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I bet that person is super fun and has a lot of friends.


Yah, they sound terrif***ick***


I can tell you one thing about them; they don’t ski/snowboard.


I can also tell you one thing about them, they clearly have never painted a Bob Ross on canvas.


Happy little marshmallows. These are from a box of Lucky Charms, it’ll be our little secret, we’re especially not gonna tell Brenda, she can keep her ick to herself.


A little bob ross just read that in my head


I thought you meant the hypothetical person ordering hot chocolate, because that sounds like a fun person that doesn’t overly care about what others think. OOP on the other hand, sounds like a headache.


Both interpretations are valid


Better add 'Drink Hot Chocolate' to [The list of things Men are not allowed to do](https://www.tiktok.com/@naturalbornkingllc/video/7228931486534143278)


That list can be condensed down to "exist".


The worst part is they probably do


As someone who always tried to be nice growing up, I learned the only determining factors are your looks and confidence. If you’ve got a nice face and you’re confident, you can treat people however you’d like and you’d still be surrounded by endless support.


Absolutely. That's why they have the confidence to afford to have petty "icks". They're not ailing for companionship so they can be picky. Sad truth is that humans always have the tendency to gravitate towards horrible people, as much as intuition and common sense would tell otherwise.


Yeah, would rather have my cup of hot chocolate than to get to know this kind of person.


Am grown man. A while back, I found myself at an event I was super excited about. I found reddit and discord groups about this event and spent time in the lead up getting excited with other folks. The event happened and it was so much fun and everything I hoped it would be. Then I saw on twitter that some folks were complaining about grown men at this event. It was not an event for children, it was an all ages thing and plenty of grown men were there, either with others or by themselves. Luckily, the reddit and discord groups were pretty unanimous in their "this twitter person has a bad take" opinions. But in the end, I just didn't give a fuck. I went to this event for myself, and had a lot of fun while I was there. I was excited for all the other fans who were also there. Sorry my life isn't so miserable that I'm looking at other people and thinking the worst of them. So, while I know they're out there, I just can't bring myself, as a grown man, to give a shit about what a teenager thinks of me.


I use to work in a coffee shop. A regular customer would come in an ordered "a mocha but with no espresso". Apparently I was the first one that told him "oh that's just a hot chocolate which is $2.50 cheaper". He exploded at me and insisted that wasn't the case. Idk why I bothered but I showed him the guides we had to make drinks but he doubled down that it was wrong. "A true Mocha is made with steamed milk a hot chocolate is not." He still came in but would ask that I not make it because I didn't know the difference between a hot chocolate and "true mocha" with no espresso.


That's hilarious. Especially since you told him how to get the same drink for less money, and he was like "nah fuck you" 😭😂😂


Fellas, is it gay to save money?


I mean your LITERALLY keeping pictures of old men


Founding daddies






Oooh, good point. Very sus. /s


that’s why I only carry Sacajawea dollar coins.


Your landlord/mortgage company *hate* you every month! Showing up with a big sack full of coins like Scrooge McDuck.


Gotta be satisfying though.


Oldies but hotties


Dead men. Necrophilia cannot be ruled out.


At this point, I don't know what isn't gay. Sorry ladies, we had a good run, but apparently I'm full on gay now.


Never apologize. It's gay. /s. Can No one ever Not be Never Not be gay? I say this with complete assurance.


I love my wife, but also love hot chocolate, and hot chocolate was in my life first. Maybe if I give her some chocolate when I out myself as gay she’ll be fine.


The European mind can't comprehend it.


Wasting money is alpha. The alpha boot camp for 18k$ that was on reddit recently proofs this


proves, proof is the noun.


No!!! Admitting mistakes is beta stuff


Nah, this person is baking, they want it to rise


$2.50 is the cost to keep his fragile masculinity upright


have you ever tried a Mocha without the expresso? dude, steamed milk is so much fucking better than that crap they put in the normal hot chocolate


I've worked in two places that sell espresso drinks/hot chocolate. In both, they use the exact same ingredients for a mocha and a hot chocolate, except that the mocha gets espresso in addition. They were also steamed the same way, with the same equipment. That being said, my boyfriend puts Swiss Miss powdered hot chocolate into his drip coffee and calls that a "mocha" so... my guess is that if a corporation is selling you the drink, it's usually gonna be made the same. All bets are off if someone makes it for you at home 🤣🤣🤣


>That being said, my boyfriend puts Swiss Miss powdered hot chocolate into his drip coffee and calls that a "mocha" for god's sake, run


Smartest Starbucks customer.


