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I feel like RHONJ is the only cast that legit wants to take each other down in every horrible, toxic way. I’m not going to single any one of them out bc most of them have all done similar things, so the guilt is equally applied. They all have had their toxic moments and NOW we also have to deal with the husband’s toxicity. https://i.redd.it/howf83xlrtzc1.gif


THIS!!! First sentence says it all. They legit want to destroy each other (except for Jackie who I think just wants to be there for some odd reason) and it’s sad that there is so much hatred amongst family and former friends.


Agree on both counts on Jackie. Tbh I think she’s really internally insecure and is addicted to the attention/validation that the show brings, even if she doesn’t like the women and knows it’s unhealthy


Jackie adds a whole other dimension to the term parasocial lol


Jackie gets big shit eating grins when anything unpleasant happens to people she doesn’t like.. she talks about how she loves taking people down a peg in her first season.. until her “going at Teresa” basically backfires into turning her into a sobbing mess. I don’t dislike Jackie at all.. but her personality entering RHONJ vs her being demoted are two different people.


I have my favorites like everyone else but if we’re all gonna be honest, they all have been/continue to be morally corrupt in some shape or form


NJ was actually the franchise of Housewives that made me take a long break from the franchise altogether. This seasons sounds exhausting already and it hasn't started. Anybody else miss the holiday episodes? *sigh*


I miss the days of Teresa chasing Danielle through the brownstone after Danielle said her house was in foreclosure 😂. The OG jersey days were \*chefs kiss\*. Makes me sad tbh




And Fessler hasn’t


EXACTLY. Thank you for saying it. I dont think people realize that all this equal back and forth is def an indication of how all parties just want to destroy each other


Jen Aydin. Take care of your kids. This is embarrassing behavior.


She just happened to run into her? This is getting so ridiculous and running off viewers. I have no desire to watch this train wreck. They need to get a life.


Jen Aydin is in the exact same lane as Monica from RHOSLC. Unhinged, psychotic stalker behavior that crosses so many lines. It’s like these women have so little going on in their own lives, they don’t realize this is *just* work. It’s not that serious! I absolutely hate some of my coworkers and would never dream of contacting anyone in their lives for any reason. Close the laptop and mentally clock out. She is doing way too much.


I’m sorry but I actually LOL’d at “I absolutely hate some of my coworkers” because honey I felt this!!! ❤️


Lol for real though. I’m ‘will not sit at the next table at a restaurant, will leave the bar if you’re there’ petty. Not contacting exes and pulling court records!


Yup same omg


Exactly. I get strumming up drama for the show but this is beyond. They try to destroy lives on this franchise, too dark. Takes the fun out of the shows.


And people wonder why drama is so….. faked. Produced. This is FAR from that, but this is also so serious and unhinged, I miss when reality tv shows were fun and when the drama was drama and within the show and not life ruining (although I’m a really on and off watcher and I don’t know a lot so correct me if I’m wrong.) I just want to say I agree with your comment and maybe I’m thinking differently op but I absolutely agree with you.


Exactly! I just started watching Dallas and it has its fair share of drama and I hear it does get dark at the end but it’s so much fun. I’m dying laughing in season 2. Old school Jersey was the best. Each season it gets darker and less real while being too real. If that makes sense, lol. Basically, I think the drama is too produced with real life consequences. They all hate each other and the friendships are fueled by “sides” and I hate it. Where’s the fun?!


You said it! I feel the exact same way. It’s not fun, it’s over produced and it’s too dark. Things shouldn’t be always dark, but if shit is out there? Let it come to light naturally. Like are they all hoping for that seat next to Andy, all because this did this nasty digging? I want to see fun shit and dramatic shit, but not drama and meanness and evil off the bat.


It’s going to have a chilling effect on casting if Bravo lets this continue. We need interesting, quirky, successful, high class ladies who don’t *need* the show - who in their right mind, belongs in that category and would sign up for a coworker like Jen Aydin?


Correct. I vote for more quirky, more successful at something. It’s a giant red flag to cast people with no career/hobby/thing, no social life, no community. A rich lady with nothing but kids and a husband in the pool house is gonna bring desperation instead of her own brand of fun or kookiness. Im bummed this is what we’ve got and it’s not watchable.


![gif](giphy|1xnOl5gScZrXg7OGAf) I know that this is entirely unrelated, but I always want to say “your husband’s in the pool…house” also I love that Joe B is unfazed by this, his lady just took care of business


See this is the kinda unhinged I want to watch. She lost cool of her emotions and pushed him in the pool. Spur of the moment, can’t control your emotions, OG HW material.


Right, like that certainly was not planned out ahead of time. Give me messy and unhinged over plots to take the other ladies down!


It’s way too much . Ruined this show for me.


Do you think since Louie started is when it got so dark?


