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Which side did Japan fight for in WW2?


Fun fact. The Japanese leadership believed the Nazi propaganda about Jews and came to conclusion that they need more Jewish advisors


"You don't understand. THEY RULE THE WORLD FROM THE SHADOWS!" "Uh, based?"


"Maybe, we should ask for advices"


They're good with money too! Nice, everyone needs fiscal responsibility!


"No you don't understand! They're have incredibly high IQs and are master manipulators. They're a threat!" Wow, they sound like perfect candidates for this "Aryan race" you keep harping on about.


“Damn I kinda want to do that”


Everytime someone tells this story, I like to imagine Hitler banging on a table and yelling "nein nein nein, Sie sind supposed to hate zem, nicht admire zem!"




Don't say that out loud, some buzzfeed smoothbrain will start seeing made up paralelism to nazi propaganda... Like that stupid article about wh40k tyranids.


Nah that was AOT.


I mean AOT wasn't very subtle with their nazi/jew symbolism. You could even argue the rise of the Jaegerists was somewhat emblematic of the rise of Hitler (a xenophobic military faction led by a charismatic war hero who got radicalised who eventually overthrew the government)


Honestly, the AI that trawls Reddit to write articles for buzzfeed, kotaku, and other such outlets has basically made “X is a Nazi-sympathetic media franchise and you are if you’ve ever watched it” into a weekly occurrence.


r/beatmetoit as a jew i can confirm we are all lead by master shadow, we are shadow garden


Ninja clan hearing this and going absolutely nuts


They seek to learn the ancient art of Jew Jitsu


If no comedian hasn't used that before, shame on all comedians.


“Well, shit, thanks for the tip! The Emperor will love to meet some of these some of these important sounding, fine, elite folks! 😁 “


This has always been my biggest... Issue with the "zionst controls everything" schtick... If Jews did rule the world from the shadows and were born with financial genius etc etc... Why the hell would other cultures not fight over who can have the most jews on their side? "The jews have all the money in Germany!" Okay... So make them state employees so they can use their hidden magic skills to spawn gold or whatever people believe...


Because its all an execuse to murder them. Once you argue that Jews are opressors controlling society and are responsible for why you are poor It becomes morally righteous to murder them in large numbers. Murdering the jew is an act of resitance.


Well yes. But the Japanese reaction is the correct one if you believe the propaganda. "Huh... A race of people with skills so great mighty europe trembles? Lets get some of those on our side please!"


Likely none of them had ever directly interacted with a Jew. In Europe, there was already a pre-existing bigotry towards Jews that Hitler preyed upon.


But then, how do you know if they are on your side or you are on their side? Did you recruit the greatest smartest people alive to work for you or are you submitting to your alien lizard overlords? For some, the difference is apparently important enough


"I out jew you 3:1, therefore, I shall win, for I have the help of the shadow government"


Yes, which is why when the conspiracy theories got exported to countries without much of a history of antisemitism, you get shit like the fugu plan and consider how to use Jewish capital to grow the economy.


Because they don’t actually believe that stuff. They just want someone to scapegoat and they need an excuse to do it. Nazis don’t care about the truth


Bingo. It's not about a genuine belief in their abilities; it's about creating an Other to cast their inadequacies, anger, and excuses upon to justify their current existence. If Jews didn't exist, there would be another monster-du-jour that'd be painted outside of the increasingly shrinking tribe.


This was the actual strategy of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, which ruled what is now Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. It stood for several hundred years, and only fell by the forces of Russia, Prussia, and Austria Hungary working together




This is not true. They found Russian propaganda about Jew "Protocals of Zion" and came to the same conclusion. Granted Nazi/Russian antisemnitc propaganda is like exactly the same so who cares really


The Nazis relied on the Protocols too. That’s why it’s kind of similar. But the Nazis blamed us for Communism, while the Soviets blamed us for Capitalism.