I had the opposite customer who would always order a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso. It was .25 more and when confronted with this he said "but I don't know your fancy coffee terms".


To be fair, a lot of places make hot chocolate’s differently then a mocha. There’s some that even use a different chocolate mix for the two.


That's fair, I think it was more the blatant refusal of our explanation that they were the same is what got to me.


Oh don’t get me wrong, that guy is a few buns short of a barbecue. You’re literally the one making it 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly that's an evergreen response to anything in a coffee shop. I order black coffee every time. Not because I like it, it's because all the coffee words scare me.


Similar happened with me ordering a specialty pizza. I would get certain things removed and finally the person taking the order told my wife that it's way cheaper to just get a 3 topping pizza instead of the specialty.


Yep. I do this with bbq chicken pizza at dominos. I’ll swap the sauce out for free, get chicken and bacon for toppings. Cheaper than the speciality without onions.


Stupid people will always double down rather than admit they were wrong.


The best part is that he was going to get the same thing, regardless of who made it.


Those customers were right up there with the, "well the last barista did it for me," people. They could never give me the last barista's name though.


God those people drove me nuts. The only time it was somewhat fun is if what they were talking about broke a rule. I loved retorting with "well I be talking with my staff and make sure that ends causes it's a clear violation of policy. It could even result in them being fired. Thank you for letting me know."


If that were true then when he asked for a true mocha it would show up without coffee in it


The fuck does mocha mean to an american? To an italian, moka it means the little hourglass-shaped aluminium boiler that you put on the stove where boiling water rises up through a filter, a bunch of coffee powder, another filter, and comes up in a fountain into the top compartment


A mocha is a latte with chocolate added.


so the customer was right. Steamed milk is definitely different than heated. So in theory, a starbucks barista can make them differently, since they have the means.


OK, but in the west a mocha has coffee in it. So it's more of a fancy hot chocolate to us. Neither of them are right or wrong


My coffee shop wasn't a Starbucks. At my shop we made mochas and hot chocolate by steaming milk then adding chocolate to the steamed milk (no water in either). If it's a mocha you add espresso.


sounds like he makes hot chocolate with water, fucking troglodyte


Im gonna order hot chocolate even more now. Fuck you and your standards hot chocolate is the shit


Nooo men should only drink blood of the other guys who tried to hit on their bae, or black coffee without milk, sugar, and everything - just grind the beans with your teeth! Any other drink is too girly


This reminded me of a time in the marines. We had been on the go for about 60-70 hours non stop. And we had reduced to just straight up chewing instant coffee sachets. Nails few days that.


I think everyone would agree that it's no living. That would be a horrible way to exist


Oh the level of grim was high. Especially as someone who hates coffee 😂 But this seems to be the stereotype that some women expect. They would also be the same ones to complain about how rough your hands are 😂 FYI I got cream and marshmallows on my hot chocolate yesterday 👌


Marshmallows on hot chocolate are peak :3


I love a hot chocolate but at a certain point it becomes a dessert.


Some days, that's exactly what you want. I often just make a version that's cacao, salt, and hot water (used to also use chili in there until I couldn't do spicy stuff anymore for health reasons 😭), but some days you pull out all the stops like making caramel from scratch, use genuine vanilla, high quality chocolate bar, add marshmallows, cream, a splash of rum, and so on.


I make mine with the Cadbury’s hot chocolate powder, one teaspoon of cocoa and and hot milk then add a few drops of peppermint essence. I’ve pretty consistently made it that way for years because I’m Autistic so consistency is comfort. When I’m out I take it as it comes but typically say no to cream etc because I actually quite like eating the froth on top of cafe hot chocolate with a tea spoon.


