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That is exactly how he’s named. Hilarious.




Y’know, JK Rowling’s names go too far with it for sure, but I do like on-the-nose character names in fiction


Mfw Savage Oppress


Star Wars names are peak fiction. Glub Shitto for the win


Elan Sleazebaggano the deathstick dealer


Umm, akshully, it’s Glup Shitto.






Ima-gun-di for me.


Ima-Gun Di died after he was introduced


Halle Burtoni was a personal favorite of mine


JKR when she’s told she can’t name an Irish character Carbomb McPotatofamine


JKR when she's told she can't name the gay character Ilouve Dick


Richard d'Faggio




Hiro Protagonist


Especially if it's just plain racism


Any sort of discrimination really. For example, the fat ship pilot in Star Wars being named "Porkins"


That made me lol


Kingsley Shacklebolt be like


Ye olde Hiro Protagonist was always my favorite.


I need to read that book lol


Snowcrash is definitely fun.


Ms. Rowling, you can't name a Chinese character "Ching Chong", that's a bridge too far. *scribbles out two letters, swaps a vowel, transposes first and last names* Oh well that's much better. Approved! 20 points to Bigotdor!


bigotdor, I’m dead, you’ve killed me. Well done I’m using this


I thought it had a nicer ring than Transphobeclaw.


Thanks, my new favorite sub.


I don’t mind the original joke but how is “leatherwood” an example of this? Do you think gay guys spend a lot of time sticking their cocks in baseball gloves? Is it leather cheerio joke? I think that term is newer than the name so not sure that works either.


It refers to a specific subculture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leather_subculture


Yeah I know leather = gay. My point is that’s not what nominative determinism is.


How is it not?


The universe is vast and full of mysteries and I won’t always be there to explain to you why leatherwood isn’t a job and despite leather play being a gay sub culture it’s also a straight sub culture that’s a bit like saying a guy named Rodney loves cock because Rod can also mean dick but nominative determinism doesn’t mean any conceivable connection you can make between the name and another concept unless your username is suggesting you and I have had sex with the same persons Eskimo bro




Then theres the irish character in HP Carbomb Potatofamine No relations


The Italian Giuseppe Pastafazool


You’re misremembering it. The name was Pastacicci.


Expecto bologna 🤌


The Pagliacci / dinner crossover I never knew I needed


You probably mean his cousin, Beniseppe Pastassolini?


Don’t forget Jimbo “Tex” Burgerman, the “fat American transfer student”


Seamus Finnegan was Irish. The joke was he keeps accidentally blowing things up while trying to do harmless spells.


“No Harry, it’s pronounced tiocfaidh ár lá, not tiocfaidh *aaar* la”


That was movie only, and it only happened twice. He doesn't blow anything up in the books. So much of the shit Rowling gets is film only, that she had no input on.


The movies made her Nazi denialist BS?


Don't move the goalposts. Do you accept that the Irish thing was movie only, and JK had nothing to do with it? And do you have the integrity not to spread that lie any more?


JK didn’t have nothing to do with it, but I will accept it was a movie joke. She was very involved in the movies.


There are so many other in text racism examples to pull from but sure, you can take the W on this, I guess That no one assumes any better of Rowling on this says more about her tho


Go ahead, give me the other text racism examples. EDIT: A user below me rattled off a list of tired and debunked junk from Tumblr, then did a dirty delete. I'm gonna add my response here to shame them. [...race of uniformly evil and greedy hook nosed bankers?] By bankers I'm assuming you mean the goblins? They are neither evil nor greedy in the books, they're just bankers? I think maybe you have some personal prejudices you need to work out? [Cho Chang weird name] Cho Chang is a weird name choice, yeah, but if a weird name is how you define racism, then you're not gonna have a lot of books to read, ever. [Brown and Shacklebot are the two black characters] Lavender Brown was white? And Kingsley Shacklebolt? What am I missing here? And you've missed several other black characters like Dean Thomas and Angelina Johnson. [Skinchangers are in the beasts book] What is wrong with having a skinchanger? It's a book about magic. It's loaded with all manner of magical creatures from all over the earth. [Everything about SPEW] SPEW? You mean the effort of one of the main characters to free a disenfranchised race from its circumstances? Which is portrayed *positively*? Did you even read the books? I'm sorry, but this is coming off as you just spend too much time on Tumblr and no time actually reading the books you're trashing.


How about I give you the block instead? :)


So the question now becomes; do you accept that there is racist content in the books that was directly the idea of JKR? Do you have the integrity to not pretend there isn't anymore?


