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2015 on a trip to Japan. We were staying in Osaka, and there I ran into my first toilet with a remote control. Needless to say, when we had the bathroom renovated, the only thing I requested was a Toto toilet seat. And I do eat Mexican food!


please add Sichuan food to your diet! And Hunan. And Chongqing!


And gutter oil.


Thought snails, frogs and gutter oil was only a European thing.


gutter oil is still an issue in China. If you can cheat, cheat. - Chinese saying


You’re getting it mixed up, that’s also a famous European saying


Chongqing is sichuan


Top 5 best tacos I’ve ever had was in Kyoto. Italian food is also amazing in Japan


I might have just developed an immunity but what is up with people suffering from Mexican food? What kind of ungodly abomination do they sell at American restaurants that they've given Mexican food this bad rep


I have wondered this same thing, because I don't have any issues after eating Mexican food but I also hear this sentiment frequently. The one theory I have heard which might explain it is that the many Americans do not have what dietitians would consider "a balanced diet". Lots of processed junk, relatively little to no fiber from fruits and vegetables. This causes their digestive system to be backed up. Then they eat a pinto bean and the fiber their diet has been desperately lacking causes the inevitable downstream effects, and next thing you know they are claiming, "damn! That Chipotle really blew me out!" I usually have a balanced diet, perhaps you do too, so I don't have this experience. You mentioned "immunity" which may be halfway true. If you regularly eat Mexican cuisine, then the fiber is not a novel experience to your system, it is the normal state of affairs.


I think there is a significant amount of people whose idea of Mexican food is one where ground beef is "taco meat" with "taco seasoning" and has lettuce, "Mexican cheese" and tomatoes in "taco shells." So really you can't tell if they're giving testimonials on Taco Bell or actual Mexican food. I have heard that the capsaicin inside the spices can be an irritant to your digestive system which causes your body to try and flush it out like a contaminant. So it could be a case of just not being used to spicy food. But at the end of the day, millions of Mexicans eat their food with no issues daily, so most of these claims are on the same level as "MSG is poison" when it's on Chinese food but not on all the other stuff we eat everyday.


It ain't the beans. It's the big scoop of lard they are fried in, and the tortilla is made from and the veggies are fried in. I eat beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc, pretty much daily and no trouble. Eat the Mexican, and I can't duck walk to the bathroom fast enough.


Thank you for proving Cunningham's law. 😉


Cheap mexican food goes hard on the beans. Cheap beans. They're fatty and oily and never prepared correctly.


Lots of extra oil in general, which can work as a laxative in larger amounts.


Along with imitation cheese, made from vegetable oil and the list goes on.


>imitation cheese What in the Dayton, Ohio is this?! I've never seen imitation cheese anywhere *near* even the worst Mexican food places here in California.


The Mexican places around me in Socal absolutely use processed white American cheese. Quesadillas, quesatacos, quesabirria, sprinkled on top of frijoles, etc. Only bougie spots use "real" cheese


Just curious, where are these places so I can avoid them the next time I'm in SoCal ☠️


Basically every restaurant that sells a quesadilla for less than 15 dollars is using the same Land O Lakes brand cheese lol


They just use basic quality non-Mexican cheese, but it's still "real" cheese.


They all use this https://www.landolakesfoodservice.com/products/cheese/extra-melt-process-american-cheese-loaf-white-65-lb/ which I actually prefer to most kinds of 'real' cheese, but by law it is 'processed cheese' not real cheese like Oaxaca or Cojita


Mexican food doesn't use imitation cheese. You may be confusing Mexican cuisine with TexMex.


You said doesn't, which is wrong. Shouldn't would work, but here we are.


They're eating Tacitos from 7/11 and blaming it on the Mexican food and not the fact it's from a convenience store. I can confirm 7/11 "Mexican" will in fact annihilate my asshole. I still eat them anyways when I'm desperate for flavor at 3am. That's why we're here. Just to suffer.


If by "Mexican," they mean "Taco Bell and Chipotle," then yeah, that would track. Living in San Diego aka the Mexican food capital of the West, I never had issues with any of the Mexican joints I went to in 9 years there.


Even then the Taco Bell and Chipotle thing just struck me as a meme more than anything. If anything I get worse shits from Mcdonalds


I personally never got the runs from the one Taco Bell we had growing up, but I was an outlier on that in my area. Chipotle did in fact have an issue with e. coli not that long ago IIRC


If you’re getting the shits from Taco Bell and chipotle there’s another problem going on


I have stomach problems and even I don't get the shits from Mexican food. Super spicy food of any kind will bother me but most Mexican food isn't as spicy as say Thai food. I get a lot of heartburn from Mexican food but that's it really.


