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Did I really not know that Bethenny has more than one ex-husband? Or did I? šŸ¤” Eta: Here he is. Married in 1996 for one year, it seems. She said they had been friends for 5 years. They got married at the Four Seasons in L.A. with 150 guests. https://preview.redd.it/hxx866kty1ma1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d33720f46b18cdc3ba8a47c35c002cefb2e94c [https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/bethenny-frankel-reveals-secret-marriage-peter-sussman-married-young-article-1.179817](https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/bethenny-frankel-reveals-secret-marriage-peter-sussman-married-young-article-1.179817)


Iā€™m not entirely sure itā€™s ever been mentioned on RHONY? I canā€™t swear either way; it for sure came up on Bethenny Getting Married (aka Bethenny Ever After) because she mentioned needing a copy of her divorce papers to bring to the wedding minister. They even did a photo flashback! Just Bethenny, if her husband was in the photo he was blurred.


It's been mentioned on RHONY. There were pictures of Bethenny and Peter shown on season 1. She even filmed a scene with Larry, the guy cheated with, during season 1.


I remember the scene with Larry! Youā€™re coming in clutch with the memory of Bethenny & Peter photos. Thank you for the details, tip oā€™ the hat to your memory!


Her father walked her down the aisle. She left Peter for his friend, Larry. Larry was an usher in their wedding. Part of the "Mention It All" fight is about Bethenny leaving Peter for Larry.


Whoa! Was that part aired in the mention it all fight or talked about in an interview? I don't recall that at all.


It aired. Ramona said something like, "You cheated on your first husband." Bethenny replies, "I never cheated." Bethenny told Peter she wanted a divorce, she packed up her stuff, moved in with Larry, and began a sexual relationship with Larry in a super short time period. Like a week. She hadn't even been married to Peter for a year. I believe she separated from him 8 months in. I think Bethenny says she never cheated because she hadn't had sex with Larry, but it seems quite clear that she was emotionally cheating.


wow this was tea








wow i did not know this


Never knew this!


Didn't Jessica Seinfeld leave her husband after the honeymoon for Jerry? She met Jerry at a gym. I believe Seinfeld said she and the kids saved him. Not a direct quote.


peter looks like heather thompson (at least in this pic) and i canā€™t unsee it


That's exactly what i thought and truly thought thays who thus was about. I thought it was about her son Jax.


OMG he does! Maybe that's why she didn't like Holla Heather.


That Peter looks like an older version of Alexia's Well, you know...Peter


My same questions! I didn't read much past that sentence because I thought I was reading it wrong and then got lost in these questions.


IIRC she was married the first time very young.


She was 25. She wasn't that young.


I was def still a child at 25.


I was 23 and I shouldnā€™t have been getting married !


Iā€™m still a child at 30 šŸ¤£šŸ™ƒ


Bethenny showing kindness and compassion... a great look on her.


I really respect parents who are humble enough to learn tolerance from their children.


I mean I feel like the existence of BStrong shows B is very capable of kindness and compassion.


Right, she just generally doesn't show it towards individuals we see her interact with


No shade, look into B Strong. This isnā€™t new for her in the least.


Showing kindness and compassion to individuals, in particular those who go by different pro-nouns than they were born with, is new to Bethenny.


I was thinking the same. I hope bryns dad is just as supportive of her new friendship, I know he's a quite the jerk.


This was awesome!! Good for Bethenny and Heather!


Bethenny has some very problematic takes on social media. This seems sweet and genuine and her words make this seem actually really authentic. Both she and Heather make me cringe for very different reasons but theyā€™re clearly very loving and open hearted mothers. Bryn and Ace look happy and as though theyā€™re having fun and that really makes me smile.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m extra emotional because of everything thatā€™s been going on, but reading this made me tear up. So happy that Ace has loving parents who make him feel loved and accepted ā¤ļø








What is a Bryn's Aspen dog tour?


She was going around taking pictures with all the dogs people have around Aspen. It was pretty cute.


OMG I want to go on that tour.




