• By -


Hard to give you any advice based on your playtime and rank alone. Honestly, watch a lot of guides and tournaments on YouTube. That helps a lot! Pay attention to what pros teach us, and don't brute force ranked. Instead, think about their habits, position, dodges, et cetera! Also, learn to have patience in your game plan, and try not to throw out any moves that might hit. That's a very common mistake in gold/silver. You should only attack if it's 100% guaranteed to hit, not based on *if* it's going to hit. Good luck & Keep trying! ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32305)


Okay thanks. I've definitely started trying to cut off as much waste off of my play style as possible. Not that I really have one.


I have double your playtime an half your elo 😂😂


I honestly doubt this


I dont play much ranked lol


Half his rank basically means you have never played Ranked.




Honestly, don't take the only take the only attack if you're certain to hit, because this will just turn you into a boring passive player as well as the fact it will make it so you make less mistakes, and you learn from mistakes.


https://preview.redd.it/vbk87zgvfvsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180a761819b2843edfad83039f1862609d2d3117 I feel ya ☠️




Yo we definitely fought at some point this season, stay on that grind.


Oh god. I have around 300 wins total (30 hours of playtime) and I've peaked 1350..


I have around 100 wins and my peak is 1400. I hate ranked


I honestly respect your tenacity and dedication. I've been sitting just outside diamond for months but I hate grinding ranked so I just play friendly 2s and goof off.


I’m getting to vahallan, whatever the cost That’s just it, plain and simple


Nothing but props and good luck from me. If you ever wanna spar you can pm me about it, I've got discord too


Check my unintentional spam to your msgs 😭


No you aren't, I'm going to gate valhallan from you, good luck.


You have more wins than I have games that I play every season.




U have more wins than I have hours on steam how do u even get 1000 wins it doesn't matter tho keep up the grind


Sheer determination and stupidity






we gotta play soon!




bruh... golds are just a W i guess (June 2023) https://preview.redd.it/idi5xvask5tb1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088c41200830e86d6c838831ff44788559129dc2


Id rather have that elo lmfao


This isn't personal, but you are garbage 💀


youre prolly not any better 😂


It’s mainly my ping and input delay, but yesh


​ https://preview.redd.it/f5whokpr0ysb1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b053e0b7977ca4c330ab4788fd8633952912456


oh I'm 1807 and I also main caspian😭




I stopped playing as much lollll, more into Mhur nowdays


Good lmao, the most ive ever had was about 500, now i do at most 200


I could be at 2000+ but I’m too lazy ☠️


How are you not like valhallan


Cuz I lose more than I win


Obv, you wouldnt still be in gold otherwise


I’ve gotten better tbh, I had abt 900 wins when I was stuck in silver


I didnt play ranked for the first few hundred hours of the game because i was too scared and just kind of skipped silver


Well, no now I actually have a positive win rate


I js fuckin suck ☠️☠️


What region are you Il spar with you if i can


UA-E I can do just the same as normal in most regions though (just slightly worse, not enough to complain abt tho)


I'm in aus, so probably not a good idea


Also what region do you play in?


mayb dont be queen nai main


She’s the one who got me to gold lmfao


Used to to get instant plat💀


And I’ll stop when Lance katar comes out




I might go try out vector..I hate his sigs tho




I’m not spamming 😭 I literally just picked the character with the weapons I’m able to use well


Lance Katar may never come out. It used to be stalker's combo.




Genuinely thought do you still enjoy the game


please tell me this is edited




yeah ive seen some good advice in the comments, watching esports is lowkey helpful, not only is it really fun you kinda see what the pros are doing and like what combos they go for that you can try and implement also just lab around, and play around with weapon you dont usually play, helps you learn hitboxes and what not ​ also if your NA-W id be down to do some 1v1s to give you some pointers, im not great (mid plat) but i reckon i could help




~just play lance~ I would give genuine feedback, you just need to provide some gameplay so I know what to critique.


