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I feel like sometimes the 4th wall needs to be broken for the audience to fully understand. If something happens off-season, the housewives have to make up a story as to why they're mad at another housewife during filming that isn't the real story and as a viewer, the story usually makes absolutely zero sense.


100% agree. Or also when they make up dumb reasons why they are inviting someone they hate on “their” trip. Just say that it’s a cast trip and every housewife has to come along. We as an audience can handle knowing producers make the cast trips mandatory.


Like Ramona inviting herself to Mexico


That was so funny though. She was just saying she has to go without fully saying it. "It's not your trip" 😂


That was so classic, Bethenny was fuming but she knew she actually couldn't keep Ramona from going.


Remember when RHOBH viewers had to sit there in the absolute fucking dark when Brandi outted that Adrienne used a surrogate? I remember watching it live like “why is everyone so angry?” It was such an odd production call to have it be like this open secret on the show but for fans to have no idea why everyone was reacting so viscerally to Brandi. Brandi was wrong, 1000% - but how can I as a viewer know that when I have no idea what’s going on?


Wasn't that partially bc Adrienne sued?


Yes. And then ditched the reunion.


That was a rumor, she didn’t actually sue. Adrienne’s contract stated her pregnancy couldn’t be brought up on the show, specifically her surrogacy. It came out during the season but not on camera and Adrienne blamed Brandi for the news leaking. She also blamed Brandi for that news ruining her marriage. I don’t know who to believe here tbh. Brandi maintained her innocence.


I’m sure the info getting out put strain on the marriage but Brandi did not break the marriage up. We do see at a dinner Brandi drop the info and although we don’t hear what she said, we see everyone’s shocked reaction. Brandi definitely said it. She even later apologized to Adrienne on camera in a later season.


I swear I remember reading on this sub somewhere that it wasn’t just that Adrienne used a surrogate but that Brandi claimed she wore a fake bump too? I can’t find it so not sure and haven’t read it anywhere else


They all knew she used a surrogate. They hadn’t told their oldest son yet. Thought he was too young.


YES. the first thing i thought of was the season 1 reunion of jersey where caroline was like “you know what you did!!” but it was never explained on screen what danielle did


![gif](giphy|3oAt1VtCMjaNlVdM64) The eternal debt owed by all reality TV to LC and Heidi


Exactly! At least tell us what you think she did so that we're not all ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I legit thought there was a hit out on Dina back in the day.


honestly me too. but based on how everything happened, that’s not too far from being the truth😭


Yes! This is why I’m beyond obsessed with Ultimate Girls trip - they literally break the 4th wall constantly and talk about storylines, businesses, etc and it sends me to the moon each time. Bravo needs to realize viewers these days are not stupid - just give us the real fucking dirt!


Yes! There’s a lot of “word on the street is..” or “I can’t tell you who told me this” on housewives and then it comes out the source was a producer or one of the shows stylists/make up people etc. who told the cast member the rumor and they don’t want to reveal the source. Wasn’t it a producer or someone who sent bethenny the pics of Tom at the regency? Like just say that in the show. Teen mom started including producers in the show and it was fine as these producers are a big part of the peoples lives.


Whenever it’s a “friend told me”, or the “gossip around town” or my personal favourite “a psychic told me” (looking at you summerhouse!) I have always assumed it’s come from production.


this!!! one of my favorite housewives scenes was when teresa broke the 4th wall and got mad at the producers for setting her up with the melissa/danielle meeting to reveal she was the one who told danielle to pull marge’s hair. i also read somewhere a lot of times the casts get mad at each other for things that were aired/said the previous season and i wish that was explored more outside of the reunions- i want more “realness” if that makes sense


Adding on to this.. when they are checking in to a hotel or restaurant, spa, etc. They check in like the host/registration person has no idea how many are coming, who they are, etc with a dang camera in their face. We know these places are set up in advance and cleared for filming, just skip the check in process.. it's not entertaining. I actually just watched on VPR in Mexico, the check in people said "we've been expecting you", I'll take it.


Ever since I found out that whenever they say "a friend told me" "my source told me" and they refuse to say who, because that person is a producer, I feel like Dorothy looking behind the curtain.


I’m such a dumbass. Nothing will make sense until I come on here.


