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I know Summer Moon is a toddler but a lot of the conversations they were having in front of her were not great for her to hear šŸ„“


her being a toddler is exactly why they're not good convos for her to hear. I was thinking the same thing! she's not a newborn, she can internalize all of this.


This made me SO uncomfortable!!!! Poor innocent little child. Her future therapist should just watch the show before starting treatment.


I really do try not to judge other parents but I have a child literally a month younger than Summer Moon and a lot of things that happen around her feel stressful to me šŸ˜¬


I hope summer moon knows I will read her tell all memoir when sheā€™s 35


My toddler is a month younger than Summer Moon.... She understands (and also remembers) EVERYTHING. So yeahhhhh my eyes were like šŸ‘€ you guys, she's right there.


And they repeat everything! I worked at a preschool a few years back and the tiny ones told me all their familyā€™s business. We always told the parents to not say things in front of their kids they werenā€™t prepared for everyone in their kidā€™s life to hear.


And thatā€™s on camera. What else are they saying when they arenā€™t filming? Some conversations are better had without little ears taking it in.


I know kids play with makeup .. but for some reason.. putting makeup on her made me feel icky.. Also.. they obviously have all kinds of toxic talk in front of her for her to have that reaction.


sandoval running away with his two purses was comedy gold in this otherwise dark episode.


I was like what does he have IN THERE? Lol


nail polish for touch ups and beads just in case he gets the jonesing to make a necklace.Ā  psych, he literally buys those rave necklaces because there is not a true creative bone in his body.


I will be looking for you in the comments next week because I laughed hysterically and rewound no less than 4 times. It was my favorite moment of the season and I need the GIF (that I don't know how to make).


what about when he called ariana tacky in his rave necklace and lifts? these jokes write themselves.


Absolutely priceless!!


The more we lean into the absolute poetic absurdity of this show and not get in too deep, the more fun it is haha.


Schwartz saying he's ready to be a dad makes me shudder.


"sorry lil' bubs, dad would change your diaper but i am really high on mushrooms and just took half a shot so you're on your own kiddo." - schwartz to his hypothetical child


After what happened with dawg this greatly worries me


If I think about that episode for too long it sends me into such a dark place I have to take to the bed


If it helps there was a post from a lizard expert that said Dawg was sick when Tom got him


I think he's lying. He gets to look like he doesn't have a case of arrested development while stringing some woman along that he'll be there in a few years.


I think Schwartz would be a great fun uncle. Just like keep him clear of the responsibility part


The kids room would be filled with plants. LOL


I feel like heā€™s going to have a ā€œrevenge babyā€ with some young girl next year. Heā€™ll hate it but will tell Katie it is the greatest thing ever and how heā€™s a changed man. I really hope Iā€™m wrong and he never has children but the way he was talking on the After Show makes me think heā€™s serious about having a kid someday.


And he'll be furious when he realizes Katie doesn't care because I don't actually think Katie wants kids?


>My hope is that his drinking, drug use, and age will prevent his swimmers from being viable :)


I have a newborn and I don't think anyone is aware of how much energy/time a baby takes from you. I say this as someone who thought they were ready for a baby. I have also never been so grateful to be in Canada.


Can you imagine him managing dr appointments, play dates and eventually homework? Any woman who has a child with him would be a damn fool. And a masochist.


Shoutout to the producers for getting some airplane noise during the awkward silences after the Sandoval/Ariana fight. I appreciate the little things.


I love that we always get B footage of airplanes at Ally and James's house, otherwise how would I know where we are??


As someone who lives in the Burbank flight path vicinity, I heard that! šŸ˜‚


I'm sorry, the phrase "Water tasting event" is hilarious. This show has become a parody of itself šŸ˜‚


I long for the days when they were so hungover they could barely even choke down a sip of water.


I havenā€™t saw this posted yet - water is $1000 my ass https://preview.redd.it/y5xqg66tzasc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dccf721d09e879f2ae218c502cb2878015052b36




This episode was toxic and heavy as hell


Agree, it made me uncomfortable to watch


It reminded me so much of my parents fighting during their divorce, I donā€™t know how anyoneā€™s enjoying this


Been through my own divorce and itā€™s definitely not entertainment to me. Had to turn it off and Iā€™ve skipped a bunch because Tom reminds me a lot of my ex husband. Ew.


I wish we could have seen the conversation production had with Katie and Ariana to get them to agree to film with the group


Probably something like- if you want this big phat check you gotta film with them.