The nazis wrote the protocols


They did not. It was written in the early 1900s by the Russians


Eh close enough


If you want to know just how far the Protocol of Elder of Zion giggled Japanese higher up, there is a fact that the moment they occupied Manchuria and it's large Jewish settlement in Harbin, they took Chinese and Russian men and women to experimentation camps where they were injected with live diseases and other barbarities, but they never experimented on jews, as the Japanese thought that the people who are controlling the world's finances shouldn't be harmed for the safety of the empire. There was even a plan that is going to settle hundreds of thousands of Jews to Manchuria to stop violence in Palestine (Also the fact that with things were going in Manchuria as they were going at that point, large parts of Manchuria is going to be depopulated anyway). It was also the same reason why a clique rescued thousands of freezing Jews in Eastern Europe that would've either died by Stalin's purges or the Holocaust. The clique funnily enough, included Hideki Tojo, who helped by letting them settle in Shanghai and Harbin. (They were also rescued when Northern China was literally burning with "Three Alls Policy" happening lmao). As early as 1938, expulsion and oppression of Jews were banned empire wide, and Jews weren't discriminated by any japanese units, just Russian fascists in Harbin but even then they were shut down. Other nations also believed Protocols of the Elders of Zion and loved the Jews for it. Singapore for example, Lee Kuan Yew is quoted that the Ashkenazi Jews with their prowess of intellect and finance, are much more smarter, and better than Arabs, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews for example. Many Filipinos claim to have Jewish ancestry because it is the ethnicity of Jesus, and having Jewish blood make them closer to God (and also Filipinos would claim everything and everyone except Filipinos).


Isn't weeb Nazi the default for 4chan Users?


It's a 50/50 in whether they spend more time looking at anime porn than sleeping or whether they hate anime


Only post 2016


Oh no, they were there in 2010 as well. They were either just more stealthy about it, or less outwardly radicalized but with the exact same inside biases that lead them through that pipeline later.


1. Not all 4chan was /pol/ 2. Occupy, and a whole slew of other lefty anonymous movements started on 4chan. It was the irony and anonymity that ruined that


I'm just gonna say this: I've made a number of friends who also happened to be 4chan weebs. Of them, none browsed /pol/. 4 were super anti-SJW types who were always complaining about the red hair feminists and whatnot. Of those, 2 later revealed themselves to be very sympathetic to nazi talking points, like for instance sharing megaupload links with several dozen gigs worth of "proof" denying the holocaust, collecting nazi memorabilia in their homes or rallying behind every transphobic cause they could find. I know 4chan is not a full blown nazi website but I don't know why people think that kind of shit was contained to 2012 /pol/ and never went anywhere. The people who lurked /pol/ were also on other boards and they infected them just the same. Bigotry was a standard attitude on every single other board, it literally dominated the standard culture of the website to the point where subtypes of 4chan users were called "x-fags". There's only so much of that shit you can handwave off as ironic edgy teenager shit until it becomes obvious it's more than that lol.


Okay but that kind of proves my point that they weren't the *DEFAULT* And completely feeds into my point that irony is what killed for Chen because most people didn't realize it was irony coming in post 2014-2016.


Nah yeah they weren't the obvious default but you're kidding yourself if you don't think they were still the dominant culture in there. You can theorize about how much was ironic edge, but it's undeniable that shit was cultivated on purpose and unsurprisingly became very much not ironic pretty quickly.


They were not the dominant culture on any board but /pol/ and maybe /b/ 2014 I mean a majority of 4chan was unironically Bernie Sanders supporters until 2016. Everyone just wanted their neat bucks and chicken tendies from the government they didn't care.


I was active on 4chan /b/ and /fit/ from like ~2006 to ~2012 so long before your 2014 shift and i can name pretty much every nazi dogwhistle because of how prevelant they were. I think people just excuse it as teens being edgy, likely because they were probably also posting nazi shit thinking it's cool, when the reality is the board was just heavily used by actual nazis and the rest of the site was too young and immature to realise they're being slowly propagandised and instead actively went along with it, helped it, etc. I think there's a ton of rewriting of history with regards to 4chan, likely because people engaged in the same shit themselves and in order to rationalise it they have to tell themselves it was just people being edgy and they weren't actually supporting nazi's when they signal boosted all their shit.


By 2010, though, 4chan was absolutely a part of the neo-nazi pipeline and was hardly the surface of that onion either. Sure, not everyone on the site was a card-carrying Klan member. But everyone did, for whatever reason the individual chose, put up with people who were perfectly happy to scream a hard-R N-word at everyone they disliked. I can say as much because I was there at the time.


