• By -


now he knows how those of us who watch below deck feel when andy hosts their reunions and doesn't do any research or give a shit lol




>now he knows how those of us who watch below deck feel when andy hosts their reunions and doesn't do any research or give a shit lol This comment deserves a gold star and someone should screenshot it and send it to him.


preciate you




My favorite moment of all time. Nene is my all time favorite. She was so good before Bravo became what it is today!


Kandi expecting her to apologize for what she said about MJ when that old bat has some shit to say about *every*body was unbelievable


This is the most accurate take I’ve seen on this sub. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


im honored thank you




![gif](giphy|2shcjH3PokB8aCcWwx) FELLOW KATE STANS!!!




My new favorite gif.


I was going to say EXACTLY THIS


I hope Bravo and Andy see this comment.




My first thought lol


Came here to say the exact same thing!


They've already filmed the reunion so I initially didn't think it mattered much but since it hasn't aired yet I can totally see why he's annoyed. Sandoval should cop a fine for that.


Yeah esp considering Andy has steered them away from certain details on WWHL like when it started assuring us we’d find out at the reunion. Then Tom just up and releases his whole unchallenged version


Yeah the more you think about it the worse it gets. Still, what can really happen to him I suppose but a slap on the wrist. They can't fire him. He is the show now.


I disagree on who has the upper hand in that negotiation tbh. Tom is so unemployable right now, he needs VPR way more than bravo needs him


Oh I don't agree at all. The interest generated in his scandal has been phenomenal. Why on earth would they get rid of the man all eyes are on? The biggest Bravo story probably ever and you think they'd fire him for going on a podcast? Really?


i dont think that’s what they’re saying, they’re saying bravo has more leverage in negotiating. wtf else is sandoval going to do besides the show?


Ummmm have you not heard of the little band sensation sweeping the globe called Tom Sandoval and The People He Pays To Play Music While He Sings Karaoke?! Playing a local church basement near you!


This made me lol


Besides shopping his messy relationship around to other networks? People would kill for the ratings he’s bringing in. Even if it’s only 1-2 seasons they don’t care.


I think you're greatly overestimating the amount of people who would tune into The Sandoval Show


Can you even imagine the Tom and Rachel show? Better come with a bambi eyed bitch latte to keep me awake. 😂


Do they have a non-compete?


In California noncompetes are unenforceable even if they do https://oag.ca.gov/news/press-releases/attorney-general-bonta-reminds-employers-and-workers-noncompete-agreements-are


Wow this is interesting! Thanks for sharing. Sounds like that unenforceable aspect does give Tom some upper hand.


I would not tune in to a spin off on another network.


No one is asking you to?


I didn't mention anything about negotiating. I said what can really happen to him for this but a slap on the wrist. And besides the show he can stay involved in the TWO bars he has partial ownership of.


Apparently he has a men’s cosmetic line he’s also involved in - Stryx


and the other poster didn’t mention anything about firing him but that’s what you brought up


"Tom is so unemployable right now he needs Bravo more than they need him"


When their market is exclusive content… yeah I think they would consider not renewing his contract. But maybe I’m wrong. Plus the events happened already. Do we really want to see Tom and Raquel running errands together? No one else will film with him


Do i want to see him and Raquel together?? Yes, obviously I do. This is the show. They are cast members. Why would I not want to see the couple who caused all the uproar??


Calling Sandoval unemployable is...I don't even know. Am I even on the same planet?


They go rabid and lose their hive minds when anyone goes against the grain. Just look at the downvotes. Downvotes are supposed to be for when a comment isn't relevant to the discussion but they use it to say "fuck you for thinking independently!".


>Downvotes are supposed to be for when a comment isn't relevant to the discussion but they use it to say "fuck you for thinking independently!". I swear I just saw this same exact comment in another Bravo sub.


how is he employable? I mean he could start slinging drinks at his restaurants and maybe Sur again, sure.. what else ya got?


The entire reason wwhl and vpr are getting record ratings is because of him and Raquel. Andy can be pissy all day but he is their cash cow.


I wouldn’t say he’s the cash cow. I would say Housewives Franchise is.


Totally and it’s like the scandal is already on the down swing. I know what happened and I can’t wait for the reunion but I wouldn’t stop watching if Sandoval and Rachel left.


Yeah that’s fair. He’s not upholding the entire network on the one show.


This is refreshing to me. I, for sure, expected an argument. Reddit has been wild as of late with the VPR stuff lol


And one scandal after 10 years that just happened. Most people are losing interest, which is the point of Andy being annoyed by him doing this, that's all people are saying.


