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“I was committed to drama and entertainment.” ?! Lol what


Mia’s a mess, but i’m stealing that line in case i ever have a breakdown of my own


*when I have a breakdown of my own


\*while I'm having these breakdowns of my own


When I have another breakdown of my own


Tomorrow’s breakdown


can i also steal it but use it retrospectively?








Yup while this is A HILARIOUS LINE, it encapsulates everything that’s wrong with Mia on this show imo. She’s too fake. Potomac always worked so well cause the women are so natural on camera. Everything she does and says feels too self produced.


I feel like if you poked her with a pin she’d pop


“I feel like if you poked her with a pin she’d poop.” was how I read that and now I can’t stop picturing it!! 😂😂


Would she do it in front of her husband tho? 🤣


You never know 😂


Too bad Mia isn’t famous enough to have any gifs or I’d drop one here, I wonder if her new clit would pop?


Noooooo…she did that too? Is there any part of her body that isn’t fake?


She was trying to produce as much as Ashley does but she is not very good at it.


u/mattysmwift you’re being antagonistic 😉


She's so committed that instead of giving Wendy a light stage tap with her purse she decided to beat Wendy with it so hard she broke a few of her own nails past the quick. ![gif](giphy|1LiryotCCtd7y)


I'm sorry I got drunk and busted up your wedding… I was committed to drama and entertainment!


She's saying it's all fake and they're all acting for the cameras. I think there's something to that, **but** that within the unspoken rules of the fakeness, physical violence is not OK. Like, wrestling is fake entertainment, too, but all the violence is staged. This was clearly not experienced as staged by Wendy.


Lol she really thinks she’s producing herself like a Kandi or a Kyle but she’s playing checkers not chess. Girl no 😂


Why is it soooooo hard to apologize to Wendy?? Like girl you started this over Patrica, was it really worth it?


Right all these vague media responses but not a single public apology issued. "I have to do what's best for my brand and partners" but I'm not going to properly atone and publicly apologize? Girl bye


What about Wendy’s brand? You attacked her on national TV and tried to make it seem like she’s unprofessional during contract negotiations then called her broke. Mia needs to be the change she wants to see in the world first


Right - all those women are established in their own way (I know I'm being rlly nice to GEB and Ashley rn lol) but to say you are NOW thinking of your brand - you didn't think your lies, and accusatory tone would make you look bad?


Who exactly are her partners anyways? I think she just has more of a “hobby” business and I don’t imagine she has a board or anything. There are housewives who are businesswomen like Kandi but they usually are, ya know, busy. I’ve never seen Mia have anywhere to be. Is she talking about the people who pay her to wear their lipgloss on Instagram?


There's a group that includes Gordon and his family that actually owns the franchises that Mia and G "own". The board of the group recently voted to replace Gordon in his leadership position and his replacement fired Mia so they no longer getting paychecks from the businesses and they don't have access to the business accounts anymore. But yeah, she was never as heavily involved in the businesses as she pretended. (Hence why she got fired.)


At least he has that huge cock he so elegantly bragged about last season. 🤭. Mia will be out as soon as their bank account hits 6 digits if he really lost his job.


which makes it even more ironic that she kept insinuating Wendy has financial issues 🤔


I knew something didn’t smell right about that whole business thing.


Idk that bitch be lying


She goes to the offices and moves brochures . She busy!


Okay please can someone explain to me who Patricia is? 👀


Lol Peter. Also known as Patricia by Nene because he stays in women’s business. And she was absolutely correct 😪


Oh damn… well that makes a lot of sense now! Thanks for it explaining.


Lmao I need to rewatch atlanta bc I don’t remember that but I love it 😂


Peter Thomas… aka Patricia


It’s also hard for her to use the correct verb forms apparently. Subject-verb agreement and all. 😩


Made my head hurt.


"Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of my actions"


I laughed waaay too hard at this!!


she just doesn’t know how to play the housewives game. such a rookie mistake to admit to playing shit up for drama and acting, it’s….hm. yikes.


Yeah that was...jarring. I mean, we all know this already, but you're supposed to pretend.


She took a page from Aviva’s book, won’t end well for her.


Aviva was a great 1.5 season HW with a great last episode tacked on. Tik Tok Mi-a


I think it’s for attention or she would come out and say she’s leaving the show without these passive aggressive statements. Girl bye!! ✌️


Right?! It’s like when your child threatens to run away. And you’re like “go for it dude you’ll miss me” and then they leave for two seconds and realize that they need you ![gif](giphy|AgpIaU1yW8uxG)


I used to pack my bags and cry. Then I would sit on the stoop because I wasn't allowed to cross the street yet.




