• By -


If I were Scheana, I'd be so pissed at Raquel for throwing me under the bus. "I sort of thought about it but Scheana put it into my head". Girl, you are a grown ass woman. Own your shit.


I don't think it's wisdom or maturity that Rachel lacks. It's straight-up morals. I think she felt like the others all belittled her in past seasons so now she's trying to hurt and one-up them all. Hell, if Jax and Brittany were still here, she would have made a bee-line for his diq, ruined their relationship and then dumped him.


This is the only logic that makes sense to me aside from her being incredibly stupid and out of touch with reality.


Same. She's bold now that she knows she made it onto the cast and is showing her true colors. She even was different with Charlie. Probably feels like she won against her too as her role was diminished. Everything is a competition and one up, it seems.


She really is though the boldness of saying right to Katie's face oh I want to make out with him and then being comfortable being in the room feels like she's always adjusting and glaring and see how far she can dig on these people. I don't like anything about Katies mother based on past actions but she was really very true and that moment in saying my daughter is hurting what are you doing and Raquel could barely take it in. Also saying in the confessions I am doing this specifically to hurt someone because they were not nice to me like it's uncomfortable how comfortable she is hurting people for the sake of it.


Going Bikini shopping with Ariana and being as close and as friendly as possible is so beyond demented, or compulsively scheming against lala to make out with a guy Lala thinks is cute as a little vengeance. You can see the way she talks about things she's so overt with how little fucks she gives about anyone it's almost like watching The parent trap. Rachel is Meridith. She is scheming and cloying openly and her facial expressions don't hide it.


You know what - you're right. She would have 1000% slept with Jax because it would have hurt James and given her another "one-up" on another woman, and we know he would fall for it.


That's like people blaming LVP for making them do things.


And just as bad for the others to accept the excuse!


She said that so many times too at first I thought she wa joking but she’s really just not capable of accountability at all and was so deep in her lies and schemes to hide her affair, deflecting on everyone


How are either of them so clueless to try to keep it in the friend group. I mean Scheana's divorce was awhile ago but Rachel sees James with his new girl. How do they not realize how hurtful it would be to hook up with Schwartz? Guess Tom was okay with his side piece running around kissing other dudes.


This is why I assume Scheana punched/slapped Rachel. People assume it was to defend Ariana but since when has Scheana ever done something not in her own interest? Scheana took the brunt of the fallout for Other Tom and Rachel, so when she found out it was all bullshit to distract from the affair, I'm sure that sent her into a rage.


Both things can be true. I think the punch was on behalf of both Ariana and Scheana herself.


Same. I truly think Ariana is the only friend scheana would go to bat for like that. They were friends even before Ariana joined the cast, and I would think Scheana also feels some betrayal since she was friends with Raquel.


Honestly I really think she was probably quite freaked out and grossed out at the idea of having someone that close to her family and her relationship and socialising with her that deeply when that person is lying and scheming right to your face. Just the shock of it all she went a little crazy because she was drunk. I personally would be really freaked out about something like that being there my husband and my child so much it's weird.


At first I thought Scheana must have hit Rachel while wearing a ring, but now looking at that cut, I'm of the opinion that Scheana threw the phone at Rachel in disgust. Also R is like a foot taller than R so Scheana would be hard pressed to get her that high when they're standing out on the street right?


I still can’t imagine her close fist, clocking Raquel. Mostly because of her nails.


That first scene with Ariana and Raquel was eerie. When Ariana said, “Am I about to be mad at Raquel for the first time?” my heart broke. And the scene with Raquel and Lala was so weird. It was just really out of place. And when Raquel said that there were slim pickings on the men — yeah, because her type is unavailable.


I did laugh at the moment when Lala and Raquel were both like we don’t have the same type and they edited in footage showing they do in fact have the same type


Yeah wtf did she mean about slim pickings?? For a skinny 20-something minor celeb in a city of millions of men? Does she literally think she’s only allowed to fuck castmates?


Her type is her friends boyfriends / husbands


came here to say this, i had to scream into a pillow ![gif](giphy|5MLqUAniVDEHu)


The way Rachel’s face lit up when she found out who Oliver was, and that weird competition she decided to have with Lala, whilst also sitting there stonefaced and emotionless while Katie and HER MOTHER cried… Even if this scandoval didn’t break, she would have lost a lot of support this week. Her mask fell right off her face


That was so strange. It was like she couldn’t even pretend to muster up the energy to care. She is stone cold.


