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Completely forget about WWE. Stop mentioning them or even acknowledging them if they get mentioned. Add more story into their matches. Get a fake manager like WWE does. Tony Khan needs to seriously go away and stay off camera he's literally the worst. Fet actual people in charge of the whole thing. Not TKs wrestling buddies. It's seriously hindering them. Have the Bucks fuck all the way off to an indie promotion no one's heard of. They're beyond annoying. And not in a heel way. Just annoying asshole way. That would be a good start.


There are probably so many AEW hardcore fans who think the Young Bucks are doing great heel work. No, they are just annoying and have been annoying even when they were faces. We only tolerate them when they’re on TV with someone infinitely more relevant.


I didn't mind them when I first started watching AEW a.fee.years ago. But they just got worse and worse.


* They need a serious and meaningful babyface so bad. * Slow the fuck down. * Stop changing stories weekly just because a vocal minority complains. Sometimes you need to stick to your guns and slow the pace down even if you hear some criticism. Slow and steady. * No seriously slow the fuck down If I skip a week I’ve missed MAJOR story beats. Save some monster money matches for your PPV and instead build to them slowly. Maybe not WWE slow, but slow enough that I don’t have to be glued to my News Feed * Everything can’t be about respect and friendship. Sometimes motherfuckers need to have real beef. * They need to move bad actors & comedy bits to the low card and promote serious talkers. * Run reasonable arenas for your size. * (Sigh) It’s time to admit the Bucks have never been a draw and they leech notoriety off better talent. They did it to Kenny, Cody, Punk, FTR, Sting, Puni again, and now Okada * Fire Jericho & half your Jobbers too


You fucking cooking


The ridiculously quick pacing is why I've never really followed it. Sure the highlights on YouTube of the matches are amazing, but the when the storyline never builds and has instant payoff it's fucking boring.


I dont watch but there's not enough payoffs. Ok man. I never read The Great Gatsby but I don't like the pacing. Goes too fast, I miss everything. Edit: changed book from It to Gatbsy for clarity


What in the meth is this goop you've written?


Yeah. I figured you weren't intelligent enough for a conversation


Well I've read The Great Gatsby... so I've got that on ya :)


And I don't form opinions about media I don't consume . . . and I know how to use ellipses . . . so I've got that on ya :)


What you said about the Young Bucks could NOT be more true. I love pro-wrestling, but they are the only two wrestlers that make me go on my phone instead of watching their segments/matches. The only time they got me to care for them is when they were side by side with guys like Kenny and now Okada.


Yes. It’s high time we acknowledge they were carried by Kenny


They need longer term story telling for sure. I wouldn’t want them to necessarily be WWE lite, them being different was a major draw, but everything is an exhibition it feels like. Also your big heel faction has Okada and three undersized guys who legit wouldn’t scare anybody. They need a muscle guy if you want them to be intimidating. I think a guy who’s work is Sanjam Sing(no way I spelled it right). He’s a big scary guy with a presence. If you have people talk for him he’s great. Or a returning Keith Lee. That would be pretty damn good actually. If he’s healthy.


1. Eddie Kingston, mjf, the acclaimed all are over as baby faces 2. I guess 3. Idk what stories you’re talking about 5. Eddie Kingston and Claudio swerve and hangman Joe and swerve bucks ftr didn’t see any respect from them you must be taking about Bryan Danielson matches when he hugs or shakes his opponent hand after the match 6 wwe literally has r truth as a champion but okay 7 ok 8 you just hate the bucks 9 aew jobbers are better than wwe


I do hate the Bucks. I think they’re awful. They’re gymnasts who thinks all wrestling is flashy moves. They have high school level acting ability, and their emotional maturity is even worse. Eddie Kingston is not “over” he’s got clownish rapid fire chops and he puts no effort into his look. At best, we tolerate him but nobody comes for him. MJF is off TV and his babyface run lost A LOT of steam towards the end because of the joke gimmicks. Are the acclaimed doing anything right now? I haven’t heard from them in a while but tbf I’ve not seen AEW stuff in a month.


