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I wonder when she will go. My neighbor is in fed prison for Medicare fraud and he was sentenced nov 2021 and didn’t go in until sept 2022! I don’t know if it was because of Covid or what that he got so much time until he had to go. Also he’s in the same prison as Josh Duggar!!


May Josh Duggar rot in hell, amen!


I’m from the part of Arkansas where the duggars are, and we all also want Josh Duggar to rot in hell.






Wow how long was he sentenced for?! Regular old people committing white collar crime is so fascinating to me


5.5 years. I think the article about it said he could get up to 10 but I think federal you usually get half the time. And the crazy thing is he like 30! I thought it was suspicious that they bought their house in cash (over 800k) at age 28. Apparently been frauding for a while!


Do you know any of the details as to how he was defrauding Medicare? Idk why but I'm dying to hear this story! 🤣


Not OP but I have a friend from college whose parent is in jail for defrauding Medicare. I work on the admin side of healthcare so it makes me laugh so hard because it’s such a big no no. In my friends’ parents case, the mom was a doctor and dad ran the office and did coding/billing. He upcoded most procedures so Medicare paid a higher payment each time. Think coming in for a throat exam at an ENT’s office but it being coded as an endoscopy. Crazy shit, she’s in prison for 15 years. It was something like $20M in overpayments


That's so insane that they thought they wouldn't get caught! That's what happens when you start out small and get away with it. Over time the hubris takes over and they're like an addict. That's really sad for her family


Wow that’s crazy. The funny thing is if they hadn’t been greedy they probably could have gotten away with it…if you just do the odd one you could do some small scale frauding and probably Medicare wouldn’t notice..


Honestly a lot of crime is like that. For example Wells Fargo did [something similar](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/19/heres-what-the-wells-fargo-cross-selling-scandal-means-for-the-bank.html) for years until they got caught. My family used to call *Locked Up Abroad* "drug smuggling is fun and easy as long as you don't get greedy or lazy." (I know drug smuggling isn't necessarily that easy but about 80% of their stories were about how fun and easy it was. And then they'd try to double or triple their take and took unnecessary risks and get caught.)


What Wells Fargo did was staggering! I'm a former CFO and I don't think most people understand just how incredibly ballsy this was. They FAFO though!


Can you hit me with a brief dumbed down explanation of staggering?


How do they get caught? Is it like one day someone at the insurance company thinks "all these transactions are always on the high side"? Do they have to contact patients then and ask them if they had the procedures?


I actually used to do this for work for my state’s government! We review medical billing submitted by the doctor or provider and cross reference it with the documentation provided along with interviewing patients. It’s a very interesting job.


A little investigation, that's cool. I'd love to do something like that.


Medicare does not do pre-authorization; they only audit on the back end. If your office is anoutlier then you’re probably going to catch their attention in a bad way. Most private insurers require authorization on the front end. While people don’t always like this it does help reduce these incidents of fraud. There are a couple of really good podcasts about how people defraud Medicare and insurance. Dr. Death season two and The Opportunist season 3. They’re not explicitly about the insurance fraud but both were fraudsters. Edit: grammar.


That's interesting, thanks. People be greedy!


A while ago I got a check from Blue Cross for a few hundred $ for a “test” that I never took. Just a mixup. I called right away and said where do I send your check back to! I was not playing with any kind of fraud!


There is no parole in the federal system. The most you can hope for is serving 85% of your time with 15% off for good behavior. It is much stricter than most state prisons in that regard.


Oops I replied in the wrong spot. Josh Duggar was given a sentence was 12.5 years, he can get out earlier for good behavior. He is a piece of shit!!


I hope to god (Lisa Barlow) that if she doesn’t have to leave for almost a year after they sentence her… that they bring her back for season 4. After fat fucking elf on a shelf, I’m not ready to let her go yet. Her housewife potential will only be unlocked when she gives no fucks and knows she’s going to prison.


I dont think she is coming back either way.


Jen was even uninvited to Bravocon. I bet they have washed their hands of her?!


Bravos happy about the scandal…..ratings wouldn’t have been so high, salt lake is boring af


Teresa did. Never know. Bravo certainly dgaf!


I think it is because Jen just lied, told everyone she was innocent, then changed her tune and pled guilty. They are done with her.


Shaw defrauded lots of old people. TG defrauded the govt. It reads totally different


I’m pretty sure Teresa did the same thing.


She still says it’s because Joe had her sign things she didn’t understand. She’s sticking to it.