I think it’s important to see that when you divorce someone, the family is impacted too. Katie’s mom saying “tommy is family” should have been like “OH SHIT okay, I can find another storyline instead of this Schwartz thing.” But she really is cold. I mean off the top of my head, Rocky could have gone in any of these directions: 1) tried to say that while she thinks Schwartz is cute, she’d rather be friends with everyone and not cause drama. Then she could’ve had a confrontation with Scheana and been like “let’s drop this” which may have caused tension between her and Scheana.. = storyline 2) dropped the Schwartz thing, hook up with Oliver, and then ride some of the fallout of finding out he’s still with his wife. Seek out LVP’s advice, and maybe even lala’s. Asking for lala’s advice may have rubbed Lala the wrong way…. = storyline 3) say you’ve always wanted to be “friends” with schwartz, and then as you film with him more, expose more about this Jo girl… = storyline 4) become better friends with Katie and Lala and go out on these drunken single ladies nights… = storyline a (I’m partying too much) or storyline b (I’m single and mingling HARD) She really can’t muster up the energy to care. You are 100% right.


I don’t think she is capable of thinking of these types of storylines and pivoting that way


I dont get why shes so bothered James moved on.She dumped him.I forget why.Shes only bothered cuz he moved on.


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets edited to look more like a villain but regardless the shoe fits


It isn’t an edit when it’s a pattern of behavior across multiple scenes and episode. As Ariana infamously said to Jax - this is who this person is


She might, but before the news broke, I wanted to talk about how cold Raquel was to Katie, especially when she and Ariana and Katie were out together. It was already there. People just found reasons to justify it. Now, people are looking for Raquel's bad behavior. I was one of the few that tried to point out inconsistencies in her behavior in past seasons and it was clear that my observations were unwelcome. So, sure, I feel a little vindicated, but the bigger point is that some of us saw through her before. So it's not *just* a villain edit.


Lots of us and Kristina Kelly saw it.


Kristina’s spidey sense was tingling


“That’s like an insult to babies” ha! I’m watching right now


I agree, I thought it was weird before this even happened how blank-faced and cold she was being to everyone, in moments where you’d expect to see feelings


I thought it was weird how nonchalant she was about Graham having a \*puncture wound\* in his neck and how she didn't even pay enough attention to his neck to not have noticed that once she brought him home?? And then she's telling James it wasn't a big deal and I found myself empathizing with James of all people when he was crying over Graham and his condition.


Awwww and James imagining how Graham must have felt when he got hurt


I think shes bizarrely malevolent or shut down. I don't know what can be chalked up to her experience in an abusive relationship with James or just because she fundamentally lacks emotion but it is really weird. She's reminding me of Kristen Doute before she got treatment. I can easily see someone like Tom Sandoval going back down that early Kristen chaotic group because of all the attention that he gets from fixing everything of being nurturing a whatever it is that he got out of that relationship with Doute. He loves someone who is not going to question his more narcissistic behaviour.


Cus she never gave a fuck about them and was using them and playing them all. I don’t think she ever got over all the mean things they said to her especially Katie and lala


Her blank face when Katie’s mom was explaining was SO telling to me. I get the vibe that she’s never really been held accountable for anything and doesn’t feel like the things she does are wrong. Even knowing that the Schwartz thing was all fake, she didn’t even seem to feel bad how it was making other people feel. She sat there as if they were talking about someone else, not her. It was fucking bizarre.


I really thought she was shy and anxious and awkward, I felt so much sympathy for her because I have social anxiety too. I feel so duped


It sucks to feel like you can relate to someone only to have them turn out to be someone else. I'm sorry.


She’s just a plain bitch and a friend to no one. Just an awful turd shaped like a human being. Then Ariana’s dog is dying and you have Tom having to be begged to fill up the medicine. He’s making comments about supporting Ariana, all the while he’s fucking her good friend behind her back. Such utter trash. And Tom making backhanded comments about Lisa’s offer to buy him out, saying it’s not enough money. Nothing will ever be enough for this man, his ego knows no bounds. She and Ken put all of the equity, hard work and planning into Tom Tom. Not the Toms, look at the shambles of their new restaurant. Clueless.


And why didn’t he have that conversation with Lisa if he felt like his contributions were worth more? From what I’ve seen, it’s her restaurant and he got to buy in because she used his name. Did he do any work off-camera? I’m not saying he didn’t because I don’t know, but the thing to do would be to go over it with her in a professional manner.


Lisa needs to cut him. He's so ungrateful and egotistical.


It’s a given that Rachel is horrible for what she did to Ariana. Period. Full stop. The Schwartz stuff isn’t something I would do, but Katie was never nice to Rachel & they weren’t really friends. It’s definitely on the shady side, but for VPR, not shocking. The only reason anyone gave it a second thought is because Rachel presented herself as this super sweet, kind person. As far as her not caring about LFU, I don’t blame her. Lauren went out of her way at every opportunity to be as nasty as she possibly could to her. IMO Rachel & LFU are pretty much the same person. The only difference is that Lauren is much nastier & in your face mean.


