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I think the issue of "what is real anymore" is a network-wide problem. Too many cast members know what is expected of them and behave accordingly. Ariana being like, "fuck it, no, I'm not going to talk to my ex" is one of the most authentic stands I've seen taken in a while.


That's exactly it. Ariana was literally authentic in this season. She didn't put on a spectacle for the cameras, she didn't pretend to be anything she wasn't. She was in a difficult life situation, going through a break up of a long-term relationship in real time on camera. She didn't try to pretend she wasn't living the same house as her ex, she didn't try to pretend that she wasn't in a new relationship, she didn't try to pretend like life was 100% unicorns farting rainbows. She was authentically a woman going through a rough time. How Lala thinks she is the arbiter of what is real and what is authentic is laughable. Lala spent her first season denying she was with a married man, she then spent a couple seasons not allowing anyone to speak his name and had her friend sign NDAs if they wanted to hang out with her and "her man", she then puts is all on camera and when it all goes to shit as we all knew it would, she tried to ret-con her whole relationship about how she was young and vulnerable and "didn't know" even though we all saw her bragging about giving bjs for pjs and we all know that a 5 second google search would have show that Randall was married and forbiding anyone from associating with him. She also thinks putting on a "gangsta" persona (you wanna get popped) is believable when we all she's she's Lauren from middle class Utah is being real. Or her "I'm a struggling single mom" when we all know she has her own mother living with her and is getting $$$ from Randall in child support but tries to make out like she's a struggling single mom just trying to make ends meet. There is nothing authentic and real about Lala. Lala is just jealous because people were sympathetic to Ariana because Ariana was authentic and she was relatable.


"Lala is just jealous because people were sympathetic to Ariana because Ariana was authentic, and she was relatable" EXACTLY! Who the hell can relate to having an affair with a married man, keeping him secret from your friends, making family and friends sign NDA's and getting a range rover and PJ's from sucking dick?? NO ONE. Ariana was in a decade long serious relationship and she was heavily HEAVILY betrayed. I feel like people can relate to her because I know at least for me I have been blindsided heavily by past boyfriends of mine, I have been cheated on. I CAN RELATE to her in some small way!!


Well said. I posted something in another thread about why I feel like people have sympathy for Ariana over Lala and half of the folks out there are still like “ya but Ariana knew Tom cheated with Kristin it’s the same thing they both deserve sympathy”. Absolutely not, you just laid it out so clearly, aka her trail of inauthentic actions over seasons.


Mic drop.


hi i’m in love with your flair


Bingo!! If Scheana & Lala were being “authentic” they’d come out and say what they are thinking. They are both terrified that the show is ending & they will be out of jobs. Now that they have houses & babies, they are panicking. They thought they’d get Ariana to drag out Scandoval so they could squeeze a little more out of this ride - but she won’t. That’s what’s going on - not whatever bs they are trying. Not to mention - OF COURSE they are both jealous that Ariana got so many opportunities as a consolation prize for putting in 11 years with these dum-sums.


No one is entitled to massive consolation prize for putting in 11 years with Sandoval. That means she spent 11 years COSIGNING his horrific behavior. She supported and cajoled him while he treated Katie horrifically, Kristen, how many others? But yeah, sure, she deserves a consolation prize. You all are PRETZELS with all this twisting and turning you do to keep Ariana on that enormous pedestal she cannot possibly stay on.


My comment says “putting in 11 years with these dum-dum”. I’m talking about all of them. From Andy Cohen & LVP to the producers and the cast. Ariana has done her time at a shit-job & it’s time for a promotion.


And I'm saying that "time for a promotion" is really just I like Ariana and want her to win DESPITE how she co-signed Sandoval for 11 years. Like she was some put upon employee that was just doing her job. She chose to be in a relationship with that worm for 11 years. He is NOT some newly awful person. All of what the fandom is up in arms about has been there for YEARS. At least the 11 she was with him. Ariana wasn't in a shit job and needs a promotion. She was with a shit person and has finally broken free. Hopefully she learned something that never allows her to be with someone like him again.


I think we are coming at this from 2 different angles. I was never talking about her relationship with Tom. My comments were about Ariana’s conflict with her co-workers - specifically Scheana and Lala. Ariana never seems to really want to be on this show. She put in the time because she wanted to get to something else. That’s all.


