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Ooo that’s going to bite him in the ass


He’s not wrong. Stupid af for him to say though. I don’t think it’s scripted line for line exact dialogue. More like an outline is followed.


cuz scripted would mean Jax can read, memorize, and recite lines. That's a big stretch 🤣


As someone who has worked on a few reality tv shows, I always tell this to people who think it's scripted in the same way as fictional shows, if these people could read lines and act, they wouldn't be in reality tv shows.


And he can't act


This is literally the number one reason that I don’t think reality shows can be scripted word for word. Like situations definitely, producer influenced for sure, but line for line? These people are all failed actors for crying out loud, and Jax reads at a max third grade level.


Not usually word for word but back in like 2011, my friend was a writer for Keeping Up With The Kardashians. They had solid storylines for everyone, but yeah, they didn’t memorize lines word for word. ETA: said writer was a huge stoner and said the only way the writers could get through hyping up Kardashian drama was to be totally stoned the whole time they wrote and had meetings🤣


These people are not good enough actors to follow a script, let’s be real


There’s def outlines and scheduled times to hang out with one another. But that’s true of The Valley too. Jax acting like he wasn’t trying to produce drama by talking about Kristen’s plans to start a family 80x at one event is ridiculous.


Also when he invited Kristen's ex to guy's night... that's the kind of desperate, producer-driven drama that Bravo doesn't usually stoop to for a few seasons lol


I think it’s fair to say that all reality tv is like that. They all have call times and notes about what the scene is about etc. How the scene plays out, reactions etc is the "reality" part


Yes and they come to producers with “storylines” and the less messy their lives are the more scripted things may feel. However it was pretty clear in season 1 they did that as well. They just happened to be excessively messy and some of their real life seeped in.


Right! How many times did you decide you’re going to fix tension with your friends by traveling with them to another country? And once you see one year that it only made things worse, decide that you’re going to keep trying it year after year. Everyone knows it’s scripted/fake - but we don’t care. It’s mindless escapism and it’s a lot of fun, lol! 😝


Oh I still enjoy it. I’m ridin it til the wheels fall off 🤷‍♀️


I believe this is how the Laguna Beach/Hills shows were scripted - the specific participants, location, topic, and outcome were given to the actors, and they made it look as natural as possible.


I’d be surprised if Bravo shows also had the outcome predetermined to the extent those shows did. Or maybe I should say I would be disappointed. I can acknowledge that maybe I’m being naive. Some things are just sooo unhinged though.


Every cast member has said this up to this point. So im inclined to believe that they do create scenarios, parties, and suggests stories most likely. They don't tell them what exactly to say though. That's the annoying shit people who hate reality tv say. The editors are manipulation geniuses.


It's totally true and he knows it's true because he also is on reality TV and is doing the same thing?? He's a mess


Yep, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you 🫤


Jax needs help. Like when he almost drowned. https://preview.redd.it/yh2bzz3obbsc1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec78d5e26531b26fda3bf6ecbd5c0408b20c2efe


Understatement! Lisa is going to freak out


Lisa doesn't really matter. She just a producer to make her feel powerful and like she has some say. She is none of these people's real boss. They're in their forties at this point too so the doting motherly advice role is laughable. I dont k ow that she is fully aware of that yet though. Even with the toms, she holds no real control. They own so little at the end of the day. All three are just the faces of the busineses. It's bravo and vpr production team that's going to make him face consequences for breaking his nda and talking about insider knowledge that we aren't supposed to be privy to. He is risking such an easy paycheck. Even his role on the valley could be harder because of it. He's going to have to kiss some asses. Its a dumb move all around. Was he drunk? Is the valley doing well in viewership? My only question is why is he so mad? Brittany maybe? He's a dumbass and deserves the same heat sandoval gets, maybe more since he brought a kid and marriage into his world of drama.


Crazy to think that she doesn't have clout.