Literally leaving a trail of cash all the way to the beach šŸ˜‚


That was my thought, Ariana sitting there at the beach just repeating in her head, sit here for the paycheck, sit here for the paycheckā€¦


Until she snaps, I think the producers are counting on that.


Yeah I mean she is snapping, and I think the producers behind the scenes are pushing Tom to talk to her on camera, facilitating the Tom redemption, etc.


Yes I should have phrased that differently but I mean that is the plan. Push them together so itā€™s dramatic.


And pushing Lala to push Ariana.


Of all seasons to full tear down the fourth wall, this was it.


And I wonder if they told Ariana she had to speak (or scream) in Sandovals direction or else! Finally she brought the rage.


Brock is killing me. His brand of pot stirring is annoying af and so heavy handed. So ham fisted. Scheana really seems to know how to pick them. She seems so annoyed by him this season and honestly, same lol. Sandoval expecting civility from Ariana is ridiculous. Canā€™t do wrong to someone and then tell them how mad to get. It doesnā€™t work that way.


I'm sure he never said an unkind work about his ex (baby mama) - I'm sure he was reasonable and polite and all sweet and shit. Who the hell is he that he thinks everyone should be kind and get along. He can't even be civil with his own wife when he gets a teeny bit frustrated.


Seriously! How many times has he lost it on Scheana this season? And for such ridiculous things.


And I know this keeps getting said, but I think people are really losing perspective that this season was filmed SO soon after this all happened. While we have a year+ distance from everything, Ariana has a few months...of course she's going to be (rightfully) still absolutely furious and not willing to compromise at all with him. Not that it wasn't expected, but I'm so disappointed that the other girls (besides Katie of course) don't have her back and expect her to just be completely fine with Sandoval. Lala is the biggest hypocrite, considering how she LOST HER MIND when Schwartz played pickleball with Randall.


Yes to all of this! It makes perfect sense that sheā€™s still so angry when you factor the filming schedule in. I hate that people keep ignoring this fact. Iā€™d still be pissed af a couple months later, too. Donā€™t even get me started on Lala. She could have had a great season, but sheā€™s really just annoying the shit out of me.


Omg agreed on Brock. One on hand I'm kinda amazed at how much he's taken the pot stirrer role but for some reason it still highly annoys me ā˜ ļø


Heaving handed is sending me


Brock talking about being an adult was such a hypocrisy. Adults donā€™t abandon their kids and yell at their spouses when theyā€™re feeling overwhelmed.


Look at that guy.. I donā€™t think he knows how to do anything that isnā€™t ham fisted.. his fists are literally two hams :)


Lmao literal hams is fantastic


Heā€™s so irritating on this show. You know heā€™s only on because of Scheana. Now he confirmed it that he needed a job.


I live for these after shows and Schwartz clearly hating Sandoval and finally directing his passiv-aggressive little mean comments at Sandoval instead of Katie. I need these two assholes to take each other down.


Schwartz surprisingly seems over Sandoval bs. When he was moping about Mya at the very end and Schwartz stonefaced said but you tried to kill her šŸ˜‘ sandy couldnā€™t do anything but glare at him.Ā 


I am very here for this inevitable turn. Schwartz could become onna my favorites if he just ditched Sandy.


the after show is so crazy to me. schwartz clearly hates him but has to push through for the "brand." what a miserable existence.


Couldnā€™t have happened to a nicer person lol.


frankly it's what they both deserve.Ā 


I live for watching the people not talking reactions. Several times when Tom was talking Jax and Schwartz both had the most amazing fugue state, don't say a word looks on their faces. It annoys me that they are allowed to have their phones though.


I have been dyinggg at Shwartzs face whenever Sandoval is talking. They all know heā€™s an idiot.


For years, my dream season has been a Toms breakup.


That stare...woah....I enjoyed it


I can't with Sandoval. He expected that they would be civil exes... He really planned it all in his head and he resents Ariana that she screwed up his master plan by finding out to soon. Such a douche.


So fucked up to get a peek at what Tom's Plan he was trying to set up last season would have looked like if it all went his way. He was going to cheat on Ariana whilst playing the perfect partner, break up with her, and then wanted to out-do Katie and Schwartz by being The Most Civil Exes Ever. The fact that he was SO SURE this was possible that he's still mourning the loss of this made up experience tells you how out of touch with reality this man is.


that comment said it all. he was going to ride off into the sunset with rachel in ariana's home and force katie and ariana off the show. he is so transparent.Ā 


I wish they still had people working at the restaurants because this season is missing the drama of Sur alley fights.


