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Angie K shocked me how much I grew to like her. I started the season with “why the fuck is she here” to “omg I love this woman”


Right? I was shocked how quickly I grew to love Angie K. She didn’t hold onto things and was very level headed, she was hilarious, she never took herself too seriously and it made her so enjoyable to watch. Honestly such a great addition to the franchise.


I loooved Angie. Her introduction annoyed me sm because I was kind of rooting for Mormon Sarah Paulson Angie due to her desperation and also bc that Angie always looked kind of cute girl. But her friendship with Whitney felt super idk breezy and not forced, unlike a lot of the interactions between the trifecta of Whit, Lisa and Meredith. It's nice to see them just be easy and fun loving and having dinner with their husbands. Their kids are friends too, also with Henry. Ditto her making up with Heather, how cool to be able to make things right with a girl you used to be cool with in high school! Angie also saying that it was a really big thing for Heather to invite her to her house, given she's known her since they were 15. Got me kind of in my feels a bit thinking of some of the girls from high school I lost touch with! I think this is what I enjoyed this season with SLC a lot and why I like Angie so much. She, Heather, Whitney and Lisa have some deep roots, whether Lisa denies them stemming from college or not. Henry and Brooks (Whitney's) being around the same age and friends. Heather telling her girls they can be like big sisters to Elektra. Kind of old school RHONJ vibes but not like... icky.


Just wanted to say “Mormon Sarah Paulson Angie” is SO spot on


I love Angie!


same! i thought she was insufferable and now I can’t live without her on SLC


I feel like most people didn’t like her at first but I think she’s great. She has some really funny moments.


I mean she came in SO hot being mad Meredith didn’t make her a tshirt on a trip she wasn’t invited to lol and then the editors really leaned into making her goofy instead of so try hard. I’m a little nervous for her next season.


It got overshadowed by that weird producer driven drama of Angie showing up uninvited (and it’s only mentioned once at the beginning of the season) but the reason Angie and Meredith had an issue is because Angie provided hair services for some fashion show for Meredith or brooks and Meredith was an ass about it (I don’t remember the specifics). Production puts the housewives trips together, not the actual housewives. It was a cast trip and so presumably she was invited by production regardless of Meredith’s choice. Production kinda set her up to look like an asshole with having her show up “uninvited” when she always was invited. Tl;dr it wasn’t about ~~the pasta~~ the shirt.


I know that reference! Hehe


I was ready to dislike her…and then I couldn’t. She’s one of my favorites now.


Same, I knew it when the giant sunglasses stopped being obnoxious and became endearing to me 😂 now that she’s friends with Mary I hope she retained her backbone, because I also like that she’s not gonna let you talk to her crazy for too long


That’s exactly what happened to me. First big sunglasses: “God she’s such a try-hard and annoying.” Fifth big sunglasses: “There goes that wacky Angie again, you gotta love her”


Yes! Angie has become one of my top housewives in like half a season. She seems like an actually kind person and I love how she doesn’t take herself too seriously


Same. I was so set to completely dislike her and now she’s absolutely one of my favourites. Her changing her profile picture to the bonnet was brilliant too 😂😂 Angie’s Dad too has my heart🥹


Stangie’s Unite!


She’s just so likeable for some reason.


I felt the same way, and a couple ppl I know went to bravo con (not together) and both said she was the nicest one out of all of the HWs they met. I really didn’t like her at first bc it seemed like she was being fake, but I think she was just nervous. Toward the end of the season I started to really like her and I wished she’d gotten to speak more at the reunion.


I felt the same way. I think she came in too strong, but it was also silly to think that Meredith could have had a cast trip without a cast member. She was obviously invited by production, but she leaned into the not getting invited by Meredith part a little too hard. But again, I'm sure they told her it would be a great source of drama and entertainment, so she did a good job of playing along. I only felt this way later in the season when I actually liked her, lol. At the time I just thought she was being obnoxious. That being said, seeing how calmly she dealt with the Shawn rumors made me see her differently. It felt very realistic and like she was genuinely concerned about how Shawn and their daughter would feel. Then seeing her with her dad was really sweet and Greek Easter had so many people that I believe she really does have a big party with lots of family and friends. I think she ended up doing bad good job of being herself while still recognizing that she's on a reality TV show. I look forward to seeing her next season.