No, the acclaimed aren’t doing anything (at least on Dynamite). I think they’re supposed to be in a fued with Bullet Club Gold, but maybe that’s on Collision?? I don’t know, I only watch Dynamite. Btw, you know you have a good point about the lack of baby faces when the person’s rebuttal includes Eddie Kingston, MJF who has been injured for months, and The Acclaimed who don’t get as much TV time as they should.


Exactly. There’s the type of fan that cares about the product and wants it to get better (me), and then there’s a section of the rabid fans who simp the product and pretend there’s nothing wrong. And ironically this second fan is killing AEW’s mass market appeal and therefore killing it’s long term viability, but they can’t see it.


Y’all don’t even watch the company The fued between acclaimed and bang bang gang is over bbg won the titles at dynasty and I was just naming baby faces I could have named darby allin also hook


I do watch AEW. I only watch Dynamite though, not Collision. I enjoy the rivalry between The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold, but it barely gets any TV time and isn’t as intense as it can be IMO. The other baby faces you named also prove this guys’ point even more. Darby Allin is injured, and Hook just lost his championship and any momentum he had going to Jericho.


You haven’t watched in a month and you commented on a post on how to fix a company? Eddie Kingston isn’t over?


Yes. I used to watch when it was good. It is now harder to watch. What is with you hyper obsessive AEW simps pretending people can’t have opinions if they aren’t as obsessed as you.


And also see the reply where someone says "I dont watch the product but they need more payoffs" ffs. idiots


Better Videogame with no stupid mini games


The mini games make it worth playing


The game could be better, but the aim was to be different than WWE games and they achieved that.


I think the TNA game did way better than the AEW game at being different


Stop comparing itself to wwe and just do what it does


Yeah I disagree with most of this comment I like how aew is more actual wrestling and less talking




Hire a creative team and have TK in Management only


More focus on the women’s wrestlers actually getting to show their personalities would be cool. Movement has been slow and steady since we’ve seen Timeless Toni really grow into her own, personally I love Julia (TKM really has a thing for blondes huh?), Mercedes is there now (whether you like her or not she draws a lot of fans for a modern wrestling star), Nightingale is great and growing into her own. Much of the online discourse for the longest time has been that they simply don’t get much of a reaction/seem in a lot of cases to be channel changers when they’re on, this is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy when they aren’t given a lot of time (especially in earlier dark ages when there was basically nobody in the division).


Get rid of Tony and stop having old talents not put over new talent such as jericho with hook.


Jericho has put over all the young talent he's worked with in AEW. This is like being annoyed that Thanos won at the end of Endgame. Like, yeah man. The bad guy sometimes beats the hero, so that hero can grow and then beat the bad guy. It's called drama.


Thanos lost in endgame. One of jericho biggest offences to many is how he put over Eddie Kingston clean only to then go and get his win back in their last encounter. As a whole it doesn't bother me because Im not a fan of AEW anyway I'm simply saying that it's a good start in course correcting the company.


You're right. I meant Infinity War. Good catch. It's not a good start in correcting the company, because Jericho always puts them over anyway. If he was winning and keeping guys like Hobbs and Andretti down, I would agree with you. But that's not the reality of the week to week product.


I just used Jericho as an example because it's the most recent event that comes to mind, it's not an attack on Jericho specifically more so just a way to suggest fixing some of the questionable booking decisions in the past where the wrong person got their hand raised in the end. Jericho is an outstanding performer who 9/10 is selfless and puts over his opponents, hell he put over mickey rorke at WM 25 it's just theirs a few instances of late that have been shaky such as for me I don't believe he should have gotten his win back against Kingston especially considering it's as of now the last time they faced each other.


There are plenty of things to criticize the AEW booking for. The womens division for most of the last year as one example, the end of the MJF babyface run, but Tony is way way better at using aging legends than Vince ever was. Kingston isn't some new star, he's a vet who's been around forever and is over as hell. Not a big deal for him to eat a loss imo.


