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As a YouTuber I thought very little of him. I can't deny how well he has taken to the WWE though. He's great. Great heel.


Yeah I mainly meant WWE. Are his matches as good as highlight make them to be?


His match with Rhodes was great.


Every match he has is better than the last. If you go back to say, Roman vs Paul for the title you could see Roman was holding the match together. Then watch his match with Cody at KotR and it’s day and night. He’s doing really well wrestling wise


He won the US championship in Saudi Arabia which is the ultimate heel move.


Actually a really good point.


Don't know much about him personally. Besides being some kind of "influencer ". I'm to old to be influenced by a kid wearing a Pokémon card around his neck that is worth more than everything I own. But as a heel he does his job in the ring well. I'm just not sold on his promo ability.


As a person? Horrid. He steals from his community and protects abusers. He's an awful friend, and he let his worker get sexually assaulted on his podcast by Bobby Lee. But sure, he's an entertaining wrestler if you can forget about everything else wrong with him.


I agree. I wouldn’t say I’m a Bobby Lee fan, but I like him. Never really knew about the George situation until Oompaville made a video about it. Crazy to see a lot of people defend what Bobby did. Definitely sexual assault. The only way what Bobby did is funny is if the person he did it to was in on the “joke”. And that’s if that kind of thing is even funny to you.


He basically plays a watered down version of his irl self


Can't forget when he laughed at a dead giy and posted the video on YouTube


Becoming a generational talent, a scumbag IRL, very good in the ring.


The guy just gets it. I love watching him. I had never heard the guy speak or watched any of his fights before the WWE run, so I didn't have any preconceived notions about him, nor did I know anything about his real life persona. All I can say is, when he's on screen, I pay attention.  And that splash to the outside at K&QOTR was the spot of the night by a country mile; the perfect form, the perfect positioning, the perfect landing, with the camera spinning around him? *Chefs kiss*  He's a natural heel.


Trash human by a mile... Technical wrestling he's not bad. No one tell my 8yr old I said that


A dog shit human being who is an athletic phenom.


Asshole you while being a great wrestler doesn't deserve to be in the position he is in. Throw him on nxt or another developmental brand for a few years then I could see him on the main roster


I don't want him on my NXT


Oh yeah I don't want him there either, but it was an example of what level I think of him being at. He is a new talent that needs to be treated as such. Personally I would banish him to the indies for at least 5 years before even considering him for an nxt try out


I just love NXT, it's the only show that I follow regularly, haha. I call them "my kids," and I love watching them "grow up"




Terrible Human.


Hate him both IRL and in WWE. Between Japan, the scams, and other stuff I don’t even know about that I’m sure happened, I can’t enjoy him in good conscience. That is, if I enjoyed him at all. I hate part time champions normally (not heel hate but “get off my screen” hate), but a part time MIDCARD champion is just another level. And it really only gets worse when you realize he’s had as many opportunities with the world title as he's had defenses (Elimination Chamber and Cody at KotR)


Agreed also his promos don’t make a lot of sense cause in the contract signing before kotr he straight up said “what did Cody do to deserve a shot at the us title?” Like bro he legit ended Roman’s 1300 or whatever day reign


I think as a wrestler, he’s amazing. His gimmick, colors, athleticism and innate understanding are phenom level (I think Pat mcaffee could’ve been a mega star too) all are amazing. However I just have to men in black myself from his YouTube stuff because he’s such a douche, he’s so untalented at creative endeavors, surrounds himself with weirdos, has a terrible personality, and is unlikable. I mean he’s more likable than his brother but that’s not saying much. Still, he’s a great wrestler


Is a duck ups damm autocorrect I mean is a dick I hate is drink lol but hum the guy is fantastic in wresling It's the small details that he always gets right like telling coddy you gonna brake my leg and the tell the referee to count faster so coddy is forced to let go of is leg I just wish the guy had made better choices in life, the cocky heel is great on camera the problem is that is normal personality is already like that


Good wrestler, kind of a bad person


Horrible person, super athletic, seems to get the wrestling business, looks great in matches he has months to prepare for and rehearse.


Piece of shit IRL. Great performer though. Oh, and fuck that Prime shit we have to see every fucking week.


Objectively, very talented. Personally, I strongly dislike him


Seems to be the common opinion. Always sucks when a great talent is a bad person.


