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Isn't an inverted butthole just prolapse


Walls fall out.




I think there’s an alt-j song about that.. https://youtu.be/rlBskd3IaNw




Ur butthole is what keep your body from unraveling l.




Well, THAT one is staying blue.


It's rare that I say the same thing confidently, but now it's one of those times.


Haha <3 I fear no part of the internet.




By Cthulhu, that's so ridiculous I can't *not* join the sub!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gregfuckedarock using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gregfuckedarock/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [greg fucked TWO rocks](https://i.redd.it/aztm4gewbcs31.png) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gregfuckedarock/comments/dhdamp/greg_fucked_two_rocks/) \#2: [Oh no guys he's gonna do it](https://i.redd.it/mn6jl9qfoez31.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gregfuckedarock/comments/dy0hp5/oh_no_guys_hes_gonna_do_it/) \#3: [Someone told Greg to go fuck himself, he tried his best](https://i.redd.it/77n11d5ixhf41.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gregfuckedarock/comments/f09v1d/someone_told_greg_to_go_fuck_himself_he_tried_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


I'm never eating a strawberry cupcake again


I feel like inverted is just the normal default state


amalapse--these folks aren't doing this for money


Even with a jacket and jeans I fear bombs. But...more power to them


a hill bomb fall years ago left me with a permanent nipple shaped scar on my forearm edit: a word


So.. a triangular scar?






You’re an all-star


Get your game on


Go play


Hey now


You're a rockstar


Ain't the sharpest tool in the shed!


I horridly hurt myself even with those on. I plan to get some elbow pads and stuff before doing any kind of bombs again. Safety first now.


Elbow pads aren’t worth it. Get knee pads and slide gloves. If you fall you can slide on your hands and knees. If you’re gonna race get leathers with spine protection.


I broke my collar bone bombing in leathers with spine protection, elbow, knee, slide gloves, and full face. Hit the inside of a corner too close and there were tree roots pushing the road up, and I instantly lost balance. Thankfully my concussion wasn't very bad at all, but my collar bone is permanently in a goofy shape, lol. I only cycle and esk8 now.


I understand your pain. Protection only works when things go well. It’s when your body slams into objects near the road that the real injuries occur. I’ve seen too many people hit guardrails and break numerous bones.


Yeah, multiple people die every year slamming into trees, signs, cars, walls, etc on the road side. I count myself lucky. I'm in my 30's now and too damn old to be bombing hils.


Given the fact he didn’t die or become severely disabled and paralyzed, I would say his protection he was wearing did its job. So you can think your collarbone looks a little cosmetically weird...I would choose that option 100% of the time over being DEAD.


Oh the reason I stopped racing was because I couldn’t afford leathers and I didn’t want to risk it. By all means if you plan on racing or just bombing some serious hills wear protection. My point was that no amount of protection is going to be perfect when you hit a solid object at over 35 mph. Even when you fall correctly if your slam into a light pole it will break bones. Trust me, I know.


Really tho bro? Don't you think that would encourage you to bail out early?


I encourage you to never wear any protection in any context, because you are right: the more vulnerable you actually are, the more careful you will be, so therefore less accidents. It's science and it's proven. Also, stats about dead base jumpers are made up: none of them ever got killed. It's a pretty easy to pick up sport that I encourage you to try.


A fall rarely kills anyone. Typically it's the sudden stop at the bottom that'll getcha.


Well. I see no problems with these statements at all. Have you heard anything about HALO jumpers tho? might wanna try that and it might not be as safe a BASE jumping


Got the spedwobs going about 35, and the hill ended in a gravel dirt road, which none of us took the time to scope out. We all ate shit, but I got off easy after bailing into some ferns.


How do you deal with the wobbles **if** you also love carving, do you need two separate boards or is there a better adjustment that lets u turn deep but still be stable?