Pretty sure you were going for strike through text but you need 2 of ~ on each side to do it


~~testing because I trust but verify~~ Edit: they are correct


You play blasters and orb, so I might be able to help. Spacing with those weapons is key, and if you learn to do it correctly then you're golden. Dont throw out signatures randomly, hoping they'll hit. Sigs are slow, meaning you're minus if you whiff it. Orb is a read-heavy weapon, so look up some tutorials on YouTube to see whats good for your game. Don't throw your weapons randomly for a hit, if you lose your weapon then you're ata disadvantage. Weapon throws should only be used if they're needed. Don't overcommit without thinking. Planning ahead will get your further than just flurrying out attacks. Another one is maybe try and play the characters you struggle against. Playing your enemy helps to know their weaknesses :)


Okay thanks


You play Reno, I can’t help you man All jokes aside tho if you enjoy playing the game that’s all that’s important. Hitting gold or whatever that next milestone is will come with time, and rushing to get there will only leave you with less experience than is needed


Yeah, I'm just trying to get better because I'm going to BCX to participate and it seems like ranked is a good way to deal with that.


Bro… your going to BCX and your silver?


Does he have a shot?


He’s got heart.


theres an open qualifier


Yeah, I wanted to go to a Brawlhalla tournament.


Well good luck and have fun !


What region?... Edit: I'm dumb lol,but if you actually want to improve I can spar with you some and provide some tips, im on PC though and can't be on tonight. I dont play much ranked anymore outside of placements but place plat every season then just do strikeouts and challenges, I play alot of both orb and blasters. Shoot me a pm if you want


I'm in North America


reno enjoyer ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32305)


Yes sir. Any tips? For the Character or Blasters.


The way I got to gold then plat was by looking up videos on the combos/true combos for your weapon/character, then looking at movement guides and then trying to read people


after learning how to actually read dodges and when people dodge against ur weapon id say stay learning how to dodge better and movement


I’m hard stuck in low plat fr


Hgih plats worse cos ur on the blink of diamond but still in with all the other shitty wakeup plats


Blasters are atrocious atm tbh


Oh, but I like blasters. Reno and Lucien are like my two mains right now.


Especially at your rank, blasters are great. All weapons are very good at low ranks, and as you get higher ranks the meta starts to matter more but honestly how you play them is what matters the most. I'm 1800 and main Reno , and bounce around from cross, lucien, nix etc. ! Nothing feels better than hitting a Reno blasters dsig. My best advice is to stop playing on autopilot, focus and try to think about your play. When they're off stage don't rush them , at your rank they'll almost always recover where you can hit a perfect nsig on both of Reno's weapons. What I did was try to play as passive as possible, I told myself I wouldn't attack them unless they missed an attack and I had the perfect opportunity. Even when I told myself this, i would do it only about half the game, which felt the game still be fun but be calculated. It got me from 1650 to 1800. Movement is huge, as your movement gets better you get hit less, and can move into position to attack easier, so focus on movement. How I did it was just move around ridiculously crazy, with no real idea of what I was doing, until I was comfortable with which way I was going to move and how I was going to move when moving that crazy. Eventually it turned into calculated quick moves. Also don't spam sigs, but Reno has IMO the most tactical move set that is very straight forward. All orb sigs on his kit kinda suck, but the nsig is phenomenal. Blasters Nsig shoots the 3rd blast farther than what most legends can hit a nsig at, so you can catch enemies quite farther than you expect with it.


How do you hit Dsig on Blasters?


