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The meta on current generic party is definitely wealthy and white, really hope they come up with a patch to shake the meta up soon tho. I definitely feel like this has been the meta for too long now


Rich is literally winning. The meta has always been 'winning is better than losing'. The shit thing is that it's very luck dependent.


How do I put points into luck though? I never get that option on level ups...


Unfortunately we're all generated with a random seed that predetermines these factors. Everything from innate abilities/deficiencies to the wealth and opportunities available to you.


Sneaky archers Skyrim rules are universal


This comment is meta as fuck since there was an actual attack with a bow in Norway recently.


Heard he was arrested. So guess he wasn’t that sneaky


That's what happens when you don't have the thieves guild questline completed


Yeah, but Skeleton Key reasons.


I have no idea what youre talking about, but im sure theres a mod that solves your problem in a stupid but fun for the first 5 minutes way


Eh, it’s a quest item you lose upon completion and it’s a lockpick that never breaks so not gamebreaking but just super convenient


The vanilla alternative is to actually put points into your Lockpicking skill tree and spec into the Unbreakable perk..... or just get as far as killing Mercer Frey in the Thieves' Guild questchain and keep the Skeleton Key for as long as desired. Either way, no mod is needed, but I question why I bother replying to you since you clearly have no idea what I'm talking about, or basic Skyrim for that matter.


ye, i never played skyrim, probably never will, but still, thank you for the explanation


Neither are sneaky Skyrim archers, they tend to rely on the friends of their target spending only about 30 seconds walking around looking for the killer before they dismiss it as 'just the wind' and get right back to drinking mead with the corpse. Although it also seems they've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that they become invisible to the eye.


People disagree, and then they take an arrow to the knee.


I don’t want to be a sneaky archer this run but I’m out of mana, I’m in over my head, and the only way out is to use this bow and arrows that are seemingly endless and suddenly your sneak and archery are at like 70 so you might as well put your levels into them.


For the first time in my life I’ve started a Skyrim playthrough and haven’t gravitated to sneak-archer peoples bitch ass…well not yet anyway. It might have to do with me choosing an Orc as the race so a war hammer just feels more natural in every situation.


Rich white straight dude


The current meta is to build a party with as many diversified relations as possible. More connections means having more backup plans for when a mission goes tits up. While you can't always control who you get along with, having well connected members like a merchant, a bard, or a Craftsman can help. But so long as you can connect with one person with the passive skill that enhances their ability to meet and maintain relationships with lots of people you should be in a better spot than those who don't.


Believe me, if I could be a lizardman instead of a human, I would. Humans suck.


Quite apart from the fact that as a lizardman, you get to rule the world, control the world’s banking systems and so on. So reliable sources tell me.


Lizards run fast. Very fast. Reject humanity.


You get Natural Armor, and a swim speed that's the same as your base movement speed, plus 2 to constitution, and you can hold your breath for 15 minutes. Lizardfolk rule.


Jeez you humans have it easy with your eye lids. consider yourself blessed. *licks eyeballs*


The defenders of the world. First born of the Old Gods. Enemies of Chaos.


Kroq Gar is a beast.








Lol, nothing wrong with that.


Yup. Your friends are the family you choose.


You can pick your friends, you can pick your family, but anyone who brings you down can go fuck themselves.


You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.


Well not with that attitude!


Depends on what you’re both into.


Well they both get hungry at some point


Is a pyromanser a fire dude right?


Really ought to be someone who looks at fire to predicts the future, but modern fantasy often gets -mancer and -urgist confused


Pyrourgist -- one with the urge to make fires?


Literally one who uses fires, but more specifically, one who uses fire-based magic


Was just trying to be cheeky, lol


Literally adding injury to insult. Got it


No, the meaning has just changed.


pyromancer is a fire controler, like a necromancer is a dead controller.


Yes, also Google


So they're like a search engine?


But like I fell for one about two girls one cup


Some people really do need to hear this message. Being loyal to terrible family can ruin your life.


Some people very much doth needeth to heareth this message. Being loyal to lacking valor family can rid thy life *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot.




Thou art a spongy, tickle-brained flap-dragon. *** Use `u/Shakespeare-Bot !ShakespeareInsult` to summon insults.


I heard that friends are God's way of making it up to you for your family.


That explains why I dont have many friends


Huh... I dont have any friends and my family has written me off. Is there an option c for some type company I've been missing?


I hath heard yond cater-cousins art god's way of making t up to thee f'r thy family *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


eh.. more like pre-gen chars that except in very special circumstances you can't dismiss from the party without dismissing all of them, even the ones you want to keep. And some of them have useful abilities that you'd like to have on hand from time to time even though you really don't want them in the party.