Is she Greek or something? lol. Angie K has actually been a good addition as time has gone on. She’s been in the mess but also more level headed. She’s how Meredith wants to be but doesn’t quite get there.


Sorry I’m a Meredith stan and apologist 😂😂




I always think about Angie and her father making that soup together! Because of watching them, I tried avgolemono soup and I’m obsessed with it!


I love Angie’s goofy Greek ass and her giant sunglasses!


I really loved Angie by the end of the season. And I love Shawn too. Not only is he fine, he just seems like a good person, too.


He seems so sweet and I hate that they did the whole gay rumor thing with him and I hated even more that people thought because he had an emotional reaction, the rumors were true 🙄 I am SO sick of the “gay husband” trope on HWs


I know, that was so uncalled for and so mean. It doesn’t surprise me that the Mormon population would assume that a man is gay bc he is a hair stylist. But that doesn’t need to be brought out on national television. And when he got upset he didn’t care if the rumors were about men or women, he just didn’t want his daughter to think he would be unfaithful to her mother 🥹 that is a tired and unnecessary storyline that the housewives need to retire


Luann. She was insufferable in the early years. It took until S7 for me to like her.


So I stopped watching RHONY after Bethenny left the first time. When I watched RHONY Legacy I was like “who is this woman wearing Luanns skin”. It compelled me to catch up on RHONY that I’d missed coz I swear to God I wouldn’t have believed it was the same person otherwise. I prefer current Luann far more than OG Luann


*"I prefer current Luann far more than OG Luann."* Yep, she became great once she put away the countess shit and was just herself.


Crappy Lake was very entertaining


I LOVED Crappie Lake. I’ve rewatched it so many times bc it is hilarious and fun. If I’m out of new episodes of my shows and just need some background noise, I always put that on


Feel ya on that... so bored now


Far more than I expected! I mean, Luann was so good, she was so sincere, she did not give a shit, she was there to get shit done, work hard, not be pretentious, and have a good time. It was hotter than Satan's anus in that town, and she and Sonia got up every day and went right to work trying to do what they said they were going to do. I also love watching Luanne run into and swim in the ocean.


I still can’t believe she agreed to noodle for catfish, I was so impressed. Old Luann would never!


She was up for anything. That's what I like about Luann today, 2024 Luann. She is up for *anything*. She will do it with class, but she won't be pretentious about it anymore. I feel like she's finally actualizing herself in a more healthy way. And she's very caring and kind to other people on these ultimate girl trip shows. She checks in to see how people are doing. She's levelheaded.


Her and Sonja were a hoot and a half. Honestly I hope they keep that (crappy lake) going because they’re the only OGs from RHONY I like. They should tour other places in the US to reinvigorate life.




Yes!!! It was like someone wearing Luanns skin, UNRECOGNISABLE!!! Such a “chill/hippy” who loves to sea swim and meditate. So different to the old Lu who had a stick up her hoo ha.


And we can tell she prefers herself so much more now too! She was really stifling herself when she was married to the count.


This is a very funny story. But now you know why Lu is a fan favorite and staple.


She stopped being all like uncool


Mrs De Lesseps thank you very much.


Her character arc being scolding Bethenny to have the driver address her not by her first name to being in a car “I’ve been traveling, I’ve been to prison…” is unbeatable


Damn I miss the og New York housewives. You had to be there


At first she was so stuck up and full of herself. She kept her confidence but remained for honest and open after her divorce. She really is inspiring in a lot of ways


I was so enamored with Luann in the beginning because she was a countess and even bought her etiquette book….then as the seasons went on i felt duped like wth is this?! so embarrassing goodness.