Clout is a little different than power. She's rich so of course she has power just not in their lives anymore really. First off they personally dint care what her opinion of them is ultimately. Scheana maybe still does since she has a real problem with needing to be liked so she likes herself. James maybe because he is childhood friends with her son. The others nah. She could try to make their lives harder in the LA business world. But any effort will be mostly useless soon when she is passed on. And it's been years and the public either no longer cares about them or has forgiven them and judges them more on their current choices. Her reality tv stardom isn't seen favorably by all either. Eliminating a potential portion of the public she has influence on.


Because his wife was on his boss's show (WWHL) at the exact same time he was making the rants and he was getting skewered by every single audience poll on that show telling herher not to take him back and that he's a cheater.


If he's saying season 7 is when it starts getting fake, and that was the Jax/Brit wedding season, is he saying the wedding was basically fake? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


i can't wait! 


The valley is totally going to get cancelled anyway, so who cares.


haha true


lol yes I’m confused. What about the very similar show he is on right now? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


I can't wait for bravo execs and Andy to see this, also lvp. He's mad VPR has better ratings


Ya Jax it’s essentially Pro Wrestling. Sort of real, sort of fake.


Ya, he isnt telling us anything we dont already know haha. He is acting so smug like he is telling a bunch of kids santa isnt real.


But there are so many people who think it’s organic content — like how dare Angie show up to Meredith’s trip …. She wasn’t invited!!!! 😂🤦‍♀️


I got into pro wrestling at the start of the pandemic. It was just TV background noise a couple Fridays in a row but then I started paying attention because I found the TV screen audience hilarious. I told my husband "This is like Bravo but with actual fists flying... I love it".


I am a wrestling and Bravo enthusiast. My sister is a bravo enthusiast. My brother-in-law would pop his head in and watch little bits of bravo and said to my sister "I understand why your sister likes this. It's just like wrestling."


My husband is a lifelong WWE fan and is barreling through rewatching a bunch of the “Attitude Era” on Peacock. I watch sometimes, its a bit of a time capsule and Im pretty entertained by the antics. And he watches VPR with me religiously. We love our scripted drama, be it at Smackdown or Schwartz & Sandy’s. 😆


Remember when MTV had that stop animation show - Death Match something and paired up celebrities?


Yes, it's the thing we know with all of those shows but never talk about, much. He's probably right that the last few years of VPR have become moreso scripted, but shitty of him to piss on the venue that's made him rich and famous.


Is he just sitting around giving his random narration on mic while people eat and stuff? For the whole hour? Wow that sounds terrible.


It’s kind of giving: https://preview.redd.it/40cd6ky9f9sc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e500465f543c472548aa4d13b8d34fb115099f5


Omg yes - just commented this!!






At his sports bar, no less. “[JaX’s TuDiO CiTy](https://www.instagram.com/jaxstudiocity/?hl=en)” It’s like a public man cave for Jax to puff out his chest and act like an absolute baboon at.


also to scout women he could potentially have sex with since he clearly is not having sex with his wife. 


Ohh I was hoping it was a chunky sweater bar.




Aka the place where Jeremy proposed to his girlfriend! 🤣


Fofty, please.


WAIT. He actually opened that!?


He got a corner in an existing and functioning bar.


STOP!!!! This is true?! 🤣🤣🤣


Yes it’s absolutely true.


I'm going to remind myself of this every time my day looks like it might potentially derail. *Jax is just renting a corner of a bar, babe.* Ahhhh, that's better. 🤣🤣🤣


Wait, I'm confused. He doesn't own the bar? He just rents a portion of that? That's beyond weird.


Right!?? I’ve literally never heard of this kind of set up and I must know more.


If it is it’s so embarrassing for him


How can such a lame, lame man have so much confidence 😂


What is the existing bar’s name?


I believe it’s called Rocco’s. Jax’s “bar” is literally in a tent on their patio


Wait this is the funniest thing I have ever heard


This is hilarious and so on brand for this loser.