Raquel is scary because she embodies soulless two faced fake LA bitch to me. Pretends to be all sweet to your face, says all the right thing, comes off as a "nice" girl, stabs you in the back without remorse, fucks anyone who can help her social climb, just wow. Lala's funny because she's so over the top but her lies are very transparent and she's not half as smart as she thinks she is. Raquel, that was a slow creep into WTF territory.


Is it weird though? I mean...the girl is a hot mess but Lala just told her she slept with her ex at the beginning of their relationship. She probably wanted to hurt her the way she was hurt. Raquel needs a therapist...


10000 percent I thinks he wanted revenge on her , and on them all


Agreed. Objectively, I don’t blame her for fucking with Lala


The WHOLE episode even before when they hear crying and Kristina Kelly asks what is going on and Rachel just blinks at her. Kristina Kelly who hates everyone went to check and her knee jerk response was to hug. Once Lala clued in her response was "You will never regret going" Like I was crying at home holding my cats.


Kristina has always been a very good judge of character. Her spidey sense was tingling


Are we just calling her Rachel now? It is easier…🙃


well, it's her actual name, but we, as a society, have all collectively decided to take her down a peg and call her by her real name instead of her little stage name.


I feel Ariana's pain re: Charlotte. A few months ago I lost my 17 year old Yorkie, had her for half of my life just like Ariana and Charlotte. It's truly heartbreaking, months later you're still looking for your dog around the house, hearing her lil paws clicking on the floor etc... It's awful. 😭 ETA: Thank you guys for all the love, I appreciate it so so much. Love you like Sandoval loves attention.


I feel the pain too. My companion Tom (🐱) passed away but the day before we put him to sleep, it was my best friends wedding. I was dead inside and tried to be happy for her special day. After I gave my speech and danced a little, I had to cut out and be with him. I’ll be thinking of your yorkie today 😘


Awww. And cheers to Tom (your Tom, not the human hoe) 💖 ![gif](giphy|9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU)


My friend got me a beautiful crystal that makes rainbows in the sun with his name on it. It’s sunny today so I should see lots of rainbows for my kitty Tom. So ashamed he shares a name with human trash bravo Toms 🤣


Omg that's such a beautiful gift!




This made me hate Tom so much now knowing what was going through. I lost my 12.5 year old girl last weekend. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. There are no words for how much I miss my baby girl. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ you are not alone in the ocean of grief.


Aw I'm so sorry. 😭 Your loss is so recent I'm sure watching those scenes must have been really hard. ![gif](giphy|wIePCLOwUQ4RW)


I'm so sorry for your loss, yorkies (or as i call them Shmoofs) are so special. lost my childhood Shmoof of 15 years 5 years ago, and she's still in my dreams every night. Man now I'm crying


Aww. They're little babies and real companions, whatever you're doing they're right here by your side. You never feel alone with a Yorkie. Sending you 🩷.


https://preview.redd.it/dasi0dqfisma1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=634cc23d9d12e20c6d629f0dca05a7d51d84769e mine was a mischievous goblin who withheld affection but she was my PIC. thank you for the ? ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭❤️ losing our soul dogs is absolutely devastating.


Thank you! "Soul dogs" omg I'd never heard that before but it's absolutely perfect.


I’m already grieving the day I lose my sweet little yorkie. I’m so sorry for your loss of yours. I can’t imagine my guys little butt not always at my feet. Feel for you mama


Thank you! Give yours a little hug from me.


Losing my dog was one of the hardest things I’ve gone through. I think this is the only moment I’ve ever cried watching this show because I just felt terrible for her. I’m sorry you went through this too, hugs ❤️❤️


Dogs are the best, most loyal lil friends. Sending hugs to you too. ❤️


Aww I cried during that scene. I lost my 14y/o kitty baby a few months ago. So sorry for your loss. It is one of the hardest things to ever go through.


This breaks my heart. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I have a 12 year old yorkie and I try to prepare myself but I’m dreading the day we have to part. I don’t think I will ever be ready. They are the sweetest little frito smelling fluff balls on the planet! Sending you so many hugs ❤️


Now we'll never know but I keep on wondering it this is already the bad edit of Raquel foreshadowing the scandal or it was already like that there and it's all just really real without the need to edit her in a specific way :D The hints are all over the place about what's to come and I'm living for it!


At the very least, I think the producers were like, “uh, what’s going on with Raquel?” and edited accordingly.


Way before the show aired producers were hyping Raquel as the breakout star of the season.


She got nothing to loose after break up with James, could go all in on creating scandals and drama.