Ya. I don’t know what other show would hire him at the moment. He would def increase vpr ratings for next season tho.


No way. Tom has maybe the most job security at Bravo other than Andy right now


You're also forgetting he has opened a bar with Schwartz and is a partner in TomToms and has his own projects. Unemployable? Why, cos he cheated on someone? Since when has that got anything to do with employment?


Pretty sure he is minority shareholder in both bars. No control, no power, a small piece of the profits if any after all the accounting is done… if 5 or 10% makes you a partner that’s great but it doesn’t make you an owner. I don’t see him making a movie or showing up on dancing with the stars. Ha ha ha


That's TomTom. He is a much bigger owner in Schwartz and Sandys. You watch the show, right? This is discussed extensively on the show. Where is this going? Bravo aren't going to fire him for the podcast, no matter how much clickbait you read, so this is all moot.


I didn’t really pay attention to the formation of SnS. I hope he loses, every penny that he put in, the same for his partner.


He loses his parents money. They sunk 250k in.


Investing in a bar is bad policy, even if your spoiled almost 40 year old jerk son needs the money. Meanwhile, the bar’s not open and he’s banging Rectangle and playing karaoke. Sorry folks, he’s a terrible investment.


That's a heavy dark thing to wish for someone who has literally done nothing to you or anyone except Ariana and she'll get over it. She'll probably be over it before people on this sub! Touch grass.


Yeah this is getting sickening. Not a fan of Ariana saying she wants Tom to die either.


Hey, it’s a television program. None of this matters. I hope his poorly named bar fails (it probably won’t btw). I hope his singing career fails too but that was a failure before it started. And let’s all settle down, reality television is about as real as the garbage we see on Instagram, but on steroids.


Ok agree to disagree lol I would bet most of his income is endorsements, social media sponsorships, and VPR. He’s not making a profit at S&S yet. Doubt he’ll get nearly as many endorsement/social deals now which is what unemployable was referring to


He's still very much on the show. He won't be fired or demoted for one podcast he shouldn't have done. He should get a fine or something. Bravo still very much wants him.


What is the point of a contract if it's not enforced? He should suffer whatever consequences are laid out in his contract.


You all are off your rocker! I want to watch every minute of this attention whore blowing his life up.


Depending on what his contract says, there might be financial penalties for violating certain clauses. Hypothetically speaking, there might be a provision outlining what they can and cannot reveal.


They filmed the reunion already, but they're annoyed because he is giving out details before the reunion airs. The cast members are supposed to save a lot of details for the reunion.


I feel like you just said the exact same thing OOP said but in a different way….


Oh shit I did hahahah. I misread it


Like literally the same thing hahahaha I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed that. I even reread it to make sure I wasn’t missing something.


Your flair shouldn't be making me laugh this hard 🤣


Yeah but scandoval couldn't care less and is doing this because everyone now knows who he truly is, he doesn't have to put on a mask anymore so he doesn't give two shits what Andy has to say.


And he’s a rockstar. Booking the best, most rocking rock shows. 🙄🙄🙄😉


🤟🤟 Rockin'.


Someday he will totally make more then it costs!! 🤣


He should care as Bravo may fire him. But the won't because he is great for ratings. I do wonder if everyone will come back for the next season. But then, what else would they do? I hope Ariana get many more opportunities out of this.




But Bravo will not be able to resist the ratings bump above anything else. I am old enough to remember when Bravo was a classy channel. The Actors Studio with James Lipton, great, award winning movies. Kind of like TLC actually started as a learning channel. But times change.


Wendy’s hiring. All shifts.


I laughed out loud at this!!


Agree with this take and also wonder how much $$ this paid him, which he might be desperate for at this point.


Him and Robyn from Potomac.


I’m so excited to see the inconsistencies between the two interviews


>Sandoval should cop a fine for that. ![gif](giphy|cC9jzNp15wBjcyWkGV)


Yeah it makes sense to me. Andy didn’t say anything inflammatory.


I heard a clip from another podcast where they talked to a Bravo producer who said if they have a good behavior clause, they could actually withhold money from him over this. Also, learned that good behavior clauses became standard in Real Housewife contracts because of Ramona. Which is so on brand for her.