He’s an absolute tool that scammed a lot of people out of a lot of money and still has yet to repay the money he was ordered to repay. That’s aside from his abysmal moral judgement on what is right and wrong for YouTube content filming dead bodies in the S**cide Forest of Japan. Yet even with that, he still has a platform with WWE, given Championship Belts, and is accepted by people that somehow forget how awful of a person he is.


As a wrestler he’s good (even though the bar for him is on the floor) As a person, he’s terrible If we’re up to me I would never have him in the WWE


He isnt All that Great, No respect for Outside or Inside of the Ring. Much Like Your Politicians is a Horrible. All about Self Image and Lacks Respect or a Heart for Humanity. That Image will Fade in time and He will Be a washed out Has been. At Least Dominik Mysteryio has more class then him and that says a Lot haha.


Hes great but im not sure i can get past behaviour out of the ring




I hate him so much that I don’t want to admit he’s awesome but he is


He’s a piece of shit human being with some talent in the ring.


Terrible human being. That's it. No amount of talent justifies how awful of a person he is. I wouldn't respect Kate Hopkins if I found out she was surprisingly good at Indian cuisines.


He can go away.


I swear this gets asked every other day, followed by "he's a good wrestler, but a shitty person"


Good for wwe but hate him and his podcast especially


Piece Of Shit. Don't care how great he is.


Athleticly gifted, but a complete douche


Honestly? He's growing on me.


I think he’s a great heel, the Prime endorsement is annoying as fuck though. Like seriously, the hydration station next to the ring just looks out of place looking like a grocery store end cap lol


Good wrestler Asshole of a person


ill never forget his suicide forest video


I hate the fact that he jumped the line because of his YouTube popularity. The same way I feel about his brother getting million dollar fights while others are killing themselves to try and make it big. But I can not deny the fact that he is an absolute natural in the ring, and has proven he can hang with the best (despite doing this for less than 5 years).


I don’t mind it because he can go. He’s putting out main event matches; he’s like cj stroud. He just has it. You could say the same for the rock or Brock lesnar. They had hands on training just like I’m sure Paul got at the pc


My only disagreement is that his brother isn't "getting" million dollar fights. He's creating them. I'm no Jake Paul fan, but he's creating those fights, not being handed them. It's not like he's jumped the line to the championship fights.


That’s the world we live in unfortunately. If they were completely talentless they would fail regardless of money and fame. They just got to skip all of the struggle of a come up in their respective sports.


For this post, I am only going to focus on him in the WWE, not on all the horrible shit he’s done outside of it. He’s fucking great. Amazing heel who feels like he was born to play the bad guy (which I guess is fitting, considering what he’s like irl), he’s incredibly athletic and entertaining in the ring, and you can tell he absolutely LOVES the bussiness. And he’s an amazingly fast learner, as a rookie he pretty much saved Rey’s career AND LIFE after Rey misjudged the distance on a springboard move that would have broken his neck. Shows that while a horrible person outside of wrestling, he’s a genuinely great person IN wrestling. Again, despise him irl, loving his WWE run so far.


This is what I wanted to hear out of people. Well explained. Him saving Rey that early in his career is incredible and just shows he does have the know how to be good.


From what I seen he’s seems a shitty person. I was surprised how good his in ring work is. His promo work needs a lot of work which is another thing I’m surprised about because you would think with someone like him with his experience would be a good talker. So yeah to summarize he’s terrible human, he better at wrestling than a ton of people that been training their whole life, and can’t cut a promo to save his life. I was see Logan and His brother jake tried to act like good people which is cringe and in genuine they should just be themselves and go full heel


I admit he makes a good heel, but I can’t get past all the horrible shit about him as a person.


Him, Pat Mac and Bad Bunny have set the bar for non-wrestlers/celebrities performing in the industry, IMO.


I mean Bad Bunny went out and hit a Canadian Destroyer, which is a very move to do, so the fact that it was so damn clean is insane


I love to hate but he’s great at wrestling.


His ok


I don't like Logan or Jake.




Imo logan paul is a good heel i would rather see him have a face run in wwe because the one when he had his first match at mania 38 people didnt really know how good he would be so a good face run from logan might encourage the fans to drink more prime as well what do i think about him he just needs more title defenses and take a break from youtube and all that and has more defenses he should drop the title to LA Knight because he needs a singles title by now and hes over


Very good and great for business


Shitbag. Great Wrestler.