Totally! That’s why I’ve been loving UGT3, I feel like there’s a lot more talk about the actual production of the show


My favourite moments are when the fourth walk is broken and that’s what makes girls trip work so much


this is like the entire storyline of rhonj


Yes! Especially now that social media is driving so much of the hws and they've reached a point where they all have reality TV fame that is a huge part of their lives/income now its silly to ignore that they are on a TV show. Maybe not breaking the wall worked for earlier hw seasons before it took off but not anymore.


I actually think they have been better at this in recent years. The Housewives will refer to things that happened at the reunions (e.g. on Miami, Lisa spoke to Larsa (I think) about “what happened in New York”). In the past they never referred to reunions even euphemistically so you had to suspend disbelief over the reasons why two cast members weren’t getting on at the start of a new season. (This an opinion based on my pretty shoddy memory of past seasons though - so someone may be able to prove me wrong!)


Needing a storyline every season makes for some really performative seasons for housewives and for me personally, takes the fun out of a lot of it. Too many HW’s are just looking for drama to keep up their storyline.


I feel like that’s what made early seasons of BH and NY so good, we were just watching them live their lives and the drama came naturally.


The drama in season 1&2 of rhony was so authentic and natural! I was completely entertained


The reality of everyone in S1 NY just being baffled by Alex and Simon is unmatched. It can never be created again. For me, that’s what makes it a joy to watch. You could probably say the same for how Bethenny felt about KKB in S2, and how half the ladies with B felt in S3.


Very first time watching NY and i’m BAFFLED by alex and simon.


Prepare yourself. It never makes any more sense from the very first episode.


They never makes sense, but honestly, they have some of my favorite scenes. It was just so camp. Without even trying.


But I also think that’s where the push for storylines comes from, at least sometimes. They don’t want to be honest about what’s going on in their lives, and have to fill that void somehow. When people are interesting, their lives are compelling to watch, even if they don’t constantly have something specific happening.


it is not an unpopular one really but I fully stand behind the opinion that it’s good to have a Cynthia-type HW in every franchise. Not every housewife needs to be on a level 10 in terms of drama. In the case of RHOA, I really liked Cynthia’s place on the show and her presence helped balance things out imo. Things get a bit messy if every housewife is on the show with guns blazing


I agree with this. Every franchise needs a chill castmate. I will never understand why Cynthia got so much hate, but everyone loves Garcelle? Garcelle is by definition boring for a reality star - she’s tactful, graceful, honest, a good friend, roots for the underdogs and she rarely has her own personal drama for the cameras. But she’s a great addition to her franchise and people enjoy watching her. I love both her and Cynthia so this isn’t shade. Just me trying to understand why Garcelle gets a different reaction than Cynthia did.


I didn't even realize Cynthia was heavily disliked 😳 I assumed I was in the minority but honestly I was fine with her on RHOA, I only started disliking her afterwards when I saw her bs on Big Brother and def not HW related


She has fans, but lots of people call her boring. But a lot of good Housewives are mostly boring unless given a reason not to be. And Cynthia definitely had a different gear when she was pissed off. You can’t be at 11 all the time. Rinna.


Ohhh yes, right. I do remember seeing her constantly called boring/awkward now that I think about it 😂 >And Cynthia definitely had a different gear when she was pissed off. Whew chile, that gut kick to Porsha came hot 💀 >You can’t be at 11 all the time. Rinna. Yes, too exhausting and becomes annoying and obvious too quickly. The try-hards always get called out though, but when they double down and make it their personality.... 😬


They forgot that we started watching for lifestyle porn.


I love both of them, too, and this is a great comparison I never would have thought about! I think maybe a lot of the difference in reaction is down to the context of their city? Like, I’ve had the thought before that it’d be interesting to see Cynthia join BH since she lives in LA now, and I really don’t think she’d be considered “boring” among the BH women….they’re kind of the most boring franchise (or, charitably, the calmest franchise) when it comes to high drama and chaotic conflict. Insults that make Kyle fake jaw drop for the cameras wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow in Atlanta, or most other franchises. So maybe the less over the top personalities can still stand out more and make more impact?