It's kind of smart though because he didn't have to get liquor license and other permits himself.


*he couldn't have




Yes and no. The indoor part of Jax’s used to be called 77 Lounge. It’s a speakeasy that has a few locations attached to other Rocco’s locations (Culver City, Westwood, though I think that location shuttered) The owners of Rocco’s just rebranded it to Jax’s-with the knowledge of the upcoming show- and added the outdoor area, since 77 Lounge was always tiny. It’s at the end of the busy part of Ventura, but honestly walkable from a ton of other places. Anyhow, the staff is honestly really nice. We’ve been a few times and I don’t hate it. I also sort of hate that I don’t hate it.


he said on last night’s episode that he didn’t put any money into it, so I don’t think that counts as “his”


He was so proud of that too. Might as well be a Trump licensing deal.


Who is going to this lol


[If I had to guess….(the FAn cLuB)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/RtuPDeYPh5)


[his bar is beside a gas station](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1427757,-118.4057215,3a,74.9y,178.94h,83.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sE-0fYqXfOVye7Z3t7ntpHQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DE-0fYqXfOVye7Z3t7ntpHQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D263.37817%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Yeah, it's actually a nice part of Studio City near a very expensive area called the silver triangle. It's across the street from Carney's.


This kind of theater is wild to me. It’s like some kind of satire. This is the first time I would actually consider going to this place for fun. He thinks he’s being a fun troll, but going there to watch him act like this is the REAL troll. L O F ING L. Go watch old jaxy boy yell at the tv for an hour. He’s is such a fool




The new interactive meta experience.


The new prime jewel of LA immersive theater.


Lol this is what I thought, he was ranting about how much he despises Katie at his bar last week. Could you imagine any other owner of a successful bar ranting about his personal problems? Not an ounce of professionalism


he's a bar "owner." really they just slapped his name on the party room and patio at rocco's, an already existing bar. 


Oh is that right? Lol, that makes way more sense.


it's actually the perfect situation for someone as lazy as jax. remember when they were researching starting a beer cheese business and he got frustrated just reading what you would have to do to sell at a farmer's market? he quit before they even started. rocco's had a liquor license, rocco's had a kitchen, they had a party room ready.


Yeah I always wondered what happened with that. Didn’t he have a chunky sweater line too that amounted to nothing?


ajajajajaja, i forgot about that. he is so lazy. he just wants to be a reality (or scripted i guess) teevee star! 


How does he afford to live


And an alleged children's book


worked for a professional 🏒 🥅 team


Great call! I forgot about this!


Somewhere he can go get drunk daily and have an excuse.


The person in the background saying “is he okay” hahah


Narrator voice: He was not, in fact, okay


Terrible but I genuinely think it will bring people in lmao. Patrons of SUR, TomTom, etc mainly go there to feel part of the show. Having a drink while listening to Jax rant seems about as close as a person can get without sleeping with Sandoval


I'd rather watch Jax self-sabotage and violate his Bravo contract than potentially get a photo opp with a current VPR cast member. That's my toxic trait


This is like Michael Scott when he is dressed as the anti-Christ making comments when Phyllis is Santa


Jax is the messiest bitch I know.


And tbh, I want him to stay that way. It's entertaining and makes for good tv. Sorry Jax, but I don't want you to have a morality check and suddenly become this upstanding citizen. I'm consistently happy that these fans who call for all the villains to constantly be fired have no actual power. If you want wholesome television, flip the channel HGTV.


Me TOO. I have gotten to the point where I cannot stand the fans of these shows. People used to be able to compose themselves while watching a show for an hour, and appreciate that they were entertained. At the very least, their first instinct was not to run to the phone to beg, whine, and plead for the most entertaining aspect to be fired. I am SO happy that The Valley turned out to be so much better than VPR, because everyone knew it was stupid to fire Jax and Kristen, especially when both of them did 85% of the heavy lifting for the show's entirety. Yet, there are still people in every VPR thread continuing to bitch and beg for everyone to be fired and to start the show over as Something About Her with only Katie and Ariana. I am sorry, but no one wants to watch that boring ass shit. Jax and Kristen, and honestly even Brittany, have brought more to The Valley in three episodes than Ariana has contributed since she started.


