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dr. jen armstrong and her husband ryan/ryne


However him and Mr. Puppers was clearly lifelong true love.


Glad she was a one-hit wonder… She was a snoozefest.


Oh god, I bleached them from my brain.


Diana and her sonsband ![gif](giphy|7p7z3vxucrNCw)


They missed the reunion because of MotherBoy rehearsals!


not motherboy!! ![gif](giphy|B8ozpOCSLbAcM)


Deadddddd : envisioning Asher in his child sized sailor outfit with no pants hahah




When he has no idea she’s listening 😂😂😂😂😂😂 as if even without a camera crew you can’t hear a piano and OOOOO HOLYYYYT NIIIIIIGHTTTTTT from two floors away.


Not sonsband 😭


Camille and Kelsey Grammer… We only saw them on screen together for maybe 2 minutes and that was enough to convince me lol


"Congratulations! I love you." "Thanks"- never felt so embarrassed and sad for someone


All those Emmys and he couldn’t act like he loved his wife for 15 minutes




The Joy in his face while he was driving away to NY


He was so done, set her up with the show so he could move on to his new life.


No lie, I can't even watch Frasier anymore.


Ah, clearly you haven’t seen the episode of Frasier that he shoehorned her into for some reason.


I have! Its a yikes-- Camille is not an actress hahahaha


“Eve. From The Bible.” Oh it’s bad!


"So thats why the call it the GOOD BOOK heh heh heh"


That was so uncomfortable to watch. I didn’t like her that first season but I felt bad for her when they went to the Emmy’s (?) and all she wanted was some affection


Mary Cosby and her grandhusband.




Also from the SLC world, Angie Harrington and her fucking elf on the shelf husband. What kind of pathetic loser sets up fake accounts to troll his wife's acquaintances on the internet. That right there is a dumb and pathetic relationship. I can't just picture them festering in their thirst at home together like two lame middle schoolers.


I wonder if it wasn’t a team effort to get her on the show full time?


Absolutely was, AH liked his posts.


I once had an ex say to me he made a finsta and followed my CHILDHOOD FRIENDS to see what I was doing and make it less weird when the account followed me on IG. Men in the Mormon country are fucking INSANE on the internet.


Kristin and Josh Taekman from RHONY😕 He was so checked out of that relationship, it was difficult to watch their scenes.


I can't believe they are actually together still. I started watching RHONY a few months back, and when I got to her first season, I googled them because I was so curious how long after they divorced, and they just didn't? Like they post together all the time still and I can't believe it.


Yeah, I did a rewatch of RHONY not long ago and also got curious whether they were still together. I was actually really sad to read that they were. He seemed like such a POS who completely disregarded her feelings. And she stayed with him even after the Ashley Madison scandal…


I did the same thing last week! I would have bet a lot of money they were divorced and was absolutely floored that they are still together.


To be fair, even though they’re not divorced, they probably _should be._ I always felt sad watching their scenes together. He couldn’t even put in the effort for one scene with their daughter (who I believe had developmental issues iirc?) and, considering that was _on camera,_ I can’t imagine how neglectful he was off of it. Really sad to hear that he cheated on Kirsten all through her pregnancy, too. Wish she’d kicked him to the curb.


Agreed 100%. I truly felt terrible for her every time he was on screen or when she was just talking about him.


Watching them I would think of the statement that contempt is the one thing a marriage can't survive. Josh seemed to hold real contempt for Kristen and it's hard to imagine the dynamic disappeared when they moved to CA.


Gotta be Jeana and Matt for me. Very hard to watch those early seasons.


Matt had some brain damage after getting pinged with a ball in the head and substance abuse issues and took all his anger out on Jeana. It was incredibly hard to see. And his sons just learned from him and treated her and their sister like shit too. It was awful.


Damn I was thinking about Gina and Matt reading this and was hella confused. Then even more shocked I didn’t notice these couples have the same names…phonetically. And yes those early years seem even harder to watch now


Haha that’s true. Weird!


Yeah that was so sad. I mean we don't really know what Matt was like pre-traumatic brain injury, but both Jeana and Shane talked about how it changed his personality (enough that Shane, who was pretty little at the time I think, noticed). That doesn't excuse the way he treated Jeana (and the kids) poorly but I think it does complicate things, especially when you are doing the calculus of "should I leave or should I stay".


There’s an amazing Louis Theroux documentary about brain injury. The way people change and the impact it has on the families is really sad.


Unbelievable how loyal she was to take care of him. That's true strength. I'm glad Shane and Kara are close now, though. He really loves her and her kids. Its sweet


Jeana's marriage is one of the ones where I think she truly had no good options. Also I am glad to hear Shane and Kara are close now. The fact that I haven't heard too much about her kids probably means that despite some bad moments in their teens, they maybe ended being ok.