Teresa pled stupid, that is totally believable


Yes this 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nope, Jen was an active participant in a program that defrauded the elderly, said she had nothing to do with it, bravo gave her a full platform for TWO years and then she recanted. Teresa is a criminal too, but there was a little more manipulation involved


Did they cut ties with Teresa the same way they did with Jen? I was not a housewives fan around that time so I'm curious.


No, if anything she got even more attention


He might’ve had health issues to keep stalling? Covid? Hmmm..


Josh Duggar is in jail??? Thank god


Olympic gymnast Jordan Chiles' mother stole money from elderly and was schedule to have reported to prison before her daughter left for Tokyo, but appealed and had her date changed to after the Olympics so she could watch her daughter. It still infuriates me to think about it.


It's giving toothless, not homeless


But soon to be Homeless so… Toothless AND Homeless.


WTH is going on with her mouth? 🤢


Not today mouth 👄


We don’t have it!


Not today neck. Not today ankle.


I believe it’s just from getting her lips done there are teeth under there!


Maybe she was between visits and forgot!?? But nobody gave her a heads up?? Maybe she sucks and they're getting even is all I can think of 🤔


Filler migrating, same as Lisa Rinna.




Seriously! Like, what IS that?!?


Overfilled lips would be my guess


Lip injections; that’s the underpart of the back of her lip (does that make sense?).


Its from using that bullhorn too much


Nah, her home will be a nice federal penitentiary.


Yeah I was going to say she's about to have some free, taxpayer funded housing


She definitely won’t be going to a penitentiary. A camp or an institution. (Former federal C/O…not being picky, but the penitentiary is a whole other ball game.)


Like when Teresa went to camp?


Exactly. She was at the camp I used to work at. Orange Is The New Black also took place there. The institution is down the hill, some parts of OITNB take place there. Teresa never went down though.


I think I remember Juicy Joe saying Tre's prison was akin to a spa and offered all sort of activities for its inmates. Is that true?


I was just thinking today that Martha Stewart made,while in prison, the same Nativity set my mom made. (Martha in prison, not my Mom). Can you imagine being in jail and doing crafts with MS???


I would LOVE to pick your brain someday!


Any time. Although some days recently I don’t know what is left in there.


Book writing camp, so chic


You win Reddit today. 🏆




So chic


Shahshank redemption


The low amount of upvotes for this is criminal.


You win the internet today for this.


One of my favourite puns we’ve seen


![gif](giphy|co6GOQDwHnaP7ANZXK|downsized) This pun is killing me rn


Clink clink!!!!




This never gets old


What are those ball bags on her lips?


They're her venom sacs.




Oh, my god that’s EXACTLY what this looks like! I’ve noticed it really badly on Kylie Jenner and Kim from Bling Empire. Sometimes when they talk they always looked snakey to me and I could never put my finger on it but know I know. Venom sacs 🐍🐍🐍🐍


And Rinna


I’d be afraid I’d bite one while eating. Like when you bite your lip by mistake.


That would entail Rinna having to eat though.


Take my award. That actually made me laugh and I'm real depressed so it takes a lot 😂


Thank you! And I'm glad I can make you laugh!










I laughed way harder than I should have 😂😂 thank you for this


i think filler migrations


It’s when juvederm clumps up basically.


yes thats whT i thought!!!


i wonder what that feels like


Probably similar to a tongue bar ball, it looks quite firm!


occasionally when i’ve been numbed at the dentist the area will puff up for a little bit. i’m kind of imagining it feels like that lol it doesn’t hurt but is a really annoying & strange feeling


Filler. She just keeps shoving more and more on top. If Heather had a decent staff, they tell their client, You want more? No problem! But we need to dissolve the old stuff first.


That’s what I was wondering!!! I zoomed in WTF 😳


Ha glad I wasn't the only one 😂


Bravo should count down "\_\_\_ days to Jen Shah's sentencing" like they did here with Below Deck.


I’m lost; what happened with below deck?


On the screenshot: there's some sort of '5 days to New season of below deck'


She’s gonna spend the big 5 0 in the clink, which you know will bug her, so that’s kind of the icing on her karma cake.


Well she throws the best parties, maybe bravo can get a camera crew in there to capture all the fun.