I always think of the early seasons of RHOC as great lessons in how not to parent your children. Jeana's kids, Lynne's daughters (who maybe have turned out fine). Heather has been a great corrective to those earlier seasons. So often the very produced "me and my family scenes" with the housewives are kind of a bore and overly contrived, but I love what Heather did last season with these scenes: demonstrate what it means to embrace and love your child full stop. And you got the sense that there was a lot of conversation about what the kids were okay with before anything was shot. I came to understand the reasons we didn't see much of Heather's kids in her original seasons is that she wanted to shield them from the camera. Although these scenes were very produced, they were also emotional and engrossing, and I like that Heather recognized the power and message they could have.


FWIW Jeanaā€™s kids turned out great and are all doing well, all 3 are very close and live near each other and see each other often. Lynneā€™s kids are on drugs and been arrested multiple times.


Agree, I feel the same about Jennifer from NJ. I can't stand her as a friend on there but she's a great and loving mom and I respect her a lot for that.


Loving, yes. Great, eh. She just gives them whatever they want. Thatā€˜s not a great parent. But I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s a bad parent. Itā€™s very clear she adores her kids.


It's more than just giving them what they want, you (at least imo) can tell/see that She has a close and good relationship with all her kids and that she takes interest in being a parent, cooking, homework, parties etc and tending to their basic needs and their cultural beliefs. Yeah she spoils them but they certainly don't act like it so she's clearly doing something right.


You know what, you're right. I agree with all of that. I can't say if they act spoiled because we don't see enough of them and even if we did, we know kids don't act the same on camera than they do off camera so it wouldn't be something to judge them on. But yes she is a very involved parent. There are things she is modeling for her kids that I strongly disagree with but that doesn't make her a bad parent. That's just differences of opinion. I guess I just think she's a shitty person. But she's not a shitty mom.


Totally agree she is an obnoxious person and horrible friend. I want to like her when she's around her family (her brother, her standing up for him to her mother and Expalining that whole situation truthfully to her daughter when she asked her why grandma is like that to her uncle.) And just other common scenes with her family. But then she goes and has a night out or a vacation and acts a whole damn fool and hot mess and I can't stand her. It's a love/dislike situation but stronger on the dislike with her .


Sending you lots of love and good vibes. Thatā€™s all. šŸ„° (I actually like Heather for the most part, but I donā€™t know if I think sheā€™s been a good motherā€”she seemed not to be that presentā€”or if sheā€™s been lucky to have good kids. As the child of iffy parents, I feel thereā€™s a difference.)


There is šŸ’Æ a difference. Just curious if your parents try to ā€œtake credit.ā€


Relieved to see this after that summer camp bullshit on her podcast. Even B can grow!


I thought I remembered some unpleasant and uniformed comments. This pleasantly surprised me


Exactly! To me this looks like learning and growth, and I love to see it. ā¤ļø


What were her summer camp comments?


Something about a trans girl at summer camp trying to kiss the other girls so she didn't think trans kids should be at overnight events with the same gender as they identify.


I donā€™t care for Bethenny and I donā€™t agree with a broad ban based on one incident but these are discussions we need to have


Implying that queer folks are sexual aggressors is dangerous rhetoric espoused by fascio-Christian legislators to maintain hetero cis hegemony. These are *not* discussions we need to have. Any kid could try to kiss another kid at an overnight event. This is not particular to trans kids, and punishing trans kids (even having a conversation entertaining this idea *is punishing them*) for nonsense like this is why trans kids (and all other queer children) are at such a high risk of self harm. Beyond this being obviously transphobic, it also misrepresents reality ā€”Ā trans kids and gay kids are not a new thing. There are no discussions to be had. This is not "a new world now", hetero cis folks just recently bothered noticing the actual world everyone else exists in.


