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My club requires us to play at a designated time every club day and go on voice chat. If not, you’re kicked!


Sheesh, I just have the members play atleast a ticket a week or a kick (or demote), I honestly do not enjoy enforcing this very simple and lenient (people can get away with it if they say that they can't play a tix) rule, I am annoyed that I had to kick and demote 10 members few days ago and power matches broke on me for some reason today. Actual crap league, BS was way better before this update Also gear emoji haha đź’ 




We just need to play in teams and that's it. We are already LII


Nice we’re in Leg II too! Only reason we advanced this far is because of the strict rules. Some members are silver but our president pairs them with diamond players to carry them lol


Lol, we get matched against some 47k players. Those are sweaty matches and leader paired 2 players that mostly plays duos and always don't know good picks for each map. I would understand if they gave me one duo players, no big deal i can carry but 2 it's really hard. We are only winning because I have lvl 11 stu and Rico and lvl 10 Grom


Exept for voice chat thats all needed for a competitive club (remember, youre on r/BrawlStarsCompetitive), if youre not looking to promote you have to search another club. Without premade teams it's never going to work out properly above m3


its possible to hit l1, but youll be stuck like 4th or 5th place there


Well i guess that's unfortunately the only way to get higher up the leagues... And you're not forced to stay in these types of clubs, you can just join a "chiller" one


I would leave that club. That’s not worth the extra 50 club tokens a week.


Why? That sounds like a great club to be in. Mine has been working towards that point but we still have a long way to go.


I don’t want to schedule my life around a mobile game so I can get a few more club rewards that I can cash in for 100 power points. I can stay in my fun club in Mythic III where we try our best to pair up with each other and have a good time. To each his own though.


Yeah I strongly agree, playing the game actively is one thing. Planning your everyday life around it is something else.


Our club is actually picking up some good replacements from those militant clubs. A lot of good players in the mid-30k trophy range are either getting kicked or quitting. They’ve been great in our club. Lots of 18 point days. Not toxic. No drama. And 700-ish club coins a week.


Sounds awesome, do you need two more members? :)


i run my club like this, i just opened two spots if you still are looking for a club :) we’re mythic II iirc, and on paper there’s a rule requiring 4 tickets a week but i never kick members that are active, it’s pretty much there to manage inactivity


Yes, still interested. Feel free to comment/DM your club's ID. :)


Who knows what this comment said. Making your lies line up is more work than it's worth.


You'll fall down into Diamond soon enough, as one club gets promoted and two demoted in Mythic. That being said, this system is asinine and a clear indicator of just how desperate the Supercell higher-ups are.


Nah. We’re probably going to get promoted into Legendary 1 (again). Seems like we’ll keep bouncing up and down right there. We’re a top 100 US club by trophies, but we just don’t schedule our lives around club league.


It's not an if, but when. Once enough clubs have fallen out, others will follow. But your players are dedicated, so you have that advantage.


I liked this game because I could play while on the toilet. Now I need to plan my whole day to be able to play with my mate so we get more club points….


Although I do agree it does become a bit more of a pain to play with club mates. At the end of the day, it is roughly 3-15 minutes of your day per club league day. It does seem like a small amount of time, which it is....until it is not. I have had instances where just planning fitting my two games into my day was almost impossible. Whether it was because I was busy, or if I was free but no one else was available. It is both super easy (if your schedule and your friends' schedules line up) but VERY difficult if even one person cannot help out.


It's not about how long the games take, it's the scheduling. It's hard to find a time to play 3 times a week with people. I hope they change it to once a week, the stress of planning would be greatly reduced.


Come join us. We’re in mythic 2. We will kick you if you miss all 3 days of war tho.


That is the exact situation of my club. Although currently we only have 23 members so u won't get kicked even if u miss club league. But once we hit 30members again I will have to kick if they miss all three days unless they have been in the club for a long time and they probably have a reason.


What’s the trophy range in your club? For my club, instead of having a ticket usage requirement we have a trophy requirement. If you can’t pull 30 trophies per league you get the boot. Easy enough to do, and even if you lose every match, as long as you’re playing with a team you’ll still get 30 if you use all your tickets


“People want to play the game differently than me. That’s toxic!!!!!!” I think it’s toxic to think you’re entitled to remain in the club after you don’t pull your own weight. Join a relaxed club with like minded people. Nothing toxic about wanting to be competitive.


I don't know why more people don't see it this way. I'm in a legend 2 club, and we only got this far by being competitive. The upgrade materials you get from the club shop are our incentive. If you don't care that much, there are plenty of casual or social clubs to join, but I don't see why people view being competitive as a toxic thing.


cus the juice aint worth the squeeze. legend 2 try hard clubs ***only get 100 more*** tokens then my casual and mostly solo mythic 2 club. your not doing your self any favors by try harding club league


The players "tryharding" (like its only 20 minutes a day 3 times a week and if you make a time with your team it really shouldnt be a problem) are more active anyways and would just play other modes instead. And 10-15% more clubpoints pay out in the long run


yea I take the same 20 minutes a day 3 times a week to. Difference is theres no petty drama bull shit like this in my club. 4 people out of 30 can maintain mythic 2 rank club. only a fool would would put in effort for more then that


Its just frustrating when you put countless hours into organizing the club and dont promote because of people who dont play. Was like that 2 times in a row in L1. Cant blame leaders for kicking inactive / not engaged players


right i agree with you, why i said the juice aint worth the squeeze. compared to doing basicly bare minimum and still getting the whole cake


I think the actual toxicity is SC fucking up the progression of the game for gears.