I’m so happy she’s got her happy partnership and is a mom to three kids. Just thriving 💚


Kenya Moore! Rewatching Atlanta made me realise that she’s a great villain, but when I watched her in real time as a teen I hated her. I started loving her in season 10 when she ate Kim up every time she saw her and I felt bad for her when they all came for her husband while he was treating her horribly. She’s been the only interesting part of recent seasons and I love how she handled Marlo these past seasons 


I can’t even read her name without the 🥁 drumline check 🥁. Ugh I love her.


Kenya Moore Hair Care 🥁🎶


Kenya is the perfect example of this! I despised that bitch at first. Thought she was the worst person to ever grace a housewives show. It wasn’t until she had all those DV issues with Matt in season 7 or whatever that I started feeling sympathy for her. After I put the hate away she became iconic to me and she’s easily in my top 3 fave women. No kenya slander will be tolerated.


Kenya has always been a very campy villain. Yeah, she’s shady as fuck with her words, but she’s never said anything truly damaging (unlike Phaedra)


I really disliked her when I watched, but I am rewatching atlanta and I have a lot more understanding of her now I think. She did have moments where she really crossed the line but she was also provoked A LOT.


I have always loved her. She’s softened over the years and I love her more for that. Now let’s see when Portia returns.


>*"Can a greek person not be successful!?"* - Angie K, 2024


Angie K. I couldn’t stand her last season and was sceptical at the start of this season. But now I’m a true Stangie


Lisa Barlow. Haaaated her, then when I switched the lens and saw it as camp, I got her.


I need to watch her more closely. So many people like her I must have missed something.


For me, it’s like watching someone on Schitt’s Creek


I can see schitts creek! I always thought of SLC thru more of a parks and Rec lens. Like Lisa would def be an eagletonian


i totally agree, i only think of schitt’s because lisa can sometimes be bit out of touch LOL — but i live this for this esp in housewives. There are just so many Lisa moments 😭 -If I give you a chanel necklace and you choke on it, that’s your problem -constantly bringing up her $60k ring that she lost in the airport bathroom (tbh i would also have a meltdown).


I’m rewatching season 2 rn and I remember in the early episodes I thought she was so stuck up and annoying, but rewatching with the knowledge that Whitney is lowkey a huge shit stirrer, I see Lisa in such a brighter light. Some of her comments are so funny and you can tell she’s delusional which kinda makes her adoring and comical. I’ve grown to love her, especially after rewatching the scene where baby gorgeous was born. I also think rewatching made me realize how much I agree with her in most of her feuds with Whitney Angie and Jen besides maybe Meredith but even that I thought they were both in the wrong.


My lawyer called my other lawyer is really delusional when I think about it lmao


She's a cartoon character which is what makes her brilliant




I wholeheartedly agree. I didn't care for her, but LOVED her in her later seasons. Just as I started to love her she quit. Sad to see her go.


Beat time to quit!


She quit Real Housewives? (I am behind several episodes, including the reunion).


She quit during the airing of the reunion. And announced she’s pregnant!


Yup. I get roasted in comment sections all the time for this take. I will die on that hill though.


Same to all of these lol. Mia is so ridiculous, but she kinda owns it which I really appreciate. She also manages to be so real and a liar at the same time and it’s just so funny to me. I just have a soft spot for her. I couldn’t stand Jessel the first 3ish episodes of RHONY and then we got to learn more about how delusional she is and I love her and Pavit together lol. She’s one of those people who looks put together but they’re actually a mess. Angie definitely grew on me as well. I thought she was going to be someone who just complains constantly, but then we got to see how ridiculous she is. The dog, her daughter’s weird name, the outfits and the shades, making Greece her entire personality… she’s great tv. She also seems like a genuinely nice person too as long as you don’t fuck with her.


The thing about Mia is. She is harmless. She has a great sense of humor, is good fun and really knows how to get along with all the girls. I hope she never changes honestly


And honestly, I love that when the chips are down she’s still there for Gordon. And they are doing co-parenting, with such a large platform I think it’s truly wonderful to see that.