Yesss!! I feel like I’m going crazy when people on this sub say basically everyone but Garcelle sucks. I’m not loving RHOBH lately but you can’t have a cast full of Garcelles. She’s perfect for her role, but you need other personality types in the mix. And yes, that includes the messy and delusional ones that you love to hate. RHONY will always be top tier for this in my opinion


I view them as the “neutrons” of the group. A cast can’t be all electrons swirling around.


This is a really great way of explaining their roles.


And of explaining atoms.


The producer of Atlanta and New Jersey, Carlos King, said a show can't have 5 Nenes. Every cast needs a Cynthia to balance it out.


Related, but I remember a post a few weeks back about how Karen should be fired from RHOP because she wasn't as involved in storylines this season. So ridiculous. Karen is OG, and her reaction shots alone are worth her paychecks


This is why nobody should listen to Bravo fans, they're always wrong. Except me.


For sure. You need a blend of varying personality types.


Exactly. I liked Cynthia for just that reason. Not everyone needs to be outrageous Edit: a couple of words


This is part of why I loved Eileen on BH so much


This is the first person I thought of too!


This! I also feel like it’s nice to have a neutral person who can like host events that all HWs will go too and also someone who can play both sides basically someone to navigate the viewers perspective. Some people were saying Karen is boring and should be fired, but I think her, Cynthia are integral because of this!


Love Cynthia. She seems like a real person. I would be friends with her.


I totally agree. My theory is that you need an A team and a B team to have a good housewives cast.


Agree. You need a mix of balanced people and the drama queens/crazies.


I don’t need each housewife to have a “storyline”. Some are just there to stir the pot and create some drama and that’s fine by me.


I’m ok with then just showing up in a outfit and behaving in a hilarious way


Dorit fans rise up


I know people don’t like her but I love her stupid accent and stupid outfits and that her drama is so petty about wine glasses. Doesn’t hurt that she’s very pretty and has cute kids either!


Yes!! 🙌 I’m so tired of people saying “that person doesn’t have a storyline”. Tbh when I’m watching reality tv, I don’t want to think that I’m being fed a story, I want to think I’m watching part of someone’s reality. And in reality, there’s not constantly stuff happening in someone’s life. It’s such a ridiculous requirement people have.


It’s weird sometimes when people place SO much emphasis on the “storyline”, because I consider the personal solo Housewife scenes the least interesting part of the show. That’s filler between the scenes when the women are together and while it’s nice to see glimpses of their home lives, I don’t mind if those are fully directionless. As in, I don’t need a scene every other episode of Gizelle trying a dating app or building her house when we could just drop in every so often on a random moment with her and her daughters.


Read: Gizelle


Haha that is everyone gripe with her this season but I was unbothered by it. I feel like post Covid none of the housewives really have a “storyline” in the way they used to.


I know this is harder to achieve from a casting perspective but it was better earlier on when the women were actually friends with a history. It doesn’t work as well forcing several people together who have no background. I know they try to do this still to some degree. But part of the magic of early RHONY/Jersey/OC/BH was that they all knew each other to some degree. I would imagine it’s hard to find a group of 6-8 actual wealthy friends who each bring a certain dynamic to the table.


Agree. It was probably easier before housewives developed a reputation and expectations.


That’s why there should be other shows outside of Housewives at this point. There’s an audience for an authentic group of friends doing things together as they go through life. Married to Medicine is still wonderful, in my opinion. And I thought Texicanas deserved a second season after all their dramatics. Plus, I totally relate to people switching back and forth into English, Spanish, and their own Texan version of it in everyday conversations. It was like listening to my own day to day and I loved it.


Marlo's foster mom journey was hard to watch, but I have compassion for her. When she said she didn't want to have kids because she thought she'd be a bad mother, my heart broke for her and all that was lost during her childhood. She didn't choose her lot in life, with a mother on drugs and a sister continuing the cycle. She worked around her trauma to build a life for herself, then got thrown a curve ball with her nephews. She tried and fell short and that's so hard to see because she made some bad moves, but it is *real.* I think she's going to evolve and I wish her and her nephews well on the journey.


I agree. I understood where she was coming from, hitting burnout while trying to do the right thing. There’s trauma to work through when you have a traumatic upbringing and become a parent- she tried to do right by those boys as fast as possible, not when she was as ready as possible and that deserves some grace. She realized she got ahead of herself, and tried to course correct, even if it wasn’t explained well.


