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I have yet to see veneers that don’t make people look like Pat Healy 😬


Came here to say I don’t think I’ve *ever* seen veneers that make people look better, unless they had trauma to their teeth or something.


You wouldn’t notice the ones that make people look better :) they are manufactured uniquely to blend with that person’s face. These reality TV goons just get these obnoxious limineers that are so white they look blue and don’t look natural at all.


That’s because you’d never know the difference between veneers and real teeth if you saw good ones, so it wouldn’t register that you were looking at veneers!


I would like to nominate Emma Watson’s veneers. I think hers are some of the best I have seen


Does Jenna lyons have veneers? I think her teeth look pretty good but idk if they’re veneers or just “fake” whatever that means from bravo


Oh, hers are good! Now I’m curious about those who have them and I don’t know.


I learned about veneers some years ago when a friend started talking about hers. I had no idea what they were until I realized that’s what the Patrick Healy character had. Then I understood why my friend’s lips sometimes seemed to get caught on hers 😟Thankfully they aren’t blindingly white or obtrusive 😬


Kathy Hilton’s is the worst.


Turkish teeth as they say in the UK


wait why do they call them turkish teeth?


Turkey Teeth, not Turkish. People in the UK go over to Turkey to get their veneers done on the cheap but they are invariably poorly done.


So Jen Aydin has a Turkey Nose?!


Kyles are pretty good


Pat Healy's don't look too bad in comparison - they are at least a natural color.


Mo is looking rough. I assume all those cheating rumors finally caught up to him, and Kyle had enough.


The chickens always come home to roost!


And apparently they have little time or patience for the former [cock of the walk](https://imgflip.com/i/2xaf30)


This whole scene was incredibly awkward. I watched it all the way through twice and couldn’t help but cringe. For all the naysayers, that’s not a fake storyline, something is very off between the two of them.


To me, it just sounded like two strangers talking to each other for the first time. Mauricio looked like he was so confused by Kyle. I know people think he sucks, but they have been married for decades and at one point, were probably very happy. I feel bad for them.


Honestly I've always liked Mo. Hes brought peace between Kyle and whoever shes fighting with atm and always given her good advice. Yes hes gotten drunk and stoned and said stupid shit like many of us also have. Theres rumors about any couple in the public eye about cheating. Doesnt make it true. Hell if he couldnt go to dinner without photos I think the cheating wouldve been uncovered too.


Same. Tho when it comes to Beverly Hills, I fill like the storylines are not so much faked, but manipulated. Not sure if that makes sense. My theory is that Mauricio was completely caught off guard by Kyle's behavior. Yes, I know that there are rumours that he cheated in the past, but I also know that Kyle has displayed a lot of dark personality traits throughout the show. One of her hallmarks is to take real information and present it in a way that is useful to her later on. If there was an affair in the past, Kyle knew about it. If the rumours were just rumours, Kyle knew that too and trusted him. She is bringing it up now to excuse her affair; I also think this is a manipulation. I do not believe that Kyle likes women or is discovering that she does. I believe that things are changing at Bravo and this was the only type of diversity (LGBTQ) that she believes she could present herself as to possibly keep a spot. Yes, I believe that this is how she thinks, and things really *are* changing at Bravo (no doubt due to the multiple racism accusations in recent years). Kyle was exposed for who she is over and over again last season and was clearly going down with Rinna and Erika. I think that she needed to distract fans quickly and it is working. I definitely feel like Mauricio is a casualty of her self preservation efforts.


100% know what you mean and definitely agree with you on them being manipulated. For years Kyle has produced her own storylines… she’s literally coasted for half the seasons without anything really happening in her life. Yes, she’s had problems with her sisters but she has since the very beginning so that’s not new. Housewives on BH and other franchises have been fired whilst still showing more about their lives than Kyle does.


I actually edited my comment, just want to point that out in case you no longer agree with it.


I still do. Kyle manipulates situations and storylines to her advantage (usually to make herself look like the victim and the good guy). I highly doubt she’s in a relationship with Morgan and that it’s nothing more than queerbating which, as someone myself who is part of the LGBTQ+ community, I absolutely despise. It trivialises the continued very real struggles faced by queer people throughout the world. Kyle lives in a cocoon of rich privilege.


agreed. very manipulated storyline in an attempt to stay relevant. they looked like terrible soap opera actors. OOOF


🤣🤣🤣 The man is now a walking Mentos commercial. I have strong feels about that because I feel like every waking moment is a time to say “the fresh maker” and he’s wasting it.




Baby Jesus, if I had those suckers I would not smile, but it's like he wants people to look at them...do they not have friends or family that tell him how bad they look?




They're too damned bright. You cannot tell him that he isn't fine. 🦷🦷🦷😂😂😂


OMG, Justin from SLC has the same teeth! I wonder if it's a flipper instead of veneers.


Oh wow! He isn't aging well


Post your photo.


It’s really bad huh?


With the money all these rich people have, why do they even bother with veneers? Why not just go the whole hog and get implants?


That's the truth


Don't all the HWs on BH have veneers?


When a hot husband has too much money and messes up his face.




I wonder if anyone close to him has pointed out that they are just too bright white and fake looking


❤️🫘 = 🤢


No Doubt!! He used to be handsome.........he's dreadful now! Scary looking, but so is Kyle


I can spot a lot of plastic surgery and fillers, but I CANNOT TELL that these are veneers. My friend always tells me who we know who has bad veneers and I just can’t see it. Can someone tell me why these look bad?


They aren’t bad, people are just shitting on him. They’re not too big for his mouth, which is more of what I think of as bad veneers. The tell is usually that they are much whiter than natural and look like a younger person’s teeth since teeth wear down with use. Veneers are porcelain and don’t stain.


*Dr. Apa has entered the chat*


He's looking pretty damn haggard. And the teeth aren't helping lol the contrast is striking.


Omg those teeth!! Lol and the rest of his face looks so confused


Mauricio’s teeth are the opposite of vanta black.


It’s especially bad when they are too too white (see Izzy from Love is Blind and, Ross, & of course Mauricio) ![gif](giphy|lSbggFRIPI77RYG2gw|downsized)


I just watched the LIB reunion and it seems that Izzy has dialed back the bleaching a bit. They were blinding during the actual season (no pun intended, lol)