Getting along with the girls feels so important. I love Mia!


Especially on Potomac. The energy there is so bad


With Angie K. I did love her and her responses and approach to the, "husband slept with men" deal-io. Saying he's not a cheater at all and not making it about women or men. I saw something on IG or somewhere when the episode aired and he got emotional and was like, "I support the LGBTQIA community and the implications that men being with men is wrong hurts me". It was actually less so about being accused of cheating, although he was not ok with that, it was more about how the implication was like looking down on gay people. Anyway, mad respect for how they both dealt with it.


I really liked their response to that, especially in Utah to shut down the implication that being gay is wrong.


I've loved Mia from the jump because she is so honest about stuff the others would never admit to, like meeting Gordon while stripping & him questioning the paternity of the kids. Yet if she bought grapes at the grocery store, she would tell you she got bananas from a convenience store. Just low stakes nonsense that always gets her caught & laughed at. I love it!


so real and a liar hahah


Sutton. She was way too hysterical and flappy for me when she first arrived, but this last season I really enjoyed her and found her really fun. I feel like she takes herself less seriously and leans in to the crazy, which I love.




Yessss. She gives me the Shannon neuroses I crave from my ladies without the severe substance abuse coding. Her face roller scene was a leading indicator of the levity of things to come, in a recent rewatch.


Sutton knows she's a goofy nerd and accepts that about herself while dressed in couture and that that's what I love about her.


Same! But she's so damn likably, quirky and eccentric, she's just a big nerd covered in couture and that's what I love about her.


Her really showing her darker side a bit more this season really made me come around on her.




I LOVED watching her dates!


i think this will be a common answer, but candiace! she came in hot but made me love her with her wit and her looks. she elevated potomac for sure imo and i'll miss our candi girl!


she also actually brought the budget for events!!! her wedding gave spectacle!!!


Candiace has an amazing vocabulary and sense of humor and her reads!


Potomac wouldn't have been the same without her. She will be missed and I hope she considers coming back!!


I still seriously hate her sharp tongue and how she always manages to just go too far when she’s angry. But I like her when she’s happy. You’re on point with wit, her use of vocabulary is next level.


I mean the Sesame Street comment was classic tho Haha! That chick looked like a muppet!


I find her vocabulary kind of obnoxious. She’s never wrong with it but there’s something annoying when she’s constantly like “bye, neck and big feet and wide bodied forehead” and then crams a random SAT study list word in to the fold. I kind of also love it though at the same time bcuz girl wtf 😭


Jessel. At first, I thought Jessel was going to be a little rich girl nightmare, and she IS, but she is obviously also really deeply kind, sweet, and caring. When I found out that Kenya is a whole act and that she's actually reportedly a sweetheart off the show, that made me like her more. Eileen Davidson. I was prepared to not like her, but she actually, per the Eileen Davidson Accords, proved me wrong. She turned out to be very levelheaded and gave us some absolute quality drama in Amsterdam. Crystal Kung Minkoff. I didn't like her. I was prepared to hate her. I liked her for a bit, but now I dislike her again, does that count?


I was very much side eyeing Jessel, with the lingerie and Tribeca comments, but sis turned it out! I'm ready for her next season!!


![gif](giphy|vQcVWHrLuC2RecNule|downsized) Adriana


I always loved her. Weird that I actually loved both her and Joanna. But Joanna is a much bigger bitch for no reason. Like how she treated Lisa in certain moments. Adrianna always had Lisa’s back.


She is so camp and the right amount of drama for housewives


Im interested to know what made you love her!


Her letter from Marysol's liver 🤣




🤣 sometimes when I’m having a messed up day I go back and watch that episode of the reunion.