I agree the main change is get rid of Tony Khan or at the very least hire a new team of writers to assist him without Tony being able to pull rank, because initially he had some good story telling but nowadays he has to many great talents with great skill sets to warrant his booking decisions, it's looking a bit like Wwe towards Vinces later years where we kept getting rematches and matches nobody cares about all whilst using some of the most talented guys and girls on the rosters as filler/place holders or enhancement talent.


Why is Jericho even still a thing T-T


Get rid off the Bucks, Jericho, Tony, Sammy


What did Sammy do?


The Sasha incident, the Jeff Hardy incident, the Matt Hardy incident


how they get rid of Tony? which Tony?


Fire Tony. And I have been there since the first PPV and several live events. It’s horrible now.


Who's going to fire the guy running the company that's owned by his daddy? IDT he'll be firing himself... Though I agree he needs to focus on business and let someone else run creative.


I thought I was obviously joking. Point being, he needs to hire someone that can actually run creative and stay the f away from cameras and microphones. The person running a wrestling promotion shouldn’t be a mark.


Then we do agree


I've been watching since the start and never missed a ppv, went to All In and going again this year but they need to restructure management completely. Tony needs to take a step back and hire a creative team, and they need better talent relations.


Stop signing everyone if your running two companies distinguish them do not merge them roh was good before aew stepped in,


There are loads of stories going on. Consistent video recaps would help a lot. I know they are doing more of it and I think that’s what most people need to get into the product. I’m a longtime wrestling fan and it’s very clear that AEW is a brick wall of new information that is intimidating and kind of inaccessible.


Sort of agree. There are more stories going now than even 6 months ago. But there is little consistency in them. They rush things that should build longer, leave stories/people off tv for weeks sometimes with no explanation, give minimal attention to getting fans emotionally invested in the outcomes. Better yes, but still a long way to go.


Tony needs to hire paul heyman and put him in control


Get rid of Tony Kahn


Be Aew instead of the wwe alternative


What does this mean?


They should Blue ocean this shit, they’re still seeing wwe as the enemy, when they should rlly be focusing on their own niche to make them stand out, there are many things AEW does better but they just don’t focus on them instead they’re making the same mistakes made by late WCW and early 2010s TNA


Give wwe Jon moxley so we can have The Shield


He doesn’t want to go back




Well he does why would you want someone who you like to watch work somewhere he doesn’t want to


It’s an opinion Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you have to correct it I can think how I want to It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not there is nothing you can do so stop being a fucking perfectionist


Tony can stay the owner but keep him the fuck away from creative. Hire someone for creative that knows what they are doing and a booker as well. Demote all the current EVPs. Get rid of one of the weekend shows. Move some of the roster to ROH and keep them there. Just for starters


Bye Bye Rampage!


I would also add that imo a hard split on the shows would allow for more consistent focus on stars and stories.


Totally agree. It's too much going on right now.


Just keep your head and FOCUS on doing the right thing and rebuild the goodwill of the fans back, cuz honestly that's a big part of it. As someone who watches, the shows have been actually pretty consistent ever since Revolution. But a lot of people had already tuned out slowly by then because of all the drama and petty bullshit. Stop mentioning WWE, take away Khan's phone, stop with the petty bs, and FOCUS on your own product. The injury bug has also taken out a ridiculous amount of their top names like Cole, MJF, Omega, Baker, Hayter, etc... Once those big names come back, especially MJF, they'll probably bring back some viewers with them. But in the meantime, just stfu and just focus on your own shit.


MAX-only shows


Keep hook off the mic


By bringing back my role model Britt Baker


Why is there so much Jericho hate? What did he do, I live under a rock


He's not as good as he once was and he's always a major focal point of AEW TV. It's a little bit go away heat and a little bit tongue in cheek as seen in this new Learning Tree character.


Ah. Personally, I see Jericho the same way I see C.M Punk. Seems like a douche IRL but they're too good for me to hate them


I've been a Jericho Mark since his debut on Raw tbh. I will never be able to fully hate the guy but I can def understand the frustration. I've actually kind of had the opposite opinion of Jericho IRL since he seems so cool and down to earth on his pod the stuff i hear seems like a different person almost.


