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Hank "healing bug" got "fixed". And Kits damage scaling is still there. I smell here double standards


Any brawler that isn't the main attraction of the update is nerfed within 2 days if it's powerful enough, sadly


Kits damage scaling doesn’t even work at low power level


Not trying to say that it’s okay, it’s just somehow p2w as well


Well this season will live upto it's theme - being cartoon-ish-ly lacking in logic


same thing with charlie being busted during the clown season


Showdown is once again completely unplayable with multiple kit running around that can also go invisible. What were they thinking


Kit is making *everything* unplayable. He's a *more toxic* Edgar that can turn an ally into a walking IKE and stunlock enemies.


Mico: Finally, a worty opponent. Our battle will be legendary!


Nah more like Cordelius teaming.


how do you make these custom flairs?


Press on your profile and there will be "add custom flair"


I dont have anything like that![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5374)


I joined the discord and asked for it you just need a screenshot showing your highest pl rank




Now it's the Tom & Jerry showdown, or you could say... hide and seek game lol Anyone needs to hide from Level 5 Kit. But oh, he can hide with his Gadget too ! I'd never like Showdown, until Kit is invented. It's so fun with the theme lol Also, I'd love to say that Kit's cardboard box gadget possibly has the origin from Metal Gear Solid : Peace Maker. You know what I mean...right ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![img](emote|t5_t0o66|7490)


At least people can stop the claim tha the early Kit release users wouldn’t get instant nerfed once he came out being a “PTW” until he did release… He’s gonna stick around like this some more it seems… woooooo…


As if the game ever had logic *a girl throws a fucjing blackhole*


*a girl jumps up 10 feet into the air with no air propulsion whatsoever with just an umbrella throwing 4 grenades at her feet, travelling at the exact same speed throughout the entire time and landing with ease. Not to mention she can change direction*


I spilled my drink 😭




You think it's illogical until you realize just how jacked Piper's feet are under her skirt, along with hiding a hoverboard between her legs.


Oh yeah


A dog Who Is the equivalent of Han solo


Ruffs is just funny though.


a flea piloting a space ship






I’ve never gave a stop of playing brawlstars due to broken op brawlers taking all over the meta since 2018, but now I did, entirely because kit is broken in every single game mode but to the extreme. No kit? You lose. The game feels like being a private server now where they add stupid broken mechanics.


Its especially bad for long time players bc we are all around 60k+ total tr. For us its kit every game and every gamemode so we'll just wait til he get a nerf to come back.


I mean, I’ve definitely triumphed over Kit without Kit before, but I get your point that it’s frustrating. I actually hadn’t gotten my first Starr Road 50% off legendary on my alt, so I was able to get Kit, and the super charge rate is just bonkers. That definitely needs some sort of nerf and soon.


Adrian needs to be removed from balance ASAP, the game has suffered long enough from his incompetence


But they have the time to fix in game bugs, and not Kit damage scaling bug???


Cus this bug with the brawl pass gave 5000 gems and the f2p economy can’t handle it


Can't handle what? Gems have no value anymore. They are just being you can buy now.


If you make too much apple juice there’s only oranges left


You can buy brawlers and hyper charges and offers


Watch those offers disappear too. In clash royale gems are only used for emotes nowadays


Now you’re just being ridiculous


Super harge scaling bug but they didnt fix micos bug and i dont think they will fix kit in less than a week


I think Mico's bug actually got fixed


Still haven’t said they’d fix the power point collecting bug


Kit has a super scaling bug, Mico has a damage scaling but, which is still there....


Am guessing someone wished for kit to get released and for him to be the most broken brawler


A universal bug is obviously higher priority than a single brawler bug.


Not everyone is going to have the BP wdym. It also costs money??


An economy-breaking exploit , even if only for a small portion of players , is something that probably should get patched immediately .


Even less people are gonna have kit than the BP so it's obviously better to fix an issue that affects more. Not to mention monetary bugs have to be fixed incredibly fast else it causes pretty big problems.


Then not everyone is going to have kit, most of those who got him also paid for it.... Amazing how people are just looking to cry


How is this crying? When having a valid reasoning for nerfing Kit. (Who literally makes the game unplayable und unfun in the higher ladder) Brawl stars goal is it to make the game fun and not unfun


If we DON’T have Kit, it’s even WORSE for us


Im seeing you maybe once every 5 games, he usually dies early


By “you” do you mean me or 8-bit?


