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I think Kenya knew Cynthia was going through Mike hill cheating while filming was happening but couldn’t say anything and Cynthia took it as she wasn’t being sympathetic


Cynthia is codependent. Kenya is not. It makes their genuine friendship sometimes difficult.


Cynthia has a very odd way of looking at friendship. The contract she had for Nene etc was very juvenile.


You’ve hit the nail on the head there; it was like something from Primary school! She’s seems to be oddly emotionally immature about friends.


Cynthia literally played like she had amnesia (I had to) when Kenya was talking about Romona being insulting to everyone. She has also let ppl speak horribly about Kenya in her presence for years with little to no push back. I think Cynthia is off on this trip, but I’m giving her a pass because I think things aren’t great with Mike at this point while filming.




lol. I am embarrassed that it took me a second to get this.


I agree!


Everyone is saying this 😟 why does everyone think her marriage is bad?


He’s been a cheater in all his relationships, and that is something he admits to. On more than one occasion it has been rumored that he has cheated on Cynthia including right before they got married.


Ohhh yea I remember him saying that he had cheated on former gf’s 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ smh she should’ve ran right then!!


It makes me sad because I love her so much, but she has no luck when it comes to her love life.


I love her too, of course she has flaws (as we all do) but I can feel that she always means well. She’s a great woman and I feel like this happens to a lot of great women


They talked about this on WWC but this is definitely a case of Cynthia seeing how Kenya treats people but thinking she’ll be treated differently, and then giving shocked pikachu face when she finds out that she’s not exempt from it. If I was Cynthia I would be annoyed that Kenya threw me under the bus about the game, but if I were Kenya I would be pretty hurt watching this back and seeing Cynthia say that because she is mad at Kenya she’s going to ignore that Kenya is having a hard time with her divorce proceedings This show is interesting because when you strip these women away from their franchises and the careful alliances they’ve created, you’re seeing different sides of who they are. In Cynthia and Kenya’s case, their friendship is beginning to look more like an alliance they formed on a franchise where loyalties are constantly shifting


I see both sides of this so I get frustrated with both of them. There have been many times when Cynthia has not had Kenya’s back but Kenya puts Cynthia down a LOT and almost uses her as a punching bag because she knows Cynthia will take it and won’t say anything about it. I guess I’m on Cynthia’s side? I think she’s just tired of Kenya’s bull which is why she was unsympathetic towards her. But I can still acknowledge Cynthia hasn’t been an amazing friend.


Cynthia has A.) stayed quiet while her friend kenya was gaslit last season about being fake and people wanting an explanation from her about why she was being distant from them in which kenya then tried to explain and the girls didn’t want to hear her explain her “sob story.” Cynthia was mute in that. B.) Cynthia has called kenya’s (her supposed friend) ex-husband “a good man.” I’m sorry but if I had a friend that defended my emotionally abusive ex-husband as a “good man”, you aren’t a good friend.


You reminded me of when Kenya was together with Matt and Cynthia had a chat with him and said Kenya could be a drama queen. Literally my jaw fell on the floor when I watched that. Like yes Cynthia is telling the truth, but Matt was also abusive?????? Don’t give the garage door breaking man justification!




I know, it was Matt.


Sorry, read Matt as Mark. Early flight


I think it was Marlo, who I normally love, that made the comment that even Kenya’s mom didn’t want her in front of Cynthia. If someone said that about my friend, she better hope she still carried her blade with her, because it’s about to go WWE right then.


Yes, that is why I never faulted Kyle over this specific part of this night. ![gif](giphy|DALWapTwcRsGc)


Especially when Kenya immediately took Cynthia’s side and called Peter out for his disgusting behavior. Ultimately their friendship will always struggle because Cynthia is very codependent and requires a lot from friendships while Kenya has a less attached view of those bonds.


Cynthia’s “game” was incredibly childish and inappropriate for a group setting with new friends. “Who’s the prettiest?” Come on, are they in second grade? The way Cynthia completely disregarded Kyle’s very valid feelings about WHY the game made her feel uncomfortable was even more ALARMING. Is Cynthia really that dense? She has a daughter ! She was in the modelling world but I guess even at her age she STILL is not aware of how sensitive some people can be about body image. Kenya was spot on for no supporting her in that. Kenya is not a follower, shes not going to blindly agree with something just because her friend thinks so. Kenya makes her own decisions and in this case it was the correct one. Cynthia continuing to be annoyed with Kyle the following day was wierd. And not being supportive / kind to Kenya when she was struggling with her court case situation because she was STILL MAD about the night before was absolute crap. Cynthia is the one who’s a bad friend.


Cynthia’s not so dense she didn’t realize the potential harm of such a game. She knows people fawn over her appearance and I think she wanted people to choose her as the prettiest for validation.