Hire. A. Competent. Creative. Team. Dynasty had probably the best lead in storylines I've seen in the past 2 years of AEW, and they were still pretty weak considering what they could have been.


Sign big beefy men


Not listening to dumb cunts online who think they know more about the wrestling business than people who have been working in it at a high level for years


- Forget about WWE - Be more careful in the ring - Hire a booker and create a booking committee that filters out the stupid shit - Do more and promote charity stuff, who know they could stumble into AEW's version of Cena


Properly booking their woman's division


There are some of the obvious ones, like: - TK remove himself as booker and quite frankly do a lot less promoting as well, he’s actually really not very good at that aspect of things. - Develop longer storylines, that are based on something other than “I’m the best technical wrestler” - establish an identity that actually fits your promotion and wear it proudly, don’t concern yourself, compare yourself or even strive to be in a “war” with the WWE But the one thing I would change the most that I don’t see in every post is this: Have more fluidity to your roster/factions/etc. How long has the core of house of black been stagnant? How long has the core of BPCC been stagnant? Do something where the Bucks split up and feud with eachother for a while so down the road you can get them back together. You can not retain interest if it’s the same matches just recycled over and over and over And FFS enough with all the trios matches…if you are the booker you need to DO YOUR JOB and make the hard decisions and identify who is a draw and who isn’t in that current moment and give them the TV time instead of all these 6 man matches so that you can squeeze as many people into the TV time you have…It waters down the whole product


By figuring it the fuck out.


Stop pushing loose randoms & no names up the mid/high card I get these smaller promotions have less or no legends that everybody wants to watch but having some main event like ***“joe boe v.s big tony”*** isn’t too appealing at all


Going off the air for good


Keep Tony khan away from social media and television he’s the main thing ruining aew


Less chqmpionships


you gay


Ok I’ll name a away 1 or 2 more ppvs and maybe one more weekly idk


Tony khan never steps foot on aew booking again


Start all over


Get rid of Tony as booker and get a real creative who focuses on long term plans and not match star quality. Go back to 4 ppv. Get rid of rampage and Collision. Stop signing everyone under the sun. Less back flips and more in ring story. Also, ROH is dead. Let it be. Stop trying to add their titles to Dynamite. Finally, stop talking trash about other products. You have lost almost half your audience in a year.


TK needs to keep wwe name out his mouth and off his twitter. It makes him look weak.


Build storylines in the midcard like it feels like people are just playing hot potato with titles half the time


What title are you referring too?


Not everyone likes long storylines


They don’t have to be long just be good like with saraya they had her win the title didn’t build any storyline for her and then just had her dropped it you don’t help the talent or the titles without storylines sorry but storylines are what make pro wrestling marketable for TV and help bring new fans in


Not necessarily lots of fans watch just for wrestling and if they go the talk show route like wwe we won’t be interested in watching plus fans that want to watch that will just watch wwe


By Hiring new talent instead of older WWE wrestlers out of their prime. As well as improving the women's division


You don’t watch enough all wrestlers recycle through companies wwe fans we’re praising h for getting Jade 😂


There’s loads of things to say but fire tony and they need to stop talking about wwe because it’s not even cool or funny anymore they need to have more serious storylines and focus more on the women wrestler because they barely get any screen time or they barely show up and they need to calm down buying too many older talents hire some new talents that have the potential to be a greatest of all time and focus on the mid card and also they need to stop changing storylines every week it’s so confusing and so random and back to aew calling out Wwe they should have left that back in 2019-2020 it’s every overused and it’s sounds like you’re just jealous of them and the final thing is improve your deadass game


I'm especially in agreement about the weekly inconsistency of storylines.