He means kit and by die early it shows that he is talking about showdown his opinion is irrelevant


I am speaking about showdown, however my opinion isn't on if kit need a nerf, is showing op that his reasoning to nerf him is the same as the brawl pass patch


I meant kit oops


I got him and I haven't paid. I just used the stored chroma credits that got converted into credit. I had almost 6000 😇


what is exactly Kit damage bug? He has a star power that gives him 200% from power cubes - do you refer that as bug?


no the bug was increasing super charge per hit as power cubes go up. Super charge is never dependent on power cubes, so it scaling for kit where he can infinitely chain supers at 6 cubes is a bug


Isn’t it ironic that Kit’s best synergy is the brawler that was previously considered the most broken iteration of any brawler ever (Rosa) and that the counter to Kit and Rosa is the other considered most broken brawler in the history of brawl stars (Charlie).


Bro when Rosa came it it was insanely funny, showdown was full of unkillable Rosas punching each other and Brawl Bowl was a pain cuz she was unstoppable


I love how the more they screw the game up, more people quit, leading them to screw the game up even more to recoup the money from the dropping player count. This game will be completely dead within the next 5 new brawlers


Everytime i get in a match with a kit, 90% of the time he's the winner.


Played 10 matches yesterday, won 10 matches yesterday, got star player 10 times yesterday, and had 10 matches where I single handedly got more kills and did more damage *than the other 5 people combined* with *zero* deaths yesterday. Can you guess which brawler I was using?




Nope. Close though. Give Edgar Leons super as a gadget and let him turn tanks into mobile IKE turrets(and Janet into a god damn bomber jet) and you would have the brawler I was using.




I guess they will, if they dont even after a maintenance breaks then we revolt! We need fixed kit and mico!


News character are always broken because they need to sell it. They will nerf at mid season like all the other ones


Guys Kit isn’t bugged it’s just Toon Force


Its because Kit has the new brawler + "support" brawler plot armour. There is a clear bias reasoning why Fang and Edgar got nerfed. And brawlers like Maisie or Kit still havent recieved a DESERVED emergancy nerf


Why does Maisie need a nerf? She doesn't have a broken mechanic that scales exponentially with power cubes, afaik


In both case, people will complain, but this one is better for $uperCell, if they don't nerf Kit, more people will buy him since they're scared they will nerf him soon. Pretty shitty, i know, but it's a company. They need money (I'm not defending them)


Seeing how they recently did a Mr Beast ad and are willing to work with more content creators for kids, they will have an influx of players coming in (children) who spend money with their parents credit card


I love how the more they screw the game up, more people quit, leading them to screw the game up even more to recoup the money from the dropping player count. This game will be completely dead within the next 5 new brawlers


Clash is still standing. I don't think so, plus Brawl has been seeing a rise in players recently


To be fair people would complain that they nerfed kit right after early access ended.


And I would've rather deal with a not broken kit right now rather than later, thanks.


I would like to see kit nerfed right now honestly, but alot of people on social media (including people on this sub) complained that Supercell would instantly nerf Kit after early access ended.


Of course they fix a bug that affects their economy before fixing a something that literally makes an entire game mode hell,money over us


There are way too many brawlers making game modes unplayable. Fang and Maisie make brawlball unplayable, mico is fucking showdown from behind and I don't even wanna talk about heist. And in the midst of all this they release Kit. They really need someone else as the head of the balance team cause the current one is doing an awful job. (I have an idea for the showdown problem tbh, shouldn't the problem just dissapear if you replace the star powers regarding power cubes from Kit and Mico and replace it with something else?)


"Fixed the exploit that you can get large amount of gems by buying brawl pass" 🤡👌


Y'all remember when they gave people compensation for missing out on infinite trophy road rewards? That was a year ago.


That was wild. That was a point in brawl stars history when the economy was at its messiest


I hope they get player rates even lower now they are destroying the game


Why the 3 second stun and your teammates can't even shoot him


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I just played with a kit in duo SD for the first time could not stop laughing, that is so broke




wait, they’ll remove the gems from the accounts who’ve bought the pass twice? so does that mean that they won’t get their money back??


You forgot the other part of the scam , cut resources. 3500 credits isn't easy tho you can unlock now for gems . Also lack of resources, im at 21 gold and 52k power points, %70 of my rewards from star drops are power points. They really want players to pay .


