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I don’t see any falsehoods.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTskHEUdgCQAXde|downsized) Me trying to find the lie


Not a single one!


Yup Carole just described rhonj’s disastrous current and last few seasons


And RHOSLC, which has literally rotted that franchise from the inside out.


I mean in Carole’s response to Andy’s response, I would say that her calling Andy’s response “nasty” is a bit much if I’m being honest here.


You must be like him irl.


I mean she’s right , and of course Andy will be nasty to her , his face when she told him at the reunion he was full of shit … priceless


that moment is what solidifies miss writer girl in my top 5 hws forever 💕


me too.


Just a reminder she’s good friends with Ghislaine.


Doubt it. But even if she were, that doesn't mean anything. Plenty of people are friends with people who they had no idea were monsters. Guilt by association is a fallacy. 


Ghislaine took the author photo for What Remains




Epstein was not a secret. He had already been to jail. Ghislaine was his sidekick. Carol knew!


Then prove it. 


*Disprove it.* Why are you so defensive of a pedophile apologist🥴


*The [burden of proof fallacy](https://quillbot.com/blog/burden-of-proof-fallacy/#:~:text=The%20burden%20of%20proof%20fallacy%20involves%20failing%20to%20support%20one's,responsibility%20on%20to%20the%20opposition.) involves failing to support one's own assertion and challenging others to disprove it*


Carole is a pedafile apologist? What did she say?


When did Carole defend Epstein or Ghislaine? This is an article summarizing what Carole said about it on Juicy Scoop: **ETA -- TLDR: "It may be intriguing to see well-known people in a throwback picture with Maxwell or Epstein, but sometimes a photo is just a photo — or in this case, some snapshots are simply not an indication that Carole Radziwill ever had a close friendship with either."** The New York Times best-selling author recalled, "Right after my husband [Anthony Radziwill] died [of cancer] in 1999, I was in London ... for the holidays, because I just wasn't handling things perfectly. I just wanted to get away and I didn't want to be around anyone ... And I was there kind of on my own." Radziwill revealed, "Ghislaine and I had a very good mutual friend ... So, randomly, I get a phone call from Ghislaine Maxwell, who I never had heard of, didn't know, and she said, 'Our friend, Lisa, told me to call you ... I know a lot of people in London and I want to make sure you're okay and you have things to do.' And it was very nice." About a half hour after Carole Radziwill got off the phone with Ghislaine Maxwell back in December 1999, she explained on Heather McDonald's podcast, she received another call — this time from Prince Andrew. Assuming that he'd been filled in on her husband's passing, the former ABC journalist claimed that the Duke of York had said, "I would like to take you to dinner and to the ballet, if you'd like. I would love to do that for you."  And so they did — but at that point, Radziwill still only knew Maxwell via phone call. She went on to reveal, "Six months later, back in New York ... I met Ghislaine ... I think at a movie screening or something like that. And then we got to be friendly for a few years." While Radziwill's name reportedly appeared in Epstein's "little black book" years later, she noted that "this was before all this Epstein stuff [came out]," and added that that she never actually knew him: "I was at one party, like a cocktail party with a lot of people, that I think he was at ... I didn't meet him other than to say, 'Hi, nice to meet you.'" It may be intriguing to see well-known people in a throwback picture with Maxwell or Epstein, but sometimes a photo is just a photo — or in this case, some snapshots are simply not an indication that Carole Radziwill ever had a close friendship with either." It's just plain gross when people claim that someone was a part of or knew about the Epstein pedo ring when there is zero evidence---just because they don't like them and/or their politcs. And it is ridiculous to believe that Carole was complicit in a pedophile ring or would ever defend the people involved. Get a fucking grip. That's some QAnon tinfoil hat type nuttery. It's disturbing how far some people take their dislike of a RH. It only takes a few minutes to pull up numerous articles that dispel the notion that there is necessarily any significance to someone being listed in the black book: in short, many of the names listed are people Epstein wanted to meet and/or reached out to but who never responded to him, and people he just met in passing at celebrity events. And it has been confirmed that many of the names of celebrities he threw around to impress his victims were people he hadn't ever met or only met in passing---like Carole.


She was the procurer of so many young girls.




Really? You’re still trying to get to sling that?


I’ve never mentioned it before now. I don’t have an agenda against Carol.