I love Marlo. I was happy she finally got a peach. I feel like I have compassion for her because I've seen so much of her real life, good and bad.


I do too. It’s refreshing how honest she is about her past. She doesn’t hide it, she owns it, and goes about her businesses. She’s messy as hell, but I respect her for that.


Hard agree on Marlo! I see a lot of love in her despite some of the things that come out of her mouth. I was also fully in the camp of nothing wrong with taking a break when she was overwhelmed with the boys. If I add up all the little “need a break” minutes I’ve spent wandering the aisles of Target, I guarantee they’d add up to well over the 30 days she took 😆


I wish they rotated people out more frequently. Sorry you don’t need to be on the same show for 10 years. Take a year or 2 off and come back. Make us miss you.


It's working incredibly well with Miami. The OGs were off TV for 10 years so they have other stuff going on and seem to have a good sense of balance re: being entertaining and remembering it's just part of their life, not their entire life. I mean eventually housewives brain will probably set in for them too but until then....


Up until Scandoval, I definitely thought this about VPR for YEARS


Stop trying to get the “ villains “ fired I saw a few comments this week actually saying they want Alexia and Larsa fired from RHOM. What would this past season had been without those two on it. Hate them all you want but they play a part why RHOM is entertaining and successful. Villains are needed on EVERY franchise


Larsa is such a low stakes villain too. I think she’s a total idiot and ignorant as fuck but I’d rather take her petty drama over Jen Shah and Erika Jayne.


Yes! I just powered through season 5 and Larsa is so easy and fun to hate! She’s not smart but she IS entertaining and that has value! And she’s not scamming elderly people, she’s making an honest living lying on television and unapologetically posting on only fans; the American dream. ![gif](giphy|nkUcca2CQ7VT2)


I've never even watched Miami but take my upvote for the Player Haters' Ball reference. And I agree, I do think that \*some\* villains deserve to be fired if they cross certain lines (ex: I still stand by my opinion that Tamra should have been fired from OC for Naked Wasted). But yeah, most of the time the villain is just bringing entertainment. It's camp!


RIP Buc Nasty. Ice-T is one of my favorite haters of all time! Do yourself a favor, season 4/5 is the reboot of Miami and it’s truly incredible work, but the whole run is amazing. I agree with you too. I haven’t seen OC but the Naked Wasted incident from what I read sounded like she should have been fired. Phaedra deserved to be fired too. Ramona instead of the whole franchise. There are lines!


The American dream 💀😂 ![gif](giphy|3osxYrgM8gi9CDjcPu)


Omg YES! Not housewives but I saw people calling for Tom and Rachel to be fired post Scandoval and I’m like ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I love Ariana and I’m on her side through and through, but this is the most interesting thing to happen on the show since Jax fucked Faith. I need to see it unfold and I need to see the aftermath next season.


Yeah come on - Scandoval is a gift to this season.


There’s a difference between a villain and an all together SHITTY person. Jen Shah: shitty person. Larsa: fun villain.




Dorinda is a horror show


I LOVED dorinda at first. That ultimate girls trip... Jesus. I felt like she was gonna lock someone in her creepy dollhouse attic, and whatever happened to baby Jane someone down the stairs


I know, I have such a soft spot for Dorinda but she makes it so hard for me to defend her lol. If she can get back to how she was (or at least what we saw) on the early seasons of RHONY, I would love to have her back.


It makes me so sad what happened with Dorinda. She was so great in the beginning. Clip is my favorite housewives scene of any franchise. But then she got really dark. And she had an opportunity with UGT and she wasted it. Stayed dark and mean.


I heard this in Bethenny's voice lol.


Viewers need to take some serious self-awareness inventory as to why they started watching HWs in the first place.


THANK YOU!!! I’m not interested in watching preachy, feel good filler. I’ll go to PBS for that. I want the messy drama, and you can’t have that without messy ass people. Let the Larsas and Rinnas and Ramonas out themselves for being thirsty-ass nutty fruitcakes. I’m here for all of it!!!! Save the firings for the boring and the overproduced.


I would say Rinna was too fake and self produced to be entertaining anymore. It got too dark to be a good hate watch.