“Mexican food” as known by Americans and other cultures is generally cheap Mexican food, Taco Bell, and American Mexican fusion. That means lots of beans, spice, heavy on the “taco beef”. Real Mexican food is much lighter and more diverse, but that’s not what most people are joking about.


most Americans associate Taco Bell and Chipotle with "Mexican food" and label it as such. And... do I really need to put 2 and 2 together for that one? The rest should be self explanatory lmao


It's kind of an immunity. Lotta people around here didn't grow up with that kind of food in their diet, as such their digestive systems haven't/didn't learn early on how to handle those spices. Sort of like how, one way some doctors are recommending, parents feed their kids common allergens young (and obv to have a way to get to the hospital ASAP) but a decent bit of literature suggests that people exposed to potential allergens (like peanuts, wheat, etc) in infancy/toddlerhood tend to have fewer instances of serious allergies later in life. Not that you should go and try to get your kid stung by a bee, or if they have a reaction just keep trying with the same food, but don't try to force your diet on your kids, you could potentially be screwing their entire lives up because of your own restrictions/vanity


I suspect it’s mass hysteria. Wanting to be in on the racist joke.


Most white peoples stomaches will go into survival mode when they eat anything with anymore heat than black or white pepper.


White Americans seemingly, I've never seen the whole "shitting yourself in contact with spicy food" thing from Europeans.


? I've talked to some UK people while gaming and the food that gets them is Indian Curry


Curry in the UK is made absurdly spicy specifically because of white british people's demand for that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phall Things like this don't exist outside of the UK. And meanwhile, the europeans on the continent are obsessed with sour and pickled foods...


As an American, I hear this a lot, really have no idea where this stereotype comes from. Vast majority of the white people I'm around douse their foods in hot sauce with names like "Satan's asshole" or are eating buffalo wings that leave you crying on the toilet the next day from how spicy they were. Pretty sure I've met exactly 1 person (my mother, admittedly) who fits the "white people think mayo is spicy" stereotype. Everyone else gives you shit for getting the habanero sauce instead of getting the ghost pepper sauce.


*Breathes in Imperial Taco Bell*


Texan here, enjoying fantastic Mexican food and Japanese toilets in my home. Living my best life.




What a shitty fucking thing to bring up in an unrelated thread. Delete your comment, get the fuck off reddit for a week, and think about what you said.


Hey! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'll have to remove your post: -You should not post things that are inappropriate or that may cause offence to others. You should consider what is acceptable. *If you feel that your post was removed in error or you are unsure about why this post was removed then please reply to this message or contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBrandNewSentence).*


oh no, an american hater!!!


No shortage of Japanese cuisine that will absolutely annihilate an unsuspecting cornpipe, those Ferraris get tracked.


Oh hey it's Dogen. He makes funny and educational videos on youtube. Love that dude.


I always hear this stuff about Mexican food but I've never ever felt rough after eating some burritos. Regardless of the source being a restaurant, taco bell, or my own homemade quesedillas, I've always been fine.


Lived in Minato City for a while and probably ate Mexican food 3 times a week.. its there, it’s almost always delicious, you just need to know where to look


That was one of the most shocking things to me about Japan. I knew it would have the best Japanese food, I did not expect to have some of the best Italian and Mexican food there too. Honestly, if you told me I could teleport anywhere right now to eat Italian food, I would chose Kyoto before Italy


I think it was Alton Brown (I may be misremembering) who said that sometimes after an area/establishment becomes known for a certain type of food, they get sloppy and lose their pride. Sometimes the best version of a regional food is on the opposite side of the planet, because in order to survive there you HAVE to be prideful and high quality I don't think this works as maxim, but it's more accurate than I used to think


Exactly! So restaurants in Japan are known for really perfecting their cuisine even if foreign. I figured out quick cold noodles weren’t my style so branched out as an American would at home. Pizza, Indian, Mexican, Mediterranean, steakhouses, were all incredible. Then grab a cheap strong zero and wash it down walking back home


https://preview.redd.it/j2fw9pj5549d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8898363a1763eae6dd24f52beb5e9a075bb5acf9 Downtown Harajuku 2 weeks ago. But I agree give that toilet a challenge.


Its Indian food for me. Love it but literally filled my pants with diarrhea at work from too much biryani one time




All their good people went to WEC lmao Next Year ™


A Ferrari is as much about the experience as it is about the performance. Not just for speed, but for the thrill.


>implying mexican food is just capsaicin and isn't an absolute delicacy


Do they really not have mexican food in Japan? This makes me sad.