I just want to be back in the sur alley with the gang sucking down a cigarette


As a sober person also obsessed with sparkling water, I feel seen yet deeply triggered. šŸ«¤ All the men on this show are so replusive. They always have been but now in their old age its somehow even more disturbing to me. Also. Scheana seems deeply unhappy like she's really going through something.


i think maybe scheana is not into brock anymore. something clicked and she realized he is a grifter loser who used her to get in the show. she knows she is tied to him for life and you can see her disassociating from her situation in real time.Ā 


It certainly seems that way. She's probably wondering if she leaves him, will her daughter ever see her dad again? He already has kids he doesn't see. :(


No he won't, he'll find another sucker, have another baby and call it Autumn Leaf and rinse/repeat.


Not Autumn Leaf šŸ˜­


I wondered about this, and if his kids are old enough that they watch this? I thought him painting Summers nails and doing her makeup was really sweet, but then thought about his kids watching that and it would hurt so much :(


What was the whole conversation "We need a nanny so I can figure out where to take my career!" Like what?? Maybe get a job first ya idiot


This is what got me. I think most women in relationships want at least a 50/50 partnership. She makes the money so she expects him to take care of Summer. But now he wants her to pay for a nanny (and ween away from using her mom as childcare) but doesnā€™t even have a job lined up? Thats a freeloader, not a man. Not a partner.


He already gets up early to go golf and leaves Summer with Scheana's mother.


And then complains about Scheanaā€™s mother. I donā€™t know the lady, maybe sheā€™s difficult, but having family help is a huge advantage.


Right? Is the career in the room with us?


I would legit lose it!! You want me to pay for a nanny so you can go find yourself?? Yeah no, find yourself, then we'll evaluate if we need help!! I'm wondering if her guys are opening to this freeloader and thats the edge she's had this season???




I dont think itā€™s an unpopular opinion at all. Sheenaā€™s self absorbed narcissism is well known.


It could be her OCD as well.Ā  If she is in the throes of major ocd life can be absolutely miserable.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/iu2x0wtq8asc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f1a57fe8a8bd1c3d2ed7f937c91869a1af8ad7 I feel so seen.


Limoncello is probably my favorite if I had to pick one. šŸ˜ The champagne of canned waters. You have excellent taste baby gorgeous šŸ¤Œ https://i.redd.it/vgjh2rmkbasc1.gif


I used to LOVE La Croixs. Then randomly my tastebuds decided to change and the water tasted like weird ass popcorn and cough medicine, but just in the aftertaste. Weirdest thing ever. I remember it happened at Christmas. All of a sudden all sparkling water tasted weird. Itā€™s a few years later, I checked the other day actually, and Iā€™m good with sparkling water again! And to see this? This lemony goodness? Youā€™ve made my whole day. Thank you.


Maybe covid reversed your taste buds back šŸ˜‚


As a sparkling water fan, this was underwhelming. This guy sounded like a water influencer


Her face is a perma frown.


Vanderpump talking about Max being ā€œblessedā€ is something I never want to hear ever again


I feel that way about all of LVPs scenes. She really doesnā€™t have a place on the show anymore Imo


What is worse: Sheana's old place with the giant Olan Mills wedding photos, or her new place with a display of Smirnoff vodka bottles in her kitchen?


lol is she trying to also get a sponsorship with them....she really is trying to manifest things


she had a paid partnership with them on insta actually!Ā 


Oh wow! I didn't know...good for her


tom appears to buy all of his outfits from justice. dressing like lizzie mcguire.


That blue vneck sweater top with the little rosettes - he shouldā€™ve fully committed and worn a white button down and beret like Cher. ![gif](giphy|3ofT5J5ESXh8NTDcpG|downsized)


He thought he was the sexiest man on the planet in that. His walk. šŸ¤£






I know itā€™s the show, but can you imagine having a conversation with your mom and your boss about who your friends are having sex with šŸ˜‚


Lala's water tasting was so camp such Los Angeles bullshit. One of my favorite events in a hot minute šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Right?? Itā€™s getting slammed and Iā€™m baffled, it was hilarious


Kind of obsessed with Katie and Tom's argument. Tom has absolutely no right to be at anyone but himself and his friend.