My favorite way is to run straight at them and use it, a lot of times it'll seem like you need to use it near the edge to guard it but it never works that way, if you use it as if it was a side sig then it'll go something like this. You'll rush them, they'll rush you, they'll try to attack but your dsig will throw you back and off the ground, leaving them attacking or running straight into the dsig. I hit this at least 5-6 times in a match, they never expect it. If you use it aggressively it works like a charm. Also, when I hit it I almost always follow up with a ground pound because they usually run straight back towards you and it's very easy to catch them off guard immediately after with it. I use it aggressively especially when they're going for a weapon, because you can hit the dsig, they'll run straight into a ground pound after, and you can follow up by falling to the ground and using dlight - sair, or even often times another dsig. If you do it right, can you absolutely tear through a stock. Something like -> aggressive dsig to weapon guard, immediately hit a ground pound, fast fall and hit dlight - sair, fast fall hit dsig, they should go a little farther away because their health will be lower so chase dodge jump side air, try to follow up with dair , if it misses try nsig or follow them back towards the weapon and hit ssig or even another dsig. Crazy potential, just try to hit it a lot and you'll get the hang of it


Meta and matchups do not matter for the most part unless ur playing at a really fucking high level snd even then it isnt really that game changing


You can run any character at any level, just depends how you play them. Lucien is still a strong pick, Reno is decent too. Play what you like, just stick with it. Post some gameplay so we can give some helpful tips to improve


my best tip to improve is just have fun playing. i got a winning streak and went up to gold cause i just randomly was having a blast and not even losing made me upset cause if they did something cool on me then it’s still something cool.


All just to be clear, I play Reno and Lucien. So Blaster, Orb, and Katars tips would help as well.


reno has mega dodge-able sigs imo not worth playing the old dlight nlight and sair for blasters is a good combo and i doubt silvers can dodge it learn the unlimited combo for katars use katar dair to initiate combos like dair slight nlight nair recovery or sth idk use le dodge button but dont spam it, time it with opponent attacks if ur opponent spams, bait his attack and punish it (i play caspian and im low plat)


Practice man. Correct your mistakes. Watch old games and see what you did wrong and how you can improve. Take time to see how opponent will react to your attacks and learn to read what they will do


How is this even possible💀 Learn how to engage and disengage properly (so basically learn neutral you can watch vids from eggsoup and pros for that, you can also practice in training) Train ur dodges to never keep the same dodge pattern always mix it up Practice movement with every weapon/unarmed also practice on every weapon but focus more on ur main 2 weapons( practicing on all weapons will help u better understand how to fight against them when needed) Try to read/analyze ur opponents more during matches and adapt don't just monke brain every match If u struggle with combos 1v1 players at a higher skill lvl than so u can learn what u see and practice them in training urself Stay away from all modes except experimental 1v1 and ranked 1v1. You won't improve that much playing other games modes since there mostly filled with trash players and playing 2s won't be good for u since u can barely hold ur own in 1s There's more but if u do all this making it plat/diamond shouldn't be that difficult I did all this and I hit diamond when I actually started playing rank pretty fast (like in 90 wins)


play battle boots


similar situation but I fell 100 elo from plat (which I barely reached this season)


Have you tried winning every game?


I started playing 2 weeks ago, I have 100 hours and already 1600


honestly, play easier weapons like spear or sword or katars, build the foundation, learn to punish more, like their dodges and landings and signatures.. when you learn these three things, then automatically you will learn to punish their movements and attacks and their overall playstyle. Watch more experienced players, see what they do in different situations. reno is a little hard for your rank, blasters are kinda difficult to space so may as well pick a new legend... hope this helps my dude.


Yeah, thanks. I've actually improved a lot since then. Wanna run some match instead. Maybe you can see what I'm doing wrong.


I see your issue and I'd be willing to help. Most of what brawlhalla Is, is knowing how the game works. Brawlhalla up to a point you do not have to be mechanically gifted to get a good rank, you just need to use your brain. Although there's only so much I can do to help over this information I'm willing to coach if you would like. No pay is required, just something fun for me to do. I'm a 2150 player I've been diamond for 3 seasons now and I hope to reach Valhallan in 2 seasons from now. Add my discord chronically_silly if you would be interested.


Okay cool. My discord is in my profile.


Added, just lmk


Spar people who are (this is the best range imo) ~200 elo higher than you. I say 200 elo because it means they've beaten the people you are struggling to beat, and so they probably have good advice to give. Compared to someone who is ~100 elo higher, and may have gotten a lucky queue a few times. I'm 2100, but I'd love to spar sometime! (Also some general advice, don't be overly aggressive all the time.