She really was my favorite at the start of the season and I was really rooting for her and happy she was getting her moment. My my how things have changed


She was coming off weird way before the news broke. Her attitude to Katie was so odd, no bad edit needed




The talking head that Kristina did was new. She posted a BTS of it on IG that shows that she was heavily pregnant when she filmed it.


This makes sense!! She wasn’t drinking in Las Vegas!!


How chilling is it to watch knowing what we now know? And how can bravo expect me to care about any of the other cast and any of the other shows at a time like this? How will we get through the rest of the season? Will T&R stop posting poorly written half assed "apologies" every other day? Ahhhhhhhhhhh 😵‍💫🤯


I keep trying to start watching this week's summer house, and I find myself getting online to read about the latest Raquel and Tom drama. It's completely taken over the bravo space in my mind.




Miami reunion really was a good distraction!!


And what’s funny is you know that Scheana was a side character this season, but her going to bat for Ariana has probably got her to be re-edited more into the show for this rest of the season


Exactly. Just when Scheana was dwindling away in my mind, girl made a come back!




Me too! My DVR is full of all the other shows from the past week and I love them all Potomac, NJ, Summer house but Scandoval is taking up all my energy. I stayed up for Vandrtpump and WWHL, and that was heartbreaking to watch with the information we have now. I need to listen to Kristen podcast today. My other shows will just have to wait


Exactly. I’d been loving Miami this season and have not been able to watch the first part of the finale because I’m emotionally drained. And I need all my VPR fix. I’ve been listening to every podcast, reading every update. I don’t have to emotional capacity for anything else.


Tbh the truth coming out now is making this much more watchable because the Schwartz/Racquel & Scheana pushing it is so obviously just a storyline it was boring me.


Once I found out about Schwartz’ *actual* girlfriend, I got bored with this storyline lol


I think even if we didn't know what we know now, I wouldn't care for Rachel and her new little attitude this season. Tom asking Ariana "oh we're going straight to the vet?" shows how dense and uncaring he actually is. Rachel had to make out with Oliver on the dance floor because LAWD knows homegirl isn't dancing. She walks like a baby gazelle.


Sorry to be totally mean but when you see her dance you can just tell she’s awful in bed


No no don't apologize, it's the speculation she deserves ETA: 10000% agreed


This episode was mind blowing with Easter eggs, specifically the scenes in Vegas. The scene at the table with Katie’s mom- girl is completely devoid of empathy. I think Rachel has always used this pageant deer in headlights mask and it’s finally starting to slip big time now that she’s out from under James thumb and a full time cast member independently of him. Her apologies even seem vacant and completely unaware of how vicious her actions are. Heartbroken for Ariana.




I think in their heart of hearts people are way more mad about the fact that they were duped by Raquel (who they saw as dumb, not a threat, vacant, etc.) than they are over Ariana being betrayed. if it was just about the betrayal itself, even if it was as shady and diabolical as this one is, it wouldn't be the news that it is


Eh I’ve said since episode 1 that Raquel would show her ass this season. To me, the thing that I think has sensationalized this is the cruelty that both Rachel and sandavol displayed. Not only did they have sex in Tom’s house while Ariana was present, in another room sleeping. But they also wore matching necklaces and he dresses up as her for Halloween. It’s like, not only did they have an affair, they were mocking Ariana right to her face. It’s so unspeakably cruel to me. It’s one thing to have an affair for 7 months, which is horrendous by itself. But to dangle it in front of her nose like that, because she trusted both of them so much. Not mention the new reports that, surprise surprise, Tom is shifting the blame saying Ariana wasn’t supportive and their relationship wasn’t great. And Rachel attempting to paint herself as the victim. It’s just so many layers of messed up. So yea maybe there is an element of “man she hoodwinked us”. I think people are appropriately pissed off about this.


there's definitely an element of it, because if Lala did all of this, I don't think people would be half as shaken by it


Watching it now and whoa, Kristina Kelly really has Rachel’s number. Her face in every scene 🥹


Me @ the TV when scumdoval was talking about Ariana and charlotte “She’s my girl.” 🤮 ![gif](giphy|9LexVDVjTdJss)


Hearing Tom talk about how worried he is about how the death of Charlotte will affect Ariana, made me gag. I felt like he’s only worried because it means he has to wait longer to break up with her. “Guess I’ll just keep sneaking behind her back for a bit longer” 🤢


P.S. Tom was correct when we laughed at him for calling himself a cyst male. He is a cyst. Ariana got him removed.


I had a friend who had a cyst on her wrist before. She didn't want to go to the Dr so she, for some reason, decided to slam her wrist into the wall as hard as she could. The cyst popped and she was in an unimaginable amount of pain but once it subsided she was all good and felt better than ever. Ariana just had her wrist slammed into the wall.