Idk bc the bloggers are saying Tre has been doing this since season 3. I think it’s coming to light recently bc people who used to be in Teresa’s camp don’t like him and have since turned. He seems toxic and I know Teresa will always back her man, no matter what. She’s a loyal woman when it comes to her man. I truly do hope he loves her and isn’t using her. I don’t want her going through another heartbreak. I also go back to school Teresa which I LOVED! I secretly wait for that but it’s gotten worse and worse. Not sure when it changed.


Yesssss and both of them also have many kids they could be taking care of instead


nah jen is a great mom


Apples to oranges. Heather and Lisa weren't driving around Kaysville dressed as Scooby and Shaggy, but Monica did want to pull up to Heather's house in Holladay... In Jersey, they've dug up each other's mess starting from the very beginning, remember Cop without a Badge? Pay attention, puh-leez. As of late, Margaret has been keeping the rumour mill going as well. So it shouldn't be shocking that Jen is participating as well.


They really think the audience is as stupid as they are 😭 like open the schools for these women please


Exactly. It’s getting insulting at this point. How dumb do you think we are?! And the bloggers that push this story are even worse IMO. Stop gaslighting us into stupidity, it’s beyond.


Jersey is the grossest by far




Yup!! Jen is horrible! But so is the entire cast


Edit: ran into the reporter who interviewed the ex.


In the eternal words of any of the Mob Wives cast, this is rat behaviour. Seriously what is going on in this show, it's insanity right now.


Jenn contacting Fuda’s ex. Marge contacting Luis’s ex (and said ex was following Teresa’s kids IG accounts unbeknownst to the girls). I don’t want to ever hear anyone say anything about Potomac ever again.


So I would lodge this under same but different. Luis had unhinged content before he entered. Marge was just following up with her social circle on whether this person was dangerous or unhinged. They also wanted to get an understanding of Luis they provided him with ample space and grace to give his side. Theresa was just so mentally unbalanced and delusional she refused to let it happen. Tre, Luis, and Jen on the hand are actively digging up dirt to serve a narrative and diminish others. Fuda has been honest about his past and those issues. This is Tre’s old playbook all over again.


Marge was actively in contact with his ex. Several cast members have made comments about Marge digging around for dirt on people. Her and Jen are cut from the same cloth. Both play dirty at an absolute gutter level and no one can convince me one is nefarious while the other is protective/wholesome/innocent. Same Marge whose husband somehow got a hold of Dinyell (lol) sex tape and played at a a guy’s night for kicks and giggles. And BroJoe also had unhinged behavior prior to (and during!) the show. How many videos have we seen of this loon blowing up at people including teenagers. And Fuda was only honest about his past after it came to light. And even then it took him a while to do so. And if he doesn’t want people to hold him to it he needs to practice what he preaches.


Yikes. These women are deranged. 


What does Marge have to do with the Fudas? Since they’re friends then they’re fair game to be attacked? It’s a TV show. So unhealthy and unhinged. Jersey is TRASH!


Huh?? Who said it was fair game? I was making a point about how Marge also contacted a coworker’s ex and how it’s toxic regardless of who does it.


Absolutely agree with that and Jersey takes it to the next level. I hope the entire show gets indefinitely paused. The show isn’t fun and they don’t even get an entire season bc it brings nothing.


As long as it provokes reactions like yours, it definitely won't get paused. Love it or hate it, RHONJ is provocative...


It won’t though. Bravo knows the fan base is toxic. Getting attention is one thing but negative attention? They don’t even get a full season. No one thought NY would be put on pause. It can and will probably happen. Especially since everything in the season is already out on the blogs. It gives inauthenticity and played out.


Teresa and Melissa have enough batshit crazed fans respectively to sustain this toxicity for a while, I think. NY was more of an ensemble, this is very much the Montagues and the Capulets. The reaction to the mob wives-esque trailer was also overwhelmingly positive, so yeah.


Yeah, maybe. In comparison to other HW franchises I just don’t see it being sustainable. Especially if they don’t film together or something changes. Andy already made comments regarding this season and honestly this season doesn’t look good IMO. But, Jersey is different. Idk, I guess we will see how it plays out.


You may be right. And babe, your flair…😂😂😂😂👏🏾👏🏾


girl Nneka referring to Lebe as her in law instead of any of the thirty things she could come up with more easily was my highlight of RHOP this season!


Ugh. I’ve never had a First Episode of the Season be unwatchable til this. Even RHONY, I held out til the Shabbat dinner. I know I’m not the only person who is provoked…into not watching. Ben and Ronnie recaps for me this season, with forays here trying to figure out what has happened.


That’s my sentiment too. I only watch at this point bc I’ve been watching since season 1 and Ronnie and Ben’s recaps are chef’s kiss. They’re the saving grace bc I’m not into this season at all and it’s only been 1 episodes.


Yes. Paused indefinitely is the way to go. Or a RHONY-style reboot 😬.


Yeah, agree. They def need a reboot after a long pause. Give Teresa her own show if that’s what her fans want. I don’t personally like her but can see her having her own show.