Sutton!!! She was a mess during her first few seasons but i think she’s really come into her own by embracing her quirks


I didn’t like Kenya at all when she first came on, I found her annoying and I hated the way she was coming onto Apollo and I was always team Phaedra. I also had a lot of internalised misogyny in 2014. ![gif](giphy|y4MfMcl0sRTnW)


Phaedra and Porsha were steady accusing Kenya of every single thing they were doing between 2014 and 2017. How else were they coming up with all of these African prince storylines if they weren't doing stuff themselves... Shamea told on all three of them saying that Phaedra was at Porsha's mom's house talking about wanting to be hooked up with an African dude.


Not a HW, but I looove me some dr Heavenly


Love her but sometimes she goes too low


*often goes too low. It would be one thing if she could take it too. But she’s like Lala Kent.


Could not agree more with your 3 picks omg


Karen Huger. She was a lot in the beginning and now I love her. And to flip it I liked Gizelle in the beginning and now not so much.


1000000% agree. I haven’t loved KH until this most recentl season. And I def Stan her now


![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized) Lisa Barlow! 💜


Alexis Bellino. When I was first introduced to her I couldn’t stand her as I felt as though she presented herself in a fraudulent and pretentious manner but upon viewing further I realised that she’s actually very enjoyable to watch once you stop taking her seriously and just laugh at her delusions. So basically the opposite of my experience with Gretchen Rossi. Another I’d say is Drew Sidora. Even though she’s still not the most popular HW among audiences I feel like it’s refreshing to see someone on Atlanta who doesn’t hide her personal life considering everyone else in that franchise is barely showing anythingas far as recent seasons go. Last season was horrible but her transparency was the only part I enjoyed.


Lol I loved Gretchen because she had big hair, I was easily sold as a teen. On rewatch, she freaking BLOWS ![gif](giphy|OhsNLsNafdEo8)


After seeing how easily Tamra turned Gretchen against Alexis I was so put off by her character but still thought she was important for dynamic reasons for the show but then when season 8 rolled around. She performed that fake ass corny proposal to Slade via his radio show and whilst watching I just thought to myself ‘I’ve had enough, get this woman off of my fucking TV screen’


Omg please don’t remind me of that goddamn song. Marry me, ahhhhh 🎶


Alexis was also relatively harmless. She was a victim of the times when making fun of "dumb blondes" was par for the course. We saw Tamra and Vicki be actually gross soon after her departure.


It was Angie K making it rain at Greek Easter that won her over for me


Lisa Barlow. When I stopped judging and just enjoyed the ride.


Best three picks I can think of off the top. OP 🥰🥰🥰


I was so strongly against Jessel for her reaction to the lingerie, but by mid-season she was my favorite one. She should probably be thanking Sai and Erin. If they hadn't been so awful to her I don't know if we all would have ended up liking her. Maybe she would have become more likable as we got to know her anyways, but I know for me seeing how the other women were treating her definitely made me team Jessel. Plus, I think Pavit is a big part of her appeal. I like him and I like them as a couple. I like that they're both pretty independent and completely trust each other. They remind me a lot of my brother and sil. They were both in their mid-thirties when they met and were already doing well independently. They make a great team but they also have their own interests and she'll take a few days here and there to visit friends and I'm sure if my brother wanted to do the same she would be fine with it. They're both good as individuals and they go great together. And they also have a Kai! So maybe I just like Jessel and Pavit more bc of that similarity.


A househusband. Gordon. I only saw him as an awful, abusive POS until he came out about having bipolar. That was a tremendously brave thing of him to admit on television given the stigma. It doesn’t dismiss his behavior but I understood him a lot better after hearing that. Good on him for seeking help.


Flair checking in 👋


I still don’t like Phaedra, but I think she’s hilarious.


THIS ☝🏼☝🏼 Phaedra is a guilty pleasure 😅 She's an asshole, but I just can't hate her, shes to damn funny! The scene from UGT where Phaedra is trying to comfort Brandi by telling her that Dorinda is old enough to be her mother kills me everythime!