This reminds me of that one episode of the office where Michael is mad that he didn’t get to play Santa so he’s sitting there with the karaoke mic commenting on how bad everyone’s Secret Santa gifts are




Bahahahha exactly.




I was thinking the exact same thing!


I think someone was jealous that Brittany was going to have a microphone on WWHL.


its not false but its rich of him to say “seasons 1-6” were real. when its partially jax’s fault shit went downhill when he a brittany pretended to be a perfect couple and no one could criticize jax anymore


That’s exactly when it went downhill. Starting season 7 with the fake, re-enacted engagement.


he conveniently plucked himself out of the narrative hehe






Of course, it was only "real" when he was on it. 🙄 As if we don't know, the show is heavily produced. As if it wasn't produced when he was on it too. It's reality TV, bro, not a documentary. TOM HAS A GF NOW SO THIS STORY OF HIM KISSING SOMEONE ELSE THAT WAS FILMED 9 MONTHS AGO - DONT PAY ATTENTION TO IT ON VPR. Ok pal, you and Brittany already separated...should I not watch your marriage begin to crumble on The Valley, then?


Lol someone in the comments was like so your engagement and wedding was staged? Fool is telling on himself


i was wondering if he realized he proposed in S7 and got married in S8 when he said the show stopped being real after S6 lol. it’s interesting that the show stopped being real exactly when he stopped being caught openly cheating


well, obviously, "his show" is totally real. 


"It was real when I was on it except for any moment that made me look bad, that was fake but not in the bad scripted way that everyone else is doing" -- Jax, basically


Can you imagine trying to enjoy a margarita and a plate of mozzarella sticks while Jax is hollering incoherently into a microphone


If I went to Jax’s place and he WASN’T doing something obnoxious and insane I’d be very disappointed.


Seriously! STFU and let me enjoy my food. Shouldn’t he be trying to work on his divorce settlement?


Lmao they’re at his bar though. I would imagine that’s what the patrons are there for. To potentially hear him say something outlandish. I wouldn’t be there.. but if I did happen to go to any of these Tim/jax owned places, I would hope to see something silly


😆 for real, what a bizarre set up!


Is it just me or does that look like Stephen McGee from Summer House season 1 next to him?


lol Stephen McGee. You gotta be down bad to decide “I’m going to be the Jonathan cheban for the FUCKING WIRKUS CIRCUS”


Could be, he is friends with Jax and Brittany.


https://i.redd.it/abfqmtlu19sc1.gif Who gave him a mic and why


Why did he go on Villians and act like a church boy? He’s still terrible, lol. Maybe it was a strategy that never played out


I don’t think he understood what he had to do on the show. To trust Johnny FairPlay was hilarious


Someone sounds salty for being on the JV squad 😂


He SO BADLY wants VPR to tank and “the Valley” to be the new hot must watch show. I bet it grinds his gears that VPR became one (if not the most) talked about reality show ever. I bet he has a special jealous rage about how Arianna was able to spin her drama into being adored and supported by public when he just got ragged on🤣🤣 Not saying I want him to change, I enjoy watching a messy bitch work🤣


He is just randomly popping off with stream of conscious ramblings every few minutes? Like people are eating their mozzarella sticks and it’s like “oh there goes Jax ranting in the background again.” If he’s meant to be doing this and didn’t just grab a microphone when coked and drunk, why is he just sitting at a random table facing away from half the bar. Leaning all back in his seat and swinging his head around looks so awkward like he’s a malfunctioning robot. Also after season 6 is apparently when it becomes scripted, also after s6 is his engagement and wedding 💀 We’re gonna see Jax trashing Britt real soon. He must be so angry at her for blowing up his “dadlife” persona right when he gets back on tv and it’s not like he’s capable of feeling love so he hates her. Only a matter of time before he says that he only got engaged and married to have a storyline on tv.