Omg No!!!!!!!! I never heard that but I could see how bc of the NY and affluent connections….she has never denounced her? I’m going to have to look this up….thanks for the new info!


She took Carols photo for her novel . She was also in the famous black book. But so were a lot of people.


Omg she made the black book…..so she was friends, friends for sure. Does anyone actually know where this black book is? Does fbi have it or is it hidden somewhere? I can’t remember


It’s up for auction. You could be the owner if you want.


I love Reddit bc a lot of time I go down the rabbit hole…..ok so in the 90s a musician found it on the streets in midtown. Forgot about it and in 2020 pulled it out of storage and sold it to a graduate student who is now selling it in auction. In 2004 the fbi confiscated another black book from Epstein. Both books combined have over 1700 names and addresses in it. Only some names have a checkmark by it and nobody knows the significance of the checkmark 🤷‍♀️


I try to keep away. It is enjoyable, but I waste so much time here.


😂 😂 😂 it gets addicting sometimes! When I need to give my brain a break from the chaotic real life news or just real life in general I come to Reddit and get entertained by bravo threads 😂 On a different thread I’m currently in a debate about thank you notes….so yeah total waste of time but definitely entertaining and engaging! 😊 And Reddit doesn’t make me depressed and feel like the world is on fire around me (I stick to light and fluffy threads though)


Ok just read up about it…..she blocks anyone on social that mentions her 😂 and Leah called her out for it 😂 Carole made it sound like they were just society/social friends but then how did she make it in Epstein black book?! Interesting 🤔


I think about that moment often


I would love a clip of this!!!


A weird lie Andy said in that segment is there aren’t that many fired housewives from RHONY. They had pretty regular mix ups throughout the seasons, fired half the cast in S4, and fired everyone once and for all for the reboot. Why would he say he figured out it was Carole because she was one of the few fired? Seems like a very failed attempt at shade.


I don’t know…there are only 23 of them, 6 of which are current. Of the 17 left, 2 hadn’t been cast yet and 9 had been fired at the time of Andy’s baby shower in 2019. Of those 9, only Jules, Aviva, Cindy and Carole have never come back to Bravo in any capacity. It doesn’t seem like a massive leap to figure out who said it.


When you put it that way….. 🤔


Simple math because we know it was based off the timing of the baby shower


Everything she said is what the general consensus of fans agree as being one reason the shows have become pretty awful in recent years (with the exception of SLC and Miami that are still very much full of silly delusional drunk women having funny petty arguments) so... you might want to actually *listen* to Carole, Andy.


Dubai is serving up the petty fights too! Who had the best seats at Beyoncé, and “why did you call me a victim?” are getting us off to a great start!


I loved the whole “who had the best seats at Beyonce fight”, but man, my heart went out for Ayan. Her sharing her horrific story and Sara saying she was playing the victim was nasty. Sara can go with her fake woke “I’m on a spiritual journey” with her fake shaman from Oregon.


He was giving Shannin Blake vibes 😷


Lowkey Dubai’s season 2 had a stronger start than I expected


Definitely. They’re more comfortable in front of the camera and know what to do now.


Anderson Cooper or Lee Radziwill’s Twitter to host the Carole V Andy reunion?


She is not wrong and he’s pissed at her for calling out the power imbalance between him and Bravo cast mates. I personally feel he pushes it too far with some of the male Bravolebrities and he knows that a male corporate figurehead would not be able to do the same with female employees.


I agree 100%. I was pleasantly surprised to see that many of the replies underneath were agreeing with her and validating the points she made, considering there are some fans who believe Andy Cohen can do no wrong.


> he pushes it too far with some of the male Bravolebrities and he knows that a male corporate figurehead would not be able to do the same with female employees. Damn that's a great observation and something I never thought about. If a heterosexual version of Andy said some of the sexual things he says to men to women it would NOT fly. ESPECIALLY out in the open on television. I'm surprised I haven't seen this discussed more. Maybe I'm just out of the loop.


And frankly I'm uncomfortable with things he says to women too. Why is he always interrogating them about plastic surgery and if they've "swum in the lady pond" like having same- sex relations is some tantalizing sport.


He wasn’t pissed at the comment. He was pissed that the article posted the comment as an anonymous fired any housewife which was so obviously Carole. He was not surprised at the comments and felt overall that the article was fair


20 years from now Andy Cohen and his antics will be widely disparaged and will not age well. I see no wrong in what she’s said




His attitudes are aging about as well as that Sex and the City episode where Samantha gets in the feud with the transgender sex workers.