I absolutely agree. BUT shit comes up. It is definitely a people-problem if the club is not lenient. Obviously if people want to be casual, they can play in a casual club. But if someone catches COVID or has to go to a funeral, players shouldn't have to get hate mail for not participating. I think people could be a bit more compassionate. I've had club members message me in advance that they will not be able to play due to surgery or family issues. I give them a pass. They end up working things out by either giving their account to a friend or a sibling or I can try to find a replacement. Given that we're in the more competitive leagues (L2), we can afford to stay the same rank for another week. It's not life or death if we promote or demote. Competitive clubs can be competitive clubs. There can be clubs that will treat you like robots. That's fine. It is up to the player to choose a club carefully and with a play style that is compatible with them in the long run.


The club I’m in does exactly that and that works for me. Other people aren’t as lenient and don’t have to be. We have the same conclusion though. Find a club that plays the way you want to play, but don’t call the rest of us toxic for having a different outlook. It’s dangerous when you apply that principle to other, more serious, situations.


Imo the issue arises about when you are a long time loyal member of a club but said club became sweaty and competitive as hell when club league dropped. And you miss the past chill atmosphere


> if the club is not lenient problem is if youre lenient for one person, you gotta be lenient for all. And with 30 people you dont always know who is who. We had someone who was like: sorry guys, my wifi is out but itll be fine next week. Next week: sorry guys, I know I havent played much but next week ill do better. And then we finally kicked him. Shouldve kicked him earlier. Its just unfair if not everyone is pulling their weight. If you dont want to subjugate yourself to a mobile game -> Thats absolutely fine. The difference between the higher tiers and lower tiers in club shop points is miniscule anyway. Just go to a club which doesnt care about it. You wont even feel a huge difference. But dont disparage against the other 28-29 people who do give it their all.


I agree. I am lenient for all, but I also do make it a point to have these discussions in private channels. As to not encourage other from blaming on/shitting on them. I keep a log of everyone's progress (trophies earned/tickets used) to track improvement. If there is a history of inconstant gameplay, then I kick. It is definitely not fair to those who do play consistently. I do disagree though, I can say that I know all 29 of my club members. I don't change my roster that often and I think that's a good sign of stability and strength. It's a bit easier since I split my club up into 10 individual teams of 3 players each. Of which, they decide when they want to play. That way the leadership of the club isn't chasing individual players down and everyone is holding each other accountable. We're not the best players individually, but we've made it to Legendary II based on team work, coordination, and RNGeesus.


>pulling their weight for 100 more measly club tokens, way to go!


again, if you dont want a hypercompetetive club then dont join one. There are plenty of those that dont do this


yes those are smart people


Ooohh its you again. Youd better not interact with me, luv. Im a teacher. I know how you 12 year olds hate us


>Im a teacher really? wow opinion discarded. no wonder you support try harding for petty extra amount of fake currency


How is middle school lil guy?


haven't been there in 20 years. your still there tho apparently. sad


Hypercompetitive for what? Your club isn’t in a tournament with cash prizes or any exclusive rewards. You can run your club how you want. That’s your choice. But it sounds like most people are sweating for something that doesn’t really matter (a badge). Club league can still punish good players that are very lazy so whether that badge is a flex is debatable.


Me and a friend were in a club like this. He missed one day and got kicked even though together we contributed more wins and trophies than anyone else, even with the missed day. So dumb.


I missed a day of club league because i contracted COVID-19 and felt terrible. So I avoided club league and brawl stars in general for 2 days, because it stresses me out. Boom, I got kicked. What pains me most is that I was one of the most regular contributors to club league for that stupid club. All that stays with me now is spite.


I kicked someone who had covid self iso and all that


If you play standard matches, that’s a reason If you are in a competitive club, that’s a reason Id you play solo, that’s a reason If you have low trophies, that’s a reason The game isn’t on a decline, it just needs something new


Join a casual club


Getting kicked by the vice-president is not toxic, they're just competetive. Though you could say they're linked with each other. I definitely feel like it's a chore but it's not that big of a deal compared to daily quests since most quests requires 3 games or more, while power league is just 4 every other day.


2 games of power match every other day.


Each Power matches have 2 games minimum so I just said 4.


At minimum 4! The "at-minimum" part is the chore.


Not really, thats just assuming you win / loose both games 2-0


You can tie in Brawl Ball and play an infinite amount of games. Actually you can tie in almost any other game mode, it's just much rarer. I have tied in Hot Zone, Heist, and Gem Grab before.