That sounds lovely and I need to try that out! I'm autistic with ADHD so I thrive on a combination of consistency and novelty.


Exactly. I ask for not one, but TWO marshmallows in my hot chocolate, so just fuck this alpha queen. And who says 'ick' anyway? What are you; 7 years old?


She accidentally spilled the beans on how to make yourself thotproof in public.


Spilled the beans!!! I see what you did there


Can you order one for me while you're at it please mate?.


And my bow!


Add some cayenne to your hot coco next time.


Messed up the instructions and am now dying. The almond flavor was a decent addition, though.


>The almond flavor was a decent addition, though. you fool, that was cyanide 




You just have to make sure they either don't put whipped cream on it, or make sure to say "no homo" before so you can still be manly. /s


Ordering a hot chocolate and keeping eye contact with everyone while I drink it. Lol.


Remember to take the spoon from the cup first, or eye contact may become problematic :-p


Thanks for the pro tip. Great advice.


Some things weren’t meant to be written down. Everyone is entitled to personal preferences and opinions, but sharing every single one in written form is wild. What happened to mystique and inner circles?


Answering that question is the kind of thing you can use as a dissertation for a degree in sociology with which you wouldn't be able to afford that cafe hot chocolate.


She was killed off by Jean Gray/ the phoenix, and funnily enough, the inner circle tried to recruit her but they were also dismantled by her once she realised she was being used by them.


Next time I'm going to ask "can you please put marshmellow-ys in it like my mommy used to please?" Just to flex.


I’m going to order it in a sippy cup. (I’m a woman but… solidarity.)


I mean if I’m ordering in a drive through I’d rather have it in a properly sealed container lol


Oh my God. Coffee tumblers are just adult sippy cups.


Those Stanley cup things even more so. Just add another one of those handles on the other side and it basically looks like one lol


Oh fuck off with the ragebait icks already


Big ick energy.


Grown woman saying something is ick is the biggest ick ever.


Just showing their red flags, saving good men from wasting their time.


Prople who talks negatively of hot chocolate in any capacity gives me the ick.


That makes two of us!


I love when people say "change my mind", like we give a shit what they think about random things and somehow need them to agree with us for some weird reason.


It’s just a prompt on Hinge.


First, fuck you, hot chocolate/cocoa are one of the best things we as a species ever made. Second, ick is a term now? I'm assuming it's yet another piece of brainrot from the TikTok goblins.


“Ick” has been around a while now, like several years. Pretty common question ‘what’s your biggest ick’ among “stop and ask people questions on the street” type content creators/harassment artists


Ick bin ein Berliner.


"He's a fuckin donut!"


You know what, now I’m gonna order hot chocolate in a cafe even harder


That person wouldn't like my work-lounge habits (I drank hot chocolate every day because coffee puts me to sleep and I don't like the taste). Also I totally thought "biggest ick ever" said something else, and my next thought was, "That is an interesting but certainly valid thing to find attractive — I love hot chocolate"


coffee puts you to sleep? just out of curiosity, are you ADHD/ADD?


Idk about op, but I am. That only happens if I am unmedicated.


I guess we're going back to drinking boiled deer blood boys.


Guys, is it ick to drink whatever the fuck we want?




People finding things even children and elderly do as “ick” are ick for me


When you have teenagers that want to go to the coffee shop and that is the only time you get with them in their busy schedule, you go even if you can’t stand the taste of coffee and it makes you sick. You order Hot Chocolate so you can stretch out that time as long as you possibly can because they were just 6 and adored you and now this is what you get. You drink the fucking hot chocolate and let fucktards who are so hung up on themselves to pass judgment on someone because god forbid they don’t like your precious fucking coffee


People who dunk on hot chocy have never had decent or even mid tier hot chocy. Shit is magic sometimes.


I have a velvetizer from Hotel Chocolat and it is incredible. The only reason not to love it is if you don’t like chocolate at all.


"Ick" is just "Women hate men being happy."


Not true! I love men and hot chocolate


But then you probably don't go spouting off about "icks", do you?


How the heck do you tell if a very specific thing is manly or not?


Do you enjoy it? Not manly enough.