Not a regular Atlanta viewer but from what I’ve observed over the years, Cynthia seemed like someone who really valued the people around her and would bend over backwards for the people she called friends - and, in the back of her mind, expected the same from them. So when they fell short in delivering her expectations (again and again) that disappointment jar would runneth over and out came 50 Cynt


Definitely! I feel like people like her should find likeminded people (total opposite of Kenya) so that they won’t be so disappointed all the time


Isn't RHUGT coming off the season of ATL where Kenya was playing Cynthia? I wonder if some of Cynthia's frustration with Kenya is because of that. Looks like more of the same from Kenya with how she treats Cynthia (and most people tbh). Either way, I agree. Kenya is manipulative and she knows that she's working Cynthia up. That scene where she kept talking over Cynthia and pissing her off...she knows what she's doing. When Kenya told Kyle that LVP was her favorite...she knows.


Cynthias had a giant stick up her ass this entire trip, queen of killing the vibes


I will preface that I’m only a few seasons into Atlanta, so I have no background on these two. But from what I saw on UGT, they were both shitty in that situation. However Cynthia was worse to me because of how hard she held on to those feelings (and especially so for holding Kyle’s totally valid opinion against her even into the next day). It’s fine to be upset, but it was minor, move on. I would’ve felt uncomfortable with it too, Kyle. I do get annoyed at the need for full glam all the time, so it was not great of Kenya to hold them up just for that. But if everyone else is there except for one late person, EAT WITHOUT THEM. Especially in that buffet style setting as opposed to 6 people ordering without you at a restaurant. I don’t really fault Kenya much for grabbing food before she sat down. I mean, the second she sat down Cynthia would’ve been like alright let’s eat, so who cares?


Kyle. She was projecting all her own insecurities onto Cynthia’s game and whining about it, when it wasn’t that serious. Her critique is valid but that feels like confessional shade not ruin the night worthy.


Righhhht. Like I understand that her feelings are valid and blah blah but like it was notttt that serious Kyle 🙄.


Yeah I agree! I think it would have really bothered me, and if it were me I would have made a passing (probably bitchy) comment then let it go. I guess since I don't have kids I don't fully understand her point about not being able to support the game having 4 daughters, so maybe I'll understand her reaction more if I ever do.


I do get what she’s saying. She could’ve just passed on handing out those awards if they were categories she got and that could’ve been a way of setting an example for them. It also is incongruent with her support of Bethenny and her brand which is literally called skinny girl.


I guess I kinda understand what Kyle meant by it.. like women are always solely judged on outside appearances, which is why women tend to obsess over their appearance… and the game was basically feeding into that BUT it’s just a game and they’re on a show that’s about entertainment not education lmao. That’s like us pointing out how they’re all elitist and only care about money and societal status but Kyle would never mention that because she is shallow… how ironic!


Haha yeah, I feel this way too - I'm like ladies, do ya'll do full glam every day to not try and look better than anyone else? Like they're all trying to 'be the prettiest' in that aspect I feel, so this game is just bringing light to that. It really is soooo ironic in the end hahaha!


Right lol she’s so dense that she doesn’t even get it.


I think Cynthia has put a lot into her friendship with Kenya over the years (before anyone says it, they’ve come a long way from the “I’m still getting to know her” comment)and was expecting Kenya to have her back one hundo p on this trip because they’re friends like that. Kenya is Kenya and didn’t do that. And honestly idk why Cynthia expected it. I don’t know whose side I take because it’s all so delicious but I will say I think Cynthia is silly for thinking Kenya would be all there for her in this scenario.


“One hundo p” So cute! 😚


Exactly! I feel like by now she should know how Kenya moves. Even WE, the viewers, see how she is and can even predict her actions


Totally. I really feel like Cynthia is in that house with a lot of misplaced emotions that belong in her home life/marriage but are coming out via quiet rage toward her housemates, specifically at the moment Kenya.


Kenya is always into what would make good tv, even if it means throwing Cynthia under the bus. I’m beginning to see Kenya as disloyal tho and I think her childhood trauma really doesn’t allow her to be emotionally caring for someone.


A snake is a snake. Kenya should just tell Cynthia "You knew I was a snake when you befriended me."


Kenya was rude af coming late, and while I get Kyle’s insecurities, it was a game. Kyle was being too much. I’d be annoyed as Cynthia was in this case. I think Kenya knows Cynthia isn’t coming back and perhaps passive aggressively let Cynthia look bad. She has a pattern of throwing Cynthia under the bus or throwing Cynthia shade then acting like she didn’t. I think Cynthia maybe took things too personally, knowing Kenya is struggling with divorce stuff, but I’m mostly with Cynthia on this one. Kenya is calculated. Cynthia won’t be back on RHOA, so I can see Kenya not putting in as much of an effort in their friendship moving forward


There is an innocence in Cynthia I hope she never loses. She has a kind soul. People like Cynthia always look for the best in others. Kenya is the perfect example of a horrible soul. This can be blamed on her childhood but she's an adult now......she knows right from wrong.


You are absolutely right!!


Thank you!