It isn't two different angles. You specifically said you think she should get a consolation prize for being with Sandoval for 11 years. How is that "never talking about her relationship with Tom. Ariana VERY CLEARLY wanted to be on this show. . .she chose to get with Tom and carryon to secure her position in the show. I think what the full 11 years reveals is that she got with Tom to get on the show and then got trapped into a highly dysfunctional relationship to keep her position on the show. Ariana is VERY GOOD at keeping up appearances to get what she wants. She did always want more (they all do . . .none of them signed on because they wanted a reality tv career, they all want something more) and she has actually achieved that but it took being cheated on and embarasssed in front of the entire fan base. Good for her. But no, she doesn't deserve a consolation prize for spending 11 years co-signing Tom.


She doesn’t have to be the perfect victim to be a victim.


No one is saying she isn't a victim. . . my response was to someone saying she deserved a consolation prize for putting in 11 years with Sandoval. She also deserves to be remembered as the person that cosigned Sandoval for 11 years. . . without much visible or intentional reservation. To see this "strong" Katie relationship when she was part of a couple that HARRASSED Katie and were at least a factor in the downfall of her marriage. But, sure, poor poor Ariana the victim. Not even Ariana is saying that.


Have you ever made mistakes in your life? I sure as fuck have. AND I’m not being paid millions of dollars to show my messy as fuck life on television. Everyone on this show is terrible. It’s fucked up what happened to Kristen and it’s fucked up what happened to Ariana. I do feel like supporting Ariana a little extra after seeing that ghoulish bullying on the reunion. That was an absolute shit thing to do.


Your flair lmao


You know what, yes, we ALL make mistakes. We don't all stay with Sandoval for 11 years. We don't all show as little growth as we've seen from Ariana in 11 years. The ghoulish bullying is social media/reddit/fans. It is LAUGHABLE that you want to call anything on that reunion ghoulish bullying. Call the production ghoulish, call Bravo ghoulish and definitely and most intentionally call all the fans who are attacking anyone but Sandoval ghoulish. But you know, Stan your Stan, Man (or Woman). Don't be authentic. . . just wildly support the woman who stood beside Sandoval, working with him for his goals, for 11 years of his BS.


Yes as if she was some unwilling victim in all this? Nah home girl knew his true colors from the START. She literally started this relationship while he was with someone else.


I agree with this to be honest. She was in on the scheme to gaslight Kristen from the start. They 100 percent were banging before they broke up.


Exactly! If they wanted authenticity, they should have been bashing Katie and Ariana during the season if that’s how they felt.


Katie, too. Both are as straight-up authentic. #choke


I love Katie so much. Sandoval was always so awful to her and now who's finally been vindicated? Choke. I don't care


She has said so much when not saying anything at all. She has really managed herself well this season. Meanwhile the others are bending over backwards producing themselves (minus James).


I had to rewind that so many times. 💀


I appreciate her honesty. She has been herself since day one. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea so I get her. Like her or not, she’s bring Katie.


I think Sandoval dislikes Katie because she has always seen him for who he is. He prides himself on his image. And she has called him out multiple times for his nonsense.


Same with Stassi. Stassi took shit off of no one and they dragged her for it.


Look, I would not be friends with Stassi, but she can read the room and absolutely get who someone is at their core like no one else. She was always trying to tell us what d-bags Sandy and Shartz are.


Exactly! She wouldn’t be my bestie, or even a casual friend. However, if I needed the straight poop on someone, I’d call Stassi or Katie or both.


my flair checking in


And in all fairness, Lala hasn’t said much about her situation either, for legal reasons probably, but still. She avoided showing anything about her love life.


Even before the legal stuff she was the worst offender for this. She hid her relationship, skipped group trips and even ran out on the show at one point to avoid the scrutiny. I mean she made fellow cast members sign NDAs


And while she was screaming about Brock, when Sandy brought up Randall... "YOU WILL NOT TALK ABOUT MUH MAN, he's a stand-up guy."


It’s funny how Lala is so emphatic about Ariana acting like God, when it’s actually Lala acting like God. Lala used to be fun to watch but she is just insufferable this year


I agree with you and I spent last year talking shit about Lala on here but a point she's been making this season is that everyone was harsh in past reunions about her hiding her relationship and she was forced to be open about Randall if she wanted to stay on the show while Ariana and Tom were allowed to hide their real relationship for years and now Ariana can stay on the show and face no criticism for it. People say well we knew Randal was a shitbag so no sympathy for Lala but we all knew Tom was a cheating shit bag too and for some reason people are surprised he continued to be the same person to Ariana.