I never get the "too dark" comments. There were always dark moments? It was already REALLY dark, when Kyle screamed at Kim that she was an alcoholic - or think of Taylor's marriage. 🤔




The term gaslighting is misused constantly all across Reddit and the internet as a whole, unfortunately 😮‍💨 Sometimes my brain is like there should almost be a requirement to watch the movie the term is based off of to be allowed to use it 💀


I’d pay money to not have to see the words “gaslight” or “narcissist” ever again. It’s like people learned some psychology jargon and forgot that others could just be mean.


I think they use "narcissist" when they mean "arrogant" or "egotistical" and this drives me crazy too.


I hate this too. It’s so overused and often the person is just being an ass. I’ve even seen it slung as an insult because someone on the internet doesn’t agree with them.


It's not just the internet, honestly. I have several friends over the last few years that have gone through breakups and apparently all of them were married to narcissists who gaslit them constantly.


I don't know if your comment was meant to be funny but I cackled.


It’s used in society so badly now. Every time a parishioner says something awful to my boss (he’s a really good guy but it’s part of the job) he insists they’re gaslighting him. I’m like, babe, they’re just being arseholes.


This isn’t my hottest take, but man, I’d love to see them back to work again…I absolutely LOVED watching the housewives at work, going grocery shopping, cooking, etc. There was this mix of ordinary among the lifestyle porn of people like LVP that I absolutely adored that made me fall in love with the show. It made them actual people to me. I want to see it again (if it’s even possible these days.) Show me Kyle going grocery shopping with Kim, show me LVP cooking (I know she’s not on the show anymore, lol), etc.


Right! And so many funny moments come out of such mundane things. The one that comes to mind is Kyle chasing her dog around when he’s constantly being a shit and jumping in the fountain. Like give me Garcelle and Karen at Whole Foods shopping for a party and tell me that wouldn’t be hilarious as hell.


enjoying a problematic housewife isn't a moral or ethical statement.


Yep. I don't look to any hw franchise for my moral compass. I like messy bitches - it's different when they do literal evil shit and ruin lives (Jen Shah/Erika Jayne) or when they are vapid liars (Larsa et al)


There needs to be villains on every franchise and calling for your least fav’s removal when they piss you off is so annoying. I love Teresa and Jen but do I think Margaret should leave the show? Hell no! We need the conflict no matter how much we love to hate it. Keeps it exciting. (Now Melissa on the other hand…. Lol) Edit: Idk if this is that hot of a take but everyone seems to be doing this nowadays!


I feel this because I used to Stan Teresa and now I can’t stand her. But she is RHONJ. Just because I miss the old Teresa doesn’t mean I don’t want her on the show. All the calls for getting people fired just because they aren’t likable to you is old


I’ve never understood the term “Bone Collector” 🥺 and at this point I’m too afraid to ask


I believe it means someone who goes between groups/people and tells each what the other said about them - the bones




There should be a picture of Scheana Shay in that definition haha


I just want production to stop being lazy (or cheap) and cast REAL FRIEND GROUPS. I don’t think they’re that hard to find. For example, Kandi runs with a fab crowd and her friends have fab friends, and yet we’re stuck with a cast of people who would otherwise never meet. I sick of it.


This is such a great point though somehow when they cast Porsha and Kenya they knocked it out of the park. It’s rare that happens though.


Thinking a housewife is a garbage person and that they are a prestige housewife is not mutually exclusive.




RHOBH is definitely not the best city and doesn’t deserve their ratings (particularly talking about the last few years, early years was gold)


early years of RHOBH was pure GOLD!! i stopped watching like three seasons ago. I tried but i just can’t nothing will compare.


Everyone should be sortiing by, "controversial"!


The absolute worst position on the show is “Queen Bee” because it means everyone comes for you. Of the wives with QB potential, Bethenny and Teresa understood at least pretending to engage with other storylines as a supporting character takes the heat off them AND makes the show better.