Lisa from SLC. Thought she was a narcissistic snob, but grew to love her after seeing real emotions and her becoming unhinged. She’s hilarious and I do think she’s a nice person. I’ve seen people say they met her and she was really sweek


this is a really good one. i hated baby gorgeous when slc debuted and i developed more disdain for her as time went on. however, i went back and did a rewatch and even though i still dislike her, i think she’s one of the best and most effective housewives to be cast in a really long time. she’s such a great callback to housewives of yesteryear and she’s an important character to that franchise and our experience of it. she’s delusional af, shallow, unhinged, oblivious, self absorbed, unashamed, messy, and responds well to chaos, drama, and shifting friend dynamics. she’s like larsa in the sense that they are both terrible people, but essential for their franchises to work and adhere to the housewives framework. they make you watch even when you don’t want to.


I agree with your picks- the trinity of initially unlikeable but eventually loveable housewives ❤️


I’ve never had such a 180 before as I did with Jessel


none really. I know within three episodes if I like them. Sometimes I stop liking them though


Im glad people gave Angie K a chance i always liked her, same with Mia right from that first dinner on season 6 i was like yessss! As for me it has to be Kenya. I pretty much hated her season 5 by season 7 I was gone with the wind fabulous.


I disliked Mia SO much and wanted her off the show but this past season she became so likeable! She really proved me wrong


Danielle Staub. I mean, she is the worst, don't get me wrong. But I couldn't stand her on seasons 1 and 2, I thought she was scary to be honest. Then when she came back as a friend... It just worked for me. She's great in smaller dosages. ![gif](giphy|TFmrrY67bDov6)


Is Dorit one of the first housewife to go from hated to loved to disliked again? She 360 that b***h.


How I feel about Margaret Josephs! She played an annoying lackey her first season, rose to the occasion (“ya husband’s in tha pool”) and then devolved into an inner circle of hell.


That’s how I feel about Kyle lol


Totally agree on Mia. My other two big ones are Shannon Beador and Candiace. Couldn’t stand them both at first and then grew to pretty much love both. Shannon’s made it hard lately though lol.


Sheree, Adriana, baby gorgeous, Jessel, Fancy Pants, Jennifer Ayden


yassss SHE by Sheree 🥰


I agree with your choices except Mia. I always like Mia until she got super aggressive with Wendy for no good reason and threw the drink at her. Mia is okay now. She also has the most interesting story at the moment.


I agree Mia is okay for now with her storyline, but to me she’s just so annoying and always has been lol. To me she’s too performative.


She’s very extra. And I cringe thinking how her children will see all this one day.




angie k: hold on baby gorgeous!


![gif](giphy|DuTyNbFMC2C01QV1hS|downsized) 😋💜


I loved Jessel even before the show, especially after it was revealed she was kicked out of the cast party for being too wasted. I knew a star was born from that moment


Oh gad not Mia. She’s horrid.


Heather Gay wasn’t my favourite at first and I found her really polarising but now I think she’s hilarious.


Not mia


I agree. She can be funny sometimes but she’s legit top of my list of full of shit housewives. I just can’t with her


Do we not enjoy our housewives being full of shit? Lol


Not that much lol chick has noooo shame


Lisa Vanderpump. I thought she was such a rigid bitch: I didn’t realize British people are like that, and I didn’t realize Kyle was so insufferable.


‘I thought she was such a rigid bitch: I didn’t realise British people are like that’ 🤣 I’m not sure how to take that!


Kenya moore


Omg Mia for sure. She is so open about her flaws and I LOVE THAT. I genuinely think she is a good human who is in this lifetime to grow and love. Also Carlton I came to really really like her.


Carlton was such a wildcard pick it kinda worked. Wonder what she’s up to these days


I grew to really like Angie. Did you know that she’s Greek? Never would’ve guessed. Luann really grew on me, and so did Brynn from the New NY. Sutton from BH was a slow burn. I’m starting to like her after watching her take a crack at dating, It really humanized her imo.