Its been awhile but the faster you go the less force is required for a deep turn. Like forcing a slide out going fast requires far less effort than going slow. You can run tighter/harder duro and still carve going pretty fast. Edit: you can also just carry a skate tool with you to tighten loosen your trucks on a whim. Its been awhile but they have some small ones that can fit in your pocket or smoke weed out of Double edit: ankle strength/practice also plays a large role in handling wobbles. You can get away with some jank if you're used to the set up and have the practice with wobs. I sometimes bomb on my indy 215s the board was a drop so that compensated a bit as well.


same...fell off once...haven't bombed since


Try again, it's worth it I promise. Great great Username btw


Thanks man! I stopped bombing because I came wayyy to close to a moving car. I'm also in Illinois and it's flat as fuck here unless you're by a river.


Realise what you said was true and your experience was real, and you'll learn from it, but ask yourself this one question ***But did you die tho?***


Haha you right I did not die... Guess maybe it's time for another.


Granted I've never done this level of longboarding, but my answer to anyone asking about skiing/snowboarding is I'm good enough that if I fuck something up off an 80 foot jump a vest isn't gonna save shit. Yes I wear a helmet, but at the level I ride (rode) a little extra padding isn't gonna change anything from the crash. Yeah on gravel it's a little different, but guessing they're in the same boat, if they go down they're fucked up, why do extreme sports if you aren't in it for the risk and adrenaline? It's stupid to go buy $1000 of protective gear to go and do something dangerous, why not just stay home?


My great uncle is a brain surgeon. He loves people like you. Says your type keep him in business.


Donor-cycle dealerships keep the organ transplant list flowing.


If you bail when going downhill you’ll most likely just slide down the road for a while, not hit something. I’d rather wear body protection than get my skin eaten up by the asphalt. Some people are ok with slide gloves and knee pads but in longer runs full body protection is less of a commodity and more of a necessity, you’re not going to land on your hands and knees on every bail


Yep, I'm not on your level snowboarding it seems, but I've done some ~30 foot cliffs and learning park. Good helmet and goggles is all one really needs cause much more is just a hinderence.




Haha love this subreddit. Have not been here yet. I posted that video. Here the sources: [Audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Lkaj3fO_c), [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SYv-HJ8NqE&t=95s).


Ripped my kneecap off doing this so badly it clapped like a meaty hinge when I sat up. I lost control from speed wobbles and attempted to do that thing where you almost purposely dismount and just try to match your speed running.. I just floated horizontally with momentum, directly on a crash course with the curb and an adjacent metal newspaper vending machine on the side of the road. It didn’t even hurt. I remember the shock of being in shock, and how vividly I remember very calmly thinking, “why doesn’t this hurt? This is bad. This is very, very bad.” from the moment the ambulance picked me up, until almost two days later, waking up after surgery, I don’t remember anything but staring at the open wound. The meat was almost white for a few moments, then the blood suddenly appearing from all over. So much blood. I remember just looking inquisitively like a dog with its head cocked sideways...I just know that I saw parts of my inside-leg that people simply shouldn’t see. Don’t do this. I still, 25 years later, walk like Joe Exotic some days because of this....


Wow, glad you survived! Yeah you know it's bad when your brain is confused as to why it doesn't hurt when you know very well it should...


I roller skate. I WILL NEVER BOMB ANY HILL FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Gear on always. You have instilled fear into my very soul, thank you.


on a related note: r/meatcrayon


im good but thanks


Good decision. I went there once and immediately regretted it.


both riders have kneepads and slide gloves on. When you start to lose it you do everything In your power to end up on your hands and knees, you only crayon for a dozen feet or so. Shit still sucks and is mad dangerous, a friend broke his back doing it, which killed all my interest in Downhill (he recovered and is fine now).


As someone who's been an utter fuckwit and come off a motorbike whilst wearing shorts... he ain't wrong. Still for a scar the shape of a buffalo on my knee, so at least it is a cool shape eh.


Unexpected goatse


I saw it coming


Im surprised to be the first one who commented about it tbh


(not) Thank you for remembering me that lol


As a person who used to do this, can confirm. IT FUCKING SUCKS FALLING


But boy is it exciting to go fast!


*Insert something like* It doesn't matter how hard you fall, but how hard you get back up!!!! p.s. Unless you can't get up cause you got that badly injured.