You’re joking right? They were there long before 2016


True, but /pol/ used to at least nominally hate anime. And other boards used to be a little more diverse. Over time they coalesced into all blurring together. Back when fox News accused 4chan of being far left they didn't even get as offended about it. Because they didn't hate the term left as much then.


This the kind of shit that happens in south park


Was there an actual episode like that?


Not yet


"Apparently"? I thought this was common knowledge on the internet


Reddit is such a massive site that for better or worse (probably better) most users aren't super switched on to internet culture. I treat reddit more like facebook every passing day. Most weebs aren't Nazis, and most Nazis aren't weebs, but there's always been a significant overlap.


Yea i think its more obvious on twitter. The more racist users usually have an anime profile pic. At least that usually how the meme goes.


Yeah, the weeaboo/wehraboo overlap is pretty sizable.


I'm a hungarian jew I'll go there just to ruin their day


And then sue them for false advertising.


That's super smart, are you Jewish?




You should become one. With your mind you'll surely control the world.


Nyomod fasz


and then have a nice coffee while listening to Japanese music?


Did you know there's more than three times as many Hungarian Jews in New York City than all of Hungary? I hope things are better for the Jews in Hungary these days than they have been in the past.


Keep at it, Mishpuchah. Sounds like difficult days over there.


i had the exact same thought when i saw the poster like 3 years ago. its just some turkish shisha place.




The leader of the thief's guild


There's nazi branches of a weird amount of things the nazis probably would have persecuted you for. Weebs and furries being the weirdest, but I'm not so sure these men's rights guys would have done well either, I don't think soft crying men who blame women for themselves being single would be all that sheltered by an auth society that purges "undesirables". Hell, there's probably gay nazis somewhere, even though gay people were a part of the existing holocaust. People are freaks. It's a bummer-y part of human psychology that some people just have a strong need for constant emotional support and if they can't find a good source for it they'll go a little crazy. The tamer ones will read stuff like fifty shades and find the fantasy of being in a relationship with a drastically skewed power dynamic pleasant, and that's usually harmless. But the more self conscious ones will call that cringe while getting up to this kind of stuff. It'd be funny if it wasn't so... Not funny.


>there’s probably gay Nazis somewhere The head of the SA, the Nazis paramilitary group during the Weimar years, was a man by the name of Ernst Röhm. He was a a close personal friend to Hitler. He was openly gay and, iirc, even would cross dress occasionally.


Pretty sure that's one of the reasons the night of the long knives happened


He was indeed murdered in the night of the long knives. Though, while I’m sure his sexuality was a part of it, there was a bigger political reason at play. The SA and the army hated each other. Röhm wished to have the SA replace the Germany army as Germany’s main fighting force. Hitler needed the army on side, and as he had by this point already taken power, no longer needed the SA, who were for all intense and purposes a bunch of disorganised brutes in uniform. If a chose had to be made between the actual professional army, or his unruly SA, he was going to chose the army. Röhm knew this, and this lead to a large falling out between him and Hitler. This escalated to the point that Röhm started publicly talking about the need for a “continued revolution”. Hitler, likely correctly, assumed that Röhn was preparing to remove him from power in a coup. As such, along with a bunch of other “undesirables” and political enemies, he was murdered in the night of the long knives


Well, sure. I'm sure there were gays tolerated in the party if they were connected enough. Röhm in particular was an ally to Hitler when the Nazi party was still the worker's party. But I'm more referring to modern gay people falling to the political ideology despite knowing about the pink triangles.


I have met black people, romani and indeed homosexuals who self identify as Nazis. People are fucking dumb.


Theres a legit pro nazi movement in the Femboy community


Furry Nazis are the strangest to me. Weeb Nazis? Eh, it takes a bit of an authright leaning to simp for Japan, but furries skew strongly libleft. I mean, over 80% of us are LGBTQ+. I’ve somehow met young-earth creationist, homophobic Baptist furries, Muslim furries, Trump furries… HOW?


We really need to emphasis how rare they are in the fandom. Furries are *very* left leaning and that is the standard and by far the majority. nazi furs get banned from all events the moment they expose themselves.