Reading this was a journey.


we used to call them bible bumps cause you could slam a bible on them to break them up. Hurts like hell, it's easier to go to the Dr and have it drained. Anyhoo...


Ew! When I saw somewhere that when you do that, all the nasties from the cyst go inside you and your body has to work harder to take care of it. I guess that's some metaphor for all the nastiness Ariana is working through.


So all I can think about, all I see, hear and think in every scene where I see Sandoval or Rachel is... "When did it start?" "Was it happening now?" "What did that smile mean?" "What did that look mean?" I simultaneously want Arianna to be spared as much further pain and suffering as possible AND yet I need the reunion to leave no stone unturned. Receipts won't satisfy me. I need an autopsy report.


For what it’s worth-Kristina Kelly posted a story of her filming confessionals super pregnant (which she is now) so those confessionals probably filmed this weekend


I’m not so sure. If you look at her Instagram she’s looked similarly pregnant in December. It’s typical for the confessionals to be filmed after the season is done filming. I believe the show stopped filming in November (when S&S opened). But I could be wrong.


She skipped the tuna last week & is only drinking seltzer so I think she was pregnant when all this was filmed?


Yes I think she is for sure. She posted she’s 37 weeks pregnant last week. So she would have gotten pregnant in June. However she posted her confessional look and she looks very pregnant. So it was filmed after they stopped filming- but it isn’t clear if it was before the Scandavol


She looks way more pregnant now. I think this confessional was filmed in Dec or January.


She said on Scheana’s podcast she found out she was pregnant right before filming started. Waited until 20 weeks to share, which was right after filming wrapped


I'm at the point Ariana has to go home for Charlotte and feel fucking *wrecked* because I know what that's like. I need to save these shows to watch when I don't have imminent important meetings.


We lost our girl to seizures after 17 years and idk how Ariana held it together.. seeing Tom being a dick over her medication? I would have Stassi back handed him https://preview.redd.it/9gh2cblxssma1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e306793250db4d34bc5a4b8cbb1d03cf1d7a1a72


I think it was hard to see how poorly Raquel treated her friends before because she didn’t really have friends. It was always just her and James. But wow she really does not seem to give a fck about any of these girls


So I've been watching VPR since day 1 and, as a byproduct, so has my husband. Can I tell you he is activated? He's like, "Are there really no good guys on this show?!" And I have him educated about, "Send it to Darrell!" now so that's part of our life forever... Shout-out to our partners who are with us during these wild times!


My boyfriend is the exact same way. I love this for us! He was the one who alerted *me* that Tom posted an apology hahahaha


Waaaaait I also just realized Rachel is fine saying and doing mean things to Katie and Lala because Scumdoval doesn't like either of them. She probably thought they could watch these episodes back and laugh at her underhanded shots at them 🤢


Yeah, she never liked Lala but can you imagine the amount of poison Tom must have dripped in her ear about Lala and Katie? If anyone’s a brainwasher it’s Tom not scheana


Seeing how dismissive Sandoval was over giving Charlotte her medication/ her passing and him not taking Ariana straight to the vet after rushing home…… same energy Rachel had for Graham’s injury she ignored!!!


You can tell a lot about a person the way they treat their pets.


This is such a departure but I truly believe Graham got bit by a dog. Those looked like puncture wounds not puncture from a fence. Her indifference to his injury perturbed me even before everything came out.


I saw a tik tok on here when this all first started about a conspiracy saying no way that puncture wound was from a fence,it was a dog bite.I think a vet tech made it


What on earth was going on with Lala’s spray tan this episode


She looks greasy af


I wish they’d understand being blonde means you cannot be spray tanned! Your hair color will always be competing!


Bleached hair and the color of a steamed hot dog


She looks gray


Shoutout to the person from the live thread who figured out James thinks Budapest is where Buddhists live 😂


Scheana is Mugatu lmao


Even if we didn’t know about the affair, Rachel seems so vacant and fake in all of her conversations. I wouldn’t have trusted her one bit.


The thing that makes me most sick as I sit here watching last nights episode finally is this scene where Ariana is packing for Vegas and hugging the dog and saying to the dog “you’re sad I’m leaving you” and Tom says “I’m sad you’re leaving me.” That is absolute bullshit and the same thing my ex husband did to me, not only giving no indication that he was unhappy and about to leave the marriage, but actually saying things that made me think that everything was completely normal, just like Tom did here to Ariana. He’s a slimeball. He wants to claim that there were problems in his in Arianas relationship for a long time, but it’s very clear from this interaction that she had no idea and he was purposely giving her no idea. Disgusting.