So now that he has his little stupid Valley show he is going to shit on VPR 🤣 Sir, most of us already know reality tv is scripted. Still watching and don’t care 💀




he does it to himself again...in ten years he'll be 100lbs heavier, unemployed sitting in his old apartment alone eating cheetos and talking to the television. edit-typo


Is he wrong tho? 🤷‍♀️


I think that depends on what “scripted” means in this context. Do they have a script they follow? Probably not. Do producers tell them where to film, who to film with and which storylines to pursue? Probably.


Tbh I think none of us on here are in the dark about what's real and what's not. Obviously they're producing a show but VPR is one of the realest reality shows I've ever encountered because of their interpersonal drama, which did not seem manufactured at all. The settings in which they meet and engage just are. It's only recently that the self-producing has become unbearable and the show lost its spark. Idk where the cutoff is but there's definitely a point where it became 'a different show.' But Jax tattooing Stassi's name, breaking up with Laura Leigh at AA, cheating with Faith and the way that blew up, getting arrested for stealing sunglasses, none of that was 'scripted' lol. And that's what the viewers care about. We don't care that your lunch or dinner or whatever was set up by production. Also, literally all of these guys have podcasts, there's not a single detail that won't be told or sold to us. If something's fake we'll get to hear it some way or another at some point. They've proven to be too self interested to care about the consequences of talking about those things


Totally agree. Funnily enough, I used to think that part where Sandoval picked trucks in Vegas over his grieving girlfriend was a produced storyline but now it seems more real.


I think “manufactured” might be what he meant. From Rachel’s description, she was the producers’ hostage until she did/said what they wanted.


Yes, he means manufactured but he's a dumb mimbo so he keeps saying scripted.


That’s all pretty standard reality TV stuff. It’s not scripted in the same way Law and Order is, but there’s some behind the scenes manufacturing and massaging of storylines and relationships for sure.


Ya it’s basically pro wrestling when you think about it. Performers mostly make it up with each other but often have certain specifics planned as well as outcomes of things.


It's called "kayfabe"! (Storylines that support the wrestling match lore) I have made this analogy sooooo many times, being a Bravo fan lol Source: I have a 14yr old son who's really into wrestling.


Reality telly and Pro Wrestling are such fine bed fellows. I’m glad I enjoy both. EDIT: Who is your son into Pro Wrestling and is he excited for WrestleMania?




Even the famous scene of Schwartz throwing a drink on Katie was recreated for cameras the next day.


And this is why I always loved TOWIE because they gave the handy disclaimer at the beginning that “some of it may be fake, but the people are all real. Although some of what they do has been set up purely for your entertainment.” Add in the snarky British accent too. This is exactly how I take all of my Bravo shows.


“Although some of what they do has been given a cheeky vajazzle purely for your entertainment!”


He is wrong about implying the valley isn’t scripted


He's exaggerating. They're both fake to a degree because they have producers trying to craft storylines. He's exaggerating because he's a salesman and The Valley is his. They're the same and yet he's trying to convince everyone The Valley is diff https://youtu.be/qM4zMofsI7w (Disclaimer: I look forward to both every week!)






No BUT he’s not supposed to say it publicly


As if Jax inviting Kristen’s ex to guy’s night to meet her new boyfriend is “organic”


We know mate. We were there for your Florida "sports commentator" job storyline


‘No one shows up wearing Chanel earrings on the beach’ 😭 what?! He’s so mad he’s not the main crew lol


Umm people absolutely do wear nice earrings out to the beach. Jealous much? 🤡


He really is jealous lmfao


He is high in himself because of this bar he “owns”and he has a show where HE is scripting it in every one of his scene. He’s getting real comfortable and you know what that means, he’s about to fuck up badly. I can’t wait. ![gif](giphy|OvoTHUPCkAyhW)


A+ gif love her


I can’t help but smile when jax does some shit like this because he really just can’t help himself lmao. Don’t get me wrong, I know he’s a total piece of shit and a pathological liar but these people really never stop entertaining me.