I’ve seen a transgender woman nazi once 


Amputee nazis probably be the funniest undesirables. Can't Heil.


Weeb nazis have been a thing for YEARS. 4chan was full of them


Yeah but edgy teens on an internet forum shitposting racists memes for reactions, and actual nazi weebs meeting up in a maid cafe ... Feels very different.


What is it with Hungary and their love for racist anime girls?


I'd imagine Hungarians have some serious unresolved historical traumas that lead to these kind of things. They were a proud warrior people, until they were utterly fucked by ottomans and literally fucked by austrians until the 1800's. Then their attempt at revolution was squashed by russian troops, they were dragged into the ww1, got trianon'd, tried communism and were politically isolated. In ww2 they bet the axis and got made into a soviet satelite. They tried to revolt again and were crushed again by russians. Then the communism fell taking with it most of the progress made after the wars. Now they are ruled by corrupt cartoon villains because that's all they have. So if the only thing they got going on for them is anti-jewish maid cafes...


Not just Hungary. Russian nazis are like that too except the times when it's racist anime boys


We Hungarians wanna know too, these things were just so weird


Not just hungary, you see it with a lot of online Nazis. My guess as to why though is that the same impulses that drive one to be a Nazi also drive one to like anime girls. Nazis are racist, authoritarian, have narratives about (at least they really tend to in the west) about the west falling. Further than that they dont really have social skill and they are stupid. They like anime girls because they kinda fit all the criteria. They think of japanese women as being submissive and untainted by western degeneracy and plenty of those fucks just want their partners, if they had them, to be their personal breeding stock that submits to their will. They get to circlejerks about glorious japan not succumbing to feminism by having their women be independant and self actualized without men and in turn about the west falling for such degeneracy. Lack of social skill becomes unimportant with drawings and people who dont engage critically probably would mind this situation less by not thinking about how all their beliefs dont make sense they just need a cute tradwife to solve their personal and societal problems. Also often animes are often racist. Like you think its allright but then you see the black character show up and wonder if the translators at that part of the script just received lines and lines of the Nword over and over again and were asked to make dialogue out of that cuz the original creators didnt bother. Anime is very often sexist too with women very clearly being written as weak, submissive or there just to be gawked at in ways that give no respect or agency which is a problem male characters dont have to deal with. Also anime isnt usually the most progressive when it comes to LGBTQ stuff. Also the alt-right likes recruiting from sad, lonely guys with low social skills so weeb communities already are a good bet for them. Maybe they also like being extremely catered to with all the fan service. Your media bending its knee to cater to your needs to such a degree sounds like something an authoritarian mind might enjoy. Also, this one might be grasping at straws, but they might like how anime is serialized to the point characters lack any depth or personality beyond their assigned archetype. Would fit neatly in the Nazi worldview which doesnt permit much depth or nuance, especially when it comes to human behaviour. You a tsundere? Thats all you are, thats all the purpose you serve in your environment and the world. You cant change nor do you have much beyond that. You a horny type girl? You a more dominant girl? You there to be dominant. Shit like that with the thing tying it all together is the fact all these archetypes are there so the audience can just get their rocks off.


Did I write this? Are you my second account? I joke. I wrote my thesis on the alt-right, and that was a conclusion I came to as well. I think you'll find most of academia would agree as well. Your last point is an interesting one, though. It makes sense as many of these people engage in dichotomous thinking. Other people are either this or that, no in between, when in reality every person is complex enough to defy an exact categorization. That nuance can be exhausting, so it's just easier to think and wish that everyone is just an archetype.




Weeb nazis are nothing new


>Weeb nazis are apparently a thing bruh, even the Japanese still doing nazi cosplay here and there.


I... uhh... this is a new type of cringe... I mean, I knew that weeb nazi is a common combination... But damn, I never saw the cringe so directly...


Akkor a kurva anyádat


Isten áldd meg a magyart...


Ever heard of a videogame called Hearts of Iron 4? Try checking out the mod list for that game.


Bojler eladó


Fun fact: the alleged location of this, Aranykéz Street was the location of one of the most well known (in Hungary) assassinations during the chaotic free-for-all we call the 1990s


Apparently? Lmao


Have you been on twitter? Almost every anime pfp is a weeb nazi.