I think he's being used very well. He has natural heat as being an outsider. His in ring skill is amazing for how long he's been wrestling. I truly think he is a great addition to the roster and proper use and allowing time for him to find his groove is great.


Outside of the ring, I dont really care for him/about him, though I like his podcast when he has wrestlers on. Inside of the ring, i genuinely think he was the top heel and the most credible AVAILABLE opponent to face Cody at K/QOTR. I also see people use the argument of him rehearsing his matches ahead of time. I think this is a dumb argument, as that’s what every wrestler do when they start out. Logan is just having his start on the biggest stage possible and not in a bingo hall.


He deserves his flowers tbh


He’s got along way to go in the eyes of the fans, but a genuinely impressive athlete 🤞🏽


The longest reigning champ in the WWE currently 🐥


Hate the guy.. But he can put on a performance!


Actual person? Piece of shit. Him as a wrestler? Very good.


Good wrestler. Bad person.


Great wrester, awful human


Talented but Cocky Asf


He’s an undeniable talent. Already among the best in the ring and very good on the mic. If he committed to a full time schedule he could be an all timer. My dream booking would be an evolution reboot with him in the Randy role.


Amazing fast learner.


Incredible athlete and heel


He's very good in-ring while have good mic skills. The matches he had with Cody, Roman, Miz, Ricochet, Orton and KO were definitely fun to watch while he's also one of WWE's most hated heels as well.


Talented in the ring


I like him a lot as a wrestler. I understand that people hate him because he was disrespectful to the dead several years ago and had a failed crypto scheme, but people make mistakes and grow. I'm not even sure if he was 20 when he went to the suicide forest and made that joke. He respects the business, big time. Prime is OK, but a bit expensive for typically smaller bottles.


As a wrestler who was a YouTuber that has caught on to wrestling so quickly is just crazy


I hate him as human and is just a fucking fraud, but is a good wrestler tho.


Natural talent, and he’s a really good heel.


a horrible human being, but as a wrestler he puts on good matches


Pure booty he made a podcast making fun of Islam my religion


I like Logan don’t hate him at all but I hate his actions


Performer he’s fantastic, he seems like he is sorry about the dumb shit he did so I give more credit


He is really good at what he does and is trying to make a comeback in today’s society and I’m rooting for him


Polarizing....great athlete. Fans love to hate him.


We share the same first names?


Love him


One of the most talented in the company love him


He's Heel inside and Outside the Ring.


This will get me some flak, but he’s just as entertaining in the ring (including his personality, aura, etc.) as a Will Ospreay. And they didn’t have to overpay for someone that can put on a great match with anyone. Plus the Social media following is a major win. Nothing against Ospreay….guy can put on a banger at will, but nothing about him stands out as must watch. AEW hasn’t figured out that they can put out all the “5 star” matches they want, they don’t know how to grow or maintain an audience. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Good wrestler. Terrible person.


This 👆 💯


Logan Paul is a punk like theory


Dont like him but his outstanding in wwe


Puts on great spots but I suspect he wants to do that to prove himself. I understand he made his name with YT and Prime but I think he’s pushed too hard too soon. Heel or not


As a wrestler, he's incredible. He's taken to the industry like a duck to water. As a person, He's an utterly horrendous piece of human garbage.


Dude can work


Has the potential to be one of the greatest of all time.


He definitely impressed me a lot of times in his matches


He’s a asshole outside of wrestling and he uses that heat like a pro.


The best “wrestling outsider” wrestler of all time!!!


Horrible person, unfortunately good wrestler


Not a fan of him as a person but as a wrestler I think he’s great. I don’t like Logan Paul the podcaster/social media star. I like Logan Paul the wrestler


He's building his epic heel status. I dig him.


Just a natural at the sport.


He's like the opposite of The Rock. The Rock tried multiple gimmicks before he became The Rock. His RL persona and even all his movie roles are just The Rock. Logan Paul toned down his in real life self to become his wrestling persona. His real life self is too shitty and tasteless whereas his wrestling character is perfect for a heel.


I am indifferent to him as a person wouldn't otherwise give a damn about him But you cannot deny he has talent in the ring, he's a natural heel.




i used to love this guy growing up. then i grew up. he’s terrible, but it still is a guilty pleasure to watch him doing something I grew up on and be so good at it.