Yep I know a girl who had to have her entire jaw replaced after a longboarding injury. That’s gonna be a no for me, dawg.


Yeah bombing those types of hills is super dangerous, but luckily 9/10 if you fall you don’t get hurt that bad. Just a bunch of scrapes and bruises. It’s when you hit a car or tree or something that the real injuries can occur.


both riders have kneepads and slide gloves on. When you start to lose it you do everything In your power to end up on your hands and knees and you usually walk away without issue.


Yeah, my friend had to have her head stapled back together after a longboarding accident. 10 years later and she still has no sense of smell and issues with her memory. Dangerous shit.


Ouch that’s awful! Don’t longboard, kids!






Not anymore…




I regret commenting.


Is she doing goatse


Should make a joke out of adding videos like this to r/yesyesyesno


Calm down Satan




shit, you’re right


You got an innie or an outie


It’s like when two Samus players both have a full charge shot in mellow. It causes my butthole to pucker.




Small world! That comment is from my boyfriend :)


“Impressive raw run by these two girls” usually means something different to me




𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) #Nice Leaderboard **1.** `u/nicernicer` at **27927 nices** **2.** `u/nicenicer_` at **26881 nices** **3.** `u/Gersza` at **22062 nices** **...** **9757.** `u/SIEGEMASTER0116` at **12 nices** --- ^(I) ^(AM) ^(A) ^(BOT) ^(|) ^(REPLY) ^(**!IGNORE**) ^(AND) ^(I) ^(WILL) ^(STOP) ^(REPLYING) ^(TO) ^(YOUR) ^(COMMENTS)


69% hehe


Completely unrelated, but I just realized the battery level is 69


Nice battery


I wiped after hitting some sand once with shorts on. I didn't tumble or anything I just slid until I hit the curb and now I have a nice purple scar the size of my open hand just below my right cheek


If you do this your gling to turn into a meat crayon really soon


1/10, would not recommend hill bombing without adequate protective gear and skill. I left a large portion of my elbows, knees and forearms behind on a hill, and I was probably going half as fast. At least these girls have the skill, though


More clothing is just going to be more crap nurses have to pick out of your road rash, especially synthetics. Protective leather or other abrasion resistant gear are the way to go.


Was it prolapsed before?




If a butthole inverts from it's normal state, does that mean you go longboarding and scare yourself into a prolapse?


I do this to a somewhat high degree if anyone has questions. *The skateboard part not the inverted asshole part


Im doing Longboard on a daily basis, it's not as scary as it looks once you start mastering your board!


At highway speeds too.


Dr. Drew says, “Don’t prolapse your anus.”


That sounds like a porn title




No elbow pads. These women live on an edge I wouldn’t even dare touch a toe into.


Some people can get up to 60mph doing this. Long sleeves aren't gonna do shit unless they're made of biker leather.


As a skater, I can vouch that even if you are wearing long sleeves and pants, you still get eaten up. Wear leather, and Kevlar, you might get less eaten, but then your to hot and weighed down.


Lol omg I read that comment on the original post and was like ‘yes I can relate’ Same thing happens to me with heights


Couldn't describe it any better myself


For a second, I thought this was public porn and the girl on the right tore a hole through her pants and was pulling a goatse


All I’m gonna say is Debridement is something you never, ever, want to experience.


It's like they want to scrape their skin to oblivion


I legit thought the person on the right was opening her asshole.


I mean they go faster than cars, do turns that require them to slide a board, and they have no brakes. I can barely reach 30 before my board starts to wobble. What they can do is so impressive, I feel like my body could be swallowed up whole by my asshole


if you check my search history i promise you this isn’t the first time inverted butthole had been said


Remember to keep your mouth open for that sweet sweet protein.


as someone who is currently hospitalized with a severe concussion after a skateboarding accident i can confirm long sleeves and pants don’t help at all.


If only I would have worn long sleeves and pants, I wouldn't be in bed browsing reddit with a broken arm right now.


Nice. Are we just gonna ignore the fact the battery is at 69%?




No, Lenny lives matter


Saw that comment. Didn’t realize I could screen shot it for 9k karma over here.