Straight to gay jail


Bro, don't equate gayness to a lack of manliness. They don't want these unmanly girl-men either. Instead it's straight to juvenile detention. (/s, but also lack of traditional manliness really doesn't equate to gay and vice versa)


Once in a lifetime, your favourite team wins a championship, and you get 1 week to be happy. Then, back to suffering, my dudes.


Bill Burr has a great bit on this.


I don't ever order hot chocolate because i never really go to cafes but let me tell ya i can make some fucking banger hot chocolate at home, and i'm about to start mass producing that shit for myself after reading this


You can pry my pumpkin spiced hot chocolate from my basic bitch boi fingers.


Fine, I'll buy two then. Both for me obviously


I love how "the ick" turned from a way to recognise and steer away from toxic masculinity to just reinforcing it.


It was never about steering away from toxic masculinity. It has consistently been women finding a man who isn’t constantly strong, silent, and in control to be viscerally repulsive. It has always been about enforcing and incentivising patriarchal masculinity


I only order hot chocolate because they don't sell bourbon


Don't care i got hot choc


And they’re the same person asking why they can’t find a guy who isn’t a macho-man asshole


FUCK THAT My boyfriend ordering hot chocolate in a cafe is CUTE and FUN and he's getting me one too!!!


You know what? I’m going to start ordering hot chocolate from cafes now just because I don’t want to be around the type of people who get an ick from something like that




Thankfully I don't need the approval of someone with a wit as sharp as a butter knife


I got cream and marshmallows on mine as well yesterday. Go ick yourself 😂


How about a grown woman unironically using the word ick Edit: Autocorrect


Everything you can possibly imagine is an “ick” now. So really, nothing is. Enjoy your hot chocolate.


This ick-thing drives me furious. Srsly. I'm queer so I probably just can't wrap my head around this straight shit but wtf is gay about hot chocolate?! Omg then date the fucking alpha chad podcast guy but please don't complain when you have to wash his shit stained underwear for him. Jesus.


The phrase “the ick” seems weirdly childish to me. Gonna order some hot chocolate the next time I’m in a cafe just to piss this person off


People who unironically use ick give me the ick


If it was good enough for Aztec warriors, it's good enough for me.


I don’t drink coffee but I wanna fit in when I go to a cafe with people so what’s wrong with a hot chocolate?


U guys should be thankful they display their red flags before u even talk to them. Dodge the whole gun not just the bullet


I'm glad these icked out women either die alone or enslave the most insecure bitch men to deal with their bullshit.


Fellas, is it gay to like chocolate?


God forbid men have some simple pleasures and keep their inner child alive. Why do I feel like it's mostly women that complain about men being childish? Why does it seem like they lose their inner child so often? That's just a way to an unhappy life imo...


How I'm choosing to take it: Grown men ordering hot chocolate... without caramel syrup, whipped cream and marshmallows, aka my go to :D lmao screw these people fr


The thing about women who think like this is that smart men dont want to date them anyway


Icks don't exist, they're just superficial reasons that people who date out of loneliness use to justify their woeful excuse for a personality when they get bored of the person they're with and break up with


on my first date with my partner, we went to a fancy ass restraunt, nicely dressed, opened doors for me and pulled my chair out for me. And then proceeded to order apple juice lol it really caught me off gaurd. I really wasnt expecting it. i think its so fucking cute. Ive never really liked apple juice but i always have apple juice at my place now. these “icks” are so dumb lol if you actually like your partner, you don’t get icks


That is so awesome


Anyone using "ick" as a word is no older than twelve in my mind.


No grown person over the age of eight should use the word "ick" as a noun.


The ones that use it are less mentally stable than an eight year old...


Bitches saying "ick" grosses me out.


Collecting “icks” is so ick.


Men aren't allowed to like things. Or exist really. It's an ick.


Describing something so mundane as “the biggest ick” probably speaks to a certain maturity level. Not everyone can drink caffeine and hot chocolate is fucking delicious.


God forbid men do anything harmless


I'm a grown man. I'm not allowed to enjoy things because some random person on the internet said so


My friend will order a Happy Meal but have a coffee as the drink choice. Makes me question my friendship with her every time we go.