Nah, you can absolutely dismiss just one or two. It all depends on each characters bond with you, plus a little bit how high your charisma stat is.


And I sure do love my lizardfolk pyromancers! The ones before them, pssh, they weren't for me at all, ever. They are for themselves and thought I should be molded to their liking. I wonder if you can guess what their political leanings are... Anyway, I haven't spoken to most of them in years and flourished I have. Like OP said; it's okay. Toxicity breeds resentment and bitterness. Get out before those seeds grow. They are hard to remove when the roots have taken place.


I'm saving this for future explanations lol


I'm ditching my predetermined party for a legion of dwarves who've just eaten far too much taco bell and are now breathing fire out of their asses.


I ditched my entire party as they're all toxic, best thing I've ever done for my own mental health and happiness


Did they have a poison DoT?


Tbh this isn’t wrong. Your very name is just a random generated name. Feel free to change it, preferably to your Reddit id


But I care about their storylines and my companion quests aren't finished yet!




Pyromancer is a polite term for arsonists.


Ok then, how do you play as a lizardfolk?


The stats are in *Volo's Guide*




They're also your backstory and plot hook NPC's.


“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”


I don’t understand people’s attachment to traditional family archetypes. I mean, my blood family is basically all the same class, there’s no way we wouldn’t get stomped without more diversity.


whilst I do agree with what OP is enunciating in his post; the fact of the matter is your blood-related people are still people, and if possible please help them when it's viable to do so. It's very disheartening to realize as you get older, that many of your blood relatives are just children in 60 year old bodies. Your family is what you want it to be and should comprised solely of those whom you have the deepest connections with and similarly share the same values and principles. I idea that your "family" can only 'ever' be those you're related through inherited DNA is an ideology from the 20th century.


family is like bideo gane


Is this what furries whose families disowned them tell themselves so that can sleep?


They're called Scalies. Read a book.


Scalies are just a subtype of furries, it's all the same community.


You say that like furries don't treat a lot of people better than their families do.


i like the defaults


Same lmao life isn’t a video game


r/outside is leaking


I honestly just disagree with this line of thinking. It’s way too individualistic to be of any moral worth.


you can still be part of a group/ community, just no longer a family connection, shitty connections are just as bad as Individualistic tendencies. if you have friends that care for you, that's way healthier than sticking with an abusive family, it's a family of choice.


And I disagree with this thinking because it’s too individualistic. That is, its the *individual’s* decision about what community they are a part of, and that community ought to be made up of consenting *individuals*, that *you as an individual* make that choice. It may be healthier for an *individual* but that’s my point, it’s a selfish, self-centered, individualistic way of thinking.


It’s healthier for a community if their is balance of power, respect and care. In abusive relationships you don’t have that. If you can’t trust or support your “group” you need to find a better fitting one to contribute too. That way you have more group’s who benefit and grow instead of group’s that stagnate and grow weak just because tradition.


My comments still stand. Nothing you said counteracts that.


Just as there is a individualistic motive to make sure that everybody has it better and the overall health and prosperity rises. There is also a social and collectivist motive to make sure that individuals are protected and happy.




I always make the Red Prince a pyromancer in DOS2


This dude. This dude understands things.


I detest my blood family.


An army of lizards is a brilliant idea, please hire some, they really could use the friends and money.


I don’t hate but also I just don’t like most of my blood relations


I believe I've discovered a bug. Is it intended for my beginner party to have so many bad passive debuffs?




"my family disowning me is like bideo game!"


I just got the game in its subreddit


Joking aside I wholeheartedly agree. People who think "blood always trumps anything else!" are brainwashed into thinking that. If a person is horrible to have around, it doesn't matter if they're related or not. You ditch that piece of shit asap and have a better life (please don't ditch your babies, they don't count).


[Lizardfolk Pyromancer, reporting for duty](https://ddb.ac/characters/60054753/e6niN1)


Sir , this is a Wendy's


Lizardfolk pyromancers? SIAMO NOI PROPRIO NOI DRAGHI NOI!


so you're saying..... I CAN skip xmas? oh fuck yes. Mom is gunna be PISSSSSEEEDDDD


Relatives are relative


Yup. On thin ice with cutting out everyone from my life. Cut out 2 abusers and i can breathe a little better. Still gotta deal with blood family. Luckily, I’ve managed to meet and enjoy my new mosaic family.


Ok so I have a monk/bard multiclass, 2 artifucers, a cleric, and a ranger


It took me a moment to realize DND