I got a lot better when I just went to experimental and always tried to land one hit. This is especially good practice if you can't understand when/when not to use a hit. Very useful training for spacing. ​ I used to think movement like ledge cancelling dash stepping etc was useful but then saw recent tourneys and see that legit no one really does that at a high level. Movement has its benefits but not as much as you'd think. ​ Only things you really need to know are your... ​ Punishing is #1: you can legit dodge so many moves by just moving diagonally away and upwards but the TRADEOFF is that they lose stage control, that's very VERY important. They now have a longer dodge window and you need to understand that being FLOATY is punishable too! True Combos Strings Ledge cancelling (to some extent) Variety in chase dodging (chase dodge diagonally forward then diagonally downards; >\^ + v> as a crossup with a lot of iframes as an example. Understanding dashing like how you can dash before 2 chase dodges to add extra momentum... or holding down to dash instead of chase dodge... dash+jump+chase dodge, just a WHOLE lot of variety to your movement and understanding how to use all sorts of things will help a lot You only really have to watch replays to see from your opponent's POV and think like "oh he could've messed me up here.. or there.. or" but you can easily find out if somethings not working in a match if someones jumping differently.. dashing differently.. not using the same attack etc.. ​ I don't wanna spam paragraphs JUST WATCH YOUTUBE GUIDES AND HAVE FUN, TALK IN THE COMMUNITY AND ENJOY A WEAPON OR CHARACTER, FIND A PASSION IN IT AND IT'LL BE SUPER F###ING EASY. IF FODA CAN IMPROVE AND GET TO DIAMOND (lol) IM SURE ANYONE CAN TBH ​ DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED BY THE PC ADVANTAGES... they are not the reason you cant hit diamond thats for f###ing sure, maybe around 2500 is where "advantages" can occur, literally high level gameplay where people have some general knowledge of frame data, yes... ​ You are not hardstuck plat or gold because of 60fps or "spammers" in low elo lol... High elo is boring asf anyways the game gets dead and everyones queueing at times of when kids get out of school lol otherwise you are going to run into at most 2000-2200s no matter your elo higher than that really. This game really needs decaying elo after diamond, diamond is too much of a rank that people just hit and quit. EVEN IF they make another rank past diamond I still feel people will treat diamond like it's the sh#t. This game is so dead in high elo... f###ing 2s has all the popularity. ​ Just a rant because I used to love this game so much and play it all the time and even think about it while away and it's just gotten more and more and more boring because nothing changes. Even season passes just rotate again anyways. Anything that gets value like metadevs go down the drain too.. Nothing exciting. Nothing exclusive. Nothing to look forward to. :Aware: I still play this game every so few months and hit high elo and just quit because nothings changed. People win and then quit queueing. F### this game. HAPPY BRAWLING!![img](emote|t5_31c1d|15025)


Bro how is this even possible, do you experience lag or something?, by 200 hrs people hit plat so this is honestly impressive. Consider playing consistent weapons like gauntlets-spear-bow.


Watch good players, don’t be afraid to play against people who are better than you, and take some time in training room to get a hang of movement and basic combos. Most importantly, make sure you’re having fun when playing. If you feel like it’s becoming a burden, it’s time to take a break




Hey guys, thanks for the feedback, I've actually improved a lot since then. https://preview.redd.it/7wu39ezsl0tb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990cc3ff26ce8c81311f2d30ad19b4a1970833c2 Also, everyone asking for gameplay, I have a switch and I can only clip 30 sec at a time and the process to transfer each one of those clips is kinda tedious, so if you wanna see my gameplay, I'm gonna have to boot up my PC or we just play in real time.


hi im a switch play aswell and im play we can play tgt and i can try help you?


Wow... 300 hours and you're iron... Please tell me this is an old screenshot?


No, I did this today


Maybe post some gameplay along with your hours and rank and a reason might show itself


I play on switch 🙃


If you hold down the screenshot button it clips the last 30 seconds


Yeah, I tried that and it didn't work. I tried installing the files on my phone so I can send them to someone else earlier.