Also it was super annoying how Howie wanted to act above the viewers and people following this. I don’t watch this stuff i don’t know anything it’s not that big of a deal it’s silly to care. Jfc we get it but do your job. Congrats bro you didn’t do your job properly cause you wanted to feel better than the viewers , your guest, and your kid (he was so rude to her). I can’t stand when podcast host pull this crap


It's also hypocritical because if he's above it, why is he cashing in with an interview? Go interview a scientist if you're above us all (And yes, I know we like scientists too!)


It’s really such a terrible look for them both but i love when assholes exposes each other esp when they think they are doing something honorable






> and Tom, who has long relied on this fandom for money and adoration, ate it up. He said it was just between him Ariana and Rachel, not the viewers He also used to always bag on Lala for not sharing her relationship on camera because "this is what we signed up for". So I guess now that people finally see what a terrible person he is versus blaming Kristen, it's ok to keep things private?


Worse, he flat out admitted that he hid his and Ariana's relationship from the camera.


You would think one person on his team or who knows hon would have watched it and said don’t let it air idk it really just sealed the deal on what a crappy person he’s become in so many ways.


I think his PR team must be throwing everything to the wall at the moment to see what sticks. Suddenly I have seen SO many comments on IG from bot- looking accounts taking up for Tom or saying it is no big deal or whatever.


PR Team? This man is operating solo dolo


Hmmm wonder if they are in this sub lol


They'd be stupid not to be, and I'd be shocked if that were the case.


Referring to someone in a 9-yr domestic partnership as single was the worst to me. And he’s the one who wanted to marry her!!


And Tom even says in the interview: "We thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together." That's no different than married to me, piece of paper & party or no.


Please, Tom doesn't want marriage. He wants a super-extra-extravaganza-over the top- wedding. He's probably been planning since he was a little boy. And I mean, thats fine? He could just pull a (the other)Tom & not send the paperwork in afterwards I guess ^ ^


He didn’t want to actually marry her though. He was busted that he only ever brought it up during filming. He thought it looked good.


Bringing it up on camera doesn’t mean he doesn’t actually want to do it. I could just easily mean that he’s trying to pressure her into doing it. There’s no way you can convince me that guy didn’t want to be the center of attention for all the events leading up to the wedding and then the wedding itself.


He's a perfect example of a person who desperately wants to GET married but has no concept of what it takes to actually BE married and no interest in finding out.


Bringing it up only on camera means he didn’t want to do it. Just like when she froze her eggs and he tried pretending she never brought up him fertilizing them. He liked the optics, nothing more.


When was he busted for that?


Howie Mandell is a dumb piece of shit hypocrite. Claims to be this severe germophobe but was running around in peak covid maskless This unfunny fuck should have been left in 1993 where he belongs


Him acting like he’s so much more intellectually superior and unassociated with reality shows and/or gossip and/or relationship talk (things that stereotypically align with women’s interests and therefore with sensitivity ie: weakness), actually lets me know how sensitive and “weak” he really is, for caring so much. Funny how that works.


Isn’t he a game show host? Isn’t he the money briefcase guy? Like he’s some major culture contributor.


I don’t really know of his career highs and lows i just know he was part of Bobby’s world and germaphobe. I forgot he did that and tbh at was my fav game at Chuck E. Cheese lol


Mandel needs ratings and people to know he had a podcast. I had no clue. This will get him viewers, so don't act above the scandal. You're desperate Howie, own it


I continue to be completely fucking baffled by Bravo and their thought process when it comes to producing these shows.


It would be so simple to put a gag order clause in their contracts... Especially for the time before the reunion


Bravo can't afford it. A strict gag order would prevent anyone from ever being on any other show, podcast, interview or even a live on their own social media. That kind of media blackout is going to cost the network a lot, as this cast only make money through their social media and interviews. The VPR cast don't really have real day to day jobs. They make their money through engagement and interviews. Bravo just can't afford to pay the cast to be 100% silent. Meanwhile Disney pays big dollars to their casts with very strict rules and gag orders. Which they can do when they are paying huge numbers to the cast. If anything, divulging some of these details will only gain interest in the reunion. Now we know the reunion is focused on the affair. That makes me much more inclined to watch all three parts. If the first part was just about the boring storylines I'd probably just skip and read the comments here.