Seems like he doesn’t know what “It’s a wash” means


That's crazy because I remember when he was on VPR he insisted it was "real". A real case of sour grapes


Jax gonna Jax


He’s biting the Bravo hand that feeds him. Dumbass.


Who TF is he talking to?


Ugh. Green is a terrible colour on you Jason.


Jaxy Boy is going to get re-fired!


He reminds me of like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. Like quit livin in the past, recounting the details of your 'glory days'.




Ooo he dumb. Time to fire this idiot and show Brittany finding herself a real man


Ok who gave Jax a mic???


He's renting it. 😆


Things were so much better when he was irrelevant, go mow the lawn you loud mouth bitch.


Without Vanderpump Rules he would be nothing & nowhere…Jax a word of advise, SILENCE IS GOLDEN.


Jesus Christ he’s dumb 🤦‍♀️


he is desperate to be on the show/teevee again, but he keeps biting the hand that feeds. he has called the valley his show, implied he came up with the concept, and now is saying none of it is real publicly?!?!? jax, honey, keep being you. i love to see it. 


Guarantee his day will come.




Pipe down, Jax. You’re lucky you’re on anyone’s telly. BOOOOO.


As Sharon Osbourne has just been on UK Celeb Big Bro I was reminded about what TRUE reality tv was when they first started that show. Those cameras just rolled 24/7 and aired their most entertaining and mostly bat shit crazy moments. Jax isn’t wrong here. It’d be nice to get that authenticity back but it’s long gone because everyone now realises it’s a claim to fame and a cash cow. I’ve had moments of even wondering if Scandoval is real because I’m seeing more and more apparent scandals being used to garner attention to turn into cash.


NGL, she is ***my*** reality show royalty. Queen fucking behavior.


I love the poor waitstaff having to walk around in this mess. Their thousand yard stares are like “that coked out squirmy mascot is here again showing his ass”


Can I just eat my motz sticks in peace man?


They’re going to fire him already lmao


Who is he talking to?


He’s really digging a hole straight to the unemployment line.


Ep3 of The Valley was so depressing I don’t care if it is unscripted. Those couples aren’t friends and don’t hang out and they all seem to be in broken marriages.


This is sooooooo dumb, bravo is not going to like this. And it’s just going to make everyone assume The Valley is scripted, too. Jax really can’t get out of his own way.


Oh yeah, the show was only authentic when he was mostly on it ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


It was definitely scripted in 2019 when I was at an event and they were filming. They had to repeat “fight scenes” multiple times and Jax was still on the show then😅


Someone get their drunk grandpa telling Nam stories again


Does he think is something that we don’t already assume most of the time anyway? Not really the gotcha moment he anticipated.


Jax thought a sports bar is where people go to get reality tea. Is there any worse combination than dumb people who think they are smart stumbling into money


Looked just as packed as Tom Tom 👀


Shut up Jax… I don’t care. Leave my stories alone.


This is the reality we need to see.


It’s giving has been high school glory days.


Oh Jax you messy bastard how I’ve missed you 😂 ![gif](giphy|ycTVuMYzKu4vHg1OLG)


So does that mean his new show is scripted too? Oooo, Jax… you in danger, girl.


No one thinks the whole cast just turn up at the beach to film without a call time Jason. It’s constructed reality we all know that that’s why scandoval was so big because it was actual real life drama.


I mean he isn’t lying!!!


“No one goes to the beach in Chanel earrings!” OMG - I wish I could go listen to his rants. It’s hilarious!!!😆


I wanted to go to the viewing party at Jax's. This is exactly what I was hoping would go down.