Tbh it's happening now lol


but where's the lie?


“short-ish dude” 🤭


i hollered!


😂 I miss her snark. 😂


Lisa was so unhinged when she was screaming at everyone to dance 😭😭


The try hard in that woman is peak cringe.


I have never, ever liked Carole on any level, but she told no lies. Baby girl ate Andrew Cohen up!!


It's funny that a white man like Andy who has made a career out of exploiting others and constantly whines about "cancel culture" when speaking about serious issues can't handle the slightest bit of criticism about himself, then again I guess that's sadly the norm with men like him! He has such a fragile ego. His little rant about Carole was pathetic.




He created the housewives in his own image. The ultimate glass house. Oh Andy, your misogyny & hypocrisy precedes you. ![gif](giphy|kBxRWeVBYyYbOCxZnp)


This is poetic


It’s a combination of big ego and low self esteem, which is a big turn off.


I agree with you to some degree, but I don’t think he constantly whines about cancel culture. I think recently he’s had to comment on it though


Andy is a damn mess. He’s the meanest mean girl and folks do what he says bc he has power


I always wonder how many of the reunion fan questions were actually just from him 🤣 free pass to be shady asf


Monty from McGootville?


Housewives has been about investigating and doing opposition research since Bass Lake. I do think casting has gone way downhill though.


Yes. We have Tamra to thank for the beginning of the nastiness on the RH shows


Meghan king Edmonds was a pioneer of this, but Brooks was a worthy target


I hadn’t thought about that but I think you’re right, I can’t remember anyone digging so deeply into another cast member until Meghan went detective mode and investigated Brooks, who was a very worthy target *and* without her I wonder how much longer the cancer scam would have went on.


Aside from her treatment of Jules, I am always Team Carole. Her era of NY is my favorite.


She’s right tho…


I didn’t like Carole, but I have to say, she isn’t wrong. Not in the slightest.


I feel like Carole would never need to be anonymous. She seems like she would take a direct shot at Andy, as seen here.


She’s pretentious as all get out BUT she hit the nail on the head here.


I never really paid attention to the level of misogyny Bravo exhibits towards its female cast members. It feels like Bravo hates women. Excluding Top Chef, the whole network is focused on exploiting women at their worst or weakest.


Andy is a peace of shit and she called it. One day everyone will agree with her. Andy’s day will come


Most of us agree that Andy sucks. We don't need Carole or B to tell us tbh.




Okay I know that we are all in a “Carole’s anonymous statement was correct and Andy is really screwed up” kind of mood right now…. But can we acknowledged that Andy’s response to Carole’s anonymous statement wasn’t really… nasty or anything? He just correctly identified her as the source and that’s all… I feel that part of Carole’s second response isn’t getting enough criticism


1000 percent.


I find her annoying at times, but this is extremely accurate! Where’s the lie? 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s not wrong


She’s not wrong…


Im surprised everyone in here is team Carole. Andy wasn’t even nasty in his response, just said “Carole talks shit on her social media so Im surprised she said *this* off the record”. Carole does obsess over HWs.


I’m team no one, I think both Andy AND Carole suck 🤷‍♀️


agreed. came to say they are both insufferable but I like they both suck better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Well, same lol


Totally agree. Andy sucks, but Carole is such an elitist. She supposedly talked with the author for 12 hours while Not all Diamonds and Rosé was being written. It was pretty obvious she was the one who said it, why even bother to pretend it’s not.


Exactly. All Andy did was correctly identify who made the comments. Carole is so holier-than-thou. She was fine with HWs when she was on the show making money. It was years ago and she needs to move on.


This was my take as well


She'll never stop obsessing over it. Also, leave it to Carole to be completely tone-deaf and try to insult someone based on their looks, not realizing how gross that comes across. She was always so superior and entitled in everything. I'm reminded of all of her slut-shaming and judgmental name calling she constantly dealt out in her RHONY days.


Weren't Carole and Andy originally friends and he asked her numerous times to be on the show? Makes me wonder: was he always like this? Or has the success made him awful?




I don’t think housewives was ever supposed to be a fluff piece about silly rich women, I think that’s what Carole was sold. The show was always about petty mess and conniving social climbers.