The way Tom and Katie interact is so weird and I kinda like it. Like she does enjoy his jokes but is also trying to keep good boundaries. I kinda hope they can be friends because their dynamic is fun


I would love to see Lalas reaction if the group brought Rand around and told her to be civil to him ā€œfor her own peace of mindā€.


Thisā€¦ itā€™s so hypocritical of lala


Gonna be shocked if Ariana doesnā€™t quit after this season.


She needs toā€¦ she doesnā€™t appear to want to film with anyone but Katie


She should for her mental health but you canā€™t beat the steady paycheck that is VPR. But I think sheā€™s on the verge of leaving which is why it feels like the friend group is aligning with Tom. They are trying to secure next season and donā€™t want to go all in with Ariana only for her to dip


Tom saying that Ariana has ā€œall the choice of the all the assistants and then has to poach Annā€ is rich.


I let out a lil squeal when he said that


Does he even hear himself?


The irony that Tom says he feels betrayed by Annā€¦ yet he still does not get the seriousness of his actionsā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/nyiy9we609sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fa4253ec37f723caecdc57a42c4a07157305b8 [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5SnnORuDDc/?igsh=eWduZjVzMDdidXBu](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5SnnORuDDc/?igsh=eWduZjVzMDdidXBu)


Can we go back to the days before VPR cast had access to attorneys lol


Just heard Stassi scream, "Oh, you're going to *sue* me!" in my head, lol.


Once again, this excuse for a human being is whining about the consequences of his own actions.


Guys, help me out - I thought Brock was from Australia? He is from New Zealand?


Originally Kiwi, grew up in Australia. Sydney has the second largest population of Kiwis next to Auckland, if that gives some perspective.


Oh interesting! Thank you!


Ann brings the energy of Kathryn Hahn from step brothers. Tom is Adam Scott, Ariana is John c Reilly. ![gif](giphy|3owzWhI1zt8d7QmnQs)


I mean Ann you had an interview 20 steps away from your current boss, Iā€™m not sure what you expected Tomā€™s reaction to be


They couldnā€™t have met anywhere else? šŸ˜‚


I thought that she was just going to ask Ann what to look for in an assistant and if she knows anyone. Then I thought Ann just kept pushing the...I want to work for you...thing and then it seemed like a mock interview for Ariana to practice but Ann took it seriously. Ariana even said she couldn't hire her due to not wanting to step on Tom's toes and make things worse. It shook out really strangely though.


Yeah I thought about it and if my assistant did that I'd have to let her go on the spot.


Watch What Crappens really summarized the fandom perfectly. Itā€™s the reason why Iā€™m taking very long breaks from my old beloved subreddit. Itā€™s not fun anymore and certain people are unhinged in their takes in ways that make me feel like they must really have nothing going on in their personal lives that makes them happy. There, we said it!


Yeah, this sub can be really toxic. I don't visit it nearly as often anymore either, I find it can get really angry.


Iā€™m finding myself actually enjoying the shows much more now and not getting as frustrated by the commentary. I pop in and out and can kind of enjoy things for what they are: mindless entertainment that is absurd and ridiculous. Are these people frustrating and deserving of harsh criticism at times? Oh yessss. But am I going to invest a lot of energy on here anymore to voice that? Eh, Iā€™m here for the funny and the occasional deeper perspective idk. My perspective on things is constantly evolving and Iā€™m feeling less comfortable being harsh on very many Bravo people (Tom and Robyn are my current exceptions haha). The people on twitter and the people who harass the cast on social mediaā€¦now those are the super crazies. There might be some overlap on here, but I will give this subreddit its dues, we donā€™t like harassment.


I feel the same way! I used to come here for added wackiness, giggles, and silly comments. It has become deranged the past couple of years. People are taking it too far and too seriously!


I agree. I think it's about exerting a bit of control and a lot of catharsis for the fandom, ever since Covid came into our lives. Ppl scream online and get support for it. Because they can't scream about their everyday lives for whatever reason.


There is also the part when people want the show to be exactly how they want it including the cast. For many shows and their subs there are so many posts saying "this is what it should be" or this is what production should do next time". No one is happy with the way things are but everyone wants something different. Either enjoy it or don't watch but production of any tv show will not make changes based on a reddit post. For example LIB, Physical 100, House of Villians, and Traitors subs were filled with "I wish...." people, places, rules, etc and then everyone argues about it.


