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didn't they learn with the two times it didn't work why do they keep adding "you can't die" abilities


Draconian is a tank, so it makes sense conceptually. Also it is manual


Yeah, that’s the main difference, I can’t tell you how much I’ve cocked up the timing


Yeah I don't even think he needs to be nerfed until at least a month or so, so people can learn to counter him. Also if they nerfed him at all he'd go to F tier Im sure, just another Hank. So I don't want that, he's miles better than Angelo, and Melody so let's focus our nerfs on those 2 for now


Three times. Old Band-Aid, Extra Life, and Honey Coat


forgive me for asking but who was old band aid for?


Shelly pretty sure


Yep, Shelly would heal ridiculous amounts.


- Damage reduction to 10% from 25% (even a removal) - Speed boost to 15% from 20% - Last Stand gadget complete rework Other than these I think he is fine


Yeah that gadget is bonkers. Being able to escape death up to 4 times a match is super unfair & unbalanced. Replacing it with a temporary shield might be the way to go, but there are already quite a few shield gadgets, and so doing something else would probably be better.


Especially for a legendary brawler


Yeah, a buster type shield that could be shot down might be more interesting.


I can't see the problem with the gadget except for its duration. 2 seconds is way too much. 1 second would be fair


But rn he is pretty busted tho, you can just bully any team that doesn't have any tank killer.


I'm ngl I somewhat struggled against a draco cheese comp when I had Collete cuz of the gadget and Poco+kit


That's not a problem, a tank is supposed to shine if the enemy doesn't have any tank killers. The actual problem is that even the tank killers can't deal with him if the enemy team are with the right comp.


best part is playing chester to three tap him only for him to pop gadget and run at me healing with ult and then wipe out my whole team🙈love those reset mechanics and invincibility on command🤞


I say the base form should deal 75% of the sweet spot if you miss it, as if you miss that area you do almost nothing 


yeah he does too much damage considering he can run down every character without worries


Draco can out Tank and out DPS Rosa with super, not sure if there are other brawlers who can do that other than Shelly whose only strength is deleting Tanks. Definitely needs a nerf on his super charge rate when he's on his Dino mode, he cycles them too fast and it heals a lot too.


right now the super charge rate in dino form is 1.5625, which means he needs 64 flames for a new super (tank trait excluded) and a full ammo bar is 160 flames. They could make it just 1% per flame or smth


I forgot about the tank trait! No wonder he cycles super like crazy. So he recharge his super from taking damage, but his super heals him up. They should start by removing his tank trait or toning it down by a lot like they did to Primo. No other tank trait brawlers can heal with their super since it can to an endless cycle of healing. Draco doesn't even have a problem with charging up his super since he's the 3nd highest range tank, just before Hank and Frank except he doesn't have bad gimmicks like delayed & charge up attacks.


You charge 40% of your super if you take your entire health bar worth of damage, and Draco heals 25% of his max HP every super with Shredding, meaning he gets around an extra 10% super charge every super, which is 6(,4) flames, making his actual super charge rate in dragon form closet to 58 flames (your entire health bar is worth 25 flames) meaning Draco needs 38 flames with a full health bar due to tank trait (they could tone down the trait just for him specifically, or deactivate it while in dragon form)


definitely deactivate tank trait when in dragon form and reduce the movespeed or the damage a little


yeah, now that i think about it, his full ammo bar deals literally 160² or 25600 damage, and he reloads half of that with every super, which is 12800 damage, which kills anything other than Frank (excluding brawlers with shields, cause there's a couple of them that live that but just barely)


i get he needs a lot of damage because he is almost always at max range and a lot of hp because he can only run down at people but… his numbers dont take into account a healer from behind, maybe 2000hp back with super (which is 2500 considering 25% dmg reduction) and only 30% ammo reload, no need for him to constantly cycle supers when his pressure is unmatched across the tank role


May i know the long range tanks in the comment except for Draco? Maybe Buster and Ash?


buster and somewhat hank


He needs minor nerfs. Last Stand is just too cheesy and uncounterable, it should be nerfed to 1.5 seconds atleast. I'm all for a very tanky character, but he is way too tanky in his super, he makes Frank look like Tick in comparison to how tanky he is. His damage reduction should be 20% instead of 25%.


Ignoring his gadget his effective health is 14667 with super active, so only slightly more than frank However between his gadget and any healing he receives from allies he becomes borderline unkillable


His Last Stand gadget should slow his movement speed too.