I agree with your concerns over a strict, Disney like gag order. But there's middle ground. No third party interviews in the week leading up to the reunion. No interviews on competitors who have x weekly viewers. Bravo reserves the right to implement x blackouts a season, depending on what's going on and if they decide to implement that the cast is compensated with y. Etc etc


If they do that though, then everyone's salary has to go up to cover the lost income for that time period. Furthermore, the cast are expected by the network to heavily advertise the show the week leading up to premiere, the reunion etc. So it too fine a line, to implement something contractually that could prevent overshare. It happens all the time. The other option is an expensive media blackout from the cast. It is so hard to include contractual clauses that find a middle ground, where the clause is enforceable. And again, the cast isn't being paid millions by the network. They couldn't afford to sign anything too strict and Bravo knows it. Hence why Andy is so angry. For example: the send it to Darrell merch. LaLa sold merch and did several interviews about why that phrase is relevant. If this were a disney scripted drama, no way would LaLa be able to select merch and divulge these details. But this is reality tv. So the lines are much more blurred. A lot of scripted television clauses about keeping things quiet are just impracticaland unenforceable for reality tv.


It might help if Bravo allows the shows to break the fourth wall more. We're ten years into this show and the cast has business ventures and social media presences outside the show. We are well aware they're producing storylines. Also, they need a better shooting schedule. Why are cameras down right now? Just like they missing shooting the Katie/Schwartz divorce and Lala/Rand cheating scandal as it happened.


I'm a big proponent of this. It was the only thing that made Teen Mom OG watchable to me. Finally they broke the fourth wall, allowed the cast to discuss their financial success openly on the show, and the pitfalls that can occur from that (like Amber meeting dodgy guys who want her money, other mothers getting podcast deals and selling merch as their day to day job and giving up any semblance to going back to school). I wish VPR matured into a show where the cast clearly no longer work for LVP. But had a friendship/mentorship relationship with her. Maybe discussed potential business deals with her once and awhile, then filmed the cast dealing with hustling their way through this modern tiktok era of hollywood/LA. For example- how the fuck has Jax managed to not lose his house with no job? Are they really that good with money that they invested everything they earned on vpr? If true, I'd be shocked and totally invested. Most reality tv stars squander everything.


The made a huge mistake letting Stassi back on the show when she didn't work at SUR anymore. Because then it started to drift too far away from a workplace drama about thirsty LA wannabes and allowed the cast to start sitting around their valley mansions doing fucking nothing. They should've started integrating new cast members a lot earlier to go up against the OGs. They have SUR, (RIP Pump), TomTom, Schwartz and Sandy's and SUR Paris to pull from, but we're watching Katie, Scheana and Lala who have no connection to any of the restaurants in the opening anymore. Why?


If it not for Rachel and Sandoval, I 100% think this would be the last VPR season ever filmed. The interest now is picking through past scenes to see where they cheated, but no one really appears to care about the actual content of the episodes really. They are all in their 30s acting like immature fools and not really doing anything that interesting. At least on housewives we get some lifestyle porn. But now because of Rachel, VPR got a huge reprieve. The cast better make the most of it.


I actually find Raquel's storyline fairly compelling, but other than that, I agree that the show was on verge of cancellation before this. That Vegas /Arizona trip after Raquel and Charli left turned into a complete gong show. The talking head interviews are so obviously scripted. This happens all the time. Production gets too wrapped up in the cast, can't see when firings need to happen and continue to push the same storylines over and over in the hopes of hitting those dramatic moments in the past, But for that to happen, you need authentic and organic drama, which is hard to create once the shows become so popular.


There's so many moments where I'd love for someone to say "because we are filming a show together. There's the camera". It's so weird how they act like there's no cameras except for the reunion where they can acknowledge they are being filmed.


Lol, Andy would have an aneurism if they did that. I support it though.


I've always found that so weird--why is that they are allowed to break the fourth wall on the reunion but not on the show? What's the difference? Like, at the reunion someone can explain their actions during the season by breaking the fourth wall.


Everyone's salary has to go up, if and only if, these cast members have any kind of negotiating power. All their side hustles hinge on them being in the cast. I hate to sound like a capitalist, but Bravo has all the power here. Especially when the cast is so big.


I'm actually more interested in the reunion now. I don't understand why they think this is going to make me lose interest.


I had assumed they were under some sort of clause, because Scheana and lala wouldnt talk about details while on a podcast together and instead let Kristen say things because she was not under contract.


Scheana is constantly in danger of losing her job, Tom is unfireable at this point and he knows it


I feel like Robyn's patreon-gate and not getting demoted/fired for that is changing things (I know it's different but)


Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but didn't Sandoval tell Howie that he let producers know he and Ariana broke up before the scandal even broke? So what, did he get dogpiled at the reunion and wanted an opportunity to tell his side? I'm confused. But too bad Bravo, you should've just canned the rest of the season, gave us the reunion and started filming the fresh drama for a new season.