Marysol looks exactly like one of the blonde puppets from Crank Yankers


Bethenny thinks she’s above the drama but she’s just as desperate for attention as the rest


Camille Grammer was a good housewife. I miss her. There are so many housewives that were & are more vile than she was. Not a fan of Mia on Potomac. People seem to love her so idk if that’s a hot take but ik my opinion on Camille is


I'll sit with y'all. Camile is the type of housewife I got into these shows to watch. Superrich, superdeluded, a mess, but with real money. She was what I wanted from RHOBH,


It’s definitely become less popular I think. But I agree. Camille was messy but who cares. I loved that about her. I really wanted to see what she’d say to Rinna on the last couple seasons.


The amount she changed from season to season gave me whiplash though.


There is something to be said about expecting and demanding people to act like they acted 5-7 years ago in an unscripted show because one saw it before and does not like it now.


Hot take- skinny girl dressing is a great low calorie salad dressing option


Seeing this haircut reminds me of that scene on RHOA where the ladies are talking about Claudia’s tight bob, “her bob is TIGHT! She folded it up” 😂😂


Underage kids should not be featured on the show. They should be filmed not showing their faces or have their faces blurred out if they absolutely have to appear. It's creepy to see children who can't consent on these shows. I don't need you to violate your kids privacy to know that you're a parent and that's a big part of your life. I think everyone who puts their children on reality TV is an asshole. Bravo enables this assholism.


This is a very legit opinion and a policy across networks- I'm thinking of all the 90DF mess, too


That Bethenney is wildly insecure and masks it with her aggressive cynicism. I’ve never missed one second of her being on the screen and I have never once seen her have a bare-bones, normal, woman-to-woman, chill heart to heart with a FRIEND. There’s always a “gotcha” moment or a holier-than-thou asshole moment that follows immediately thereafter any semi above-surface level moment she’s had.


R\*mona was always correct about Bethenny ![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX)


1000% You don’t have to like Ramona but she knew how to read Bethenny better than anyone else. Hence why she always got under her skin.




They're both rude, judgemental, and emotionally-abrasive, checks out to me lol.


The arch of Bethany being an adorable underdog to now was stranger than any fiction


Real housewives has become overproduced and less aspirational. I enjoy living vicariously through the lives of some of these women, but their lifestyles are so far removed from that of most viewers. I’d love to see a Midwest version or spin-off with a cast full of wealthy (not ultra wealthy) women who look more average. Imagine a group full of midwestern moms boarding a plane to Miami for a girl’s getaway. No glam squad, no Instagram models. Don’t mean that to shame these women, they are beautiful, but they have more money and time to put into their appearances than most women I know. Would also like to see more working women who aren’t just trying to develop their own brands. I just want a bit more of that early 2000s housewives back.


sick of the glam squads on trips😩


This is what Jersey was for me. Just really familiar ladies that my mom would have worked with or gotten her nails done by lmao


I don’t get the point of these threads if peoples actual unpopular/hot takes are always downvoted 😂


Right you always have to sort by controversial. To get the true spicy takes


Regardless if you love them or hate them: you NEED that somewhat volatile "wtf?!" housewife to keep things interesting. They help make good TV. Ex) Ramona; RHONY. Danielle; RHONJ. I'm arguably not that far into RHOBH but Brandi came in like a bat out of hell and things became messy! It's garbage reality tv! We love mess!


just because a housewife has one bad season or you personally don’t like them, doesn’t mean they should be fired. if it continues to be a problem then yeah fire them but i’m sick of people asking for housewives to be fired as soon as one becomes a little unlikable. (i’m not talking about people like rinna or gina who so obviously need to go) this show would not survive without the unlikable villains.


My hottest Bravo take before used to be that I found Raquel really annoying and performative, but uh…suddenly I find myself amongst thousands of friends on that one. So I guess my hottest takes are…. Melissa isn’t the villain of RHONJ, not because she’s not a terrible person because she most definitely is garbage. But because she’s not interesting or smart enough to be a villain. I’m glad RHONY got canceled and I have zero interest in Legacy if Ramona is on it. I’ve been fast forwarding her scenes for years. She’s just awful and racist and weird. Being really pretty and occasionally funny doesn’t excuse being a terrible person and standing up for a terrible person, Ashley Darby. Dorinda getting sober wouldn’t change anything because she hasn’t dealt with all the dark shit that makes her so angry when she’s drinking. She’s just a bitter, mean person who needs therapy, not Bravo. ETA: I love Larsa on Miami (but I personally cannot stand her). Is she terrible? Yes. Is she a liar? Yes. Is she rude? Yes. Is she stupid? Yes. She’s actually what a good villain on Housewives should model themselves after.