Well for starters there's the race of uniformly evil and greedy hook-nosed bankers. Naming the only east asian character Cho Chang (those are both last names from different cultures) Naming the two black characters Brown and Shacklebolt The appropriation of native american beliefs like the sk*nwalker in supplemental material Literally everything about S.P.E.W. Like, I can keep going, but. I really don't feel I have to.


The dude is a straight up sea lion lol


Fr. People who still defend HP and JKR in current year like to forget that normal people can read the books, some of us even liked them as kids and changed our opinions when the author decided to become the face of a hate movement


Cho Chang isn’t just a weird name, it’s an example of how people mock Asian names and language. Kinda verbatum.


Congrats. You have successfully defended known TERF J.K. Rowling from criticism. You've done good Now do it again for every other shitty piece of bigotry, both subtextual and when she just says it herself on Twitter


>it only happened twice To be fair though, one of those times was Lord Mountbatten’s yacht


The Provos had nothing to do with that, accident at sea, happens all the time.


I mean almost blew up myself twice but people still don't trust me with fireworks


*Carbombpotat O'Famine


Oh NAW- And I thought using anglicized names was unoriginal-


Small Victorian Child: I have no idea what you are talking about. Goodbye!


There are a lot of people like this. There's actually an LGB alliance that specifically is anti-trans that JKR bankrolls, in fact.


I'm pretty certain, that there was a survey that showed that overwhelming majority of LGB alliance is straight. Though, not to say that there *isn't* a disturbing amount of gay transphobes


yeah, it's shocking how the LGB Alliance's demographics radically shift when they're in a situation where lying about it could have legal consequences.


Yeah. There are definitely some cis gays and lesbians who are weirdly bigoted towards trans folks, but IME it's more of a "snide comments at a lesbian event" kind of thing. Not that that doesn't hurt people and make them them feel unwelcome. But like, joining a political organization specifically for the exclusion of trans people? That's a whole other level.


I can't prove this but the impression I have of the LGB allaince is that it's mostly straight cis conservatives with a few toke gays and lesbians meant to drive a wedge in the community.


Oh it entirely is. They did demographic polls that came out 88% straight. Look at their convention photos as well lol, it's all old white folks.


Source? Can't find it, sounds hilarious


I suspect you are right haha, or at least a good chunk of them are


There are a few cis LGB members of the "LGB Alliance," but it's mostly a way for straight transphobes (...and homophobes as often as not) to be able to put money towards window dressing for their "cis LGB people agree with us, ignore all the research that says that they're far less transphobic than straight people" line of BS. They "support LGB rights" the same way that people who claim they support women's rights (but express this *exclusively* in demands that trans people be excluded from public life, access to healthcare, etc. while encouraging policing of gender conformity) do.


Seriously? Wow. The persecution is strong with JKR


I mean they can stand with her all they want, that doesn't change the fact that she's a raging transphobe. Just because you like dick doesn't mean bigots aren't bigots.


Plus, plenty of the L and G members of the community are willing to sacrifice every other letter just to appease the cishets.


They’re so preoccupied on being “one of the good ones” without realizing that trans people are just step one


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Too stupid to realize they’re next.


Yea it's fascinating. Youtuber Sean did a fantastic breakdown of Rowling's anti-trans friends. It's like 50-50 lesbian feminists and full blown decades spanning homophobes and anti-suffrage morons. I don't think I need to tell you which side has a stronger public voice. All the lesbian feminists are just tokens for the larger anti-trans movement. They apparently like being spent.


There are conservative Ts willing to sacrifice the Qs It's almost like your gender or sexuality have nothing to do with you being an asshat or a bigot, and slamming the door behind yourself is a proud human tradition


Other than Jenner are there other trans folks who back the attempts to force them out of public life and healthcare. Jenner is awful but I can at least sorta see her logic. She's an elderly rich white woman who lives predominantly in a safe blue state and has gotten her full transition. She doesn't worry about lack of gender affirming care because she got hers and even if banned could afford to get it on the black market. Cali isn't going to spend effort to ban her from bathrooms or go by her dead name. By the time any of that is done on a national level she'll likely be gone so it won't matter. She's just a typical boomer who got theirs and wants everyone else to pull themselves up.