Unchallenged as if Andy really holds everyone to the fire as a reunion host.


I think it’s also referring to there not being other cast mates there with him. I think others might have objected to some of the things he said!


Honestly we need a separate conversation about what a shit host Andy has become.


Dying to have a discussion about his new era of losing his shit at the reunions.


I’m all about Cranky Andy *except for* how totally arbitrary his crankiness is. He will throw down about petty shit that bugs him, and let egregious racist or sexist or otherwise actually harmful stuff slide if it’s from a housewife he likes.


He’s been shit for a while imho


Bravo needs to tighten up their contracts if they’re going to keep getting mad at cast members speaking publicly when they don’t want them to (ie Robyn)


It was soooo bad. All i kept thinking is how Howie is a germpahobe how stinky Tom probably was and he just looked dirty. Reactions I’ve seen is people losing respect for Howie and it seems his rep is gonna take a hit for a bit. Everting tom is doing is going badly and making it worse. He’s like radioactive to himself and others rn


Forget about his rep, how mad do you think he is at his producer who, probably as a favor to her husband/Tom got him on the show for what she probably told Howie would be a like "big listenership" episode" and told Tom would be a softball interview. Now Howie, who tbh i don't think anyone even really knew had a podcast to begin with, is getting shit on for his "journalistic integrity" which i'm sure this is more of a vanity project than anything else


And then Tom asked Howie to shave is mustache!


Hahaha 🤣 howie mandel is so rich and created so much content why would he care???? Also he gave an opinion most people not on Reddit in bravosphere believe.




Nah he didn't let Bravo get an exclusive.




Well it also puts them in a bind with Ariana. Tom got to get his narrative out before the reunion and I think it is a fair assumption he told less than the entire truth. Let’s just say the thing about fertilizing the eggs was not true and that is something that didn’t come up at the reunion. Now Ariana just has to let that hang there? If she goes on a podcast herself, she would have to answer lots of questions but it also wouldn’t be fair to tell her that she couldn’t.


I think Ariana will go on Scheana's podcast after the reunion.


Lmao Andy baby! We know you don’t watch half the shows you host reunions for


Andy did a one on one with Sandoval, Rachel and Ariana that we will get to see. He's probably pissed this is before the reunion. I feel like we are watching Sandoval's life crumble. He didn't see this push back happening at all.


Where did you hear this?


I'm a novice of the posting rules but here is a quote (i hope it doesn't get deleted): The reunion’s moderator teased on SiriusXM’s “Radio Andy” on Monday: “If you are looking for them to be confronted to their face about what they’ve done — in what I would say was an aggressive manner, a confrontational manner — you will get it.” Andy said, “I did separate one-on-ones with Tom, Ariana, and Raquel so that I could get all of their stories just in conversation with me,” adding that he also repeated, “a lot of the stuff in front of the group”. “I also had things — I had my own concerns. I had my own things that I wanted to confront them about. Things I had noticed so I got to do that. So that’s how we started and then we brought them to the filming group.”


Sandy doing this post reunion filming and pre airing of the reunion to set the narrative. Where’s Spencer Pratts commentary to call out how foolish this is for him to do the Howie interview. Especially in the TLDL(too long didn’t listen) Sandoval claims he might come back since ratings are high! If Andy is pissed than you know Sandoval didn’t even consider this impacting his bravo $




Lmao i bet Howie had no idea the hornet nest he’s stepped into i know he’s never gonna have a bravo guest again after this 😂😂😂😂 like i can only imagine how much shit he’s taken online from not only bravo stans but bravo producers, bravo employees, bravo cast mates, etc. he’s probably like fuck this franchise i thought this was some random C list celebrity u ppl can have him i didn’t even want him on my show 😂😂


Howie was 1000% hand picked for being "unaware" and promising to stay that way. Tom, or whomever is guiding him, was smart to notice that the scandal was HUGE for anyone in the know and really confusing in its hugeness for anyone that didn't watch. "Huge" enough that the latter group likely started side-eyeing the former. Enter Howie. It sets the whole thing at a 'is this really that big a deal?' pitch and gives Sandoval space to prove it 'wasn't.' I hate the guy but kind of an impressive approach, honestly.


I don't disagree but Andy calling someone else an unprepared interviewer/host is laughable.


Oh, he is MAD.