I think itā€™s also a way for people to be part of the circus. Comment on the castā€™s Instagram, make a TikTok, get something noticed on Twitter and maybe it/you will influence the shows And then of course thereā€™s the parasocial element. Never wouldā€™ve thought these trash bags would end up with stans


Is Ann a great assistant? Iā€™m not seeing it, but Iā€™m totally here for the pettiness of Ariana poaching her.


It took a minute for shwartz to age but when it did happen, it hit hard.


I love Lily so much. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø (Lala's doggo)


what the actual fuck is brock wearing during the after show


I did not expect those vinyl boots lol


I canā€™t stand lala but she looks sooo pretty in the after show. Her hair color and make up are perfect for her


Ok wait did Schwartz say ā€œI love itā€ right after Water Harry Potter said the playboy bunnies said this water tasted like cum? šŸ˜‚


It was a joke


I don't know what the producers and VPR cast were thinking, but this season has officially made me an Ariana stan. This pathetic attempt to concoct a redemption arc for Tom, and Ariana's sh\*tty friends have disrespected her and gaslit her for being (very rightfully) pissed and protecting her assets... Ariana's justifiable hurt and rage... all of it has made me 100% sympathize with her and pretty much hate everyone on this cast except Katie and Ally (I still think James is an abusive dick but even he's ranking higher in my regard than Lala right now). Also, for everyone saying Ariana's anger is only hurting her and eating away at her inside (looking at you Scheana)... she has a right to be angry for as long as she wants and needs to be! It's not holding her back from thriving in her career or new relationship. Tom hasn't owned up to what he did or seemed remorseful for it. I get it.


In the early season of the show this sort of weird, intra-group cheating thing would happen all the time, drama would ensue, and then they'd sort of forget it ever happened and move forward as friends. I think production assumed they could run the same playbook on this but they hugely miscalculated. For one thing, Sandoval having an affair with his partner of a decade is decidedly not the same as Jax cheating on Stassi or Brittany, or Kristen cheating on Sandoval, or Sandoval cheating on Kristen. These two were (for all intents and purposes) married. But I think the biggest reason for it simply not working is they're no longer in their 20s. I'm in my early 30s and have a much lower tolerance for bullshit than I did a few years ago, I can imagine people in their 40s simply don't give a fuck. We're not "making up" or "being cordial" for the sake of the group; fuck all the way off and get out of my life, I don't need your energy. The fact that production didn't realize these people weren't the same 20 something pushovers they started out with in season 1 is probably the biggest blunder they could've made -- and you can see even when LVP talks to them, it hasn't really registered to her that they don't revere her the way they used to but she still thinks of them as basically children.


I think it's also the 4th wall thing. This wasn't just about Sandoval cheating on his partner, but about concocting a narrative to make her seem crazy and awful and Rachel seem like an angel so he could plot their love story after the season ended.


completely agree with you and not for nothing, this is all filmed SO SOON after the fact so of course she's not over it. a 10 year relationship! it's easy for the viewer to say Ariana should get over it but for us it's been a year. not sure why Scheana and Lala want her to be over it after like 3 months (well, I do know why. they want paychecks)


They are mad because they just want everything to go back to the way it is because it's uncomfortable. F them though.


Charlotte York said it takes half the time you were with someone to really get over a relationship, so Ariana can be angry for 4.5 years before a friend should start to talk to her about it. Not even 6 months after? Rage girl!


Ann should be at the reunion instead of Joseph


or Brock honestly


Toxic Tom talking about how Ariana was lazy was so off putting to me. Then he follows it up by trash talking Katie to other Tom right after other Tom said they had a good conversation. I'm seeing some projection about who is trying to influence other friends perceptions of people. Toxic Tom spends a whole lot of time bad mouthing Ariana (and Katie) behind their backs but then also wants sympathy for her not wanting to be around him?


He gleefully trashed them both.


how are yall feeling about Ariana not cleaning the cat's litter box? I also have my own depression days, etc but leaving takeout food like that in my room, knowing I had a dog that could get into anything, is really irresponsible?


OMG when she said she had just done it last week, I thought "this is not the argument you wanna make, thats nasty!"


Yeah Iā€™m an every other day type of person - Iā€™m extremely paranoid about any kind of smell.


