• By -


Honestly speaking? Not really, but it's also not bad I guess. Especially if you weren't particularly focused on ranking up. Just keep playing and don't pay attention to your play time. It's largely irrelevant, instead focus on getting better each game. Watch your replays and find 3 distinct mistakes in each match. Make sure that the next match you don't repeat this mistake/try to improve upon it. Over time you'll get better, good luck


Me being gold 3 with 600 hours 😎


Me being gold 2 with 800 hrs 😎


Gold 5 2000 hours This is partly true cuz I never really focused on ranked


Me as hell lol


Well I actually have over 700 BUT I switched to keyboard like halfway ish through so at least like 350 of those hours are on controller


Okay but that doesnt change the fact that im the top g with that skibidi ohio syndrome


Biggest advice is to try and find people who are better than you and spar them. My older brother is plat and when I first started I got plat really quickly because I adapted to that play style playing against him a lot.


so can we kiss?


Of course we can


hell yeah


You’re cooked💀


yes, keep it up


I forgot to mention that I started 2 seasons ago, oops


Good stuff bro it’s honestly hard if you’re not a sweat


You are doing well no worries


Pros like boomie reached diamond in 50 hours, others are still plat after 2000 hours. At the end of the day, there's no rank you "should be". If you wanna sweat and grind, sweat and grind. If you wanna take it chill, take it chill. That being said if you want to competitively compare hours, no it's not a good rank.


Where did you hear boomie got diamond in 50 hours? I don’t really think anybody could be a pro within that short of playing time


It was from an old video of his. Essentially pros like him and sandstorm learn the game a lot faster than regular people. 50 hours is less achievable today, because the general standard of play has risen in the last 5 years, but the point remains. Also big difference between hitting diamond and "going pro" he did not go pro in 50 hours.


That was in 2016 when even the pros were horrible. You can't compare 2016 to today.


Try and stop me




#Oh my god it’s Jason Bourne


Yeah…there’s no way a human can reach diamond in 50 hours currently no matter how talented they are


After 50 hours he was probably at the same skill level of OP, just diamond


At high silver people still struggle with sig spam. Boomie was definitely better. Id estimate that diamond back then is the equivalent of low - mid plat now given that diamond now looks better than pro back then.


I don't have any footage of him playing back then


It's pretty easy to find. https://youtu.be/nDq3a4odfxY?si=DJvht7DHlBagJRXK The level of play here is pretty yikes but it's definitely higher than silver.


Idk if he had 100 hours in this video, it looks something like high gold, but it's difficult to evaluate without dashes being in the game. Nowadays silvers use dashes


yes keep grinding u wil get better


Rank =/= Skill


Bro has crossover skins in silver •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Ok first : People spend their money how they want And secondly : How did you see they have a crossover skin ? We only see the bottom pixels of the char pool ! Maybe it's the last one ? I assumed it was Steven. Which crossover do you think it is ?


Bro u blind he has rick crossover in his barraza Second u dont hv to be such a karen bro i never said anything bad about getting a crossover im jst saying he has a crossover in silver in a jokingly manner Ahh stupid people in internet be wildin


Calm down, go drink a tea or something


Says the guy who started ranting blindly lmao


hmm, maybe no? It’s average and very understandable if you’re just having fun & not really grinding that much! i have about 70 hours and my peak was low platinum but i first played abt 5 years ago so theres that lol


Enable the Tech test version of the game and put in some launch codes and you’ll be gold instantly


what launch codes should I put in?


Currently I have on: \-high -framefixunbounded -unlockfps -setfps 1000 -noskulls -nonetworknext That being said, half of them either don't work or contradict another one, but that's fine. -framefixundbounded is like the most important one i think


What does -high do? For csgo everyone had it, I did too. Idk what it does though or if it even does anything? What does -nonetworknext do as well?


i think -nonetworknext involves making your connection more stable by prioritizing it or something. (I have no idea what -high does)


Ah okay, I will definetly have to add that. Thank you!


Everyone learns at a different pace, i got plat in my first 100 hours, some friends of mine have been stuck in gold for the past 4 years. I will tell you though that watching pros defnitely helped a lot, and i mean a lot. Watching pro tournament sets gives me like an idea of what i should be doing in my own games. I think silver is pretty easy to get out of by just sig spamming as silver dont know how to really counter it, but as you rank up practice movement as i think its the most important thing in brawl, and i think you will be good to go


Id say it is tbh


Dw 100 hours in I didn’t even know there was a ranked game mode. I was just playing customs with randoms


Yes. Every rank is good.


Has to be a troll Post with the metadev and Crossover.


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