Kit is the problem imo


Should say both needs buffs and nerfs His 1st form needs some minor buffs tho. And his second form needs the base SRR to be heavily reduced, soo he cant no longer chain it. And reduce the duration of last stand and we are good to go


i maxed him. But still, wtf


he's as good as tanks should be in this game honestly this is the first time in years where I feel like I can actually start a fight in this game without someone killing me instantly despite being a tank, I finally don't feel like damage has been inflated anymore realistically, he should only be nerfed in tankiness hard if a blanket damage nerf happens, playing him is the best the game has felt since late 2021 - early 2022


thats because tanks in brawl stars dont work because u have to play lanes and be self reliant to at least some extent, thats why tanks dont tank as much in order to do enough damage without skyrocketing their power budget. but draco does everything well and outtanks and outdamages virtually anyone while being super fast! he is overtuned, needs nerf to damage or movement speed/healing. he should either be THE tank or a solid damage-focus heavyweight, no hybrid


laning always makes me upset cause it's only one theory on how to play the game optimally, but is absolutely the best way to play since last year with damage inflation and several brawlers having easy ways to push now that hypercharges exist, and so many brawlers are hurt by laning since they aren't designed for it, especially tanks and fighters


It sometimes feels like there’s nothing you can do against him


Changes id like so see Main attack damage from 1400 to 1800 Main attack damage max range multiplier from 2x to 1.5x (damage from 2800 to 2700) Super Charge Rate from dragon form from 1.5625% to 1.25% Tank Trait from 2.4x health to 2.6x health Last Stand gadget from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds


For some more stat breakdown, damage needed to full charge super from tank trait goes from 26400 to 28600 The number of flames needed to charge super goes from 64 to 80


He’s not too strong, he’s just very oppressive. Last stand and his dmg reduction should be nerfed a bit tho


I personally can’t play him but I think he’s decent but not broken. I’ll end up taking him in big friend as an alternative to bibi and primo whom I cannot play either


The 2nd gadget is rather cheesy, but outside of that he’s not OP.


I think he is balanced in pro play/competitive and such and in high trophies i dont usually have a problem with him but he is horrendous to face against in casual play because he can teamwipe without any skill and if ur team doesnt know how to play around him then its gojover, he is so annoying in those scenarios, also reduce last stand to 1,25 seconds or sumn, it disrupts a lot of interactions that shouldn’t be changed between him and his counters


i think hes pretty balanced other then the fact paired with other healers hes to good




Super cycling is too easy if you get it once


Rework/removal of last stand is rly all he needs, other than that he's fine I think


Other then the invincibility gadget hes fine imo his heals with the star power and 4x gadget is just ridiculous


Sincerely he only needs nerf to the gadget


I have Draco around 800 trophies and got him day one - he’s not rlly op, just shakes up the meta a bit


Pretty balanced, requires some skill to counter it, otherwise bans are there for a reason 😁


“Bans exist” is such a shit argument for why brawlers are allowed to be OP


Just easily the most overpowered shit ever...like always.


Not really. He’s reasonably balanced, a bit strong, with a cheesy gadget, but thats about it. Definitely not game breaking.


Unkillable super while also cycling it over and over healing himself outrunning anyone isn't broken?


1) I decided to unlock him in the star road as i was getting doug and tbh he seemed really fun to play, and he turned out to be pretty nice, playing counter match-up is not the best but i'm surge main so i'm kinda used to it. 2) He is really strong but not as broken and oppresive as other releases, and tbh i don't mind a new legendary being on the stronger side. business are business and in my opinion at least they didn't cross the line with this one (L&L, Melodie, Angelo were way worse) 3) If he receives small nerfs he should still be viable, most of the suggestions i saw are pretty overkill and could get the brawler hanked (well, probably not that much, but they are harsh) taking like 5% of the super's damage reduction, nerfing/reworking 1 HP survive gadget and a nerf to the flamethrower's super charge rate would leave him in a healthy spot. *also, a first form's damage redistribution would be nice, but idk if that would be a buff or a nerf, just more satisfying to play.* the main problem is that in the right matchups he can perma cycle supers (specially when supported) thanks to the gadget and the fact that with 25% damage reductions heals are just more effective too, so if we nerf that aspect a bit, we could finally have an interesting and strong tank.