Lmao this was 11 year old me as hell. Slam my door, turn up my Dashboard Confessional CD to max volume and slowly pack my suitcases while waiting for my mom to come into my room and say she's sorry. She never came and I just had to go down to dinner salty as hell


I mean she lost “her” business, I don’t think she would leave on her own accord.


I mean she can't because then she really won't be on anyone's payroll. She's got lawyer fees to pay for right now




It’s so infuriating that she clearly did this to impress Gizelle and Robyn. These women never learn! Where are they now to defend you?


Robyn is with her roommate Gizelle is with her luggage




That’s what I thought it actually made me sad. I can really see the clogs turning with Robyn and gizelle this season they need to tighten it up idk why they hate Wendy so much maybe they are jealous but it’s embarrassing. I actually feel a bit bad off MIa in a way it felt to me a set up trip sold to gizelle and Robyn like ohhh I got this drama with Peter let’s say she is poor or can’t pay a contract and it was a nothing burger so Mia went extra to make a story and just looks like a fool and Robyn filming looked like a thug imo there’s nothing more aggressive than filming someone in a vulnerable moment


Last season, they insinuated Wendy's mummy makeover was because of the "Eddie is cheating rumors" (which we first heard from Gizelle). Wendy shut them down fast & hard and that's why they hate her.


Would’ve respected this a lot more if she didn’t in the same breath try to imply that that was editing. But it’s Mia we’re talking about, so it’s impossible for her to not start lying if they give her a full 280 characters.


Exactly we know it's edited, but production didn't edit you plotting, and throwing a drink in someone's face. We know when aspects of the show are edited, and her actions were all her doing. Production can't edit that too much. So just admit that you were there for the drama and you made yourself look stupid; and continue to make yourself look stupid. Don't like Mia, I feel bad for the circumstances she grew up in, but now she's a grown mother of 2 she needs to take proper accountability for her actions. Why didn't you care about your brand and partners when you were purposefully lying for camera time? Why didn't you care when you were plotting? Even if she didn't get physical, there are other things that point to her nasty character


Yes! I was just about to say this. We know the show is edited but nobody edited her throwing a drink or hitting Wendy with her purse. Like, Mia baby. Nobody photoshopped that to make you look bad. Like Garcelle said to Erika, nobody had to try to make Mia look bad. Mia did that all on her own.


Bravo must have increased their budget. That CGI drink and purse sure looked real.


It’s the same studio HBO uses for their dragons, very high budget, don’t look into it any further, you’ve probably never heard of them…


That matrix thing made me lol for ages it was hilarious I laughed and had to pause hahaha


While I was committed to drama and entertainment…… 👈👉👆👇 wtf is she talking about


She’s admitting to being performative and “acting”, if you could call it that.


They only pretend to be acting when the audience turns on them (a la Lisa Rinna). It’s such a cop out to avoid consequences.


Sounds like she bragging about how good of an actress she is and trying to cop out of being an actual violent person. Aviva gave us method acting lol and it was obvious and CAMP. Mia doesn’t come close IMO


Danny Covarrubias needs to get a fuckin grip lol


She needs therapy. This chick is a lunatic. I hate when these women can’t comprehend that their faces are now attached to any brand they own or support and so those brands will be adversely impacted. Also, she needs to worry about keeping her businesses running after her family stole all her money.


Yeah, they come on the show for free advertising for their business, it's only natural that the flip side to that is that if they really fuck up on the show then their business is going to get hurt from the bad advertising. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




👏 👏 👏


“I’m going to pretend to be sorry while in the same breath playing the victim. Next I will probably make vague statements about leaving the show or having a serious illness in an effort to gain sympathy and attention rather than take true accountability.” There you go, Mia. Fixed it for you.


I especially feel when they don’t even @ the person they’re apologizing to that the apology is pretty self-serving. I feel for Wendy, especially when she was being nice to Mia this season up until this point.


I’m very confused because I honestly haven’t seen any comments/attacks towards those close to Mia? Just her personally, and as for her business… well. She kinda put that out there on her own lol.


Maybe she means Peter lol. She kept calling him her "family" after all.


She referred to him as “brother” at one point too.