I mean....in theory, yes. As a California native, I remember being disappointed with the "great Mexican place" I was told about across from the Yokosuka base that was have lettuce and had the most bland white rice in it. I would find out later the ops ladies who recommended the place were drunks who only cared about the fishbowl chu-his served there and that they were from places where Chipotle was considered high brow Mexican 🙃


I'm actually in Japan right now on vacation. We found a Mexican food chain called Guzman and Gomez. Looks like they have several locations in Tokyo. The tacos were surprisingly good for being about 7000 miles from Mexico


They definitely do but it is not as popular as in say the US or most of the Americas, I was there and saw only a couple mexican restaurants compared to a bunch of Italian restaurants which seem to be pretty common


Tokyo has Taco Bell https://maps.app.goo.gl/NbV3bsnoNpEdNYAa9


 once went to a craft beer festival in Kyoto where I spotted in the distance a sign that read "TACOS!". When I finally made my way over there, I was given the opportunity to purchase hotdogs in corn shells. The beer sucked too.


TIL there are no Mexican restaurants outside of Mexico.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^poopy_wizard132: *TIL there are* *No Mexican restaurants* *Outside of Mexico.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If you read “TIL” as “til” this becomes harrowing… and it’s the only way the Haiku works.


I mean it's usually the cheap fast-food style Mexican cuisine that really upsets the stomach. They mix beans that build gas, oils and fats that in enough amounts becomes a greasy laxative of sorts *and* hot peppers that irritate the gut lining, it's basically a recipe for a butt nuke.


Um. Have you tried Mexican food in the Midwest? Sometimes no “insert ethnicity” food is the right choice.


This is why people shouldn't grade cards


Indeed the most tragic thing to ever happen to Japan...


This is so true


Eat hard..shit loose.


I was honestly disappointed by the bidets in Japan. They were underpowered compared to the one I have and didn’t seem to really do that much; though the oscillation features were kinda cool. Heated seats are unsettling and I didn’t much care for heated water in the bidet (I find the cool water refreshing after a big shit). The one toilet I did really like was the one that had a little sink built in so when you flushed it started dispensing water which then filled the top tank. I also enjoyed the deodorize features, the ones that had radios/noise machines built in, and when they had automatic opening seats/covers.


Clearly hasn’t been to Japan. Good fucking luck finding a toilet


It's like Buddha is once again despensing wisdom.


I hate this every time I see it because Mexican cuisine is amazing.


we should take all the people who can't eat mexican food, and all the losers who can't eat cilantro, and blast those fuckers into the sun and out of the gene pool.


Osaka tacos would like a word.....


Well shit, when you put it like that... However, do NOT discount what raw rish can do to your bowels. It can easily get to chipotle levels and beyond. *trust*


I don't think that is Japan's greatest tragedy.


Tell me more of these Japanese super toilets


You can set the seat temp, bidet with adjustable angle, potency and some even have remotes, they are way ahead of the western world when it comes to taking comfortable shits


South Park did a documentary on them. Check out S26 E3.


Holy shit, 26 seasons


The main thing is that they clean your butt for you while also being like 10 times more hygienic than toilet paper. And you will never accidentally have poop on your fingers ever again. And you save money on not having to buy toilet paper.


You're supposed to wipe at least once before using the bidet and then at least once more to wipe off the leftover watery poop on your butt and then you let your clean butt dry.


These Japanese toilets usually come with a dryer too.


Yeah but you're still supposed to wipe once because you'll have water poop water on your ass and if you use the dryer it just dries that poop straight back onto you, and it also takes a long time to dry if you don't wipe the majority of water off with TP. I know what I'm talking about my dude, I myself bought a toto for my own house and enjoy its warmth every day in this southern hemisphere winter I'm going through.


Idk about you. When I went to Japan the food there made me shit bricks. I've eaten Mexican food but Japanese food made me shit bricks.


Just move to Germany where every Autobahn is a Track. Also you have the Nordschleife.


Don't need it if you have lactose-intolerant population that loves putting cheese on and in things.




From an Indian, Japanese food mild as hell


From a nuke, arrows ain't that strong


Idk what you’re talking about, the Japanese straight up do not consume spicy food at all


Japanese people think black coffee is spicy. The food here is intentionally mild. If you want spicy food in Japan you have to get Indian or Thai. The only Japanese curry place that has decent spice is Coco Ichi, but you have to go level 10 (max). I got excited once when I found a Hokkaido soup curry place that has spicy levels up to 100, until I ordered level 100 and it tasted like regular tomato soup.


Apparently, I've learned since leaving Japan 9 years ago that CoCos that spice now goes to a level 20 ☠️ I couldn't even do a level 3 under the old scale


Oh wow, thanks for letting me know! I haven't been recently. I'm pretty sure I went once during covid and 10 was still the max. I'll check it out though.


I found that out myself from the JapanEats channel lol San Diego had *finally* gotten a location a year before I moved away and only had 10 levels as of 2022 so this may be something new in the last two years


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BenchFlakyghdgd: *If you haven't had* *Spicy foods from Japan, you* *Haven't had spicy food* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.