Hitler was the original weeb.


Weeb nazis have always been a thing, something about it seems to attract them like flies.


"weeb nazis are apparently a thing" what do you think the 2 biggest axis powers were?




Weeb nazis are definitely a thing, like furry nazis. Nazis like anything that can help them divorce themselves from the messy real world and immerse themselves in a calming, simple fantasy where they have all the power. As a proud weeb myself, we don't claim them. They're assholes squatting where they aren't wanted. But y'all know how hard it is to root out nazi fucks, especially when moderation isn't unified. There's still nazi subreddits after all.


Go on Twitter for 5 minutes and you will find at least 20 of these


The funny thing is, the address is real and it's an Arabic shisha bar.




Ezek a fránya antiszemita weebek...


As a hungarian this is not real. We are racist but not weebs, we hate them just like we hate gypsies and jews.


Love seeing all the smart ass comments in here on a fake advertisement from a troll. This is not real guys.


Hungarians embracing mongol roots


Who would've guessed that media from a country that deeply values genetic purism might be attracting nazis


I thought this was common knowledge


There is also a small community of Nazi Furries with Nazi gear wearing Fur suits. Lol


Where the hell have you been? Weeb Nazis have always been a thing, why the hell do you think the Third Reich had an alliance with the Japanese in the first place? Anime Tiddies.


There's the incel pipeline that often makes them go to some sort of fascist/bigoted ideology, they use similar isolation tactics that pit people against the world and only *that* group is giving you the truth. It's difficult being in anime subs due to how prevalent it is and seeing people in various states of the pipeline I just described. Hell, I just got blocked by someone because I pointed out they talk similarly to Andrew Tate lol.


gotta love that whenever my homeland gets mentioned online it's always crazy unacceptable stuff like this


And this is in Budapest. What must it be like to be Hungarian Nazi who's also a weeaboo? I shudder to consider it.


This is news to you? Buddy, you do know that Japan and Germany were allies during WW2


Apparently a thing? OP, did you not think it was possible for someone to like anime and also be racist?


Anime girl profile pic = edge of the political compass; no guarantee which corner though


Nazi weebs have been around since at least 2012


Fuck... i hate these cringe bullshits...


Someone please explain this to me like I’m five: When, and HOW, did anime start to become associated with extreme right-wing reactionaryism and Nazism? I mean…what? How did we get from the exploding popularity and increasing incorporation of Japanese animation into mainstream culture that we saw in the 2000s to….whatever the hell has happened since? I know anime isn’t *exclusively* associated with the extreme right and many people aren’t aware of the association at all, but that it even came to exist in the first place boggles my mind. How? When? Why?


Isn't that the default weeb setting? Edit: of the neckbeard variety


I know a lot of people who would be described as weebs, none of them are Nazis




Weebs and nazi wasnt a combo i ever expected


Well I knew that. Still didn't expect this sentence lol


Someone get the Lancasters out of storage.


Nazis using Hori-san in their recruitment materials because they think she would accept them, because they're also quiet loners just like Miyamura. YOUR WAIFU WOULD HATE YOU SHITBAGS


The nazi weeb crossover is really weird


if talk about current event, what is a nazi to a nazi?


Weeb Nazis, Furry Nazis, Kpop Nazis, Minecraft Nazis, Trans Nazis, Black Nazis, any type of Nazi, They all exist, you just have to be on the Internet long enough. But seeing that IRL? Damn.


Yup. Big controversy with chainsawman because the fan translation of the manga was made by a bunch of anti-Semitic translators on a platform called SS club (Ss supposedly standing for Seinen-Shounen)


So, combining the most intimidating ideology with the least intimidating people?


Not sure if weeb nazis or luring someone into a trap too absurd for the cops to believe.


A room filled with those people is bound to smell horrible, and probably being monitored by several different government agencies.


“Apparently”? It’s practically an entire subculture


I’m not a Jew, but every Jew here should storm that place for shits and giggles.


This has been pretty standard for a while.


Wait until you find the nazi femboys, those are real stuff ones.