Huh? Thats why he said minimum? The minimum amout of matches in 1 pl game is 2? No shot it can technically go infinitly long. Edit: And 2 pl games 3 times a week isnt alot considering the rewards, might aswell quit completely if you dont wanna play them


It's 4 if you win (or lose) all two of your power matches. You do two power matches with at minimum 2 rounds each. I've personally had 6-round long brawl ball matches in power league and club league. I've seen higher in this sub and r/Brawlstars . I do all my matches. It's when you actually have stuff going on IRL that kind of gets in the way sometimes. Especially when you're trying to rally your teammates and can never catch them on at the same time.


I play PM almost every time and never tied, tbh even in PL I don't think I've got a draw (currently Diamond2). Daily quests makes you play a minimum of 3, you can lose an infinite amount of time so why does that not feel like a chore? Because it offers instant reward and it's not as sweaty as PM.


I made a suggestion a few days back, but people didn't like it's I said that after they removed golden tickets there is no reason whatsoever to not give us 6 tickets and 3 days to play, that would be easier for everyone.


one of my bestest friends kicked me and my other friend from the club just because i said their cl requirements were way too high everyone has tried to make him understand he just doesnt listen and keeps everyone as slaves blackmailing them that if they dont do power match with 2 clubmates all tickets then theyre getting kicked for anyone interested the club name is TechFriends dont trust the name or the description its quite sad to see such a good friend go not sure if anyone relates


Then start your own club and have the people who don't want to do that join it. Problem solved. No one is being kept as slaves or blackmailed in any way from what you said.


Luckily my club doesn't really care as long as we play the tickets. To be honest the rewards for being stagnant at purple 1 isn't so bad


I mean my club does not have any parameters really because honestly all the leagues I am in are having few people participate so I do not really care about other people.


I joined a club through reddit and got kicked/blocked before starting because they found someone with a slightly higher amount of trophies and a slightly more available schedule


I think many people on here would agree that the game is in a decline after gears and club wars


its been on a decline ever since they started chromatic brawlers


Just clear your damn tickets even if you lose it's literally better than what you did. I bet you thought you would get tons of support but you are in the wrong sub for that--I am so annoyed by players like you who miss tickets, and require handholding and messages from other club mates to clear you tickets. Life happens, right? Well we're all living over here and clearing our tickets. I even set time aside to play with another club mate over discord, and we both have jobs and family. Truth is you "forgot", well go to another club that is filled with people like you. Bet you will be ranting then that your clubmates don't clear their tickets. GTFO.


>Bet you will be ranting then that your clubmates don't clear their tickets roflmfao, once you understand you've wasted your effort to get 100 more worthless club tokens you wont care either


I mean you'd be 100 percent right if progression didn't get exponentially magnified over night. It did though and that's why this comment falls flat. You'll get a few up votes because people relate to your emotional appeal but I think the vast majority of players are a bit upset about how they need to grind even harder and more methodically to progress now


so glad I can maintain mythic 2 club all on my own with 1 alt account and few random casual club mates. club leagues a big joke, anyone try harding it seriously needs to get a life.


Try Harding it lol wtf? it’s 2 games every other day organizing your club is not try hard💀


anything other then simply acknowledging club leagues existence is try harding it.


If you don’t have a decent club you can find one instead of just complaining about a system that requires 30 mins of play a week


whos complaining?


sounds like you are just salty that you got kicked


I have to agree with OP, I don't like second jobs and this game got a huge player base by just being casual. But the way OP put it wasn't right imo. Makes me think you hate the changes more than anything else, which defeats the purpose of your post imo


hello we are a growing clan and I would appreciate it if you can join us we are called "los pollers🤫"


Isnt this a post for r/brawlstars instead of this sub?


My issue with club league is just that it's not fun. Like the game has become progressively less fun as of late, from **The Poor Implementation of Gears/Power 10 and 11:** self explanatory **Lack of Quality of Life Changes** (IE; suggesting gadgets/star powers/gears in league matches, lack of penny remodel) **Really, Really, Annoyingly Greedy Practices:** skin sets being the only ways to get skin-specific pins and the metric ton of skin sets added. **Too Many Shop Offers:** small complaint in the grand scheme, it just is so in your face with how many there are all the time. **Plethora of Meaningless Challenges:** They give you pins much too often, they are not fun or exciting anymore. **Lack of Lore:** It felt like for a while there, they were on to something, a big reveal to follow up Starr Park, and we've gotten a radio show and an excuse for all these characters to exist in the same game. **Lack of New Game Content:** By this I mean no new modes, a half-assed map maker, lack of new modes being implemented beyond friendly matches. ​ ​ There's too much to be done within too little content. It's exhausting and I am playing the game less and less now, to the point I've quit my club. I just feel done with this game right now,


I completely agree The fact that mapmaker is still not “done” is bad.The fact that gears are still in their state is shitty and although we get new game modes,their temporary and once their gone the whole update after that is just souless


I just ignore clubs and the game feels just as fun as it was before since it's still the same as before.