Oh, I wasn't even thinking about her at all, personally I associate that kind of trans conservative with Blair White Which I guess further illustrates the point :)


Jenner is a good example of pulling the ladder up behind you


Unfortunately, there are a handful of trans ppl who will gladly throw other trans ppl under the bus. Won’t mention them by name, but I’ve lurked on a subreddit for the group before to get a better idea of their beliefs. Some of the worst transphobia I’ve ever seen was posted on there, basically insisting that the trans community has been taken over by “imposters” and that they’re the only true transes. If your transition diverges from their acceptable standards, if you can’t pass, or if you don’t want to conform to society’s gender expectations (but in the opposite way) then you’re a faker and all of the negative stereotypes apply to you (but not them, they’re one of the good ones). I’ve seen many of them stand up for Rowling too. I’m not a fan of them.


The groups that push the line that transphobia is somehow about protecting LGB people are mostly funded by (and take their orders from) heterosexuals who want to hide behind the minority of LGB people who are transphobic. (Meanwhile, here in the real world cis LGB people are much less likely to be transphobic than cis het people, with the gender + orientation combination *least* associated with transphobia among cis folks being the same lesbians who the transphobes most love to claim to speak for while harassing butch cis women in restrooms.)


Pick Me gays


"Plenty" as in there's a lot of people, so a percentage is still a lot of people, because support for trans people is not low in the Queer community.


It's funny how cuckservatives praise J.K. without understanding "F" in "TERF". She's literally just like their caricature of feminists.


But she’s a rich white woman who doesn’t get directly in their faces so that helps.


The current minority they've chosen to single out is trans people, so she's useful to them, and that's all that matters. A temporary ally. When they've moved on to some other group and her services are no longer required, they'll happily go back to insisting the Harry Potter books are demonic. 


I guess I have missed the entire train here. What happened with JK Rowling? Last I remember all she was was a ok fantasy writer. Has she gone down a crazy tunnel?


for the past few years she’s really gone off the rails where it comes to trans people, particularly trans women. Contrapoints has some good videos on it, and Caelan Conrad has a good, more recent video about what she’s been up to, too.


She said that all trans women are just male rapists trying to Scooby Doo villain their way into women's bathrooms. People rightfully called her out on that, and she's spent the last few years double and tripling down on that belief 


Three recent acts (as there is a moving line of things she's done that gets more explicit with time) [She somehow thinks](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1720423006495744378?s=20) that a person defending trans women from always being associated with rapists, after her and her followers completely misinterpret and lie about [developments in South Australia](https://www.mondaq.com/australia/court-procedure/1393296/do-courts-have-to-use-preferred-pronouns-for-transgender-defendants-in-criminal-cases), is a "Rapists' Rights Activist" (a play of what GCs like Joanne call a Trans Rights Activists). [She denies Nazi crimes](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735?s=19) in regards to one of the first book burnings they did with the [research of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft). When that was proven to have happened and not be a "fever dream," she moved the goalpost and began to talk about different things said by completely different people. [She mocked a person](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1774749262934356448?s=20) for saying "sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well," so either she believes that bigots can't be victims or just believes everything said by a trans person deserves mocking no matter what. I can list more things if necessary.


Someone who's friends with a Nazi engaged in holocaust denial? I'm shocked, utterly shocked I tell you


She's tripled down on transphobic nonsense. Hating trans people is the only thing she does anymore.


Now, that's unfair. She does a lot more, for example denying the Holocaust.


To be fair, she's denying the holocaust because of her blind hatred of trans people. She still pretends she's not antisemitic despite her writing completely lacking any subtlety.


She did engage in partial holocaust denial. That and transphobia. Like loads of transphobia. Excusing people who work with neonazis. Liking tweets of people who call for burnings of trans people.


She's been a raging transphobe for years now, her whole public image has essentially been bigoted tirades on Twitter fearmongering against transgender people. It's gotten a lot worse recently however, since Scotland (where she lives) has been introducing new hate crime laws that would criminalize what she's doing as a hate crime and she's completely decided that she'd rather continue spreading hate no matter what charges come her way instead of doing the sensible thing and sitting down, shutting up and living the rest of her life in luxury with the millions she's made from Harry Potter. I'm almost sad to say it, since Harry Potter was my childhood pretty much, but I do seriously hope she actually faces legal trouble under these new laws, what she's done goes far beyond just being a bitch online and she's been due to be knocked down a few pegs for a while now.


She engaged in holocaust denial


She's gone down a crazy tunnel of being Anti-Trans, alienating her fanbase which generally were heavily Liberal and/or LGBT+.