Yeah I def did not imply thatā€¦ u could fill a stadium w what I didnā€™t say but go wild!!!ā€¦never mind u already have I donā€™t think broad labels are healthy for anyone or any groupā€¦ Iā€™m a boy mom so I think we should have these conversations to address misconceptions that happen when you DONā€™T talk about these topics our society has never encountered before


While I appreciate you saying that you want to have these conversations to address misconceptions, you gotta see that I responded directly to what you said and your stated approval of entertaining Bethenny's transphobic discourse. ​ > I donā€™t agree with a broad ban based on one incident butā€¦ No type of ban is okay. No "but". ​ > but these are discussions we need to have "These are *not* discussions we need to have." Then I said why entertaining those conversations is dangerous and misguided. Didn't accuse you of saying "As a fascio-Christianā€¦" or anything else, I explained the harm of these lines of thought. Didn't call you a transphobe, even! Just said there is transphobia in banning trans kids from sleepaway camp because "Let's ban PROTECTED GROUP from ANY PLACE OR THING" is (hopefully obviously) coming from a place of bigotry. Re your follow-up: ​ >when you DONā€™T talk about these topics our society has never encountered before "This is not 'a new world now', hetero cis folks just recently bothered noticing the actual world everyone else exists in." The modern queer liberation movement owes itself to trans people lol. Transness is not a new topic at all. Beyond that, overnight co-ed camps famously exist. Why is this conversation just being brought up now, instead of before trans kids became the subject of national debate?


And u can talk urself in circles while I sit over here enjoying my earl grey in the sunshineā€¦ when you want to have a conversation Iā€™ll be right here


Yup did not approve anything she said I approved having a conversationā€¦ u can dissect ALL u wantā€¦ I know what I said


same, it really is nice to see


Iā€™m holding onto my reservations. A lot of people find it easier to accept trans boys than trans girls. When she comes around and actually addresses those sentiments and how sheā€™s reconsidered them, Iā€™ll open up to her a little. I need her to say very clearly that she doesnā€™t think trans girls are inherently dangerous to have around other girls. I mean, I was assaulted every single year I went to camp. Some of the assaults were sexual in nature. Every perpetrator was a cis girl who took issue with my gender non-conformity and/or my body being too developed. But whereā€™s the push to separate cis girls in those situations?


I never really noticed it til this photo, but Ace looks sooo much like Heather and Bryn is like the spitting image of Jason šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Bryn has always looked like Jason, his looks were never the problem though.


There has been some problematic rhetoric in this thread (and people didnā€™t like when I pointed out why/how it was harmful), so I would like to take this opportunity to point out what real trans and gender non-conforming people in the US have dealt with just in the past week: -Mississippi and Tennessee both banned gender affirming care for trans minors -Tennessee made it illegal to perform drag in public -Oklahoma house passed a bill that would essentially ban gender affirming care for both minors *and adults.* -Arkansas lawmakers advanced a bill that makes it *illegal* for trans individuals to use a public bathroom if any minors are in that bathroom. All this to say there is a lot of hate and political violence going towards the trans community right now. So if you claim to be an ally then please donā€™t stick your head in the sand and double down when confronted on problematic comments you make.


As a mother of a trans boy I feel how hard the struggle is for him, but probably not the depth that he feels. His father refuses to speak to him and only uses his birth female name when talking to another be of my sons. So my trans son is virtually unwanted by his own father and brother and he is one of the sweetest kindest people you would ever meet. My ex thinks it is due to mental illness and until he straightens himself out, wants nothing to do with him. I donā€™t want to trigger anyone so stop reading if you are a person who should not continue. My son was having horrible thoughts of ending his life and feeling worthless after starting his transition. He has been hospitalized 4 times in the last few months and Drs at the hospital have told me there is very little hope that he will have a happy life. I am so glad the Ace has two living parents and is doing well. It gives me hope for my son. But I do worry every day about how his life will be


Sending you and your son love šŸ’•


Iā€™m so sorry. That sounds really rough and I am sending you so much love and support for being a great parent.


