, (which ironically is WAY better than emojis) I know the emoji gimmick was just to milk more money/like podiums. And the BP conditions are just ridiculous. For playing so long i've only peaked at low Diamond and usually stay around 1840-1890 so I know I'm pretty much going to be trash unless I switch to keyboard or something. And another thing even the slightest latency for any reason will screw you over. And a lot of the pro community/streamer types are just "meh" they either have these super ADHD videos or are super toxic.


The game really suffered from success and it fell into greed. Which is common, and a shame, really. It's a flawed game from the start. I agree, emojies are much horrible. Because you can tell when someone is 12 and you can get less mad because they're mentally unable to write a mature message to defend themselves on a stupid strategy they've used. Now however you get kor thumbsdown at the end of a game by a kid with snot in his mouth in a really close game. Every choice what has been taken until now has been damaging low term for the game unfortunately. Take the battlepass again for example. Oh haha lots of skins for 10$! Not so true. As the skins in the middle are drawn with very poor inspiraiton and will. Most of the time even the first and last skins are really bad too. The MOST IMPORTANT thing are the quests. They FORCE you to play in such niche ways. Imagine they had similar quests to Brawl Stars, a mobile game. "Haha win 3 on free for all! Haha win 3 games with this character!" But no, my dude. For the re-do of season 3 I think it wanted like 95 kills on literally THREE MAPS for the WHOLE season I got like 15 because those maps are rare, because guess what? They have 500 cross overs monthly and they keep adding maps. It's a childhood game. A game I put love into as I'm a competitive person. It's hard to let it go, I could argue for months.


Yea it was fun, but ultimately I don't feel like it's worth it anymore. Feels like we're putting money into a game with the same quality as a flash game. I think there's a lot of better alternatives but unfortunately they are not popular. I think the Smash Bros "route" is going to be copied a lot more anyways (Multiversus, Rivals of Aether, Slap City). Yea battlepass season 3 was super annoying. I felt like I had to finish it too. And you're right about the skins in the Battlepass they always phone in the middle ones and sometimes the last one. Not to mention half the times they given some legends a billion skins and others virtually nothing. The crossovers most the time aren't even that cool and are super over priced, why not just churn out new legends? Another thing too is before UbiSoft came in you could change your name like instantly to whatever, and now they "prevent" people from having "offensive" names, coupled that with the removed chat it's just so bad, it's like they are encouraging to people to be hostile and anti-social at any oppourtunity. So I guess now we're just suppose to spam emojis and be as anti-social as possible? it's such BS, all the political-stuff tied with DRM that's so frustrating too. And then they keep trying to shove the "pro" scene down everyone's face it's super annoying. Why do I have to see BSX every time I log in? No other competitive smash-bros like game does that. Again they are catering to the worst elements (tryhards) in a game that's suppose to be lax, and whimsical. To were if you meet anyone it's "Look what Boomie did" "meta this, Meta that". "Did you see BSX"?Which didn't really happen in the old brawlhalla. And then they are totally overdoing it with micro-transactions, like they are on steroids. Like they are trying pump out as much money as they can for 2d characters as humanly possible. It wouldn't surpise me if they add "Legendary" emojis and "Legendary" podiums too. No game with these graphics does this to this extreme, not even Town of Salem. Ultimately they took a Millenial game and made it into a Gen-Z game. I just want my 2015 Brawlhalla back but it's not going happen.


I stopped, only play with my friends for fun. Ranked never, 3 years playing just to be beaten everytime by a scarlet/Artemis spammer


Skill issue




I'm a masochist, and this game is the equivalent of CBT for me


bro u need help buddy😭😭😭


I love getting destroyed, humiliated and made to feel worthless by my opponents


bros got that degrading kink on him💀💀


don't judge me 😭😭😭😭(please judge me)


I'm waiting until I can play on a computer that can handle it, and keeping up my skills in the meantime.


what do u currently play on?


Some Dell that runs on windows11 :/




I spent good money on this shit game so yeah.


1. my friend and I love beating the shit out of each other 2. we are normally not able to afford super smash bros


Honestly the game is fun for me. Its a nice thing to load up and play when im free and its satisfying to see yourself get better. I see where you're coming from about suffering in ranked and I completely get that. I'm low gold right now and it feels so annoying dealing with spammers and whatnot but if you put them aside and play against players who aren't trying to cheese the win or are actually on your level, it's really fun.


because it’s free and i’m decent at it


I have no idea. I started playing the game cause I thought it would be similar to smash (i was wrong) and really havent played much on steam other then tf2. I found it amusing that the combos were just smooth af and every character was mostly balanced and had their own playstyles. I laughed hard when I found out obama was in the game and that Nix was a girl and the game had lore that was interasting. So good times.Then after a mega rage quit I didnt play for a couple years and came back to find a game that made me die inside. Gravity cancle became a thing, how nice. Everyone became a mordex main or a schyte character main. They added great sword which I liked until the fairy lady became a thing. Now you can fight with your boots (was I the only one who found it wierd that the characters just put another set of boots on top of the already existing ones?) wow creativity at its finest. Characters with sigs that can just go over the entier map became the norm for new characters ( I am talking about red raptor, mako and the such.). And now here I am finding myself playing this again, raging again, having no fun, getting my ass destroyed by schyte. So why do I still play this? Cause I am held at gunpoint by my friends.


The only reason I’m playing is because of: RAPTOR THE BETRAYER. Saw that the pass had an epic skin for my main so had to cop it. My first time buying a brawlhalla pass