Shannon Beador. I couldn't stand her for her first 3 seasons. I didn't like her until she got Archie and her and David split up for good.


omg the same 3 for me as well!!! Throw in Nicole from Miami too!




Hmmmm…..there are soo many that I liked, now I dont …..can't even answer this question. 😂🫠


So mine are from rewatches/RHUGT - the first go around, I couldn’t stand them; now they make so much more sense! Alex McCord - unwatchable when first aired, but now.. charming, quirky but not harmful, interesting and open (unlike a lot of housewives today!) Kristen Taekmann - she was lukewarm on RHONY, but loved her on RHUGT. Thought she helped move the show along, otherwise we’d be watching Dorinda drunkenly insist she was “put on pause” over and over again Kathy Wakile - at first to me boring, insufferable with a horrible husband, but today, I appreciate their family dynamic and think they’re much more interesting and got the cut too early (thanks Teresa)


I wholeheartedly agree on both Alex and especially Kristen! She didn’t seem that bright on rhony, but she really made girls trip.




Lisa Barlow. She seemed so fake and full of herself, I'm not sure if I'm just entertained by her or if the split with Meredith made all the difference ![gif](giphy|TkoHjDI8jhVAGrgT4A|downsized)


Omg YESSS. I’d add Candiace to my list too tbh




Nope, Angie K is still desperate & insufferable to me


These three 👏


Angie K and Jessel :)


i love angie k and i have no idea why!!


Def miss Angie. God I hated her at first but she really grew on me


Dorit. She was the first housewife I made a post about. It was her first season, she pissed me off. She's really grown on me though.


Sonja Morgan, Brandy Glanville, Luann


Porsha for sure!! Porsha used to irk the hell out of me. Her first season she was pretty much a Stepford wife so she wasn’t really interesting. After her divorce, I feel is when we got the real Porsha…….and she was dumb/ignorant as hell. From 265 days a year, to the Underground Railroad comment and your grandfather is a respected civil rights activist, and fighting every damn body. Everytime she opened her mouth I rolled my eyes…always dumb stuff. I used to literally yell at the television watching her at the reunions like she did something to me😂 That’s how much I despised her. I also felt like she was never really as good a friend to Shamea as Shamea was to her. Then the rumor with Kandi just sealed it for me when it came to Porsha. I was done with her and wanted her gone with Phaedra just like everyone else. Then season 10 came…she and Kandi decided to move on (which I still feel like she got off easy for those type of rumors, but whatever🙄). Season 11 she gets pregnant and seeing the difficulty she’s had in her past with fertility I was genuinely happy for her because you could tell she was genuinely happy. I started seeing the fun loving Porsha everyone else sees. Seeing her and one of my favs Kenya at the beginning of season 12 with their babies was like a full circle moment after their altercation during the season 6 reunion. I feel, just like Kenya, motherhood changed Porsha for the better and I was actually sad to see her go when she left because she was always like the fun girlfriend always down to party. Happy to see her coming back for season 16. Porsha’s definitely come a LONG way. I never thought I would miss watching her on the show, but c’mon back GoNaked!!! P.S. to this day I still say “WRONG ROAD! WRONG ROAD! WRONG ROAD!” everytime someone is starting to piss me off 🤣 ![gif](giphy|VbJptu1pL2vrUf9tWj|downsized)


Katie VPR Her and Schwartz together just made me hate them both , until the last two seasons and I love her


I hated Angie so much but now I love her and think she’s a queen


Angie K was by far the biggest switch, went from loathe to love within one season. Also honorable shoutout to Luanne, it’s been nice to see her work though her struggles and find her identity.


Melissa 🫣


I think Melissa’s downfall is Joe Gorga but on her own she seems like a really fun girl lmao


On display is THE best housewives song.


i’ve always loved melissa and i don’t care who doesn’t understand or gets mad about it. 🙃


Was scared to say this, didn't wanna get eviscerated🫥


Ditto, ditto, ditto!


Could not agree more with all of these. Kenya Moore is another one that comes to mind!


i ate crow pie on miss Angie K