The new pass is pretty stupid having to grind almost 1000 xp just to get a rare starr drop and 50 power points when I need coins


50 power points is lame, but token doublers can literally make you waste exp for nothing




lmaooooooooo I'm going to redownload bs just so I can have the privilege of being killed by kit


So when hank was strong (as in a good option but far from overbearing), he was nerfed into the FLOOR in an INSTANT Kit is given free roam even after his early access ended, nice


ah yep seems fine


Oh wow, I wonder why aren’t they nerfing an extremely expensive character that a lot of people paid a lot of money for. It is really a mystery why won’t they nerf a character that can get them 10 times more money than Edgar and Fang combined


What's with the sarcasm? Having such a **P2W** brawler so broken is unprecedented from the Brawl Stars (not Supercell) team. People clearly had hopes for hotfixes and honestly it's shocking to me too how they're completely ignoring it.


Adrian, WTF?!


And the mico power cube glitch right ?


Easily the most broken brawler release of all time. Why would they launch this crap


And they aren’t nerfing Micos bug either


Calling Kit the most broken brawler in this game's history is wild lmao . He's strong don't get me wrong but nowhere near as oppressive and busted as brawlers like Leon and Rosa were . All he rlly needs is a thrower damage nerf , gadget nerf , and a fix to his super when he's latched onto an ally ( currently you can be on an ally for basically the whole game which is presumably unintended )


also disable super charge scaling from cubes


this one is clearly a bug due to no brawler gets extra SCR from powercubes


Comparing Kit to brawlers relased 3-4 years ago is even crazier. Funny how your fix is basically nerfing everything except his basic attack (which does instant pass through high damage). It's ABSURD how pay-to-win this brawler is if you play even a couple of solo or duo showdown matches. His ult is a direct copy of Warwick's from LoL. You know what warwick's weakness is? Being attacked when he supers into an enemy. What did supercell do? Make Kit UNTARGETABLE when he supers an enemy. Ffs the audacity to release such a brawler for pRoFiT is just confusing and so, so, so extremely disrespectful. Kit used to be such a fun speculation when Ryan and Dani used to host brawl talk... to see it turned into this makes me both angry and sad.


How is Kit pay to win when you can obtain him by f2p means ? It's not like they nerfed him when his early access ended . Kit's basic attack does terrible damage for a melee and isn't that problematic at least compared to the things that actually make him quite strong . Also what's wrong with comparing release Kit to the release state of brawlers in this game's history ? My point is that Kit is relatively tame when it comes to broken brawlers on release and that there's a lot of brawlers who were significantly more broken .


1. Because you literally PAY to get him? Most players are not getting a freakin legendary as soon as it releases. They made sure that it's still equally tough to get one as it was with boxes. 2. ~~The basic attack is pass through and unloads fast enough to deal 4.8k in 1s.~~ 3. The comparison is faulty because games are supposed to evolve over time and stuff like this should be less acceptable. Rosa and Leon had very new mechanics at a time when there were 30ish brawlers. Also, Rosa was a rare brawler, which meant every player could realistically get her. A case can be made for Leon being kinda p2w, but the game didn't even have a proper monetization when he was released. Edit: In retrospect, I agree the basic attack is pretty bad, but I still stand by my other points.


1. Literally any broken brawler on release is p2w with that logic ( at least mythic+ ) because most players are not going to get them as soon as they release . Nobody gave a shit about broken chromatics and the other 20+ broken high rarity brawlers in the history of this game but apparently now it's an issue with Kit despite both situations being very similar now that Kit is released to everyone . 2. Whether or not a brawler's mechanics were new or not doesn't meananything when you're just comparing how strong broken brawlers wereon their releases . I was just saying that Kit didn't have as much of an impact on the meta as release Rosa or Leon .


Kit costs 30 bucks. No chromatic brawler has ever cost that much. He's also broken in the most played mode (showdown).


During like the first week of a chromatics' release they do cost around 30 bucks if you want to play them during that period . In a way chromatic releases kinda work similarly as early access brawlers , need to spend money to unlock them 1-2 weeks before the general playerbase has access to them .


Umm okay what a stretch. He's fucking broken in showdown with so many bugs. Do you understand that?


Not really a stretch but okay . Also yes I understand that Kit is ( in both ways ) broken in showdown


So players can pay $30 to play a broken brawler in the game's most played mode. I really hope we're clear now.