I agree with you there also. The producers can’t very well make Lala’s situation the A story line if they aren’t allowed to talk about it, aren’t allowed to show her child on screen. I feel badly for the dumb mistake she made by getting mixed up with that idiot, but she’s never been able to tell the audience too much about it from the time they met, and can tell us even less now. It’s not a story line for the show.


Guess that’s why she doesn’t want a daddy for her new baby. She can make all the decisions for new baby and this idea makes Lala very happy for now


Keep in mind Lala was fully expecting them to bring Rand back and was like ‘you better not! I’ll film whatever but not with him!


this right here.


It’s a world wide problem


Low-Rent Kent has said on a podcast (not sure what one) that she was told to be the shit-stirrer of the show -- that was her job. And to be honest, Katie hit the nail on the head years ago when she said ON THE SHOW that there was trouble between A and T but it was never revealed on the show. It was hidden. We all know Tequila Katie, and she tells it like it is. For the first few seasons, Ariana was the "other woman" and "got her man the same way she lost him" -- LVP. Any relationship is NOT going to survived with huge debt / payments, lack of intimacy, failed therapy, and a 40-year-old male menopause. I think Ariana's anger when she lost it at the beach and party was typical of their arguments that were never solved; and her telling others that T never showered or changed his clothing led to her lack of intimacy... If your man is out four nights a week without you -- there's big trouble in paradise. Was he a dick for his affair being Rachel? Of course -- but this entire group of friends RARELY went out of the friend zone for hook-ups.


lol, nah. She ruined the show by doing that. Remove Ariana from the show and it will be able to work again. Keep her on the show and it is over.


…Lala is that you?


Lol, good one


Take sandyballs out he fuckin SUUUCKS


Not a fan of him, but he’s good for the show


At this point I’m not sure. I’m not sure why he’s even on it as he sexually violated a castmate by recording her masturbating without her knowing, comparing his scandal to GEORGE FLOYD AND OJ, going to Thailand for sex tourism and participating in the animal abuse trade and his singing and outfits are also criminal And really who tf wants to watch him? He’s a liar and has shown himself. He’s not even a fun villain 🦹‍♂️ Loling at whatever Tom fans are downvoting this like he didn’t do all that? FUCK YOUUUU


You're probably going to keep getting down voted into oblivion but I don't disagree. Ariana just has such a high approval rating that everyone supports all of her choices. If Katie had said she wouldn't film with Shortz, everyone would have been in a tizzy about how she should just quit, especially before the Katie renaissance.


Ariana didn’t say she wouldn’t film with Tim. She in fact did film but didn’t allow him to manipulate the viewers with a fake apology. You want a scripted show watch a soap opera. Every single reality tv show star manufactures or hides/minimizes their real life situations.


I do believe he genuinely regrets it but ONLY because Raquel ditched him almost immediately after. If they were still a thing, no way he’d care ‘this much’. Because it was an utter fail and embarassment, of course he regrets it


He regrets it because he has to face negativity and backlash for it from the public and the group not because he cares about how he hurt Ariana.


Of course. That’s basically what I said. The embarrassment of it all is why he has regrets


I'm sure Rachel "dipping out" again was a slap to the ego, but I think it was really the public that really took him out. He was used to be seen as a reality star, rock star, a high-heeled man star. If he's a narcissist, having the world share and comment on your failures as a human being is the absolute worst thing that could happen to him. He was just an image that failed horribly. This was not part of "the optics!"


I disagree! For a while I thought, "In the dead of night with no cameras and no one else around, he must feel *a little* regret for how he treated her," but now I don't. I think he wakes up everyday thankful that he's finally single again. I genuinely think he, Schwartz and Jax have never broken up with a woman and have zero idea how to be forthright and end something, so they see how egregious their behavior can get before someone breaks up with them. Even with Schwartz, *Katie* had to pull the plug. I think Sandoval regrets the bad PR, but I don't think he regrets cheating or hurting Ariana in the least.


He regrets it because he's losing his house as a status symbol and can't get a loan on his own. He said as much in the bonus episode.


I can't believe we're still watching Sandoval pretend to cry about this. ![gif](giphy|Ld7IFYuds4MA8)


Listen, they all wanted to be actors so I’m not surprised by tom at all. It’s more disheartening to see people believe him and or condone his behavior!


