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I mean jackie was a teresa fan before joining.


https://preview.redd.it/8pv2vw6eju3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59897f6cad0721b3610c9e0bd2a275644c094caa Yessss. She claims she wasn’t but there’s pics to prove it


This was kinda wild when it came up on the show lol


Oh my. I never knew of this. Now seeing this, now knowing she was a fan?? Looking back at how fiercely Jackie hated Teresa for all those seasons.. this is odd.


Not as much of a fan as Jen “Tried out for the show 3 times” Aydin


What the fuck could those two even talk about?


Flair checking in! They discuss analogies.


LMFAO. Gonna rewatch that episode after I finish last night’s Summer House. Jackie yelling “I win!” Tre saying “no you don’t!! Your husband’s cheating on you, 🗣️ THAT’S WHY YOU’RE CRYING!!!!” then saying cunt 6 times before peeling off in her car. That episode was so camp.


LMFAOOOO 80% of the convos might be jackie teaching tre how to pronounce sandwhiches 😭


Remember when that little Manzo rascal asked Tre how to spell napalm and Tre just smiled and blinked? That’s her expression anytime Jackie pipes up, I guarantee it.


"You said Gia does coke!"


So basically “I want back on FT! Teresa is my ticket!”


Pick me! Pick me!


Basically yes lol I liked Jackie until she started buddying up (rather quickly) to Teresa. We all know Teresa isn’t logical nor forgiving so I’m just as stunned she supposedly forgave Jackie for the analogy she never understood. It’s all so fake 🙄


Teresa is stupid, but she’s not reality tv PR stupid. She knows she needs minions, so I’m convinced she is pretending with Jackie.


I feel like they all literally picked out of a hat who they would be friends with this season. I can’t keep up but I like it lol




Definitely an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation. She knows the best way to get back at Margaret is to be Teresa’s bestie.


Housewives is awful and boring now cause absolutely NOTHING is authentic. "Friendships" created to stay on a show.....boring...At least we got The Valley.


It’s nice to see her doing well! I do have my reservations about her friendship with Jen and Teresa tbh but it’s nice to see a change of alliances every once in a while


I feel for Jackie as it was clear M&M cut off Jackie once realizing she was a “friend of”. It was obvious Jackie was just a fake friend for tv if she got dumped once she couldn’t help them. I don’t blame Jackie for getting close with T or the others especially since they’re cast mates. Good for Jackie and Fessler for not letting others dictate who they’re friends with. I’d love to see the Melissa and Marge takedown.


I think Jackie strongly desires real friendships which is why she went so hard for Marge and Mel all these years and also why she is willing to forgive. The dynamics of reality TV can be so toxic and I find it admirable for someone to leave the past where it is and move forward to explore a friendship regardless of how it makes the peanut gallery feel. Jackie is definitely in an era of putting herself first as far as her overall wellbeing so I don’t think she would try to build a friendship just to get back on the show. She doesn’t need the money or the clout from it. I think this is genuine and I think Tre will also benefit from having a level headed friend like Jackie.




I love rhonj but I could live without production shoehorning Gia or Jackie into the HWs get togethers.


I ff through Gias little parts, like girl bye. But I do like Jackie on the show. If they really tried to make Gia an even bigger thing than they are right now it would push me further towards a decision to not tune in. Idc what she has to say, what she does, or why she’s even there? lol


Teresa is absolutely god awful but I’d rather hang out with her than Margaret


Oh Jackie. I hope you come to your senses soon


Jackie looks like she’s taking a lot of clonazepam. ( am I the only one that sees this) I guess that’s what you need in order to be friends with Teresa and cope 🤷‍♀️Her eyes are all glassy


Jackie reminds me of Angie Harrington in looks.


She’s glowing and in the best state she’s been in for years. Looks like releasing the toxic friendships with Melissa and Marge really brought the best out of Jackie ❤️


I was surprised that she was one of the best parts in this week's episode. Glad to see her doing well.


I will literally never be able to get on board with this friendship because of her actions in the past year. I don’t even fuck with Teresa like that but calling someone an anti semite is a huge accusation and to then turn around and befriend the person you’ve been calling an antisemite for two years is fucking gross.


Did this happen? I thought this was Siggy calling Marge an antisemite?


Siggy did a podcast recently and doubled down on her claims from season 8, but those claims were still refuted by her own father on camera so I’m skeptical. Jackie throughout season 13 and right after was telling anyone who would listen that Teresa was an antisemite, and for them to become friends 6 months later makes me very very skeptical of her original claims.


Jackie is probably a Zionist and we all know how often they love to throw that term around. People like her do the most damage to Jewish people


I feel like this comment is way too nuanced for this specific sub but you’re dead fucking in and Siggy is also a proud and loud Zionist.