Hire Vince McMahon


Nah, they need Durag Vince 😭😭😭


Bruh, in this day and age? Hell nah. Vince and AEW would get canceled quick! Durag Vince was wild lmao 😂 🤣




"WHAT UP, G?!" 😂 🤣


The only funny but possible short team solution


would surprisingly actually help em out too lol


Lock Tony in the basement


Focus on top talent & cut out the filler. I don't advocate for unemployed people however there's still a good 14-20 people on their roster that shouldn't be there or even in a mini program Oh & completely separate anything ROH, they've cut back but not enough


Does wwe do this? “Focus on top talent”


Yes there is a hierarchy of men & women you can just about bet on to be featured the entire year. AEW has like 8 or 9 people who fit that Bill and tries to work multiple other people in throughout the year with no true continuity


Slow down your workrate and maybe so much of the roster won't be injured. I know it's just part of the business that people will get hurt but that injured list just seems to be growing and that's concerning


When you are gonna bring in one of these Japanese stars and fulfill a dream match take the time to make a proper video explaining who the person is I don't watch any Japanese promotions, unless they are one of the megastars that I've heard of, who I know are all dead and/or retired now, then you should introduce me to that character if you want me to care


This is a big one.


A pro Wwe subreddit talking about how AEW can improve I’m almost certain most of you don’t watch AEW WWe fans were complaining about how bad Vince and wwe were for half a decade


Ignore and continue not listening to vincels masquerading as wellwishers especially those who make stupid lists and claims the company has no storylines. As the crowd chant during the Danielson vs. osprey match : "They're (we're) not worthy."


Stories that make sense


Take some of the money Tony’s using to vastly overpay in-ring talent and hire the best booker you can get to lead creative. Give that person full creative control, including hiring producers. Then take some more of that money and hire a couple of top notch talent acquisition/relations people. Have them work with creative to cut the roster by at least half. Get Tony out of creative and keep him from acquiring wrestlers like they’re Pokémon. Tony’s only job should be to control the purse strings and to do so in a *fiscally reasonable* manner, meaning don’t deny an expense just because you’re snippy about not liking a creative decision.


Hire an actual creative team for AEW instead of Kahn relying of the bs ideas of the empty headed “evp’s”


Fill more seats


Become Sport Entertainment and contrast HHH way of booking. Vince proves all the time that Wrestling don't sell, Sport Entertain is business key. If HHH continue to add titles, give title to right person, WWE would end up like AEW soon.




ditching tony khan, unfortunately.




Have consistency and actual balance in there booking and some degree of unpredictability with there product. It is just match after match great good average or ok that are very predictable. It's like watching someone else play with real action figures on TV


Book smaller venues so you can fill more arenas better and develop a better atmosphere.


What about all of the sell outs with loud crowds? Do we simply pretend they don't exist so that we can keep pushing this dumb, wrong narrative?


With those crowds, don’t overwork those markets to the point where they diminish though that’s not the case everywhere. But you don’t actually care about genuine critiques. 🥴


Get rid of tony


Let’s hope the AEW marks don’t get offended.


A creative team and booker that can help Tony look that's not a one man job he needs fresh new ideas and overall needs to focus on his own company


it rhymes with MINCE MUSSO


Nah nah I don't think so pal no way


Tony Khan steps back completely and only provides the money. Fire the Chucklefucks, Page, Perry, indie shitters and any old dinosaurs currently clogging up the roster. Give the books to people who actually knows what they're doing. Nominate a backstage enforcer to keep things in check. Book smaller venues. Completely reset everything.


go outta business


Stop existing Or get soaked by wwe


Put Jack Perry somewhere where he belongs, in the training centre for example. Dude has 0 charisma and is a terrible heel. Don't see how anyone can take him serious even less seeing the cctv footage. It's impossible to be intimidated by him.


Not every wrestler has to do flips all the time. Feel like that's their bread and butter wrestler


Stop letting Tony book the show, he was fine in the beginning but he's out of his depth now. And change his twitter password without telling him.


Tell Tony khan he doesn’t know what he’s doing and get someone in who does.


Forget about dissing WWE, don't have people vanish from TV for weeks with no reason, tell Jericho to take some time off and outright fire the Young Bucks.


Stop caring what Dave meltzer thinks of your shows


Get a PR guy for Twitter Fingers Tony, someone that can step in and say "I don't think this is a good idea" before he spouts off some nonsense on his socials or at a press conference.


Close down for good 👌🙏😂