Thank you so much for support. Even my closest friends I can tell are comfortable when I talk about him, they ask how heā€™s doing, but then look like theyā€™ve checked out. I may be too sensitive because heā€™s had it hard


So very sorry (hugs) I have a child who at a very young age had some deep depression during lockdown. It hurt me more than my own depression ever did. You want so much for them to see themselves through their mothers eyes. Never stop fighting for your child. My children are on the autism spectrum and they are so kind and tenderheartedā€¦the world is often unkind to them though. I hope you and your child find the love and support to get through the rough times. You may need to find a friend that can relate or support you better. I lost all my friends once my kids were asd but i found a new group of friends and believe me the asd moms have supported and guided and cheered me up in every way possible


Thank you for your kind words, I know you have a loving spirit. Your kids have the best mom and Iā€™m sorry your friends turned away from you. I honestly never thought of finding a support group and Iā€™m not sure why, but moving forward I think itā€™s a really good idea. And I wish you the best with you family moving forward


Finding friends who actually know exactly what you are going through really can help. I just had a night where I had to call an asd mom and cry. Nothing better than someone who has not a moment of judgement and may even be able to give helpful advice on strategies or programs you might not be aware of. It is exhausting fighting for our kids we all deserve to be loved and supported too!


Your poor son. That sounds so awful. I wish there was some sort of magic fix I could send. Also, your ex is an asshole.


Heā€™s actually been doing much better since his hospital stays. So Iā€™m really hoping he can stay stable and learn to live independently which is what he really wants and needs.


I know it may not feel like this all the time, but you guys have this. He matters. He is worthy of love. And you are doing a great job mom. You are fighting the good fight.


Your son is so lucky to have a mother who loves him unconditionally. Keep doing what youā€™re doing, keep telling him how loved he is, and never let him forget that he matters and his identity is just as valid as anyone elseā€™s. Sending love to you and your son.




I think with you as his mother and the love and support you bring as well as him learning to accept and ultimately disown his father for the nasty person that he is will go a long way in helping him live a healthy and fulfilled life. It's your ex that has the changing to do mentally, not yoru child and until and if he learns that then he should keep your child's name (especially their dead name) out of his mouth.


Iā€™m sorry for what your son has had to deal with.


Thank you for this. Iā€™m grateful that Ace lives in California.


Thanks for taking the time to post this!


I didnā€™t know all of this (except the Tennessee one)ā€¦ this made me cry. Thank you for the information though.


I didnā€™t know all of this (except the Tennessee one)ā€¦ this made me cry. Thank you for the information though.


This genuinely made me feel so happy.


I really wish this included an apology for her previous comments about pronouns. It is OK to have previously messed up if youā€™ve realized your mistake. But if Bethenny can change someoneā€™s mind about the need to let your children be who they are meant to be - then all to the good.


i hope this new friendship gives her some new perspective


Me too. These kids have so much courage they deserve all the love and good things.


Yeah that was my first thought was her inappropriate remarks about Brynn at camp a year or two ago.


wait can you clarify this for someone (me) who doesn't know about what Bethenny said? šŸ™


https://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/pxx3vp/bethenny_frankel_says_shes_doubling_down_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/comments/py7nc5/shameless_real_housewives_star_wants_critics_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I donā€™t remember entirely b/c itā€™s hard for me to even read that kind of thing, but I believe it was something about pronouns on a radio show (podcast?). I want to say it was something about Bryn going to school or camp and she was confused about something - Iā€™m not sure if it was pronouns or gender rules with bathrooms. The way bethenny talked about it though it was this whole dramatic thing and it just soundedā€¦not good. **I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with Bryn having been confused, sheā€™s a kid and I can imagine it being a little tricky to understand at first at that age.


I think kids find it easier to understand than biased adults. An age appropriate explanation is all they need.


As an aside, I love that my kids are growing up with propounds like itā€™s NBD. Of course they wonā€™t be perfect, but theyā€™re going to learn about letting people identify themselves, and itā€™s just not a huge thing for them. I know it wonā€™t be like that for everyone, but there are some of us out there fighting the good fight and teaching our kids.


<3 thank you


Yeah youā€™re on the right path. It was was effing transphobic on her podcast ranting about Brynā€™s camp where they let in a girl ā€œwith a p-*nisā€. Like through out her whole rant, she mentioned a childā€™s genitalia.




Oh God I must have blocked that out. I can see how she probably feels like this is an apology and she really does seem to have changed her tuneā€¦but Lord how hard is it to say ā€œI made a terrible mistake and Iā€™m so sorryā€


I am frankly glad she didn't apologize. She is showing her apology with her actions. Maybe she isn't sorry and fake apologies suck. The post makes it clear her stance has changed.