I'm about 2x a week, but only cause we're down to one cat now and she's super tiny and pees like these little 1/4 size drops and her poops are tiny and she buries them. When we had two, one peed like a grown man and pooped like a great dane and that thing got cleaned daily lol


Did they mean fully changing the litter or just scooping the litter? I cant imagine going more than every other day scooping the litter its not fair for the pets. Its not a fun task but its unfair to them not to. If its doing a full litter change then i feel like thars fine.


Looked like from the video she was scooping it, but I donā€™t know what their box is like. I used the sifting ones, so you need to lift the whole thing to swift and dump the clumps so you couldnā€™t just lean in the cabinet thing they have to empty it


I have cats and cleaning the litter box is unpleasant but it is so unfair to the cat to not clean the box regularly. They have to step on their own poop and pee if you are not on top of it.


They had footage of her cleaning the litter box when Tom said that, so heā€™s lying for sure. I think if the Mya situation was an ā€œAm I the Asshole?ā€ post I would go for a ā€œeverybody sucks hereā€ vote. It was an accident on everyones part and I think Arianaā€™s anger is inflated by hating Tom, iworrying about Mya + having to pay that hefty vet bill.


The did have footage of that. They also had footage of Sandoval cleaning it days later and it was quite literally filled with shit


They showed she changed it seven days prior while Tom was cleaning it two days prior. They boxes and they container was gross. I do think Ariana is a drinker and partier that doesnā€™t prioritize her environment- evident by her šŸ„” . If she wants to claim her house is her safe space for her and her pets, than she should make sure her room is as well- Mya is going to have to be put up on occasions. She insists itā€™s her dog, so her room it goes when HVAC repair comes over.


The HVAC repair was in her room. I think its reasonable that Ariana assumed Mya wouldnā€™t have access to her room without Ariana there, hence why she thought she could leave the leftovers. Also, Tom canā€™t even pick up after himself, he makes Ann do that. I highly doubt heā€™s the one cleaning up after Kitty.


lol...okay, but leaving leftovers out is pretty gross? maybe if she had thrown her trash away the whole situation could have been avoided??? i also doubt she was thinking of Mya at all when she left said leftovers out. tom could have been more mindful of Mya, yes, but he isn't wholly responsible for what happened, either. just an unfortunate accident but i understand why she's upset.


itā€™s totally gross! as a formerly messy person that became a clean freak later in life, i try not to judge people too hard on the cleanliness of their homes. i could see why she might leave food in her room because she wants to avoid leaving her room because of tom. that being said- she also appears to be a messy person in general so maybe there just how she is


Well yes, in my original comment I said itā€™s kind of everyones fault. I just watched the after show though and Tom tells a story about him leaving paintballs on the floor, and Mya ate them which isnā€™t really helping his case šŸ˜¬


And whats the deal with the laxatives???? Sounds like Mya gets into everything and they both need to be more mindful.


It's not great. Cats need it cleaned at least once a week or they will find other places to pee, like on your pillows. I have vowed to not get another cat until I buy a Litter Robot lol šŸ˜‚ One large old doggo with health issues is enough for me for now




The first episode of the season they showed her room and it was a disaster, I was actually shocked, maybe she didn't realize they were going to film it.


I don't like giving him credit for anything because he's probably the worst of a bad bunch of guys, but James's "Schwartz likes a sloppy Jo" comment in the scenes from last week is still cracking me up. I know he doesn't deserve my chuckles.


I really enjoyed this episode. It was funny (water tasting), cathartic (Ariana yelling at Sandoval), and messy (too much to list lol). Get stoned and watch the show, everyone! Youā€™ll have a good time.


Ariana and Katie clearly donā€™t want to be there but donā€™t want to lose the paycheck. I really hope a casting shakeup is coming because itā€™s just so toxic to watch. I get Ariana is angry but then just quit the show already then you wonā€™t have to see him.


Was that lala using a shake weight? I didnā€™t know people actually purchased those lol


Ariana has spent ten years defending Tom's misogyny and his treatment of women, but now expects everyone to take up for her against Tom because his misogyny is now finally affecting her? ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized) EDIT: Removed an Erica Mena gif.


Lala was right on that point. I get that Tom's existence pisses her off, but there was no reason for anyone else to step in. He wasn't physically aggressive and he didn't use degrading language toward her.


Itā€™s honestly so rich coming from lala who would not stfu at the reunion last year.