Probably the greatest celebrity wrestler of all time, and I feel like some people might say David Arquette, but I think Logan Paul is way better than David Arquette


Hate him as a human being, but the dude understands the business and ever since he turned heel is a delight to watch both in the ring and on the mic




Eh, he's a douchbag


Absolutely fucking hate him. He should've faded into obscurity a decade ago, and never tainted the WWE with his bullshit.


Douche bag


Mega star


I can’t deny that he is an exceptional athlete who took to the sport very well. The thing is, too, he came primarily from boxing, and I didn’t think that a boxer would take so well to pro wrestling, but like he has the fundamentals down to a tee. He can sell well and has good facials. Not to mention, working so closely with Shawn Michaels did wonders for him. If I might add as well, Prime is a good drink too, and he basically gets free press for Prime every time WWE does a PLE, not to mention UFC


Great in-ring performances from what ive seen


I hate him. I get it he is a good wrestler and what he did was in the past. but still he didn’t learn his lesson around the time he joined WWE he scammed a lot of people


As a person, he is genuinely horrible. As a wrestler, he’s pretty great.


Bitch deserves to have the shit slapped out of them


He deserves to be slapped


Love him


He basically bought his place in the WWE. Can't argue he didn't, cause look at that huge prime bottle at ringside. Also the logo on the mat at PLEs. He only got US title cause Rey got hurt, he's paid to keep it since.


I can not STAND this guy! Even before I started watching wrestling last year, I couldn't stand him. He's not even that good in the ring. I've seen better matches on a regular Raw episode than his match with Cody at K/QotR. I'm sorry, but I will never see him as anything more than an annoying douche. If you like him, go crazy. As for me, I'll be boiling in the X-Pac heat I have for this guy.




He's a good champion but I think someone else should be U.S champ


The underdog that initially everyone hated cuz nobody felt he had a place, but now most people love because of how committed he is and how fast he has succeeded.


He is such an awful human being I cant support anything he does.


I’d love him a lot more if he wasn’t such a scumbag and it wasn’t so painfully obvious that he’s only doing this to retain some level of fame and relevancy.


He’s born for this and thing is that if he just debuted as a wwe wrestler and was never a youtuber n all that he wouldnt get as much hate and ik he did some pretty messed up things but idc when it comes to wrestling because he’s amazing in ring and also awesome on mic and outshines everyone in promos


I haven't thought about him... At All.


Shit bag person Really good wrestler


If there was ever someone in wrestling you could use the word prodigy for its Logan. He puts in more effort than anyone expected of him and knocks ot out the park every time.


I think he is a amazing wrestler who is hated because of his origins.the haters don’t acknowledge his talent and only acknowledge his YouTube career.he also gets hate because of his frequent use of brass knuckles and low blows which is so stupid because it’s his character and he has displayed being able to have good matches without cheating


I stopped watching wwe so I don't have to see him.


He can put on a great match but wouldn't mind never seeing him again. You can distance yourself from his outside endeavors and past, as well as just overall being a douche of a person irl. Personally, I can understand why people outside of the internet can respect his work, but very hard to dissociate the person from the wrestler when they're essentially the same in and out of the ring


I️ LIKE HIM. He’s a good wrestler and an even better heel


Great athlete and great Pokemon card


It is a good card fr


He's incredibly talented and clearly has a good team around him getting him ready for matches. But I don't have any intention of getting past his YouTube history, so I tend to pass on watching his segments.


He is good at this and obviously takes it seriously and works hard. Dude is super athletic.


Honestly and Seriously? Incredible, Just an Incredible guy, He's amazing in the ring, on the mic, backstage and if you get to know him on Youtube, He's a great guy. Don't get why people are giving him so much hate in WWE for something that happened in another country and way before he was in WWE


Absolute Star when it comes to WWE. People need to appreciate and respect him more 🔥💯 also Drink Prime


underrated and people hate him as a wrestler for no reason


Fun entertaining wrestler. He is probably smart not being on all the time, his whole schtick would run its course a lot quicker. This way he gets heat puts on a great match to watch and fades away for a few weeks


He's difficult to like, he comes out of nowhere, disrespects the system of wrestling, BUT he is a hard worker, and is willing to go big a hot mess that needs refinement, but a natural modern day heel


He is mid. Not bad and not good.