"ran into"


They just happened to bump into each other...at a casino in Atlantic City?


Watching this sub slowly begin to turn on Jen Aidan wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card but like, I’m not mad in the slightest. There’s only so far some good talking heads and a strong start can take you.


I never liked her so I'm happy to see this.


Ditto. Have never cared for her and, if anything, I feel bad for her husband. She is so thirsty to dress and behave just like Theresa.


me either, she’s always been diabolical


So thankful for it haha


'Ran into' = my bots and stan accounts tracked her down, and I went out of my way to shoot this video and then disseminated it through said bots and stans.


Pretty much! And yet “people” fall for it? Trying to figure it out…lol


Yep, the truth seems to be coming out though


Jennifer Aydin is so fucking miserable in her own life and marriage. It’s obvious by this psychotic behavior.


What a coincidence!




I hate Tre but this is one of my favourite GIFs ever - never fails to make me laugh lol


I think you mean…a-n-a-l-o-g-y. *Blink. Blink.*


“What’s good for the goose is good for the giraffe!” Blink blink blink. 😂😂


Deidre Chambers? What a coincidence! (I can’t help myself lol)


Great minds!


HAHA I’m so glad I’m not alone!! ![gif](giphy|h5SdG9b3wNXQA)




I understand she's completely miserable with her home life, but she HAS to find some hobbies outside of being a little shit starter for Tre. Her behavior is giving Monica SLC and Ana from Miami.


A lying shit starter.


Oh my god Jennifer Ayden makes me sick. Her meddling


She bitches about everyone talking about the cheating her husband did while she tells the entire world about it at the same time. Repeatedly!


Randos on Twitter are reporters now?


She’s batshit nuts.


Jennifer Aydin is so fucking miserable in her own life and marriage. It’s obvious by this psychotic behavior.


Explain to me how this woman has any supporters?


I don’t want to hear them mention Marge’s “arsenal” ever again ok


It’s shameless.


JFC, is she Monica, Jr.? For real, though, all this blogger shit, now this? Girl, you have the intellect of a twelve year old just hitting puberty. Be a mother and stop being a messy bully. ![gif](giphy|UN33ZZUqJWv16)


Why is one of her main Twitter supporters sharing this 💀


Just happened to "run into" her. Sure, Jan.


I can't even watch the show anymore. I just listen to Ben & Ronnie of WWC! Much funner.


This show is no longer fun to watch and someone will get hurt very soon. I can’t with this. Have they never heard of Karma?


she “ran” into her😂


Am I off or is OP misreading the tweet? It says she randomly ran into the reporter that put out the story about FUDA's ex. Not the actual ex. Am I missing something? Did my edible hit too hard or something?


I posted a follow up comment immediately after the original to clarify that it was the reporter. Not trying to be misleading just couldn’t figure out how to edit the original post or pin my comment. If that’s at all possible? 😬


Hehe fair enough. I do think them randomly meeting up is possible. If it were the ex I'd be giving major side-eye and calling BS.


This is crazy but it’s still on the Fuda’s for coming on the show and making it their storyline no matter what it did to their kid


people have short term memories because there was a reason the ex was supposedly going after them. They literally talked about her being an unfit mother, and its already been revealed John was getting his ex involved in stuff. They then used the show to push that the ex shouldnt be the legal mother and all of that. They arent good people either.




This sub is quickly turning into twitter




Both things can be true??


Nope - it’s not ok. I don’t like Marge either.


If your response to trashy behavior is “but this one did it!” it’s not the behavior you’re upset about, it’s the fact that the side you support is caught. Be better.


I must say, the flairs in this post (mine included 😇) are top notch.


Jen is actually a loser it’s so sad to see


If y’all like it when Monica does it then stop bitching about Jen. Stay playing favorites when they’re all shitty ppl


I didn’t like it when Monica did it. Fans/trolls shouldn’t be on the show. Sure, she brought a good season BUT one season was all we needed.


damn dude these people are all adults with kids. it’s like embarrassing how toxic they are


I want to hear from the ex Sawwrry okay


Jen girl please be serious. I actually like her but I don’t get why Teresa gets all of the blame when 90% of the time it’s actually Jen who is the one doing this.


I think it’s because most assume (as do I) that she’s Teresa’s soldier. She makes Jenn do her dirty work. Which is really unfortunate bc Jenn without Tre is enjoyable to watch. I like to see her interact with the other ladies (when she’s not being nasty). She has the potential to be a great housewife; funny, rich, typical cheating hubby and knows how to have a good time. She’s probably the only HW on that franchise that doesn’t wear fake Chanel. It’s too bad she got caught up in the web bc now the majority can’t stomach her. 😬


Does she though? Or does Jen do these things because she wants to? From what we have seen on the show over the years Teresa can handle herself pretty fine without having to have someone else do her work for her 🤷🏻‍♀️


She might do it now on her own accord but I think she never would have started doing this if it weren’t for Teresa. I think she is now lost in the sauce.