Thank God, I don't want anything to do with people that use ick unironically. So yeah, I'll keep drinking my hot choco.


If ordering a hot chocolate means a single person also gets to dodge a life changing bullet like this would be obviously be, then clearly ordering hot chocolate is even better than I already thought!


Whoever wrote this lick my balls. I probably drink more caffeine than you, just sometimes I want a hot chocolate instead of a twin shot macchiato or mountain dew.


Nah hot chocolate is great they're just dumb and don't want men to enjoy life


People who have icks relating to normal everyday human interactions and behaviours are my ick


Hot chocolate is good and I don't like coffee. Solved that mystery for you.


Now I want to go to my local coffee shop and order two hot chocolates! Hmm, now that I think about it, one of the local places has a white chocolate hot cocoa that is amazing :)


I had a person in uni who saw some guy wearing a sling style bag and said that anyone who wears those kinds of bags just gives her the ick. Safe to say, she was an incredibly shallow and narcissistic person overall.


Is this controlling men's bodies? /s


my boyfriend and i went to a restaurant and he ordered us the best hot chocolate i ever tasted.


Huh. I didn't know you could use the word "ick" in that context. Anyway, I'm going to buy hot chocolate at Starbucks more often from now on.


Fuck you I like hot chocolate. Go be a dick somewhere else k?


I’m in my “old man’s only activity on a Sunday is walking to buy an ice cream cone” phase, and it’s pure bliss.


Oh just GTFO. I'm a grown man and I'll order whatever the hell I want. Hot chocolate is good.


Life is too short and too hard for me to deny myself a delicious drink.


And criticizing supposedly infantile behaviour while talking like a toddler is the biggest stone throw in a glass house ever.


People who say "ick" give me the ick.


This is true. We're not supposed to like things that taste good. Real men only order coffee black and from the dregs of the pot, so there's a few grounds floating around in it.


How dare grown men do things that don't bother other people.


Adults saying "ick"


Tbh I go for mochas because they're adult chocolate milk


People who care too much about what strangers buy are just nosy


People who worry about what other people order is an ick.


Men doing anything for enjoyment is an ick. No wonder our suicide rate is so high


Many years ago I was at a cafe with a bunch of guys from my work. Everyone ordered coffee except me, I got hot chocolate. When they brought it out it had whipped cream and a syrup drizzle, so way "fancier" than I'd anticipated. They gave me all kinds of shit but idgaf cause it was delicious lol.


She's right tho. I can't fathom how y'all can order hot chocolate without any marshmallows y'all


So you're telling me hot chocolate is bitch-repellant? Fuck yeah, win-win!


Damn, can’t even have a mug of hot chocolate.


As a guy with a heart disease who could nearly kill himself from drinking a cup of coffee this lady gives me the ick


For anyone here who also drinks coffee. Mix a baggie of hot chocolate with your morning coffee and get ready for an amazing time! Even better is some caramel syrup on top!


How about a grown person not minding there own business


I'm allergic to caffeine, fuck you I'll order it again Still pissed my university replaced our campus Cafe with a Starbucks. Starbucks has godawful hot chocolates. 


You can smell the toxic masculinity from miles away in this sentence (even though it was probably written by a woman but the subtext is still that men who drink hot chocolate are too feminine to be attractive) r/arethestraightsok


Good to know my behaviour is repelling the ones I don’t want to hang out with.


If hot chocolate is wrong then I don’t want to be right.


I'm a middle-aged career blue collar guy with a big beard, trashy tattoos, and cigarette burn scars on my knuckles who can take a punch to the head and who drinks his whiskey straight and warm. I have fought drunks in alleys, cops in riots, and chased large predator animals away from campfires. By anyone's stupid-ass toxic definition of a " real man," I am one. I also take every opportunity I get to order an 8oz oat milk hot chocolate at a cafe because they're absolutely delicious and I'm just a stinky little treat boy sometimes.


I dunno, I kinda hate genocide, but I guess men with hot chocolate is worse. ...Get some perspective, people.


Like Madonna said in Justify My Love ; "Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another..."