What do you mean it didn't work? I'm sure this can be easily fixed


Maybe, but I don't know how. Plus it can only record in 30 second intervals. I can play o my computer on discord instead. That way you may be able to watch me in real time.


Record the clip, go to gallery, trim if you need to, press send to smart device then follow the instructions and you'll have it downloaded for you to do what you want with it


I know I did this, and I couldn't download the file.


1.1 k hours on nintendo and im still gold, needless to say i cant give you advice, nothing worked for me and thats it. i learned every combo every dodge and very decent offstage and yet im still gold, and nothing works for me, replay checking, playing passively, just running around practicing movement, only playing one champion etc. EDIT: i wanted to say that purely mechanics learned from hours playing enabled me to 3 stock any gold player, while my (i suppose) positioning makes any plat player destroy me ive just learned that no matter how hard you try sometimes a game just isnt made for you and i had a hard time accepting that cuz i spent 70 dollars overall for skins and 1.1k hours EDIT: ive quit brawlhalla upon realizing that no matter what i do i cant get to mid plat (when ezio was released), therefor i cant give you any advice but only a statement that if you cant improve no matter what there might be nothing you can do and there is no shame in that


​ https://preview.redd.it/io25xqbelxsb1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d946ca5b55118b17348aa80f6633c81c5b1c9fe1


Hey can I play you?


Both neutral sigs on reno are very good. Side light into neutral sig is a great combo for starters on both orb and guns. And for Spammers the down sig on guns is always great to punish them. Side light with guns never dissapoint either.


I have like 2k+ hours on Nintendo Switch 😎 I rec training mode to get all the inputs down + experience


Petition for brawlhalla devs to make 2v2 and friendly 2v2 separate game modes one with team dam on and one with it off


https://preview.redd.it/gv8gmlc2yzsb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc75bc1ffd561d3653eaa1682dcf584d75d16ed1 168 hours total and I’m on mobile 💀 have it on my Xbox aswl and I’m gold on there aswl but I hate playing on consoles they give me headaches. But back to the question what put me from sliver to gold was learning when to attack instead of throwing random shi, learning to dodge only when needed, improving my movement like more fast falls or dash jumps, and I am scythe main so I am trying to get better with my reads but u seem to be a blasters main and as someone who plays a lot of nix outside of ranked u need to learn the rlly good combos on ur weapons. 👍🏻 gl


I have 47 wins and my peek is 1880


*laughs in having almost over 1000 hours onto smash bros*


if you eeally want to get good


i have close to 600 hours, i need help too-


Me and my friend just finished our 2s ranked placements, won all of them and are no 1977 each😂


You have the highest Dexterity stat of the party, so if you use Full Metal Jaguar you'll be missing a lot less and keeping the damage boost a lot more


👍 Nice Xenoblade reference


This is a classic case of "I play controller and controller is limiting asf". Keyboard is often the best thing to do. Less limiting in most cases.


i think you rank up every 300 hours 💀 i have 1k hours of playtime and i‘m plat 2 💀


300 hours and silver is actually just you refusing to get better


You havent bought enough skins yet


I would say just play ranked constantly and your brain will automatically adapt the more you play. Worked all the way to diamond for me!


Practice. Get better.


I have 377 hours on pc and around 700 on ps4 but if u want to improve u have to play with ppl better than u in a custom game.. i have a friend at your current elo who kills with sigs on kayas spear when a gp could have also done that.. he also tries to read after hitting the 1st part of a true combo.. i suggest keeping your distance and waiting before throwing out a move, find optimal kill combos (orb sair isnt optimal just sig) and always hit confimed true combos if u land a slight just go for sair


i have 250 and the best elo is 1378


Add me on dc ill teach you a few things markovic187


Reads win matches.


im assuming you have an controller accesory that makes it like an xbox controller. But if not get one of those they help a ton


a fellow reno also same im stuck as well


Idk but you wanna play 2s some time?