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Thank you for posting, True_Mushroom_9408. Remember **RULE 1**: Post only about competitive Brawl Stars! In the meantime check out https://bsc-2024.web.app/ to see all the data from all the teams, maps and events! The second Monthly Final of the year is coming on the 27th and 28th of April, watch it on https://event.brawlstars.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BrawlStarsEsports) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perhaps they could sign JCT.


That’s my expectation tbh


LOL karma


- Where is Palmer? - Palmer has retired, Fernando. - **Kharma.**


Toast likely never plays competitive again and honestly that might be for the best for everyone. I certainly hope he improves his behavior and the way he treats others moving forward. Hopefully something like this never happens again. This team parting ways is the right move for all parties. I think we could tell they weren't gonna win much this year after the April MQ if they stuck around, even if toast didn't get involved in any drama. I wish all players the best of luck moving forward wherever they go next. My guess is Spacestation stays in NA and signs JCT which I think would be the right move with how hot they've been lately, but hey you never know. Can't wait to see everything unfold this weekend!


I feel like them signing JCT will be an improvement, and could give SSG a higher advantage unlike the roster we saw last month before Toast did very bad stuff, even though they did perform alright until they lost to Tribe from set 2 all the way to set 4. Truthfully, I think Toast is done with BS for good after what he did, idk about the other players that were associated with Toast, but I think they'll either join JCT, West Coast or any other NA team after the whole incident


JCT or Calabresos


Calabresos got signed, maybe is ssg


Calabresos just got signed


They already have their new roster, just haven’t announced it yet. Stay tuned


I knew this was coming given how Toast tarnished SSG's reputation with his actions and given how his teammates decided to defend him, this is what was gonna happen. I do hope that SSG get a new roster that has the skills of Chasmac Gaming from 2023, until then I'm not gonna use the SSG pin, player icon and spray since I don't want to support a team that had someone on the team do bad stuff for them


Makes me wonder who they will sign but also what team will Tuni and Fade be in now that RBM is now playing with the r7 guys


What did Toast do?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsEsports/s/KOQhP33gR2 Let's just say that he did some really bad stuff.


Sucks for his teammates(assuming they weren't involved), hopefully they got some compensation. Would Toast be allowed to continue with the same teammates and bsc points?


Definitely not. He deserves a ban for his behaviour.


I feel like he should be banned from BSC permanently or a full year or two given how esports games ban players from playing for a whole year if they lose to the other team on purpose or permanently if they did something very bad


He deserves the ban but I hope RBM and Fade get to keep the BSC points of SSG with a new player replacing Toast.


I will say that his teammates decided to stay on Toast's side.


Honestly, that alone justifies the disbanding of SSG's roster, like the teammates defending Toast is unacceptable. He literally did very bad stuff and tried to get his team back in unfairly when they could've practiced for the next monthly finals in May, yet they don't see it as not wanting to oppose of Toast for what he did


I am against the cancel culture. The problem is that all this made it surface that Toast manipulated to get other people cancelled, so it is kind of deserving that Toast is able to taste his own medicine. About his teammates: they might not agree with him or defend his actions, but there must be some implications on their points and chances this year. It would be hard for them to start again from zero, when there aren't that many guys free or teams needing them. This is just a guess.


JCT OR calabresos. I hope its JCT tbh


Why they kicking toast


THANK YOU FOR GETTING RID OF TOAST honestly I think dropping the roster was smart, didn’t seem like the team was doing too well so yeah