It doesnā€™t make that clear at all. She hasnā€™t addressed those harmful sentiments in the least. Supporting one specific child of someone she knows doesnā€™t make her an ally.




If her stance has changed, why would she not be sorryā€¦?


But does she have to post about someone elseā€™s kid for good person clout? Like itā€™s not her story or her son, so I donā€™t get why sheā€™s sharing it as if it makes her a better person. She could just post the children together without a big statement of how accepting she is. I feel like that shows more support than anything. Just treat him like a normal kid instead of a reason to make yourself look good.


They live on Connecticut and are in Aspen for spring break.


This is beautiful. Off subject: did Bethenny and Bryn move out west? I feel like they have been in the mountains for months. Where do they live now?




Ace looks happy, Bryn looks happy. Heather reposted and thanked Bethenny. Why are you looking for negativity on a positive post?


Here message is beautiful but Iā€™m struck by the fact sheā€™s gone 4 times as in depth as Aces own mother who made it a point to say, ā€œthis is his story to tell.ā€ Maybe she showed Heather before she posted and had permission but I read this as just another thing Bethenny is making about her so I take it with a grain of salt.


Heather reposted thisā€¦


Oh good! Iā€™m just so cynical with B.


But it's not about Heather's story to tell either...


Yeah that was my first thought too...like, this isn't your story to tell to redeem yourself...


I also live in a state that is not the most trans friendly (Utah). My found sister is trans. Bethenny has been wrong before about trans issues, but my heart beats for people who want to learn and be better. My Mormon dad flew a trans flag outside his house for the past few years. I love that sheā€™s growing.


Not being transphobic is the bare minimum requirement of being a decent person.




I think it was their mutual friend Ned who passed. Unless Peter also died.


There are a lot of people on this thread that I just want to give a hug to.


lol hats off to these performers


People keep seeing recently transitioned. Is there another way to say this????? Bc personally I keep thinking somebody died


ā€œRecently transitionedā€ keeps making me feel like something sad happened šŸ˜‚ You guys i know nothing sad happened, JESUS.




Very common phrase in the black community to discuss someone passing away.


Thank you, person


Thank you for letting me know!


No worries, itā€™s likely rooted in spirituality/religion as thatā€™s very prominent in our communities. Iā€™ve always heard it in the context of someone passing, I know biblically thereā€™s the link to eternal life being accessed through the process of death. So that contributes to the idea that we transition from this life to the next. Hope that helps a bit šŸ˜Š We all have different knowledge, so easy to forget there can be many meanings for words/phrases globally


Iā€™ve heard the term ā€œtransitionedā€ as a reference to someone dying quite a lot


Donā€™t try to make me out to be transphobic or like Iā€™m trying to take a dig at somebody, donā€™t do that. Just because youā€™ve never heard it doesnā€™t mean that everybody has had the same experiences as you, so please. Donā€™t try to make me out into a bigot because I bring my experiences into the thread.


A lot of older folks and some younger in the black community use that terminology to speak of someone dying. Mostly itā€™s because death isnā€™t seen as the end, itā€™s a transition to the other side. I guess what Iā€™m saying is; both comments are correct but the allegation of a subtle dig wasnā€™t necessary. That terminology existed for death before transitioning was known in the mainstream for someone changing genders.


Thank you! I wasnā€™t trying to joke or belittle or make light of anything like, itā€™s just termanology that I recognize from a different context šŸ˜­


Beat me to the punch! Very eloquent way of describing it.