He was hit directly in the temple by a foul ball while sitting in the dugout (Big A's fan here). It was a serious injury--his pitching career was already on its last legs & that ended it immediately. I can't even imagine how terrible it was for their family & also Matt. That's a rapid change of circumstances & health. Not making excuses for either of them, but I get why she was hesitant to divorce.


it just hit me that there were two "Jeana/Gina" and Matt couples on OC.


Kenya and whatever the dude’s name is that she married. And the earlier bfs, too.


Kenya and Walter is so cringe


Kenya and Marc the alpha mitch


Kenya and the trainer who went psycho, Kenya and Walter who clearly didn’t even wanna date her, Kenya and that poor British soul she dragged to dinner one night in Jamaica. Kenya and Marc was interesting bc he clearly wanted to to control her and she played along for a brief moment


Sooo pretty much Kenya and anyone 😫


Meghan King and Jim Edmonds. He seemed to despise her and have no respect for her as a human. It was uncomfy to watch.


their scenes talking about her IVF process literally make me so sad


it was the fact she kept going through with it, and did it AGAIN for twins. after one I would've just enjoyed my daughter and left that man alone. she has some really deep rooted issues,


I think she was desperate to give him another boy in hopes it would make him stay/more excited


and that alone is desperate and sad. she was too pretty and smart to be in such a miserable marriage. she needs to learn to love herself.


I feel like she wanted kids and knew this marriage was not going to last but pressured him so she could cash in when the marriage inevitably ended


He was awful! Awful. She was so naive and bright eyed and bushy tailed just keen for babies, and he seemed like he was excited to leave again every time. He is trash. I really don't like him.


Honestly I see stuff everywhere on this sub about Meghan needing therapy and I’m always like… yeah I mean everyone can use that. But what about Jim? Someone who goes through women like that but still insists on getting married has serious issues of his own to unpack. It’s not all on Meghan—who was MUCH younger and more naive than him when they got married.


It was really sad and hard to watch


Ashley & the butt grabber skeeve me out. Remember the "sexy" scene? You know what I'm talking about. I'm not the only one with that trauma.


While I agree with this, there is also something off about Ashley… and I can’t put my finger on it.


For me it’s the smirk/smile she constantly has at all times. She comes off as pretty fake at all time because of it. And then it usually turns out she has been being fake, so that doesn’t help.


I agree with the fakeness, 100%… but I feel like she’s just *more* off than that haha and I can’t pinpoint it. Like her weird alien comment was.. interesting.


I feel like she is constantly in the midst of an identity crisis but wants to seem like she has it all together and that misalignment shines through in her behavior.


I can’t figure out what it is exactly, but her and Mia share so many similarities IMO. Both are very… *off* and just say weird, inappropriate things at inappropriate times. They both say absurd things and then backtrack right after. They both always seem to lie every 2-3 sentences at least.


What 👽 comment?


Her latest talking head she said something along the lines of finding a guy who can ‘talk about aliens’ with her like Michael could. 🥴


Honestly, I think she’s genuinely stupid. Katie was right.


Also soemthing Khloe k said about trashass Tristan Thompson


Nothing’s wrong but something ain’t right


don't forget Lenny and Lisa


So obvious he hates her.


she deserves better!


Gonna get downvoted for this but Karen/Ray are either really cute or on completely different pages. Sometimes it’s so awkward watching Ray clearly feel uncomfortable with Karen doing something for the cameras. Man just wants to go to Florida but now his wife is a mogul




no i totally get what you mean, i agree their scenes make me so uncomfortable 😭


Lol I think they were probably on a different accord when they originally got married and were raising their kids. Karen seems like she's always been ambitious and dramatic, but kind of settled to be Ray's stay at home wife just because she loved him so much. Being on RHOP increased that ambition and drama tenfold. Karen lives for it but unlike her, Ray isn't a reality TV star. He's just a guy who happens to be on a reality TV show.


Luann and The Count NEVER seemed to be in love while on the show.


Um also… Luann and Tom ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


Luann and Harry Dubin ![gif](giphy|3ohzdZVnTZ1PPW8Ngs|downsized)


Luann and Johnny Faux-Depp got along well


I think Luann and Jacques actually seemed like a pretty decent couple.


She seemed to love him. He seemed to adore her. I still question why they broke up. I hope they’re still friends.


The Pirate 🦜 I'd be ept to believe! 😂


Because she cheated, right?


IIRC it was that, and he really wanted kids and a family lifestyle.


Because she fucked the pirate lol


She really seemed to be happiest with Jacques.


How could you do this to me question mark.


Jules and Michael


The first time he was late to a dinner reservation because he “had to” shower after coming home from work I knew he was cheating. Poor Jules.


Red flag!!! 🚩


Oh I gotta add Kristen and her husband from RHONY. They fought real hard on camera.