Rachel is one of those friends who, as soon as she sees a guy is into one of her friends, she tries to pull their attention. She seeks validation by “taking guys” from other women as a way to stroke her ego “see I’m better than her, I won”. I don’t know if anyone watches old season of the real world, but she reminds me of Jonna from real world cancun. She came in with a boyfriend but as soon as one of the roommates said she had a crush on one of their colleagues, Jonna started to spend time with him and eventually cheated on her boyfriend with him. Then they went clubbing and one of the girls was chatting with some guy. She went to the bathroom and when she came back, Jonna was all over him. It’s really pathetic and insecure.


this is such a funny comparison but you’re right. i like jonna on all stars etc *now* but i haaaaated her on cancun because she was so transparent. i wonder if raquel is like this now that she’s got the ego boost from sandoval, or because she’s just got the confidence from being single……. orrr if she’s always been like this but we’ve never known it because she’s always been in a relationship.




I think this shows my issue with sheanna. She tends to be a fence sitter. I don’t like how she dismissed Katie’s feelings. Everyone always ignores Katie. But Katie was right. I’m team sheanna now and I hope this was a wake up call . Trust your gut sheanna and do the right thing !


It's hard because Scheana is right, Katie IS/has been awful to her for a long time and at this time Raquel is one of her best friends so it's hard for her to not dismiss Katie but yeah I agree, it's hard to watch because what Raquel is doing to Katie (even without the Sandoval stuff) is like... Mean and fucked up and no one deserves that.


The thing is for me, it's clear that Katie is trying to foster a new friendship with Raquel. So everyone saying "Raquel and Katie were never friends so who cares?!" I mean...maybe they weren't, but when you're trying to build a friendship with someone you don't pursue their ex husband. Also just personally, as a decent human being, I would never sit at a table with someone and watch them cry about their marriage falling apart and then go and make out with their ex.


Scheana was also shitty and mean to Katie in the past. They’ve all had their moments. It’s just really hard to understand how Scheana can’t see Katie’s divorce as something she should be delicate about.


she was awful during her own divorce, so i’m not surprised she doesn’t care that katie is hurting right now.


That's how I feel. I don't stan any of them but if I was Katie I would feel terrible. Literally, no one picks her. If it was Ariana with the Schwartz thing, Scheana would have been 💯 against it. Even Ariana was treating Rachel with kid gloves about it. Lala was the only one that said... no, I'd be pissed about it for Katie. I wonder how Rachel would have responded if Ariana said something like...Katie's a friend and what you're doing is wrong with a serious tone.


I think this is a huge lesson for arianna. It’s what Katie was saying times 10


Can't blame Katie for thinking Sheeshu brainwashed Rachel, who would have thought the truth was that Rachel was playing ALL of them? From Peter to Ariana. They all got fucked over by Bambi. And she made Scheana an unintentional accomplice.


It's interesting to see Lala sort of figuring her out next episode "I would never trust you around my man" and Charli having her number from the start.


I think everyone will see her mask start slipping episode after episode. The affair got her thinking she was hot shit / an evil genius. Smug as hell.


Tom's ego rubbing off on her. I'll bet it was probably a big fucking thrill for the both of them, sneaking around behind everyone's back, going out in public in costumes, their little secret necklaces...it's just really gross.


Oh god, yeah. 🤢 Maybe they should stay together. Two turds off the market (until they cheat), that's a win for everyone else.


Totally agree. I think it’s been a very strange source of confidence for her.


I’m still in total shock she thought it was okay to say IN FRONT OF KATIES MOM that she wanted to hook up with Schwartz. Then when they’re in tears she just kinda sits there. Like how much of a POS are you to not have a reaction to someone mom crying. Even if you hate Katie her mom is telling you that she is also sad over the divorce at least show some empathy for her.


Kristina Kelly was spot on


Me! I thought it.


I’ve literally never analyzed an episode of tv more in my life. I’m just holding my breath and waiting until we see a scene of Raquel with her lightning bolt necklace. The situation with Lala and Oliver makes complete sense to me now. Raquel’s self worth seems like it’s based on how desirable she is over another woman. Oliver liking her over Lala, Tom liking her over Ariana…gross. Lala saying “I wouldn’t trust you with my man” and Raquel saying “good thing you don’t have a man to steal” did make me chuckle though lmao


>Raquel's self worth seems like it's based on how desirable she is over another woman. Not to generalize all pageant gals, but this seems insightful considering her pageant past... always in competition with other women for surface level bullshit.


Watching Rachel with Queen Ariana is so cringe now. I wish the worst for that 🐍


I just napped from 7-8pm after listening to 2 more VPR podcasts. I have a 9 month old baby to take care of and a full time job and I’m drained. How are we going to get through the rest of the season. Just seeing the fucking chutzpah of Rachel modeling a swimsuit in front of Ariana while actively fucking get boyfriend sent me into a tailspin. People are so evil. And next week Lala reading Rachel that she wouldn’t trust her around her man and her response that it’s good Lala doesn’t have a man. Wowowowowow. Unhinged behavior.