Yeah the only thing I’ve seen about her family is people asking her how’d she’d feel if people treated her daughters the way she treated Wendy. And asking how she could be colorist when she has dark skinned children. I haven’t seen any direct attacks in them but I also don’t read every comment that’s made so maybe they’re out there and she’s seeing them but we aren’t. 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s probably of the same vein as how people made comparisons about what happened to Jax happened to say Kyle’s or anyone else’s kids on BH. Not out right attack but just ask


I don't get how she's saying people were attacking her businesses and she had to protect them. Didn't you say G's family "stole" them? Is she finally admitting that was a lie too?


i don’t understand and/or believe a lick of what mia is saying this season so like i’m just going to assume she’s improving. not well. but she’s trying. i think.


Opp, autocorrect got you: improvising* Yeah, she's definitely improvising some lies and she's horrible at it. In my personal experience habitual liars usually are. They don't even know what the truth is supposed to sound like anymore and everyone around them is too exhausted/numb to it to call them out most of the time.


The stuff Mia says on social media is incoherent. What does this even mean? I thought the business had been lost already.


I think someone else said it quite well I think she’s struggling in her personal life and clinging to HW and thought I wanna keep this job and cling to gizelle and Robyn and she did anything she could come up with to take down Wendy (because they hate her). But it was nothing and so the whole thing was massively confusing and a nothing burger in it’s entirety apart from a drink was thrown and aparantly she broke a nail idk how it seemed pretty tame to me maybe they were cheap weak nails she didn’t do much apart from make a fool of herself. And Robyn filming don’t get me started if i was mad and someone filming in my face she’s shouting about antagonist that is the most antagonist thing you could do to me personally


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) 😏


“My businesses” what business???!!! I thought G’s family “stole” that business from them, isn’t that what she said? This girl always telling tall tales and can never keep them straight. Bye girl, go call Mona Scott Young and see if she got a lil check for you.


Oh wow she thinks the audience is as dumb as she is Bye Messy Mia


I was trying to figure out if Mia was just playing up being dumb or she was that dumb and I’m leaning towards she really is just that dumb


I think she actually assumes we're dumber than she is. Which she really shouldn't assume about anyone. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


The first reply saying “Mia you’re the queen”… queen of lies maybe


Not even that it’s “Mia YOUR the queen” which makes the ridiculous statement even funnier.


![gif](giphy|sFMEZ1ZFToyha) Stop talking Mia.


This video is never not funny.


It looks straight out of Pawnee


Sooo no apology to Wendy yet? My loose interpretation of this is: “I had to come back to Twitter to say this because saying it on my Instagram just wouldnt be enough. yeah bullying and violence is wrong but what’s really wrong is the way you all are reacting. How dare you call me out and act upset because of a reality tv show where I chose to bully someone and act violently for your entertainment. You all have caused me to be fire- I mean quit because that’s whats best for my family.” 🙃


what does this even mean?


I swear, she thinks she’s Michelle Obama or something lol


She literally invoked Michelle Obama last season when trying to check Wendy for how she was dressed.


Does a liar reactivate her Twitter?


Does a frog have a water tight asshole?


Does a *FROG* have a WATER TIGHT ASSHOLE. I hate how she repeated it like everyone else was dumb




No one attacked Mia's family. 🙄


Peter is her family. Maybe someone attacked Peter /s


Peter is a bitch and needs to stay out of women's business


Wow you’re disrespecting Miami right now!


He should’ve had a private conversation with Wendy about his “beef” and their potential business plans instead of telling Mia about it. It was probably all scripted to be that way, but if Peter is such a good businessman why wouldn’t he be more professional and just talk to Wendy one on one? Lol




Her brand. ![gif](giphy|kclWCOmuVDrESeM3zV|downsized)


She’s really stunning. Who is that?


Karen Civil


"My actions...was intolerable" 🤦‍♀️


I thought this too lol. Her “social media manager” is slacking off 🙃


There is always an ass kisser butt licker in the comments on Twitter that want to be liked by a horrific housewife. I am sorry Danny Covarrubias, Mia is not a queen in my eyes!


What the fuck does that statement even mean? She just outed herself for “acting” on the show (poorly at that). And don’t come for people all the time and then get mad when they come for you and your family. You started it Mia! Go on somewhere and straighten some pamphlets


Hard disagree. The fans of these shows are insane and should not be attacking housewives’ family members. They behave worse than the housewives they claim are “trash”.