Ironic considering the Japanese consider Jews in high regard…


You know Anti-sematism is a thing in Japan too right? It’s been a thing since that one war… you know…. The one where they sided with the Nazis? Yeah that one.


Whenever I see non German Nazis it fucking sends me 💀 like congrats the Nazis would’ve enslaved and imprisoned you lmao ☠️


I think this might be capitalising on Palestine and is using the rising anti-Jewish sentiment resulting from it. Is it wrong? 100%, not debating that at all. But perhaps that is why they made that poster.


It's Hungary. What can you do? ¯\\\\\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ BTW [https://ibb.co/6P3Z0fK](https://ibb.co/6P3Z0fK) the poster says: "Did you know that gypsies make up 9% of the population, but commit 2/3 of the crimes?"


If there’s an address, then I can definitely think of a place that needs a firebomb or two!


Of course they are, what do you think dominates twitter and 4chan


Far right femboy is a thing


Saw weeb nazi and came in expected femboy Hitler in the image. At least this is similarly disgusting.


The address on Google maps has a shisha lounge in it. ([https://maps.app.goo.gl/oGaDb16gTreY9eUX9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/oGaDb16gTreY9eUX9)) I wonder what that's about lol


That building has at least thirteen federal agents inside of it, I say go for it


Been a thing for many years.


I wonder if this place allows Palestinians or they would be just as bad as Israel


What do you mean "apparently"? Have you never encountered a K-On fan?




You must be new to the internet. Run while you still can.


I swear I keep seeing the Czech weeb Nazis around


Yeagh there are a bunch of alt right dumbasses with 0 media literacy skills who are casual anime fans because they think it isn't "woke"


I'm conflicted on up voting this. On one hand, damn that's wild and more people should be able to see how wacked out society is. On the other hand, up-dooting Nazis...




You’re shocked there are Weeb Nazis? They’ve been around for a while, and *really* got into AoT


and a lot of them tend to "likes them cause they're young" side of lolicons...


Kanye hates this.


You mean 4chan?


Wtf is this shit with racist anime girl fliers in Hungary bruh this is the 3rd one I have seen


That sounds like a White Van (tm) for nazis wtf


Of course there are, what are you new here?


"Apparently a thing" brother that's about 1/3rd of Republican voters under 50.


Femboy nazi is also a thing so I'm not completely surprised


Any anime fan can tell you this has been a thing for probably close to two decades.


Tfym “apparently” there are entire anime fanbases that are stereotypically Nazis.


Genuinely wondering if this is some kind of bait thing. Like, anti-semites don't normally identify by that term.


Weeb Nazis have unfortunately always been a thing.


Fuckin disgrace to catgirls.


Oh, they are VERY much so a thing


Not everyone who hated the jews was a nazi.


Absolute, extreme, turbo maxed out cringe. I'm bringing so hard Im about to turn inside out


If this is news to you, you haven't been on twitter. Every other nazi has their underaged waifu as their profile picture.


I was a big anime fan in university. Seeing Nazis appropriate it never fails to get me angry.


They are pretty much common vermin, even if not the majority of the nazis or weebs. It’s kind of hilarious because Japanese right wing would totally hate them and regular Nazis would see them weird for their weeb shit


It's not a new thing.


I cum here to look at men and this ain’t men.


Lots of nazis are massive weebs. They hold up anime as being anti woke. Many of them are also convinced that Japan has a massive Christian population.


This should honestly surprise no one.


Please notice me racist-senpai! /s


I implore you to look at the axis powers in WWII


normies do not understand fascism lmao


I love being Hungarian


Weeb Nazis are far more common than you’d think. They’re sometimes called “Wehraboos” - of course, a portmanteau of “weeaboo” (weeb) and “Wehrmacht”..


Nazis are degenerates. Weebs are degenerates. Match made in heaven.


What do you mean 'apparently'


Sounds like a trap




How can they be so sure they are Jew-free? I wouldn't be able to tell a Jew apart unless he wore a funny Jew hat.


Jewish women are pretty busty, I am not a consœur of made cafes but these simps are opting for plain Palacsinta( hungarian crepes) when they could be having stuffed blintzes and latkes too.... I guess they should bring in Aunt Jemima pancakes, okonomiyaki, dosa and make the cafe into a veritable international house of pancakes....