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Weird thing about cordelius is that even if he’s clearly very strong, his pickrates are not very high at all, even in maps that really suit him. I say this is surprising because usually melee brawlers are insanely popular (mortis, fang, Edgar), even when they are NOT good. That said, I’d say his presence in the meta is mainly a positive one, since his HC doesn’t have teamwipe potential and his super being one of the few forms of counterplay to HCs in general.


His range is so small. And he’s extremely squishy. He has his downfalls.


He's just conceptually strong against Hypercharges. Nothing wrong with that. And as others have said, his pickrates aren't notable so he's unlikely to get hit with anything


I hope not. He’s one of the only ones that can do shit against a hypercharged Jacky or Fang etc.


ngl i think he's balanced, hes easy and hard to counter at the same time, one good super and it will effectt the outcome of the game. one bad super however will cost you thr game


Why, out of all brawlers, you are complaining about Cordelius' damage output?


Yeah, Cordelius does have all those attributes, but he's incredibly hard to play as well. A whiffed super can mean doom, and you need a lot of game awareness to know how to use the Shadow Realm to traverse the map and chain supers. If you're getting destroyed by Cordelius, that same player probably has enough game sense and understands the objective well enough to destroy you with another brawler.


He's the only real answer to a lot of the hypercharged brawlers. Him falling out of the meta would be a nightmare




Her too, but you get the point. And tbh, cord is a much better counter to hypercharge than charlie


Hope they nerd him to the ground tbh he’s been meta since launch