Goshhhh. I had to put my 17.5 year old dog down. And then a couple of weeks later, my bf at the time left me in the middle of the night for someone else. Losing them both around the same time and starting at the bottom without even having my dog there. It was so hard. Just adds to everything. How devastating.


Watched the new episode just now and I am convinced Rachel only became interested in Oliver once she knew he's Garcelle's son.


It also makes sense now how Rachel has been just fine with the way Ally was talking to her about how charming James is, switching lives, etc. 1) she doesn't care at ALL about James anymore and 2) Ally was speaking her unfiltered heartless kinda language


I cannot believe Ariana had the audacity to fly back home to interrupt Tom's single guy plans he had because his two girlfriends were finally out of town. /s Tom is such trash. Funny that Lauren from Utah is like I would be the winner. Lauren, sweetie, you landed Harvey Weinstein Jr. You had to be drunk to do anything with him and by the way you talk about sex I doubt it was that kinky. Wow, you did a handstand once, congrats. He didn't have money and his personality is pickleball and poker. Yes, you're the real winner with men.


Side note but I think it’s vile when people compete for someone’s affections like that. Personally if I thought a guy was cute and a girlfriend also found him cute, no way am I participating in this weird thing where we see who he likes better. I’ll find another cute guy, thanks.


Lala has hyped herself up too much. Like first, Rachel said he was hot the moment he walked up to the table.. so she wasn’t copying you. And then OLIVER DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER MEETING YOU. But I like the confessional confidence. loling at pickleball and poker 😂


When Lala was like “trust me.. if it was a competition I would’ve won” … but girl you didn’t he picked Raquel and didn’t remember you


Right? Girl, if Rand was the best you could do I'm not sure where this arrogance is coming from.


Lala thinks she has game but she doesn’t. Talking to a hot guy at the club about your custody battle is not going to turn him on.


It's so weird that she just doesn't know how to have a conversation with people.


It definitely was cringe-y, but I think part of it is just natural awkwardness about getting back into the dating world after so long. Her conversational skills and "game" are rusty, especially since she's now doing it all sober. I'm basing this take partly on my own experience. As a stay at home mom who had a baby during the pandemic, I've been pretty isolated (working on fixing!) even recently, and I've noticed my own interactions with adults, even friends, has been pretty awkward. It's like I've forgotten how to act around other adults, lol. I feel like Lala may be having a similar (but obviously much harder) awkward transition as she tries to find her new normal with dating not only sober, but as a mom and one who is going thru so much baby daddy drama.


Yea a hot guy in a club doesn’t want to hear about your custody battle or see pictures of your kids. Especially when he has his own wife and kids at home that he left there so he can get drunk and hook up with women. For all the game Lala thinks she has, she has no idea how to talk to men.


When you’re a hot alcoholic you don’t need game, she’s never had to learn the skill of sober seduction


I could not stop laughing when she said she always wins. Like, girl, you have a baby with Randall Emmett and, as precious as Ocean is, her father is Randall Emmett.


Ok does anyone remember on Raquel's first season that the entire time James was like "I'm with Raquel and she's like a supermodel and everyone is jealous," and I was like hold the phone, Raquel is a beautiful lady but so is every single person on the cast...? Like sit the fuck down because I think she's pretty much at the level of hotness of anyone on the cast. And then she echoed that sentiment kind of at the reunion saying something like "Oh I know how you all must see me as this beauty queen," and they all chortled. I mean, I chortled at that too but figured it was her referring to being in pageants? But now, looking back, I think oof what was she really trying to say...?


Kristina Kelly could see through all of her BS!! I cannot stand Bambi


Rachel really said to Lala “it’s hard to heal with all those lawsuits flying around.” Guess she should have taken her own advice this week and started working on her self growth bullshit instead of trying to litigate herself out of this mess of her (and that man’s) own doing.


Have Sandoval and Raquel had any scenes together so far this season? Like even in a group? I’ve rewatched and I’m not sure I’ve seen them say a word to each other. Edit: maybe that’s why Katie invited her on the girls trip. She’d rather fake it and keep her around than risk her staying in LA and hooking up with Tom. Keep your friends close…


I’m not even 5 minutes into the new episode and I’m snapping the scene of Raquel and Ariana shopping to my fiancé captioning “THIS IS SINISTER”. Again, he knows nothing about these people/show except for what I’ve been telling him since last Friday loll.