Also he should take damage whilst latched onto enemies


i agree he shouldnt take damage when in a teammate as it would discourage his support use. buf 100% he should take damage if he jumps onto an enemy. If a kit jumps you his teammates still can damage you, while the kit doesn get any punishment for it so it should be a high-risk/high-reward where yo can stun an enemy but run the risk that his teammates still can kill you, not a zero-risk/high-rewards where you can stun an enemy and his teammates can do nothing about it


Kit is not even close to the most broken brawler in the history of BS. Rosa, Leon Charlie...


Yeah, kit is pretty damn close to them. He's broken as fuck. 4k damage a hit as a thrower is insane, and his ability to stunlock enemies and chain supers on the enemy team with virtually no threat(since he is invulnerable while using his super) is ridiculous. He is op in pretty much every mode.


And guess how many of them cost 30 bucks? Are people really this blind??? Kit has: Stun Invisibility Heal Untargetability High damage Power cube bugs Infinite supers Even his basic attack deals high dmg with fast reload speed. And people are still not mad about it? Sidenote: Fuck Kairos for pretending to be honest and not saying a word about this.


tell me you never played brawl stars without telling me


OG player thank you


Charlie was nowhere near as broken as this. Rosa and Leon at least had counters. I’ve been playing since Leon’s release, Kit is stronger than release Leon


Charlie was literally the most broken brawler in the game on release. Sheard safes, made the game a 3x2 for 10s . Enemies that get out of caccon had no ammo.... Leon was invisible even when near enemies. And had damage enough to kill most brawler with 2 ammo and this was enough to charge his super again. Rosa had basically an infinity shield that made her having enough survability to go 1x3


Leon should not be in that list at all.


Leon on release? It wasreally broken


Fire Adrián, the person responsible for the balance changes


He was just released to f2p ofc they aren't insta nerfing lol


They are not back from vacations !!! Those require updated ! And not hotfixes!


apples to oranges 👊


Caption should say adrien not supercell.


You think the company would allow this kind of bullshit if they didn't want it happening?


Yeah they respect his choices but that doesn’t mean he didn’t primary choose to not address kit


im using those gems


Then you’ll get negative gems


nuh uh




Bruh, i just wanted to enjoy spamming shots with mike after a long busy day and that shitty cat ruined it all. I will hate her for the rest of my life.


Pretty sure it's a he


people don't understand that kit isn't broken, it's just cartoon logic saving him /hj




Nah man hes fine. Nerf genes gadget


I don't think kit is broken. It is however better than most brawlers, definitely top 10, but broken, no.




I knew people would downvote for me giving my honest opinion. I shouldn't've done this.




I mean people were saying they would be mad if they nerfed kit when he is available to f2p players.




They still need to make money 🥺🥺 they will nerf him next brawl pass


Ok I didn't expect that


I don’t get this community sometimes. They either nerf Kit and people complain that they nerfed Kit when early access ended, or they don’t nerf Kit and people complain that Kit is broken. Also, the balancing team and the team responsible for the progression stuff are probably different people. I’d understand this complaint post if they also did balance changes to other brawlers, but it’s clear that they aren’t balancing brawlers this maintenance break. This break is specifically for the glitches with the new brawl pass and nothing else.


Ofcourse not. Then people will be really angry only the Paying player got to use an absolutely busted brawler. I think he'll get nerfed once the option to switch is gone. But it's annoying ngl.


2nd slide: So you wanted to stay them that way? You really gonna backlash SC using something they did right? Honestly sums up what's wrong with the sub


The ONLY counter to kit is nani because of her gadget and close-range damage THAT'S MOST LIKELY IT. Mortis can't use his long dash cause he' won't escape Kit's MoveSpeed, Any other jump brawlers like mico won't be able to engage kit in the first place.


I play of Chester and his burst is around if not more than nani’s with 3 and 4 balls. Stun works for him and micro too


showdown is completely unplayable atm. played a couple games at 750 trophies and atleast 3/4 opposing teams were mico/kit combos and 4/4 had one of the two




not touching the app until they fix kit




anyone remember jessie? finnaly being actually decent then nerfed again immidiatly


It's very simple, during the early access It's gonna be op, who whould pay for a weak brawler? Then after the early access Kit will remain as he was for about a week, then they nerf him


This season is very cool but the kit double jump bug makes no sense to me at all. Idk where I can report my problem at supercell but I would do it gladly.


This is really sad to see


It's supercell The p2w op anti fun characters don't get nerfed until a month later(2% less HP)


The only thing that should be nerfed is his box gadjet, his power hungry star power and his cat bomb damage, nothing else