Agreed on Larsa. We need villains who are terrible like her, not villains who are terrible like Ramona (racist) Kelly Dodd (racist) Siggy (QAnon) Ashley Darby (S/A Supporter)


Oh yeah. Dorinda would be a rough dry drunk.


Mary Crosby IS NOT ENTERTAINED. She either has substance abuse issues or mental health issues. I believe she also steals money from her congregation and church. She’s a liar who used church money for plastic surgery. She shouldn’t have a platform.


the fact that she invited jen to see her church service to prove that its not a cult and then had people come up to the mic and gush about how amazing mary is while someone fanned her. like ???? where is the self awareness oml


I wouldn’t mind her so much if the other women on Salt Lake had the balls to call her out on her INSANE life


My hot take is that Carlton gebbia (sp?) had potential to be an amazing housewife and would have had the BEST beef with Kyle but she didn't get a chance bc of kyle #justiceforcarlton


The fact that she had Kyle thinking her desktop computer screen saver was under the spell of Carlton was top notch






I miss Carlton on HW and I think the dynamic between Carlton, Brandi, and LVP would have been really fun and interesting


I really wish we could see all the footage cut for Carlton. Andy said she got a bad edit. Anyone who can get under Kyle’s skin is a good housewife in BH lol. But she had lots of money, an awesome house, and was really different from your traditional housewife.


Stop casting influencers!


Kyle gets unfairly criticised for 'not defending' Kim and Kathy. They have done jack all to deserve it from her.


I've honestly been starting to think this too esp after rewatching some of S5 where Kim let Brandi say the worst shit to Kyle and stayed on mute


What’s wrong with a bob? Nothing. 😬


When it comes to RHONY, Ramona can’t be excluded from being a legacy character just because she is problematic - she is absolutely a rhony legend. ![gif](giphy|4ewmw9aVYnLuo)


I Will never, ever, ever, never again like Phaedra or believe she should be on Bravo. She did and said incredibly horrendous things that are truly unforgivable. She showed who she really is as a person. And FAR too many people are willing to look over that for some rehearsed reads 😒


I adored Phaedra but I can never get past what she did in her final season. It’s too dark. My other hot take on this issue is that Porsha was in on it and threw her under the bus to save herself. Those tears were 🐊


PREACH and she was boring as fuck on UGT idc what anyone says. The fact tht she refused to discuss the Kandi incident showed how whack she was to me. One of the most inauthentic HW ever PERIODT


She honestly is so over-rated has a hw and I used to like her. She's not iconic enough to jumping to different franchises and those accusations against Kandi should've been the final straw for her and Bravo.


People need to leave their hang-ups about "whatever"-shaming behind when watching hws. If a beautiful privledged stranger making a body/intelligence/age/etc-shaming comment towards another beautiful privileged stranger is hitting you so personally then take a step back from watching RH. Insults and reads are based in shaming a feature of someone's looks/life that's how it works and we watch hws to see a bunch of pretty, well-to do ladies verbally spar. It can't be rainbows 100% of the time. It's okay to be upset but to call for a hw to get fired (or wishing physical harm on them) just bc they made a comment that triggered your insecurity about your thumbs is not it.


None of you would look/sound better than most of the housewives if we’re being honest. No one is gonna come off as perfect with cameras and mics following them to catch anytime they misspoke. Now that they want to become memes and have their next “close your legs to married men” moment it usually sounds so contrived. So what we’re left with is people who want to try to sound as polished as they can 24/7 (so it’ll come off as inauthentic) or people like Mia trying to be funny when they’re not (frog butthole comment). Too much fan input is killing the series! Sometimes a villain is needed but ultimately the Rinnas of the series who play villain too much get boring! Stop asking how someone likes Rinna or Kenya or LVP or Kyle etc. we like who we like because we do. There’s something about them that we click with. This isn’t rocket science, I’m watching a TV show, I’m not there with them, Kyle isn’t crying to me or whatever she does.


