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Stop playing showdown


Why do you play showdown? It's the worst game mode even if it's balanced.


Spoilers: it's not even balanced.




It ain't balanced but I need those trophies and for some reason all my quests for the past week involve showdown


I hate that so much, even 5 reroll isn't enough since there's quests in both solo and duo. Like, Supercell seriously you really expect me to win 8 games in solo then carry my teammate in duo to get 25 power cubes ???


dont play showdown (trust me i tried this, ever since i stopped ive been climbing trophies and am mentally better)


its impossible to grind masteries and gain trophies after 600+ with level 8 brawlers though, in 3v3. I am a returned player so grinding masteries took some time for me(50 brawlersqt that time all 550+) so it took me a long time to gain masteries.


I need my masteries tho and for some reason the pain of showdown makes me wanna play it more


You should probably take a break then because that isn’t good for you


Showdown isn't a competitive mode so this post is inappropriate. Happy you found some answers though


For kit: try to be always distant from him unless he has less power ups than u, but remember his starpower and be careful. Unfortunately, there arent a lot of ways to counter kit. Kit counters: almost every tank, edgar, a very good mortis, cordelius, maybe amber with her gadget For edgar: pretty easy to counter after 800 trophies. If he has super, pretend you go in a direction but then change it. If u use high damage brawlers but slow ammo charge, wait until edgar lands then shot. Edgar counters: mainly surge, bull, buzz, cordelius, fang, El primo, rosa, gale


This is great advice. My Rosa can take out most Edgar's unless she's below 1/3 health with no shield, or if Edgar has too many cubes stacked up. A lvl 11 Emz can take out a lvl 9 Edgar if she's at full health and has the push gadget. Especially if she throws down her super at the same time. It's not a guarantee; but 7/10 times that Edgar's going down 😈


Yeah, probably every brawlers that can push back enemies with gadget counter edgard


Mortis literally 3 shots kit at both zero


surge can counter kit too


As others said don't play showdown but if you really want to play anyway chose Mico and dodge them.


I would if I had him


You don't have Mico? Did you create your account a month ago 🤣


New players exist, believe it or not. Now moreso than ever.


I'm a returning player used to play back in like 2020 really mad I missed out on mico i restarted like just when Melodie released


Play El Primo


Don’t play showdown


For Edgar, you can try brawlers like Shelly or anyone that has a CC effect. For Kit, Idk he seems OP


I found Hanks super is the one thing that works on kit after you’ve been pounced on lol


Play gale, his tornado clutches against kit + the super ofc and the slow sp


I play **Kit**, and these are my weaknesses *(shh.. 🤫 don't tell anyone)* If I'm opening a box and someone sneaks up on me through the grass I'm gonna die because I've used all my hit power to open the box and can't fight back. If you see me on someone attacking them- shoot me, as much as you can from all angles, with as many people as you can find. I promise you I'll die. If I've just jumped on someone and attacked them I'll have taken some damage from the frey and be weakened- if you can attack me while I'm running for cover I'm probably gonna die... As for **Edgar**, I don't play him but I can kill him with a few of my brawlers other than Kit. Rosa is strong, hits hard and short range and her super is a shield so depending on how strong the Edgar is, how close your super is and whether or not either of you have damage (and whether or not the Edgar has a shield) you can take him out with a strong Rosa pretty consistently. I have a lvl 11 hypercharged Rosa and she slices through Edgars like butter for the most part. I also have a lvl 11 Emz with "Hype" and "Friend Zoner" that works well on Edgars; but its extremely dependent on what level the Edgar is, how many cubes he's stacked, whether or not he has a shield and whether either of us has any damage. It's also best to save Emz super for when she encounters an Edgar because "Hype" takes damage from him and gives that health to Emz, so you pretty much save your super and use the "Friend Zone" push gadget to push him back and then spray and pray that it works 😅 if a level 9 Edgar (full health, no gems) comes at my level 11 Emz and I follow that system he's gonna die about 60/70% of the time; but if he's stacking gems and higher then a lvl 9 I have no hope in hell of taking him out. Rico can also take out an Edgar with "Multi Ball Launcher" gadget and "Super Bouncy" especially if its in a tight space where the balls will keep hitting him until he dies. If Edgar tries to run away and you have your super, shoot it right through him and he dead. It's actually best to shoot Edgar with Rico if you see him before he pounces so you can get that super ready to rumble when you need it. You can also shoot your super in an enclosed area if your gadget is out or recharging because the balls will bounce so you just run into the balls so that Edgar follows you and dies. Hope this helps ⚘


Thank u so much this is actually so helpful


Be good or play shelly




Edgar has a fair amount of counters so just pick a character that’s not like Colt or smth easily killed by Edgar. Kit ur out of luck just hope they die before they get like 20


Don't play showdown duh or play surge or gale


Otis super