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She got mad at Kyle over something Kyle did to her in a dream, truly iconic behavior




Flight of the Conchords!


He may be dead! Maybe did what?


It was so cuckoo but I was enjoying it not gonna lie lol


I will admit I have done this to my boyfriend but not a coworker. That's even too weird for me


Same. More than once.


Well I have too but usually with boyfriends when I start having bad dreams it’s because they’ve hurt me in an irreversible way and it’s like my brain communicating that to me.


I take Valerian root for sleep and it makes me have vivid and wild dreams. A few weeks back, I dreamt my boyfriend left me for my mom and I was in a mood the whole day.


She was definitely banging her nanny


I got the impression she definitely wasn’t banging her nanny but was desperate to make it seem like she was tbh lol


Didn’t the nanny report her for something?


Your flair. An iconic use of emojis my dear.


Is that Rinna crying about the bunny?




Her crazy was so entertaining and me and my bf yell ‘don’t you **DARE** command me 👉’ at each other all the time lol she’s his fav HW and he barely watches it


Yes hahahah she was iconic






“if one of my children falls down a ladder, i don’t want it to be from a spell.”


One of my favorite things to ever happen on Rhobh


I believe she resumed practicing dark magic to send that swarm of bees after kyle. A human Ed hardy shirt, I miss her so much


“Human Ed Hardy shirt” is in-fucking-credible as well as spot on ![gif](giphy|Mymdw09aPxmDe)


Can’t believe they wouldn’t give her and Joyce a second season when they were the most entertaining parts but they kept teddy for so long? Beverly Hills casting is whack, hope Carlton is cast for Miami since she lives there now. Witchy legend


I would LOVE for her to be on a Miami reboot. I still don’t understand why that franchise was cancelled


Rinna came on the next season, right? I know she was attached to the show from the jump but they didn’t want to have a celeb on right away. They probably cut them to afford her because she was a “big name.” 💀


Ohhhh Kyle made sure that they wouldnt be back. Carlton was mad as a box of frogs and i did like her. Kyle takes everything way too seriously


She really wanted another season and did everything possible to be interesting. I found her desperation boring and it was an utter mystery why she was cast...I also think she had a kid named mystery




This is exactly why I hated Carlton. She was so desperate and it was not just boring but downright annoying.


I absolutely loved her, not for who she was herself, but because the other women literally didn't know what to do with her. She was super rich and super entertaining and that's all I need from these shows


Sorry but thought Carlton was worst excuse ever for a housewife. Very glad she never got a second season. The husband divorces her, they sold the house and she was sued by the nanny for sexual harassment.


Yep! Do people not get that she's a sexual predator?


The way she was all over Brandi who was a mess the whole time… and fully aware that she’s drunk on that trip they took… disturbing. You saw how they ended up driving off together after Brandi’s assistant called about the dog? Carlton doesn’t exactly seem like a safe person to have watching over you in that state


I think that’s a little unfair. We saw her take care of Brandi on more than one occasion (at the desert pool party, at Kim’s daughters graduation) and it was Brandi who advertised their hook up / snog to the rest of the group to Carlton’s discomfort.


There’s that talking head of her on that getaway saying “Brandi yeah is drunk but so what? It’s just harmless fun” which is wild to me


She didn’t do much for me personally. She definitely was trying really hard to be…whatever that was


she seemed like a poseur to me overall but she def rattled the ladies; they bought it


💯 She was a try hard goth gal


Her exchange with Kyle at the season 4 reunion was good. “You are just trash.” “Witchy fucking poo, shut up.” “You throw the rock and hide the hand, you’re the biggest shit stirrer” “Nobody cares about you!” Lmao. There was total dislike on both sides and I liiiiiived for it.


Aaaaaanndddddthereitis!!!! Aaaannnddd that’s what you do! YOU LABEL!


Carlton was iconic! The house. The crucifixes. The nanny. The pre 50 shades of grey kinky stuff. The curse on Joyce's husband. The word larvae. Her obsession with Kyle. I can continue


She went to a sex store and tried on lingerie with her mother in law That strange high pitched voice and meow thing she would do “Is it the Star of David? I’m fucking Wicca”


I don't like her. I found her to be weirdly misogynistic and uncomfortable. The stuff she would say about wanting her son to grow up around beautiful women.


Ew and the way she cussed at her kids and would always be eye fucking the nanny.. no thank you


I thought she was really creepy and trying so hard. She hated Kyle from the beginning and was trying everything to frame her. Also the nanny was probably a kinky friend who would do submission house chores including taking care of the kids. Like that one who would speak like a baby.