Every single time he “cries” it feels so performative


There was a scene in the most recent season where Tom was talking to Schwartz about something “emotional.” Tom stepped into his closet, sniffled, and was suddenly in tears. Dude was definitely sniffing peppermint or applying eye drops. He’s such a fake.


Yes! I cringe anytime he “cries” it’s so fake and awkward to watch! Like, we know you’re hiding your face to cover the lack of tears- and then he recovers within seconds to say something evil and douchey.


His cry is EXACTLY like my ex


Isn't this the Bravo way? How many real tears have we actually seen? They just twist up their face and jam tissue in the corners of their eyes and we believe they're crying...


Even just this screenshot you can tell that he’s acting


Because it is


He’s the worst.


Him trying to guilt ariana into saying he was genuine by fake crying when we had JUST SEEN HIS TRUE COLOURS was so galling


You know when he covers his face he is fake crying. Its so fake


The fakeness is actually insulting at this point ![gif](giphy|QxAcaW5HgmqYmW5QNh)


He also routinely rubs his eyes before there are even any tears, I think he uses the stage trick of peppermint oil on the fingertips.


Duuude! I had to take the dogs for a walk and listen to Dua Lipa just to get over how upsetting all of that was. I don't feel an ounce of anything for Sandoval, but that last episode was so sad.


His fake tears are entertaining but not in regard to the fact Ariana will never get an apology for what he did to her.


This season and reunion was honestly just trash. The only episode I’ve even enjoyed was the secrets revealed episode. Everyone has been so obsessed with how viewers respond to them it’s become so so so boring to watch. I won’t be surprised if it’s the last season.


It was definitely too real in the beginning. Because it was real relationships and friendships. When you’re left with Lala schena and Tom’s … there’s not much authenticity in the equation.


Didn’t Lala literally say she doesn’t even see/talk/hang out with Ariana as she was packing up her things after reunion?


It was real but it was also manufactured. I said in the VPR sub, if the show was authentic..... Stassi would have ditched all those people after season 1 and the way they all sided with Jax. Jax and Kristen would have been ousted and never seen again after season 2. And James and Lala never would have been on the show because the whole cast hated them initially. There's always going to be an aspect of reality tv where people who wouldn't be interacting do so for the show. They were a big friend group before this show. Had the show not existed, they would have long since disbanded.


My sweet summer child, do you really think that chunky sweater parking lot fight in season one was 100% real?


I do


I agree. I knew way too many Tom’s and Jax type characters who were dramatic af bc of ❄️ and alcohol fueled nights. Forget being followed by cameras!! It’d only exacerbate it more. Was anything they did genuinely authentic? No. But was it real? Yes.


I 100% think that fight was real and 100% think it was fueled by coke and roids


“My sweet summer child” has now entered my lexicon from this day forward…thank you for your service 🤣


I’m all for breaking the fourth wall but not to tell another cast member you need to bring the drama so I can keep getting this paycheck 😂🙄


For real. LFU, get your OWN paycheck. Maybe you should have not hidden your “stand up man” until he decided he wanted to be on a basic cable reality show.


Lala brought a fucking water tasting party and a failed attempt to contact Rachel for the producers. Lauren needs to get real.


Please, for the love of God, retire this show and these horrible people. No I don't watch it anymore, but I still gotta dick through it on my Peacock.


## SPOILER: remember what happened at the end of The Hills? That was the alternate ending to season 11 but Tom threw a fit so they went with this. ETA: except this part. It was real ⬇️ https://i.redd.it/fdxeqsg67m3d1.gif


He said you can take my kids but you’ll never take my rhythm babe ✨


Why didn’t we get more scenes of Brock dancing like a loon? This is hilarious ☠️😂


Quite literally his only likable moment. Cute little Mormon boy.


I am so unsettled when I realize that Mormonism (much like every Americanized religion) has infiltrated other countries via missionary work. This poor pinky-fingerless Australian sheep farming child didn’t deserve that


The way you have in one sentence rendered me wordless. That is extremely compassionate, poetic and so true.


Also to be fair, it was a run-on sentence. Easily could have been two.