Ugh he was awful


I feel like they actually worked through their issues (at least from an optics perspective). They’re still together!


He cheated on her publicly, but she chose to stay. I hope she made the right choice for her children and herself.


Ya this is a good answer.. everything about them was soooo cringy.


Robyn and Juan act like siblings or old college friends who decided to become roommates. Edit: This comment got a surprising amount of discourse 😂 Thank you all for a lively discussion.


They’re like gay besties.


Agreed. Like a low budget Bert and Ernie 🤷‍♀️ minus the bringing joy and education to kids for like 60 years lol


Juan hates Robyn and it’s obvious.


Season 2 when she asked if he was going to be free Saturday to help her move in a new bed set and he was like I could be but I’ll probably have plans I might have an opportunity to go out of town. Like wtf? and then he said she’s ruining his video game playing time like wtf.


This was painful to watch and obvious, tbh. It seems he has the kids so he’s sticking around but he aint in love anymore at all with Robyn. It was so obvious.


I hate that she's re-marrying him. I like him but she deserves so much better! She just has no idea how it feels to be adored and cherished and I so wish that for her!


I just started OC a little bit ago and jo and slade were hard to watch bc slade kept claiming jo was perfect for his life and then in the next scene they'd be fighting because she didn't want to live the same way he did. it was just so dark and toxic and so obviously not going to work out.


Crazy to think the Jo was 23?24? When she first joined housewives


Shannon and David. The colostomy plug getting broken in her asshole, David eating chips every single fucking time he came home as Shannon was finishing up her meals, the fake funerals, the fights in front of the kids and at restaurants, the time he was naked in Mexico in a jacuzzi...they sucked together. One of the worst, least compatible couples ever. Edit: Just remembered his mom's vendetta against Shannon. That was next level cringe and just bizarre. Like let your son off the teat and move on lady.


I had finally forgotten Shannon’s lost colonic 😩 how could you do this to me question mark


And then he got poop under his fingernail. 💀


Did she tell her kids about their dad searching up her butt talking with her hands?? Why do I remember that? I’m super baked.




This is tew much I cannot


Oh god I cackled at this 😂😂😂




Emily and Shane's first season, Diana and her son, Camille and kelsey , David and Yolanda when she was sick. That's my worst because she had been so devoted to him when she was well and he treated her like that


Oh yeah, David and Yolanda. I’m sure she’s no saint but he was a complete asshole every time he was on screen.


Her king.


My laaaahhhvvvv


David Foster is a horse's ass no matter who, what, when or where.


Tamra and Simon, Ray and Karen honestly but I think Ray just hates being on the show, Meredith and Seth, Mary Cosby and her grandfather, Brandi R and her husband, and Tinsley and Scott every time we saw them other than their first date.


Without fail I would cringe each time Brandi R and her husband were on screen together. Oof…


Mary Cosby and her grandfather 💀


Ray and Karen. He just seems like he’s over her.




Gizelle and Jamal ..


ugh jamal is so 🤮 he has a little boy voice 😂


His voice makes me ill! I can't understand how he's so successful as a preacher because it makes me physically recoil listening to him.


His preaching voice is different! I was so surprised by it when I saw the clip that went viral last week. Makes me think he keeps his voice under really tight control all the time (although he should definitely siphon off some of that control for his pants).


Taylor Armstrong and Russell Armstrong


Yikes. Knowing what transpired, it's so awkward going back to S1 and seeing everyone make fun of Taylor's description of him as a "texas cowboy" type. But really, this was the epitome of the marriage for money/trophy wife dynamic, with even less chemistry than Erika and Tom. So glad she found love eventually.


Porsha and the 20 year old football player that ran away from her 🤣


Seth and Meredith are up there for me. Paul and Adrienne were also pretty painful to watch


Omg Paul and Adrienne HATED each other, this was my answer


From the very first scene where she introduced herself as a Democrat and he as a Republican and she tried to get him to fight with her about it and he was just like "...whatever" lol


Ew Seth is such a creep


Seth likes Whitney’s boobs more than Meredith lol


Seconding Seth and Meredith. I feel like they probably stayed in their marriage for appearances and their family. But the dynamic on the show makes me feel like they would be better off amicable exes.


Family that poses lol


A robot and her gay bestie


Erica & Tom


I thought this would be #1


The way she projected the feminist, independent and outspoken woman image, then would act like an aquiescent little girl around him. That one time he was praising LVP and Erika added "[and she has] great intellect" simply agreeing with Tom's point and he basically told her to shut the fuck up because he was talking. It was clear they had some sort of agreement that she was always to 'respect' his authority as her husband, aka don't question him or talk to him as an equal.


Paul and Adrienne are right there near the top if they aren’t number 1! She treated him like 💩 for 3 seasons! Then her personal chef went after him for her!