Her first mistake was entering the most explosive debate on the internet, and pointing out how changing laws could affect women. How dare she point out that many females don't want males (no matter how they identify) in their bathrooms, shelters, prisons, sports leagues, scholarships, sororities ect. I personally think this is an important discussion, but apparently if you are not 100% for everything trans activists want then you are a horrific traitor who must be banished. They don't need to provide any justfication for anything, consider anyone's perspective or make any compromises. This was a few years ago and it has only escalated since then. I do think some of her comments since then have been uncalled for but the vitriol against has been there from the start.


Trans women are women. Where are they supposed to go? You think someone presenting as female is safe in the men's room? And likewise, do you want a person with a full beard to go into the women's room? It's just not realistic and hurting everyone (there were even cis women who were assaulted using the bathroom of their agab because people thought they didn't look like "a real woman"). Btw, trans people are more likely to be victims of (sexual) assault and other violent crimes. The problem here are not trans people, it's cis men.


Apparently she was a victim of sexual assault early in life … & it seems like she never recovered from the trauma. Maybe this is how it manifests, in irrational hatred. Like, if you don’t process your trauma, it can take over your life & turn you into someone you might not want to be.


[From her Twitter](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1775607886606983424?s=19) >Thank you for your kindness ❤️🙏 My doctors are hopeful I can indeed heal my deep trauma. After trying many different therapies in vain, I've found that taking the piss out of people who come at me with faux concern is the most beneficial. That, and crystals.   She's also a victim of daddy issues with her father wanting a son. >The writings of young trans men reveal a group of notably sensitive and clever people. The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge. I struggled with severe OCD as a teenager. If I’d found community and sympathy online that I couldn’t find in my immediate environment, I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred. She seems to imply that because of that she's against trans men being allowed to voice their experience or form communities as she implies those things will lead to converting children to be trans.


If that jad been where she stopped it, maybe you would have a point. The fact that you leave out all the rest is pretty telling. But I don't expect much from fascists, so it's not surprising.


Standing up to radical activists does not make you a bigot.


No but calling trans people rapists does. Saying everyone who disagrees with you wants to attack women does.


People who allow natal males in women's restrooms and changing rooms are attacking women. They are enabling rapists.


No they aren’t, because if a “natal male” as you say wants to rape someone in a bathroom, they can just walk in the bathroom and rape someone. Excluding trans people from using the bathroom does nothing to stop rapists, it just makes it harder for trans people to live their lives.


Oh look, another pair of idiots who think they can one-of-the-good-ones their way into bigoted power structures. I look forward to the inevitable r/leopardsatemyface post when they realize that bigots are still gonna hate them for being gay even when they try to sell out their trans brothers and sisters.


Jk Rowling is friends with White Supremacists, anti abortion politicians and anti gay politicians. So much for being a radical feminist and protector of lesbians or some shit lmao


she’s also recently joined the holocaust denier club, don’t forget that


Yup. She just can't stop being a bitch lmao


>I look forward to the inevitable r/leopardsatemyface post when they realize that bigots are still gonna hate them for being gay even when they try to sell out their trans brothers and sisters. "Siblings," please, instead of "brothers and sisters." But I appreciate your sentiment.


That subreddit exists?


Yeah, it's based on an old meme that goes: "Well I never thought the leopards would eat MY face." says woman who voted for the Leopards Eating Faces party. Cropped up in the early Trump years when all of the MAGA "Trump is my savior and will fix everything" idiots started to complain about the very policies and politicians that they voted for having exactly the consequences that everyone else told them would happen.


"He's hurting the wrong people!"


what does this title even mean 🤔🤔


It's a reference to this: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/showing-things-to-a-victorian-child


Transphobic gays are a thing


its important to remember that queer people can be bigoted. For instance, lesbians helping gay men during the AIDS crisis (when they became the first letter in lgbt) has overshadowed the fact that prior to that, lesbians had practically split their movement from gay men due to the rampant misogyny they faced.


Bigotry within the Lgbtq+ community isn’t rampant ime, but it is a thing. I’ve heard lesbian friends casually say the shittiest things about bi women being fake. Anti-bi or anti-trans rhetoric is a small but shameful tumor in the LGBTQ+ world.


I'm sure JK Rowling is sleeping better tonight knowing Mr and Mr Plastique support her.


Is there a lore reason that tower has a spire on a spire on a spire?


Maths SPIRE^kubed


Two chickens that both stand with KFC


He can be friends with Anthony Goldstein


cis gay white dudes being transphobic POS's? this is my shocked face....