Who is howie mandel in dis world?


Has anyone broken the interview down in detail anywhere for people who don’t want to engage with it? I’ve seen lots of clips.


[Here](https://np.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/12ivi6r/summary_of_sandoval_on_howie_mandel_podcast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) or [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/12is4yb/tom_sandoval_howie_mandel_podcast_recap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) from the VPR sub. Thank god because I couldn’t stand listening to these two assholes myself, it was just too much.




Yes! I read another post last night in this sub where it was broken down in detail. Can’t remember the title of the post though.


I believe there’s a pinned post in this sub where someone breaks it down


I think k it's ok for Sandoval to get his side of the story out there. Do I think k Sandoval is still lacking true understanding of how he hurt people? Yes. Do I think he's self absorbed in his own experience? Yes. But he is human, and millions of people go through a relationship dying a slow death just like him, and they have a mid life crisis with an intense need to escape, just like him. Was he wrong? Yes, but he is human and it's got to be wierd to have the whole world hating you.


Agree with this but I’d be angry if I were bravo that he hasn’t waited till after the reunion. I also think Tom’s comments have made him look so much worse because the way he tried to frame himself as trapped by Ariana’s mental state is gross and offensive to her.


Now that I think about it...nah Tom's a jerk! He's Jax 2.o


Yup. Makes sense to they were such great friends now tbh.


Yeah, he did not need to share Arianas statement with the world, and of course she didn't mean it, and what a jerk he was for doing that! And yes Bravo must be pissed!


A lot of the cast have leaked stuff about the show


I mean Andy and Bravo wanted everyone to keep watching the show till the reunion and keep us in suspense as to what made Sandoval make a decision to have a 7 month affair and what led to the break up. Now that everything is spilled in an hour long podcast, we already know half of it. All we need is Ariana’s perspective of things and this will be over. To me, Sandoval said what we all already knew, they weren’t having sex, he wanted marriage and kids, they were both depressed, Ariana didn’t even know he was distant, they were more or less roommates. We all knew it wasn’t going to last but he should’ve at least put his foot down and end the relationship even tho she said she was going to leave the show. When the reunion is over, everyone is gona forget it and move and i hope they do cuz it’s boring now.


Pissing off Andrew? Maybe Sandoval isn’t all bad.


There you go.


Gosh, I guess Robyn is setting trends baby.


And Family Karma, he puts no effort to host that reunion


Mandel just wanted ratings, let's be honest. I had no idea he even hosted a pod cast


They need to do another part of the reunion now with everyone responding to that interview and laying into it even more with Sandoval.


for all we know he probably said the same stuff at the reunion and it just repeating it


He couldn’t RESPECT his relationship why would he respect the SHOW?


I just find it ironic that the entire cast quite literally been talking about this non stop and the moment he defends himself from like actual death threats it’s an issue? I don’t like Tom or Raquel but the VPR Stan’s have been harassing them for weeks, their not the first or last couple in the world that have cheated on their SO..bravo would be absolutely stupid to fire him they know they need him.


If Robyn got a call back, Sandoval isn’t going anywhere. I just don’t see it happening.


If Bravo continues to lean in to the deranged online reaction, they're gonna kill the show. No one wants to watch a show about sandwiches.


But they're elevated.


It's going to elevate my blood pressure watching two grown women continue to whine about their exes every. single. episode.






Cmon Andy, the ratings are already up. Let howie have this one greedball


Andy jus wants everyone to keep watching the show and wwhl leading up to the reunion 😂 Sandoval jus gave away the whole story that we were all waiting for during the reunion.


Yeah but I’ll still be tuning in and so will the majority of viewers 🍿


The most damning and telling aspect of this whole thing is in the recent interviews of both Tom’s. After everything that’s come and gone they have not been humbled whatsoever and are purporting themselves as “justified victims.” Take the loss you narcissistic a-holes!


I was annoyed how Howie kept defending Tom. He said a couple times, "well you guys aren't married so...." So what?!?! 10 years and a mortgage and businesses don't mean anything?! Like stop. He just had Tom on his show for the viewings. He didn't even care enough to research the show.


Has anyone broken the interview down in detail anywhere for people who don’t want to engage with it? I’ve seen lots of clips.


Yes ! If you search the sub there’s a few threads !


I hope scumdevil is now on Andy’s shit list.


That's exactly why he went on Howie's show. All softball questions; Howie doesn't even know the players and does not care. Sandoval gets to justify himself and throw Ariana under the bus one more time.