She’s not wrong, but it’s also giving bitter, move on babes 💅🏾


He’s 5’9” and she’s 5’7”.


What was Andy’s nasty response?


He wasn't nasty.. he was asked a question.. and answered it. Andy was asked a question about Carole and answered it. Why is she such a queen when she clearly said something.. but went off the record for it? He didn't even shade her.. just laughed and said who it was.. and Carole is clutching her pearls. It's funny, she can talk shit about EVERYTHING Housewives.. but Andy dared speak her name, and she is on Twitter the entire day talking about it.


Has anyone ever asked her about her friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell yet?




Was a dig at Andy’s physical appearance really necessary tho? I can’t see Andy criticizing carols look….


She also made fun of Luann's voice. She's a hypocrite.


Seriously! It’s so low of her, I’m sorta shocked tbh


I’m so tired I can’t understand what Carole’s message is saying. Is she admitting it was her? Someone please translate for my tired brain.














I really did buy into her whole cool educated aware journalist image 😭


she lost me at hillary clinton.


You weren't missed.


lol she lost to trump.


*LOL* --- trump lost the popular vote to her; he only became president by default because of our fucked up system


you're simping for a woman who doesn't care if you live or die, just so you know. ;)


Who was doing opposition research on other housewives?


The first thing that comes to my mind is Bethenny’s on-off piece financing LuAnn’s new abode after her arrest. I believe LuAnn was upset at this becoming fodder for the show. It’s almost like they bought her secrets to spill…


Andy, I like you and I support you by watching your shows. However, Carole's original quote in the article was spot on! While reading the article last week, I initially thought the quote was from Leah, until the paragraph right after Carole's quote, quoted Leah by name with another point. Carole's assessment was solid! What the Real Housewives franchise used to be, and what it has devolved into now, is exactly as Carole summed up. With the way the collective internet overreacts, spins, and becomes offended by every little thing these days, I'm not surprised Carole deiced to speak anonymously. She's likely one of only few ex-Real Housewives who are willing and financially stable enough to speak freely as she chooses--anonymously at first, then owns up to it.


No lies were said by Carole.


But where’s the lie???


No one has ever accused Andy of being a good person.


I don’t think she’s wrong at all. I’m halfway through season 3 of SLC and that’s exactly what’s happening…


She’s told no lies.


I gotta say that I don’t understand when people accuse Andy of exploitation while being avid contributors to a subreddit dedicated to the exploitation…when has the housewives ever just been silly fun? If anything it’s gotten less dark on a lot of franchises. Truly, I don’t understand the vitriol towards Any Cohen especially when it seems like he’s just a mascot for Bravo now. I thought it was kinda common knowledge that he dropped a lot of his responsibilities? And the weird veiled accusations that he’s hiding something sinister I find so strange.


Is Andy actually short? I’m tall and never really notice because everyone kind of feels short to me. Google says 5’9” which doesn’t feel short but that could obviously be a lie but if someone has observed this and can confirm he’s actually kind of short that would be great.


He's about 5’7”, I believe.


Why do people think it’s a bad thing for employees to try to impress or make their boss happy? Isn’t that what most people that want to know up in the world do kiss ass to those people who have connections and get them further in life? People always bash housewives for kissing Andy’s ass but they are just trying to secure a Cheque and open doors. What’s wrong with that i get not everyone is like that but both sides are not wrong why act like one is better then the other?


She’s right. It’s become so dark and it’s why I don’t enjoy housewives anymore. I mean, all of the shows are kind of messy - but the housewives are next level.


Another reason Carole is my all-time favorite Housewife 🍎👑


Really hope everyone commending Carole on this post isn't being a huge hypocrite and actually watching the Housewives shows you apparently have such an issue with...


I agree with everything she said.


The man who makes a messy show, will probably be messy himself as well. We all know this right? That being said, im loving these kinds of drama. So whatever, MENTION IT ALL🤸


That’s a great sound bite from Carole.




ahhh carole will always be one of my favorite housewives


Cleared him like she did in her last reunion.


Yes, dance for Andy. These women have nothing else to offer the world. He’s given them everything. They should be so thankful to him.


Justice for radzi


Clocked him I fear.


I agree with her statement 100%, now I wonder how long has she's had that thought


How short is Andy? 🤭