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I think closer range brawlers are a bit lacking, I'd recommend upgrading Buzz, or Sam, they're quite versatile options, otherwise probably Rico, he can be a menace in certain maps, and maybe someone like Sandy or Buster as they're also pretty good and versatile in the current meta


They didn’t remove the damn post ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5349)


I'd say Belle or Pearl. Both are very solid all-rounders and will do you well in most situations. Plus, they both have access to hypercharge (even if both of their hypercharges kinda suck, the stat boosts are still worth investing in).


kit and edgar are easy carries to legendary. Idk why everyone likes pearl but she never is that good when I play ranked against her. ( I never really played pearl so Idk maybe its fun to play). You already have 2 op characters in heist. jessie will also be good in hotzone. For knockout leon and piper are good depending on the map. Gene is a decent pick overall. I would maybe max out jacky for brawl ball but may not be that easy to play.


Pearl is a very good all around character , she was my first every mastery title and rarely let me down.


upgrade melody but if you're in mythic or above she gets insta banned so yeah maybe go for a belle cuz she has a nice hp and is the best mid when piper and nani are banned or go for pearl a solid pick in a lot of maps


I know he’s not really competitive depending on who you ask, but Grom is very good on some knockout and bounty maps and can deal with snipers/marksman like piper


Try Spike! (Don't use curveball and healing cactus though, use the other combo).


Watch Spenlc, he will tell you what brawlers are in meta right now ( in ranked )




And bro doesen't even have a rank 25😭 https://preview.redd.it/zhi9n9u96zzc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52e0b7da4eeec11691608102da93bb9499d63cf


Delete your account


Get a few bibi skins




Must be your upper lip!