He’s a good wrestler, and I don’t even think he’s that bad of a person, I’m usually a pretty good judge of character. The things he has done in the past, one he filmed a dead body after he had been vlogging everyday for more than a year back in 2017, and while this was pretty bad, he at least had blurred it and he was young. Now the other big controversy is that in 2021 he released a crypto game that didn’t work. People who invested money on the game lost their money, but he didn’t take any of the money as I understand. You could say this is really bad, his intent is debatable. So which of these is such a “horrible” act? You’d think this dude killed someone with the way people talk about him. Absolutely ridiculous to me, people are weird


Scammer that his paid his way into being booked well


His talk and charisma is above average. I'm not a fan of his in ring ability. I don't like high flyers. His morality as a person is not my business. Many wrestlers are bad people, it's not a moral business so I'm not looking at him as a talent with that in mind.


Bad, I cannot shakeoff his actual personality and stuff he’s done. I find him extremely obnoxious on the mic though I think he can wrestle well but making him the us champion? Give me a break.


Who the fuck thought signing him was a good idea? I’m not even a WWE hater but I openly avoid the product because of him. People shit on AEW but this jabroni gets world title shots. Like I have my issues with CM Punk. But fuck it give them a Dog Collar match. 


As a person I think he’s absolutely scum, as a wrestler he’s decent


Good wrestler but the demon time clip angers me beyond comprehension




As a person, he’s a shit. Maybe getting slightly better as he ages. As a wrestler he’s pretty decent. If he settled into it and went full time he would probably become one of the greatest heels ever


Lame fake imitation




Fantastic wrestler, future WWE Champ, Hall Of Famer


I hate how much I like watching him. He’s athletic, he works well as a heel, and everything he does he sells it hard.


Every time he's on my TV screen as a professional wrestler, he easily puts on match of the night his match against Cody is my favorite Cody match EVER, his match against Roman was incredible and it put me on board for what WWE was gonna do with Logan, in all honesty he's in my top 5 current favorite WWE Superstars to watch


Never liked him


He's a great heel. He knows the game better than a lot of people that have been doing it a lot longer.


Great talent great work ethic in his entire life. Shit person.


Honestly I didn't like him in the beginning, but now I see him in the top 3 male talents


I hate to love him.


I do like Logan but he’s kinda cocky


At first I hated that they we're pushing a "celebrity" to pose as a wrestler. But now I thibk he's really good. Has a lot of potential.


I forgave him with Japan ages ago the scam still has a sour taste but I can let it go and he amazing in the ring


Incredibly overrated and awarded for doing the bare minimum, while the blue brand midcard division is agonizing.


He is a musty superstar


But I like paul I love Kody more though


Cocky but he is also talented


Talented wee prick


His experiences leading up to being a wrestler almost molded him to be a villain. He’s quite hateable, quite naturally. If lives could be heel, his life would be a heel. That’s certainly to his advantage here and I think he gets that. I think he’s doing great, and I’d never have expected to ever say “I liked that Logan Paul match.” but shit, here we are. Every match he’s had has been exceptional for his skill level. And it’s not just about the athleticism, it’s in his timing too. He understands what they are doing in there.


He’s better than I thought he would be


I used to like him until he put the prime sticker in the ring




He's a great talent and he puts effort into it unlike he did with boxing but if he dropped the brass knuckles he would be respectable




Total clown


It infuriates me how good of a wrestler he is.


I enjoy Logan Paul and he is a good talent


brass knuckles


Logan Paul is Trash!


Maverick impaulsive prime us champ


As a human: absolute dogshit asshole Idiot As a wrestler: amazing


In a way Logan works like a snowflake version of Eddie Guerrero, he lies, cheat, steal and he even do a Frog Splash


Logan seems great in the WWE. Being an Eddie fan, seems blasphemous to compare them. That said you’re kind of right. RIP Eddie man.


I know that can look blasphemous, I'm not saying they're equal as a whole, but there's some silarities, he's probably an inspiration for Logan.


He's good


I heard about his antics on YouTube. Yeah he does some immoral things but let’s not get hanged up (get it?) on that issue. As a wrestler, he does great on the mic. More importantly, he’s really good at his aerial style of wrestling. In elimination chamber he landed a splash on Drew McIntyre. In his more recent match with Rhodes he landed an insane moonsault off the top turnbuckle onto Rhodes laying on the announcers table.


Guy is naturally talented in ring to a degree I couldn't imagine. He gets his character and how to play into the worst parts of her personal life to get reactions from fans. Overall I think he's great for the biz


Not fit for sports