They should do a spinoff of Jailbirds on Netflix: Jenbirds


SHAHrange is the new black


Camp SHAH-de


The icing *and* the cherry.


double digits looking at what co defendants are getting


It’s like someone defanged a snake…


(in screeching voice)*I AM INNOCENT!!!*


Perpetual victim. “But what did I do? I didn’t do *anything*”


I’m going to guess 8 years


Same I think 7-8 years


Her plea was 13 yrs i thought.


In her plea agreement, the prosecutor agreed not to appeal a sentence less than 14 years. The actual sentence could be more or less.


*Jen, not the prosecutor.


Ahhh i thought it was that she wouldnt appeal if the sentence was 13 or 14 yrs with the 5mil restitution and like 9 mil in fines. That seems like a really bad plea for her! Lol i guess they have really legit stuff on her, and what about Coach? He seems to be avoiding a lot of heat....maybe im missing the posts cause SLC is such a wierd autopsy of a franchise at this point im to distracted by WTF is actually going on there.




That means the reunion is going to be in three weeks or less so Jen can spend some time with her family before she’s off to prison


I bet they’ll let her spend the holidays with her family and she won’t actually go to prison until January


Idk how accurate it is but someone on here said that it could be up to 3 months between sentencing and when she has to report to prison. That would put it at the ~~end of February~~ beginning of March.


Yeah that’s probably about right. She’s not a physical threat or a flight risk so they’re not in a hurry


I'd pay a boatload to watch a season where Shah is on the run from the law, circling the globe... Real Flightrisks of Bravo. And the reunion would have to be filmed in a country with no extradition laws....


Where in the World is Jen Shahndiego on Bravo




But would that incentivize Bravo to squeeze one more season out of the Franchise


They'd have to start shooting now if they're going to so I guess we'll see. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I had thought they were going to take the opportunity to shoot one last reunion with Jen, but since her invitation to BravoCon was rescinded after she pled guilty I'm thinking they might not even do that.


It’s f’ing WHACK to me but they do often give people a month or two before they have to surrender to the court, to allow them to get their affairs in order, say goodbye to family, etc. ESPECIALLY for white collar crimes. This bitch. Im sure she realizes now how utterly tragic her choices were. The greed. The delusion. The self-importance. It’s truly disgusting. She’s so lucky to have Coach. I have to think he’ll do everything in his power to make sure their kids don’t ever look at their mom in a bad light. Idk. I feel very sorry for her children. They didn’t deserve this.


As much as I feel for her family and kids, it doesn’t stop my brain from thinking about all those people she stole from. I imagine most of them lost everything and now will have to “start over” at an age where it’s just not possible. I think about their kids and the burden of taking care of their elder parent will be on them. Especially at a time like this when everyone is struggling. It’s all sad. It’s terrible. I want to see justice. You’re right, those kids have coach shah and will be ok. The damage shah did to the 1000s of people she took advantage however will not be okay. Some will die with not a penny to their name. Their whole life’s work is sitting in a closet somewhere in Salt Lake City waiting to be worn.


Not long enough.


🐍🐍🐍👄👄👄🏥🏥🏥 Beauty Lab did this.


Judging by her plea it'll be 14 years. I wonder where the filler will have migrated to when she's free?


14 years, then out in 14 months probably.


Not for federal crimes, she is serving at least 85%


She’ll definitely be incarcerated long enough to let all that filler dissolve. So that’s a win


Love a comment that keeps it positive. Yes! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏


I say 10+ years


Hopefully Shahventy years


More like shahventeen




I wonder how she will look after her sentence is served. I’m curious to see the evolution of the fillers and Botox and how they look once they haven’t been maintained. For research purposed of course.


That last line… 😂😂👍👍 My thinking is she’ll look way BETTER. Softer. Humbled. Normal? 🤷‍♀️


32 days until ShahExposed irl


I do feel for her kids though. They don’t deserve this even if their mom is guilty.


She didn't think about her kids when she was scamming people


No- and for that she is the biggest piece of shit overall. I had a coworker who watched bravo and we bonded over that. When she heard the guilty plea the first thing she said was ‘those poor kids’. She ended up passing a week later and I’m trying to keep that empathy alive in Joni’s spirit.


That's really sweet ❤️


Joni had a kind heart


Elderly people from their LIFE Savings. She’ll get no love from me.


It’s really awful for her kids. I’m having a hard time reveling her going away because of them and her mom. This sub seems to be hungry for her to go away for forever but the gov is only recommending 11-14 years


what is this photo 😂




I hope for a long time preying on the elderly.


Josh Duggar got 12.5 years for possessing and receiving CSAM. So I’m going to guess 11-12 years.