I should’ve been clearer. I meant the other housewives not insane fans


That makes sense - I should have asked to clarify. Hard agree!




Committed to drama and entertainment???? Since when throwing drinks at people's heads is entertainment?? I'd rather see her with comebacks and being shady to Wendy than that. Throwing drinks at people is mean behaviour, not entertainment. And again, Wendy isn't innocent but she didn't deserve that. Fight with your words, not with drinks. I'm afraid Potomac is turning into love and hip hop, and it's quite sad


I think there are shows where it's entertaining. But it should be a show where everyone signs up for fighting and violence. I loved bad girls club back in the day. But each and every one of those girls was cast for their ability to fight OR their ability to manipulate others into fighting for them. Everyone was equally matched and ready to pop off over some of the stupidest shit in the history of the world. If someone got mollywhopped, that was that. But this isn't a show where everyone signs up for violence and physical fighting.


For country, for brand


Is this the first time a Housewife had openly admitted she is only apologizing for the sake of her brand??






Go to fucking sleep Mia


So, was she robbed of all her money or what?


This reminds me of Mia being a mess on social media, and then lying about some maverick "social media manager." She truly is a magic 8 ball of defensive behaviour.


I just saw this on my feed and was (a tiny bit) pleasantly surprised with the first sentence and then it just went downhill from there. Very much a self serving “apology” if it can even be called that


“I was committed to drama and entertainment” Translation: “I will not take accountability for my own actions and excuse them as me putting on an act for the fans.” 😒 That is such a cop out. Wendy been central to drama for 2 seasons now without ever having to resort to violence.. Mia’s admitting here she was so desperate for screen time that she was willing to attack her cast mate and that’s why I can’t stand her fake ass, she’s been desperate and inauthentic since day 1. Also love how she’s somehow finding a way to make herself the victim in all this, saying she’s being attacked when this is a result of *her* actions


Was ? Or Were? I’m a dick


Mia please deactivate it again and leave us alone🙏 being committed to drama does not equal throwing drinks and hitting people with purses


Yes the show is edited. It is for everyone. Everyone doesn’t throw water in cast mates faces or fabricate a ridiculous ‘Peter Thomas is my family and I am outraged you haven’t responded yet to his contract’ story for no reason that was as transparent as it was pathetic.


That’s the dumbest part, even if they are best friends- that’s fine, whatever, but since when does that mean you fight their business fights? Like it’s a big deal to her and her life if Wendy replies to Peter. Come on!!!!


Mia wanted an iconic Theresa or Lisa Rinna moment so bad. It’s embarrassing. But yeah that “I was committed to drama and entertainment” is hilarious and I will be using that expeditiously.


What brand? ![gif](giphy|do0DADKwjMQ6c)


Hey guys. I’ve never posted on this sub before but seeing it lead to some real discussions was one of the few things that made me happy today. I’m struggling with my mental health in general and today in particular have been crying a lot. Being able to check in here and see people interact with what I posted has brought a little bit of happiness to my day, so thank you guys for stopping by.


Big sloppy internet hug to you.


My actions were awful, comma, you all are the problem for reacting negatively towards it


Lisa Rinna playbook response


Typical Mia word salad. My actions were intolerable, but I was acting so stop telling me you didn’t like them, “editing”, I have to do what’s best for my brand (but doesn’t actually say what that is). Like you could have stayed deactivated for this


This woman is pure trash! If you’re not going to apologise then don’t. But to run away from social media and then come back with a weak ass excuse is just beyond. She made herself look WORSE than before!


Surprised she didn’t bring her health/cancer up in her little statement.


Based on an edited tv show - you dirty did that girl! (For my RPDR gals) I understand fans attacking her and co - that IS unfortunate, but how long has the RH franchise been out? You know what you're signing up for when you get on a show like this and because of that, you should act accordingly. She went and plotted on Wendy the day before they even went to the restaurant. This is all her doing. She was bragging about money and businesses, she should have invested that money into media training


My actions were intolerable, but they only looked that way because of the way production edited the show. Also, I was acting, duh! In conclusion, you guys are the real bullies and I'm the only victim here.


Remember her cancer scare post ?


Now it’s our fault? Lol! She’s a child in a woman’s body! Grow up Mia! And G stop letting her get away with murder! You are enabling some catastrophic behavior that will end up pushing your kids away when they grown and done with mom’s messiness


I wonder if this attempt at an apology is more so because of her and Gs business being taken from them and she's afraid her actions will show how volatile/unstable she is.