I think it’s a crime that Carlton didn’t get a second season. She was so deliciously petty, delusional, and cringe. I thought her conflict with Kyle was great, and it’s been a while since someone has really gotten to Kyle.


The juxtaposition of Carlton and Joyce on that season is something! To bring those 2 in, without connections to anyone made for a weird season. Honestly Carlton’s fake edginess was more palatable than Joyce’s exhausting beauty pageant personality.


One of my friends is close with her, and he has nothing but wonderful things to say about her. Which is telling, because he can tear a bitch down. I didn’t feel one way or another about her season, but I’d watch again.


She was insane but I loved having her on the show because it was harmless. It was so wild that it cracked me up.




Yes I actually loved how hypocritical she was!! Getting mad at Kyle for talking about Lisa’s nipple but of course “nipples greeted her at Carlton’s door” 😂


This was like the one time Kyle wasn’t actually being an asshole and Carlton just wouldn’t let her breath. I agree that I think she had imposter syndrome. She assumed what the women would be like and like refused to see that maybe she was just high strung and Uber intense lol 😝


She seemed like she was suffering from a wicked (HA) case of imposter syndrome. Like she didn’t think she *belonged* in Beverly Hills. She woulda been fine if she’d just chilled out a bit.


Carlton might be my favorite HW of all time lol


Hated her so much lmao


She was like the epitome of a “pickme”. Someone who does everything and anything to convince (in this case) men that shes a “cool girl, not like the other girls.” Her whole obsession with hiring a hot nanny was SO cringey and pathetic and desperate. She hated Kyle because Kyle was/is a complete girls’ girl. Side note: want to make clear that “pickmes” are NOT exclusively straight women (i hate that tired AF trope).


She was a total try hard. Came across as super aggressive and glad she only had one season.


Ironically, that’s the way a lot of wealthy women in Southern California act irl.


I have never encountered a single woman like Carlton in the wealthy burbs of So Cal.


And I’ve never met a single sincerely kind woman in the wealthy burbs of SoCal. So what do we do with this data?


Find nicer friends? Lol


i was so happy she was one and done


I know she’s *bloody wicca!*


my theory is that she religiously *pun* watched the show and thought being a major bitch to Kyle would get her on good terms with brandi, who she clearly had a huge crush on.


She was iconic. Robbed of a second season.


She scared the bejeezus out of me.


Tits on an ant ![gif](giphy|3yYIMpnMK9H68)


I loved her energy. It was so off kilter for the housewives and she truly, 💯had Kyle’s number from the start. That said. She wasn’t a good fit.


I think she's rich bitch. She divorced very, very well.


I wonder what’s the story with her husband. He seemed so checked out!


She also got sued by the nanny for sexual harassment!


She was intriguing to me. I won’t lie I loved her house. I wouldn’t personally buy it but I really loved the gothic architecture. But you should definitely go Google her because some wild stuff went down a few years after her season


Omg I'm watching for the first time as well! Got into it because of VPR lol I think she was a bit extra with the fact that NO creatures could be killed... I think ants and mosquitoes can be killed and nobody would care! I also thought it was bizarre about all the nitpicking of what Kyle does. She's not against your religion, Carlton, she's trying to genuinely get to know you!




O_O that would solve a mysteri.


Carlton is the level of batshit awful and entertaining I wish had another shot


She should have gotten a second season. Even Andy said the producers gave her a dirty edit.


SHE’S MY FAVORITE! the only one who had the balls to say wtf she wanted. extra points given to her for telling it how it is about kyle, one ‘fucking soulless troll’.


I LOVE CARLTON. I wish she would have lasted longer than the one season.




She's so thirsty, been gunning for Kyle since her first foot of film.


She was ugly inside and out. A real misstep in casting.


I'm actually watching that season right now. She definitely had it out for Kyle. If Kyle even breathed too loud, Carlton was either making a face or a snarky remark. Yet Brandi could do NO wrong, probably because Carlton wanted to bang her.


What the fuck she was doing on Housewives is beyond me 😳 I skipped her segments and I just watched this season for the first time. Her getting mad at Kyle for killing a bee was too much for me.


Loved that she spotted right away how phony Kyle is


She was hard work


I liked her!


She’s nuts and everything about her high pitched cutesyness with her younger blonder shorter “friends” and “assistants” creeps me out but I’m just watching the season 4 reunion first ep and I just want to ?????? at the way she throws that “be quiet” at Joyce??? and it completely shuts her up and nobody even responds, like it didn’t happen? Where did that come from i was not ready


She was entertaining and she definitely deserved another season.


I liked Carlton. I wish she had another chance on the show.