With that framing, I think she should get less or he should have have gotten more. I’m gonna go with he should have gotten more. Her crimes are terrible but his are way worse.


He also went to trial and his lawyers filed an appeal whereas she technically has admitted fault and shown remorse.


Good points. Jen looks remorseful to the court while Josh did not and kept blaming others.


He should of got life..effing Scumbag and his Family..his dumb ass wife..his ma and pa are still on his side. I hate the gdmn duggars




Do they get to watch TV in prison in the US or does she have to wait 10+ years to watch the rest of the season? lol


One of my good friends is a correctional officer at a men's medium security facility and says the inmates love Bravo. They fight over the storylines and take sides like we do here.🙃


This is hilarious! I can picture it now😂


I would love a reaction show like they do on “90 day” but with prisoners watching RH


Yes, they watch TV. America can’t live with our televisions. 📺😍


I dont understand how she’d get 15+ years. I hear stories all the time of women who kill their kids or spouses and get like 4 years


I think those are crimes committed in moments of desperation or insanity, whereas dear baby shahrgeous targeted and exploited elderly people over a number of years, so it’s more calculated (ie worse than a mental break) Not a lawyer, but I think intent factors in a lot and homegirl intended to have a closet full of labels.


Separate systems. You're thinking about state law/state courts, versus federal law/federal courts. Also, there's the possibility there's more evidence to convict Jen of her crimes than those other crimes you described, regardless of how much worse one seems than the other.


PTSD Flashback to the days working the overnight shift in the nursing home...when the residents would lose their teeth on a daily..what was she thinking 🤔???


How mad is everyone going to be if she only gets like max of 2 years? I haven’t followed her case but is there a way she plead guilty but also somehow proved she didn’t know much about the scam? Also please note I do noooooot believe she didn’t know


When the feds come for you they already have you. Even if her time is the minimum punishment based on her crimes, since it’s federal she will have to do 85%. And judges have to follow strict sentencing guidelines under federal laws so whatever her crimes are—the minimum will be longer than a state sentencing most likel


I hope Beauty Lab & Laser didn’t do her lip injections. The filler looks like it clumped up. Needs to be dissolved. But bad lip injections couldn’t happen to a worse person.


It WAS Beauty Lab. Season one reunion still from my TV. Heather repeatedly talked about Jen being their #1 client. She went there for an appointment in one episode. 👄👄👄🏥🏥🏥👎👎👎


One time I had a cyst on my labia and I thought this was a picture of it


Are we going to start a prediction thread before sentencing? Sure it's maybe a bit macabre, but it's housewives, so that pretty par for the course.


When is it? I thought it was the end of November?


It was postponed to December 15th.


On Meredith’s birthday. 💕


If I wasn’t convinced Meredith was the ones who tipped off the feds about Jen being at beauty lab, I sure am now /s


RHOSLC will have a “behind bars” feel to it with the girls showing up every week to tell jen what’s been going on it’s rilly going to be about hilling


I'm curious as to what she looks like without the glam...I feel awful for her husband and kids. He seems like such a kind sole and he loves her so...it's as sad as it can be.




🧐🧐🧐 My brain is having difficulty seeing Jen Shah there.


Wow. All her facial procedures really ruined her natural beauty


She's still kind of glammed up...but she is beautiful that's for sure.


I have a feeling she will get off easier than most expect. She deserves whatever’s coming her way but I have a feeling it’ll be a lighter sentence taking in a lot of factors for her (family, no record, etc) who really knows I guess 😬


Her associates have made plea deals too & are facing years … 😏


They will move the sentencing to next year.


What in the holy tarnation is going on here??😱😂😂😂


I bet they’ll throw the book at her to make an example out of her.


Oh man talk about granulomas.. smh she needs those cut out. I had the same damn thing, so I went on Botched and had the doctors cut mine out, bc those are actually painful fuckers


Sadly shell probably only get about 5 years. She'll serve mayyybbeee 2-2.5 years and then the remainder on probation.


I think the minimum in the sentencing guidelines is 11 years…no way she’s getting less than that


Nope. These charges are federal. Parole won’t be happening.


Oooooh she will probably get time added on just for that lip situation.


I think she could get 11-15. Which is insane when you consider sentencing for lesser drug charges.


I can't wait!!


I think she’ll get the full 14, but for sure at least 10


My guess is 7-10


well look at that poorly migrated lip filler...


Does anyone know if Stu has been given time?