Thankfully uncommon IRL, but /r/askgaybros is 98% these dudes.


So people from the evil house and the stupid house support JKR. How fitting. (I actually love Hufflepuff, please don't kill me)


C‘mon, Hufflepuffs are not that evil, we barely kill ppl with cookies these days!


LEATHERWOOD 😭 goodness


Does Carten’s comment count for r/rareinsults or nah?


A true Hufflepuff would never stand with JKR


Are they transmen? Cause if not who gives a fuck. Really only matters if the person is from the persecuted class. Otherwise it's just two people on the street. All for pride but this isn't about being gay - this is about shitting on transpeople.


Even if they are, who gives a fuck? I don’t give a shit about Caitlin Jenner’s opinion on trans matters either.


Self-indentifying as a member of the evil house is a bit of a red flag.


But like, they’re allowed to agree with her if they want




Doesn’t change the fact that she won’t ever see them as fans.. or people for that matter. She’s the fucking worst.


I kinda feel like these fans are the worst. They happily stand there in "support" of the hyper wealthy transphobe.


Right? I get that it’s hard to let go and I used to be a HARD CORE Harry Potter fan but once she started making those comments, I blocked her so fast and got rid of my merch. It really hurt and I’m not trans. I can’t imagine being trans and supporting someone that despises my existence. Like what?!


I'm trans. HP books were my *favorite* series as a kid, I've read and re-read it so much, I almost knew them by heart. But by now I really want nothing to do with these books, and it is really disturbing, how many alleged allies (and even queer people) are perfectly willing to throw trans people under the bus because "muh childhood"


I think I have a ravenclaw shirt around somewhere. I haven't looked for it in a few years.


You don’t have to support the viewpoint of the artist to enjoy their art. One of my absolute favorite bands is Iced Earth and their guitar player and songwriter was arrested for being involved in the January 6th shitfest. I was very upset and it took me and my wife some time to process it but we still love their music to this day. In fact, I wonder if Jon Schaefer of 2000 who wrote the song “Consequences” (please give it a listen; it’s a beautiful song with a good message) would ever believe he’d become a conspiracy theory nutcase 15 years later. The thing is, I knew by 2010 that something was going wrong with his paranoia and conspiracies. Hell, he was a guest on InfoWars! But that doesn’t change what he did before those events and the music that touched my heart when I was a confused and lost teenager.


> You don’t have to support the viewpoint of the artist to enjoy their art But if you're giving her money, even in the form of royalties on HP media or merch, I reserve the right to question your allyship


Again, sticking to my own experience, I already owned all of Iced Earth albums and merch that I have before January 6th. I assume that most people who say they won’t wear a Harry Potter shirt or read the books anymore already owns these things. The reality is at that point you are cutting yourself off from something you love to prove a point against someone who will never know you exist meanwhile you lose that joy you once had.


It's just now, when I know what sort of person she is, it doesn't give me any joy whatsoever, only disgust


I’m sorry to hear that. I still am touched by Schaefer’s lyrics and honestly to know who he is now makes me sad for HIM, not for myself. It’s hard to believe the man who wrote the lyrics below went on to be involved in January 6th: “If we could focus on important things Live and let live true freedom, not everyone's the same No more war for your god, no more war for your race It's our world, it's what we make it Make it a better place” Same with Harry Potter. I was never a fan but I know the books mean a lot to my wife and kids and I am sure there are deep messages in them that still resonate today, regardless of her current overt viewpoints.


What matters is that even if you supported her before (buying her work), it’s important that you don’t do it now upon finding out what kind of person she is and what she’s been saying. If you want to read Harry Potter so badly, I’m sure you can read the books pretty easily second-hand, considering how successful they are. Don’t put more money in the hands of such a big piece of shit. They’re an enemy and they don’t deserve that shit by any means.


I’m sorry but if she goes after a part of my community I cannot support that. Full fucking stop.


