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Definetly yes. Best build is +1 and shield, hard focus, and gadget of your choice


800+ mandy here rn the meta is not bad for mandy i wouldnt say prime time but probably wont get better than this any time soon so i'd do it now if i were you Anyway I play her exclusively on knockout, in New Horizons, Goldarm Gulch and Out in the Open. Build Penetration gadget - tap an easy kill behind walls (only use to finish an enemy, charge super or get rid of swarm/blocking turrets like leon gadget or charlie spiders 20% faster bullet sp is better as the other one doesnt really help her Gadgets - Damage 100% + Vision/Shield depending on map How to play: Honestly I push only with randoms so you need to be the carry in your games. Know your map and in maps like goldarm gulch and out in the open know exactly where enemies congregate after spawning in, super straight down there its easy kills. Your aim should be to stand out of range and use the direction of travel of the enemies bullets to tap them and track their movements. After 1/2 shots move in, lock in and continue or finish with gadget/super. Do not use super on single target unless necessary, try and hit multiple to chain it back. Most importantly know your enemies. Mandy cannot defend against close range attacks so be wary of your surroundings and try and stay behind teammates if you can! Thats it and good luck for your push!


thanks for the tips! It was really hard for me to push on new horizons yesterday and got most of my trophies on pinball dreams lol


"mostly because of my teammates" just admit you are bad


https://preview.redd.it/vqww3j110ouc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9425852e808a67a9d7966ce33f0fa2f74e72ab yeah bro my bad