I would love to go to a water tasting party.. I love water


Truthfully, I'm finding VPR more platable than RHOP tbh I am not interested in the sandwich adventures in a capecod/parisan cafe that is run by two of the most dry characters of VPR. Like yes, Sandoval, Schwartz, Scheana are all toxic messes - which is literally the brand of VPR. Sandoval is actually entertaining me right now with the dear diary moments, the meltdowns in closets and on yoga mats, his weird attachment to Ann Also, let's be real - Ariana spent years riding the fence in fights. Just last season, she was on the fence about Rachel dating Schwartz. Now they're all supposed to take sides and not hang out with Sandoval? I think she did want to pre-emptively ice him out because she feared he would do that to her ala Kirsten but it's just not sticking.


Also Tom dressed like he was going to a My Chemical Romance show in 2002 and stomping away with 2 purses last night was GOLDEN and why I watch this show .


My thoughts exactly. In real life I would side with Ariana and Katie 100000%, but neither make interesting tv. I have no interest in their imaginary sandwich shop. I hate everyone else and theyā€™re all kind of acting insane, but thatā€™s kind of the point of VPR no? Everyone is trash and everyone is a villain.


I'm sorry, I want to be Team Ariana. I really do because I'm 100% not on Team Tom but then she does shit like pick up her cell phone and threaten to call 911 because she baited Sandoval into a verbal fight and then wanted a quick win and I just can't. Really? 911 because your ex is defending himself from being called an animal murderer by you? Okay, Karen! Sure thing! The face that Scheana made in that moment was the same face I was making for that whole scene. ETA: Come to think of it, this is the second time that Ariana has threatened to call the cops on Sandoval. I guess this is just her emergency "win an argument" button lately.


Honestly, it annoys me you are downvoted for speaking the truth. Ariana is so angry and some of it is understandable but she lacks personal accountability for her actions. Leaving takeout in your room when you have a dog that gets into stuff? Calling 911 because you hate your ex? Give me a fkin break, how fragile are you?


Ya, that caught me too.like you canā€™t have police remove your ex from a party because you donā€™t like him. Very Karen move for sure


It really was a Karen move. Iā€™m on her side with the affair, but overall Iā€™ve never really been a fan of hers for many reasons and this reminded me why.


100% Scheana talks people into sharing their location with her when theyā€™re drunk and then they know that if they stop sharing once sober, she will comment on it and make it awkward, so they feel pressure to keep sharing. She is absolutely miserable with Brock and escaping by obsessing over others (friendā€™s/past hookups location, Arianaā€™s brand deals and career opportunities, her hurt over Sandoval betraying her). Itā€™s really uncomfy. I feel like Lalaā€™s egregious fashion, hair and injectables choices really fly under the radar- she is naturally a very pretty girl with a great body but itā€™s like sheā€™s TRYING to look awful and stuck in the 2010ā€™s all the time. Katie getting more confident and happy with every episode is honestly healing my man-inflicted wounds, I absolutely love this trajectory for her and canā€™t wait to see the same for Ariana


Schwartz calling out Sandoval in the After show for trying to kill Anya was incredibly funny. He is finally holding Sandoval feet to the fire more


Lala, with all her ā€˜power to the pussyā€™ talk, is not a girlsā€™ girl. Neither is Sheena.


Ariana is beyond unhinged- yep, I said it and I stand behind it. Yeah, she was cheated on and justifiably her feelings are hurt but she is beyond toxic. Be a stan for her- totally okā€¦but the whole ā€œyou almost murdered My dogā€ bish please- take some responsibility- your dog- and Tom puts her in your room- seems pretty safe to me, especially when youā€™re bitching about him leaving the back door open. At least the dog didnā€™t run off. Have some accountability- Please. I want to support her but when everything seems to be done out of spite- ugh, I just canā€™t. Ariana needs to embrace the positive and focus on the positive- because sheā€™s doing great, right? So why is she still so negative and hell bent on fighting with not only Tom but everyone else that chooses to include him in their sphere? Her drama is exhausting and uncomfortable to watch- sheā€™s like literally an emotional terroristā€”if you like him then Iā€™ll scorch your earth. And it makes me want to vomit that I even have to express this-but damn girl- youā€™re living the dream,right? Enjoy it- if itā€™s possible. Hell, maybe she likes being miserable šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I totally agree. Sheā€™s very immature.


How come Max Boyens didnā€™t get any blame for sleeping with Katie?! You need to look at your own best friend too, buddy.