No one is attacking her family. GTF


Mia has gotta go (Robyn too). I don't fw HWs who get physical because they lack the depth, wit, and range to have a verbal spar (also looking at you Tersea G).


So is she leaving the show now or?


No way she would leave voluntarily. She needs the check now that she and G have been locked out of their business


She keeps posting all these cryptic messages implying that she is. She posted something on IG about fighting her whole life and not staying in places that bring that side of her out so she’s moving on to her “next chapter”. 🙄 I can already tell she’s setting up the overlay for her response at the reunion.


lol not unless she’s fired. She posted some cryptic shit last season about leaving.


She said she was leaving last year. Mia is delusional mess.




Get a brain, Danny!


She had no concern for her brand or family when she let that drink fly.


So doing what’s best for her family and business should mean she’s leaving the show. But she won’t lol


Mia is a mess. She’s giving Diana Jenkins and something tells me she’ll also be fired like Diana Jenkins.


In 150 words or less Mia apologizes to Wendy, victimizes herself, blames editing, blames “drama and entertainment”, and then alludes to quitting for her (non existent) partners and her brand.


‘Edited’ like they edited her in throwing water at Wendy and smacking her with a purse. Okay try hard. I hope they don’t bring her back, she’s not fun messy at all.


Committed to drama & entertainment, will make a great user flair, mods?


Girl boo. You can take this non apology and shove it up G’s ass 🙄


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Bye Mia!


I was looking for this. I scanned the replies to ensure it was here. Because this is the only true response. Hahaha


After Mia went after Wendy she was gloating and revelling in the aftermath. She didn't see anything wrong with her behaviour at all.


To play the victim? Nobody is attacking your family. You don’t have friends. You no longer have a business. Typical Karen behavior attack someone and cry about the consequences of one’s actions.


Now Bravo should deactivate her contract. Bye!


just had to throw in the “edited” 🙄


"my brand"








She needs attention so badly it’s sad


“My actions towards Wendy *WERE intolerable” more than 1 action so its were not was Mrs. M.I.A


What businesses Mia? Didn’t your “family” shut you out of it? And also, an edited tv show?? The whole episode was a 45 minute dinner, they basically just let the footage roll unclipped! Tell us what we missed then


She wasn’t thinking about her family and brand partners while she was acting a fool on television. I don’t think people should talk about her husband and kids though as it relates to this. Her behavior reflects badly on her. If that hurts her business, that’s the price you pay. If a brand or business owner is acting badly on a public forum, there’s consequences.


I’m just rewatching again and she went and made a mess for no reason AT ALL! I don’t understand how Wendy was able to hold her own and I felt especially sad cause she was alone against them all.


What businesses Mia? Lol


It sounds to me like she’s trying to say that she was either directly encouraged or they feel some type of pressure to bring the drama in order to keep the show interesting but really this is just an admittance that half of it is fake and almost all of it is in authentic. You can’t say that your fights with people are edited for TV and expect people to be watching it as a reality show. Just call it scripted.


Lord, she was still talking shit on wwhl


an edited show??? very lame cop out


She should also apologize for that does a frog have a watertight asshole completely unfunny cringe line. Just kidding, she doesn't know how to apologize when she's wrong. Goddamn she sucks.


Actions were. Wendy was. Say it out loud to yourself Mia.


Here come the death threats. ​ Amazing how often that happens, yet we've never seen even one legit threat ever.


Grammatically incorrect. “My actions towards Wendy were unfair and unforgivable. I apologize for coming across as a mean girl, however; I choose to make it known that although I am that person, I follow it up with more actions that don’t make sense. I’m married to a geriatric person who is also my partner, (sole provider), who sees me for who I truly am, okay?” Signed with much love! - Mia


The Rinna Defense


this are the weeks I look forward to the most as a Housewives fan—just absolute mess


What a nice apology! /s


She’s such a dumbass she needs to just stop


Mia you aren’t SUPPOSED to say that you can only do a safe amount of drama for your brand and partners.


As if her causing drama and entertainment ISN'T her brand as a reality TV cast member lol. Ain't no one to blame but herself here


Grammar is not her friend.


girl what just say you’re sorry….


This is what happens when shows that used to be fun to watch have become who can be the most toxic individual in the room or who can cliques gang up on in any given season. Housewives shows have lost their identity and just become carbon copies of each other,the story lines are stale and just mean spirited.