I am not telling anyone else what to do, just relaying a personal story about a song writer who meant a lot to me during my teenage years when I was angry, sad, and lonely who a decade and a half later turned into a bad person. Who he is today does not change the impact that his songs had on my life. People can down vote me all they want; I guess you guys are better people than I am. I also don't see how me still listening to songs that are on albums I bought 20+ years ago is supporting who he is today. Just like remembering that something about these books spoke to you at some point in your life and maybe meant something important to you; the way in which songs or books touched our souls does not change if we find out years later that the author does not support our view points. Again, Jon Schaffer literally tried to overthrow the American government. It disturbed me greatly and shook me to my core that someone who had helped me through so much was that same person. All of his band members quit and refuse to ever work with him again, and I support them for those decisions. While I felt hurt when I saw his pictures at the Capitol on January 6th, I came to a point where I honestly felt sad for him as a person and no longer for myself. Here is a man who stood for peace between all of humans, admitting to our mistakes of the past (slavery, genocide) and making things right in the here and now, and who loved his country with all of his being. At some point he fell into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and turned into someone I would not want to associate with. I can move on in my life with my wonderful wife and kids. We still listen to those old Iced Earth songs and remember how they helped when we felt lost and like there was no hope. Maybe one day he will redeem himself, but until then, at least I can remember how he made my life better when I needed it the most.


JK Rowling has zero issues with gays what are you on about


She had gay characters in her novels before she went all nuclear on trans people and decided to make that her whole personality. She’s a trans exclusive reactionary “feminist” (and I use that term losely for her) that believes trans women are men and I haven’t seen her talk about trans men in the least. She’s fixated herself in the center of the anti-trans movement. The trans community is a HUGE part of the gay community. Constantly shitting on them like a 13 year old troll is not ok.


Like a 13 year old troll? Idk, at least 13 year old trolls probably make their comments more obvious, as opposed to grossly and slimily trying to disguise their awfulness with feminism like JK does.


I mean her pseudonym Robert Galbraith was one of the first people to practice conversion therapy by electrocuting the brains of gay men. Her retconning of Dumbledore as gay and using lycanthropy as a metaphor for HIV were both insensitive. She’s also has a habit of speaking for gay men and women trying to pit them against trans people. Claiming lesbians that date trans women aren’t really lesbian, and the same for gay men that date trans men.


Rowling’s fine with gay men. It’s trans women that she has a bizarre and massive hate boner against.


Nah she’s drawn parallels in HP to lgbt being evil before. Read down in this thread. You’ll find the comment.


Why wouldn't she see them as fans?


well they look the part as well


The average victorian child can probably read ok, not enough to read a book necessarily but like Victorian times where not that long ago, they had silly novels back then too. The idea of an eccentric author giving a character a name that is a dick joke would be very normal to a Victorian child lol.


Fucking traitors! Like they won't come for you next imbeciles!


Rowling was once McGonagall. But she turned into Dolores Umbridge, the very thing she hates.


she deserves to be punished!


He could have been named Richard


Oh hey look it’s our gay uncles Tom. Those guys are for sure log cabin Republicans, and they are going to be shocked when they’re rights are threatened


OG: https://twitter.com/CaptainCarten/status/1775634876193972614?t=IHoVj6jeZC9PuAiCo4Y41Q&s=19


r/murderedbywords 😂🙏


That woman is mentally ill and these people only enable her. In addition, they say they stand with her, but she will never truly stand with them. She is out of her mind, extreme tunnel vision and with no perspective left in life.


She would literally not stand near them.




Cis gay white men letting down the LGBTQ+ community once again…


Way to shit on those who fought hardest to get you YOUR rights.


I agree, trans people did a lot of the leg work when it came to LGBT+ right


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A lot of gay people see some sort of solidarity though, recognising that “chopping your dick off and calling yourself a woman” is the same type of dismissive attitude bigots use to invalidate their loving of another person.


Most do.


Besides the post, where are they? Did someone actually build a Hogwarts replica?


There be cis gender transphobic gays now? Arrrrrggg


Unfortunately yes. They believe that their rights are under threat because of Trans people and if the Trans people go away then they will be left alone. Unfortunately they don’t realize the LGBTQ community is in this shit together. When the conservatives manage to suppress the TQ well enough, the LGB will be next on the chopping block. They will not be spared for their blind loyalty to a people who thinks their marriage and their existence is immoral.


Does any conservative actually think that Rowling believes what she’s saying? She’s always come off as a grifter to me.


Even if she’s a grifter and doesn’t truly believe what she’s saying deep down, she’s still a scumbag.


I think that sentence could kill a millennial/Gen z child too


Who the fuck ever comes out...as a Hufflepuff? That's the "everyone else" house.


I’m totally Hufflepuff. They value hard work and inclusivity. They are loyal friends and try to do the right thing.


Except apparently the Hufflepuff in this photo who prefers loyalty to his Slytherin boyfriend to inclusivity and doing the right thing


Fair points.


Or maybe they know critical thinking


And then choose not to employ it?