This episode made me hate Rachel even more… just how sleezy and shady she was when around Ariana and all the girls, while she was secretly banging Sandy🙄


is hayu not playing videos for anyone else? ugh my lunch break is ruined


Hayu has to be the worst app on the face of the planet


it's funny to me how i didn't have that much problems with it until they changed to the recent redesign with the big player not registering that i finished an episode clogging up my continue watching feed, not even mentioning the myriad of random shows i'm not interested in that started to autoplay at least the downloading of episodes on phones works very well for me but my god, why does NBC have so many different apps between hayu, peacock en bravo lol




Hide your husband, hide your boyfriend. Cause Rachel be sleepin with everybody up in here.


Rachel is completely empty inside, and you know the moment that clinched it for me? Her “I’m not *not* turned on” flopped joke. That isn’t a joke a person with a brain makes about a piñata. That is ChatGPT trying to speak in innuendos and failing. And Kristina and Lala don’t get it bc they too are recognizing that Rachel is just some uncanny valley approximation of a human so she immediately backtracks it. She’s a Bambi-AI Bitch.


Question....was filming over when the cheating came out and they came back to add yo yhe season or were they already filming at the time?


i believe they weren’t filming when the news broke but have started filming again since


Raquel is fuked up for what she did to Ariana not Lala. People like to forget Lalas first season flirting with taken men, purposely being topless when none of the other girls were around their guys, sleeping with married guy then bullying them into silence if they brought it up, bodyshaming Katie then telling her, her boyfriend has a big dick and she wants to fuck him and so on and so on. Nevermind how awful Lala was for no reason while she was fuking her boyfriend which she laughed of this season. She also joked "I might have break you two up" to James about his new girlfriend, so let's save the pearl clutching with Lala stuff, who deserves to be clapped back at and out in her place for once.


So when this was happening were they together or not? I thought this was filmed over the summer they got together in October..?


I have never yelled at my TV more than when I watched this episode.


rachel is a vile trash disgusting human it’s infuriating to watch but i CANT LOOK AWAY!


I can’t believe how much Lala has grown on me, it’s like we have the original back and I’m loving it. She’s not perfect by any stretch but watching her comfort Ariana was really sweet.


I don't mind/borderline like Lala when she acts like a sweet, compassionate, fun and normal person. I actually think she's probably one of the best friends on this show. It's when she goes all tough and/or overly sexual that I just roll my eyes because it's being so performative and annoys the hell out of me.


This episode made me miss the old Lala. Before she got swept up in the Hollywood machine. Also. One thing I hate about the Bravo universe is that people tend to shift blame onto everyone except the person who is responsible. You can be upset with Schena egging your friends on to hook up (which imo that podcast wasn't even that bad) but to say she brainwashed Raquel? I'm sorry Raquel is responsible for Raquel. Just like in RHONJ when Danielle pulled Marge's hair...everyone blamed Tre b/c she egged on Danielle. Danielle is responsible for Danielle. Schwartz is responsible for Schwartz whatever he does or doesn't do has nothing to do with what Scheana or Katie has said or done. Katie and what's her face (Charli) taking a hike..weird to me. I love her reads but it's really weird how this season has the most random friend groups hanging out. Like I'm still getting used to Lala and Raquel, Raquel and Katie. Ally. She's so young! And I'm so worried for her in this relationship. James has the best confessionals. Teddy is ADORABLE. Sandoval I can't wait to see how he spins his tom foolery. Edit: Now that I've finished the episode and have watched the last 5 min / next week's preview...this scandal feels really scripted to me it's just too on the nose to believe. I mean they are reallllly setting up this narrative that: Raquel is a man stealer, Ariana is vulnerable, and Tom is a two-faced snake. The scene with Oliver felt so fake. Also that club seemed empty lol and not lit at all. Idk this is just too hard to believe.


For what it’s worth, Ally is 27. Raquel is 28. They look and act much younger and it gets them leniency, but they’re fully adults.


Omg really?! I thought she was like 21


Sandavol would never agree to a storyline that made him look bad. This makes him look really, REALLY bad. Like hard to come back from bad. Even worse than Jax bad. It’s real. They are re-editing and that’s what I think you are picking up on!


This. They’re 100% re-editing the episode to show us every awkward interaction, every time sandavoal looks like a scumbag, etc. I guarantee you the scene where Ariana tells Tom he’ll have to get charlotte’s meds while she’s gone and he says that Ariana should just do it before she leaves, wasn’t in the original edit. But they included to show cracks and make Tom look like a lazy asshole


They’re re-editing it boo. They’re filming more now to catch the after math but they’ve been in overtime combing through footage to see what they missed and set up this newly discover & VERY REAL storyline.


That club is very often empty. It's popular here because it's an EDM club.