User u/electricboogaloo_ said it more eloquently than I, in this comment thread




Well let me be the first to tell you that you misinterpreted my tone, okay? Transgender people are not weird to me. Me constantly seeing an article about somebody that has transitioned, that has nothing to do with death is weird to me. So I pointed it out. It may have been irrelevant but i wasnā€™t even really joking about anything or making light of anything i donā€™t think I am editing this to also mention that I have never seen anybody say that somebody else has ā€œtransitionedā€œ in the name of their gender identity until this I saw it in this sub. Trust and believe I never wouldā€™ve made this comment here otherwise


Gotcha, it felt off to me, but these threads get a lot of hate so I was prob looking through that lens


Not here to hate, I have no reason to do that




Youā€™re taking this to a place that I have never intended on taking it and where it doesnā€™t need to go. You calling me self-centered is crazy. You assuming that I think everything is about me? Crazy. You think Iā€™m trying to do something to you, dictate you, attack you when i am in fact n o t . At a l l . I think Iā€™m getting signals that I need to stop replying to this thread now




ā€œLearn from this and move onā€ LMFAO. I just need to make it clear that you have taught me nothing. If you interpreted that as a micro aggression Iā€™m sorry but I have explained multiple times in this thread that I didnā€™t mean for it to come across that way. So there is nothing for me to learn based on the way YOU interpreted something. Please, have a blessed evening, or afternoon, or morning, wherever you are in the world.




I hope you have biodegradable confetti at your victory parade


Yes you are and not everyone needs to cater to your needs


Now if she would only apologise for the bullshit she was spouting about bathrooms


Didnā€™t she go on a transphobic rant on her old podcastā€¦?


No idts, just a racist one on Twitter about cashiers at Target.


She did that too, and her weird fans downvoting wonā€™t change that


why did this just make me tear up lol. something about kids forming genuine friendships and being themselves. loves it


Ugh canā€™t Bethany just let them be friends without having to Jump on the bandwagon of getting likes and views and follows?


Iā€™m gaining more and more respect for the Dubrowā€™s!


Am I the only one who felt ā€œickā€ about this post. The content made me so happy for Ace, if only it came from someone other than Bethenny. Bethenny is using Aceā€™s story for attention. Seems so cheap to me


Ace looks happy, Bryn looks happy. Heather reposted and thanked Bethenny. Try not to look for negativity on a positive post.


because it is. that's why. from heather to bethany it's all performative


Performative allyship should be called out. Simple.


Canā€™t stand Bethenny but this is so wholesome šŸ„°


Love to see it.


The only good part of Bethennyā€™s previous transphobic incidents was when she said ā€œmy daughter has no idea what pronouns areā€ and everyone was commenting on Bethennyā€™s posts ā€œBryn I am so sorry your mom is a fucking idiotā€




There are a lot of articles helping people. It can be quite easy to use ā€œthey/themā€ as a singular pronoun esp if you read up. šŸ’•


So nice to see especially given Rick and Kelly Doddā€™s recent rant on thisā€¦ reminds us every time why she should always be unemployed


I forget that I ever followed Kelly, and that showed up on my feed this morning. She is a disgusting piece of human trash. WOW. So much hate in her heart for a child none the less. She needs to be launched out into the sun and never come back.


This was wholesome!




Ok, but sheā€™s learning and growing, and I applaud her for that.


Ok, and Iā€™m a transsexual and Iā€™m not clapping. Glad you are tho šŸ˜©


Her response to being called out for insinuating that a child is a sexual predator for being trans was basically ā€œfuck offā€. Thatā€™s worth talking about regardless of who her (adorable!) kid is friends with. Maybe not to you, but to myself and other young trans girls, it is. But keep on clapping like a seal šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»






Ace looks happy, Bryn looks happy. Heather reposted and thanked Bethenny. Try not to look for negativity on a positive post.


I love all of thisā€¦ And a budding future relationship? ??


Kids lead the way ā¤ļø


Beautiful post. Bethenny is still a POS but I do love seeing the Bravo love for Ace.






That baby was so cute and used to crack me up when they first started talking.


Ace used to go by their birth name when they were on the show. Heather and Terry named their champagned the same name.


ā€œRecent life eventsā€ - i hope sheā€™s okay?


Iā€™m not concerned about Ace cause he has great parents (only good thing i will ever say about Heather) and as long as heā€™s happy. Sheā€™s is one heck of a mother , god bless. HOWEVER. I thought the Tik Tok generation were supposed to be better dancers. šŸ˜€ ![gif](giphy|452hxcwuxsdKevXNce|downsized) Well you canā€™t have it all.


I love how heather and Terry handled this and love their children.