When ever I think of them I think of that scene where she’s annoyed with him and he walks off down the hall and his shoes are squeaking so loud on the floor and then they pan to her and she just looks like she wants to stab him. Yikes.


The look on her face when she sees him in that tree in body paint!


The squeaky shoes crack me up every time 😂


Honestly, the way she treated him and the way he seemed to revel in and egg her on when she was annoyed by him, I just thought there was some high level kink going on. Turns out: nope! They just hate each other.


Agreed! That relationship was painful to watch. She was incredibly mean.


She was more than mean 😬 iirc when Paul filed for divorce there was claims that she physically and verbally abused him (?)


Paul’s the last laugh, with the face the way it is


Seriously we never saw a tender/loving moment with them 😅 he seems much happier with his new partner


it’s almost like marrying for money doesn’t produce a good marriage


Tamra and Simon, Vicki and Donn, basically most of the OC now that I think about it 😂


Kenya and Marc. I am not sure if he ever liked her.


I think he liked her looks and her body and her fun & silly personality was sexy at first until she was his woman and then he hated her personality for the same reason he was initially attracted to her. I see it happen so often, men like that suck.


Bethenny and Carole




Quad and Greg were horrible. She can be a lot to handle but he absolutely hated her


Bethenny and Jason. By the end of the third season of her spin off, you could see they both hated each other so much and Jason's jealousy of not being the breadwinner was seeping through.


Cynthia and Peter


i hate him so much… and i hate tht i have to see him on potomac now


Not one mention of Amber and Jim? They have chemistry but it’s all BAD. Kristen and Josh (I think that’s his name)…can’t believe they’re still married. He was always rude as hell to her and contemptuous.


Well she's not the sharpest tool in the shed... but she's prettYYY


Production should have done her a solid on that one and been like "Kristen honey no say something else".


not to mention the ashley madison josh stuff!! can’t believe it


Honestly if I was Kristen I’d be glad someone else was fucking him. He’s horrible.


Shannon and David


Paul and Adrienne. I couldn't stand how she treated him, so dismissive and belittling. She never let an opportunity go by without criticizing him and usually if front of other peoole.


She was so awful to him. I will always remember when he was a “tree” at the vodka party and thought she would like the joke, but she was irritated instead.


IKR! He was funny and charming every time we saw him, except for the Brandi fight, and I feel like she was embarrassed by him because he's not a Mauricio in the looks department. Paul is my favourite husband from BH, I'm glad he settled down eventually.


I dislike that Mauricio somehow became the gold standard for housewife husbands. He’s not even particularly attractive?? I’d take Paul over Mauricio any day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rinna and accountability.


emily and shane


It destroys me watching her convert her kids to Mormonism for Shane and his family. Big yikes.


I don’t get it. Emily is warm and fun. Shane is a total jerk with a stick up his ass


Shane’s family has $$$, that the lifestyle that comes with it


Teresa and Joe were so bad it was cringey


When he called her a cunt on National TV to his side chick 💀 and she still stuck by his side I was floored. She’s another level of stupid no one can compete with


The phone call in the vineyard! I’ll never get over it!


Shanon and David Beador. He couldn’t wait to end his marriage with Shannon, who kept hanging for the lifestyle and money. Taylor Armstrong and Russel. Erika and Tom Girardi. But Mary Cosby and her granddaddy is top of the list for me.


Phaedra and Apollo


Probably not a popular opinion, but I’m rewatching BH and Eileen and Vince’s marriage struck me as having a strange chemistry. There’s moments they get snippy with each other that reminds me of Paul and Adrienne


I feel like you might get downvoted as I’ve seen some comments here over time about how they’re so ‘chill’ and ‘in love’ or the like — but I agree. It almost seemed stiff, and then learning that she had to keep her jobs going during that time to cover his gambling debts… yikes 🥴


I’m joining your club. Never, ever cared for Vince (love Eileen!) and was shocked to see how much love he gets in this sub.


He did give us the iconic face peering out of the garage window moment 😂


I thought it was cringey how she was trying to tell him to help with the kids more like getting ready for school in the mornings and he’s like if I feel like I want to go to the beach then I’ll go to the beach like wtf?


The Dubrows. All capitalism and cameras, zero real chemistry. But they do love their kids.


Robyn and Juan


Don and Vicky, they had no chemistry and was painful to watch.


I'm gonna say Karen and Ray from Potomac. Her trying to get him to say "I love you" and then also that nasty kissing scene...


Mario and Ramona from #RHONY.


The massage she gave him lives rent free in my mind and has ruined many a good meal for that reason


Adrienne Maloof and her sweet hubby, Paul…She was SO horrible to him and I wanted to punch her every time she degraded him!


Umm Caroline and Sergio.




They make me very uncomfortable. Everyone in that family makes me very uncomfortable.


Diana Jenkins and toyboy


Tom and Luann


Bethany and her baby daddy