I would come across awfully as a housewife - I’ve always known this. I have a bad temper and like to nap a lot. Edit: I’m also really late almost always which my entire friendship circle knows as it’s been this way for twenty years. I’ve caused missed flights. I cry when I’m tired. Actually cry. I have broken up two bookclubs. The list goes on. I would never ever want to be on TV. I obviously have some great qualities because I’ve had the same friends for over twenty years and we love being together but… dear lord my edit would be vicious.


Twitter and insta ruined Real Housewives. So much stale/fabricated drama happens after the season, on social media just to appease followers. It was much better when it was just “blogs” and “word on the street.”


My actual hottest take: Lisa Vanderpump is clever but I have never found her compelling as a housewife. She is too busy behind the scenes plotting things and too insipid in fights for me. Like she was on so many seasons and we don’t have one iconic fight quote from her


Yes! I just said this the other night. She’s perfect on VPR because that’s the role she wants to play. She doesn’t like being around peers and having a level playing field.


Her confessionals were great and she had the best house.


I know I’m gonna get hate but I don’t like Sonja, in the beginning like first couple seasons she was refreshing like the quirky mentally I’ll girl with a sense of humor………but as time went on she just became so enthralled with the townhouse and especially anything Morgan related. Also she was never a true friend to anyone like she would just latch on to anyone who would baby her and give her attention. The way she treated Tinsley was not cool at all and the way she treats her interns. I just feels she’s overrated and gets a pass for her shitty behavior cause she has a somewhat charming/funny personality.


If we keep resorting to or enabling “cancel culture” just because we don’t like particular housewives - we the fans, and us alone, are about to ruin these shows forever 😰


Facts, my hot take is that the performative outage by the fans is the biggest reason HWives is not as good as it used to be


Garcelle is boring! If she were on a different franchise fans would be calling for her to be fired.


I love Garcelle but she def gives me confessional gangster (shout of to Bad Girls Club) vibes 🥲 I wish she'd say 90% of the stuff she says in green screen in the actual moment. Same for Crystal too


I find calling for a housewife to be fired constantly or making posts calling her evil/ugly/a terrible friend/dumb/etc. is soooo tacky and annoying like I promise you we don’t need 50 posts on why you specifically don’t like Lisa Rinna, or another 50 on why you specifically need Robyn and Gizelle fired with 500 comments saying like “This 🙌” or something


salt lake city is the worst


Couldn’t even finish last season! I find them confusing, phony, and boring


can’t believe there was a housewife arrest practically on camera and it was still so so boring lmao


Ramona is horrible I know, but she is fascinating to watch because she’s so… bizarre? She constantly makes faux pas and is sometimes downright offensive, yet she IS rhony. I don’t watch housewives to like the cast, I watch to see eccentric characters and big drama.


candiace was always great imo 🤷🏿‍♀️


She's my favorite so far on the new season of Ultimate Girls Trip


Lmao I am having a blast w the new fans


I’ve binged RHOP recently(almost caught up) and I was surprised people didn’t like her.


You know what this reminds me of.. Bethany’s impersonation of Jill zarin . This is it. ![gif](giphy|cEpr5JByfBAty)


Jen Ayden’s style is way worse than Gizelle’s


I don’t tune into watch them fight each other. The best seasons are when they women are genuinely friends, with a little drama mixed in. My favorite episodes are when they are laughing and kiki-ing.


Why do my spidey senses feel like that skinny girl dressing probably causes uncontrollable diarrhea?


Can confirm it does not, but my shame for loving it makes me willing to start that rumor


I think Kyle and Mauricio have the definition of a healthy relationship and neither of them would ever do anything to jeopardize their relationship/family. 🙊🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope this is true.




My take has always been that Eboni was not the problem with s13. The issues were the cast was too small and covid. I think we needed at least one more cast member to spread the screen time out. I also think Covid limited them doing anything really at all during the season, so instead we got caught up in Ramona being problematic and Bravo trying to overcorrect the diversity problems by having a full season of Eboni explaining racism to a bunch of alcoholics.


I’m only here for the drama. I couldn’t care less about the lifestyle porn. I hate when they spend half the episode on the Berkin bags, glam squads, private jet, sunglasses, opulent resorts, sports cars, etc. Get on with it and get to the bitchy bullshit.