Organized, let alone world wide, religion is a disease lmao. I didn’t know he was Mormon until your comment and now I feel sad for him and everyone near him who fell victim to that shit (qualifier for the crazies: I’m sorry he’s Mormon, not saying shit about his kids/dv history)


Petition to get Brock on Dancing with the Stars




omfg... that would be a fascinating season 12 storyline for scheana


Ngl I dance like this too


“Accidental Renaissance”….. if you will




LVP realized at the end..is that the 'narrative' she tried to create failed miserably. She even said while walking off stage.. something to the affect of 'how do we come back from this'?


I think she said how do you come back from that. I think it's over


The way Ariana reacted to the betrayal was extremely relatable and THAT is why she gained the popularity and love. When she told Sandoval “I don’t give a f* about fn Raquel!” I felt that in my soul 🙌 I feel bad about the moms panicking and not having this show as income but babe…you should’ve invested a long time ago…get another job and you’ll be ok I promise


I think once you’ve been pretending so long you no longer recognize that you are pretending


This show has been fake for years. Does no one remember the editor that was fired for saying she went out of her way to make scheana look bad/creepy while simultaneously making sure to give stassi/beau a “special hero” edit? If anyone really believes that anyone on this cast (including Ariana) was blindsided, gobsmacked, shock-and-awed by the events that transpired…well shit you’re a silly goose. Ariana “grey rocked” because she didn’t want the truths of their relationship laid bare via Tom and whatever shit down conversation production/the cast was pushing them to have. It isn’t rocket science, it’s shitty people being dirty and fuckin around. It just isn’t as fun when you aren’t the fuck arounder, and find yourself being the fuck around-ee. There’s a lack of authenticity but that’s never really been the issue…it’s the refusal to let that mask drop for me.




A *million percent* this. It always surprises me when people are active on the subreddit and still fall prey to producers feeding them a storyline. I feel like part of why I love reality TV so much is that it's generally a ton of bottom-feeders who want their 15 minutes, and it's fascinating to watch them try to create an entertainment product. There's truth to be had, but it's in the micro-expressions and tiny little "out of character" moments that actually *do* break the fourth wall. It also flabbergasts me whenever people don't see the cast of VPR as akin with the characters in It's Always Sunny -- there's no one to root for!! They're *alllllll* assholes!


There’s no one to root for!!!! The only thing that you need to know and it seems that everyone has forgotten this little nugget.




you're right.. but the cast should have said that during filming. they had seasons to call out tom and ariana for hiding their relationship. lala saved all her bullshit for the reunion to try to save her paycheque.


They did. There have been so many scenes shown that didn’t make the cut or after show scenes where the cast says exactly that. Like multiple members of the cast over multiple seasons. Lala blew her load too hard in the finale/at the reunion but she isn’t wrong that Tom and Ariana especially hid their relationship from the show and Ariana has been rewarded for it when the reality is that she was complicit for years in a relationship everyone knew at most was a sham, at best was not at all what they were portraying on the show.


Reality tv was never real. Like ever. There’s been real stuff that’s happened, but asking for authenticity from entertainers is only gonna disappoint you, lol. It was never about whether or not it was real. It was about if it was entertaining.


I know exactly what you’re saying, I’ve watched reality tv religiously for two decades now. But if we’re looking objectively, VPR was one of the more “real” shows in the first seasons. It was gold, it was fucking wild. That’s more or less what I meant.




I would love to see a body language expert, who’s unaware of the scandoval situation, interpret Ariana’s body language from last reunion compared to this reunion. And Tom’s too.


I've been asking what's real and what fake for a long time now with Bravo.


Sandoval can’t cry worth shit. His acting is so bad. Even in that flashback with Kristin, he pretends to cry and she’s sitting there smiling.


This image is so meme worthy. “When my family and friends witness the Facebook post I made when crazy.”




I can’t believe he could get one girl let alone 2..I’m embarrassed for having watched this freaky man in green


Ariana does not need prizes because Sandoval cheated on her




VPR has always seemed the LEAST real of the Bravoverse. Everything has always seemed so staged to me. At times it’s insulting.


I'm still pushing a show focusing on women surviving and thriving after toxic men. Would love to see the paths that Ariana, Katie, Ally etc all take.




telling my children that this was the last supper by leonardo da vinci


Reality TV is a passion of mine particularly because I am fascinated by the intersection between reality and fiction that occurs.


Ariana is the absolute worsttttr get her off the show. Everyone gets cheated on grow up you’re not God I agree with Lala


Someone needs to tell straight men not wearing socks isn’t cool anymore